From star abyss

Chapter 643 347 Bloom quietly

Chapter 643 347. Bloom quietly

The heavy rain was still falling, and the neutrons that were liberated did not kill all the living creatures on the surface, and the targets were limited to the units whose bodies were soaked.

For trees and rainforests, a heavy rain can hardly be called a disaster. ,

Because Dragon Moon itself is a planet swallowed up by forests, the forests that cover the sky and the sun continue to spread outward.

For carnivores like the tree people, this may be paradise, but history will tell people time and time again that those who try to build paradise on earth will only dive towards hell.

Native organisms gained a strong ecological niche in the forest, but then green deserts began to appear. In order to compete for sunlight, similar plants crazily involuted, making it impossible for the understory vegetation to grow. The understory lacked the middle shrub layer and ground vegetation.

Although plants do not compete with people for air, they absorb a large amount of carbon dioxide, significantly weakening the greenhouse effect and causing global temperatures to continue to fall.

Li Ozi looked at it from the perspective of a bystander and an eyewitness, and it seems that all this seems to further confirm the point of view of "Magic, Dragons and Mithril": The essence of everything is a grassroots team, which cannot withstand a little bit of twists and turns.

The rain of rain fell, bringing refugees to mankind and destroying the Green Hell.

It’s as if no one’s victory is meaningful.

Reading has brought a lot of tranquility to Li Aozi. Perhaps due to the influence of the environment, he has recently begun to habitually fall into self-speculation and debate. Time, civilization, science, and chaotic systems have made him actively and vigorously interested in all of these.

But the good times did not last long, and Li Ozi was soon forced to withdraw from the joy of philosophical speculation.

Because the rain stopped.

"It's time to go, my little beauty."

Knight Mired put the gun blade on his waist. When he passed by Li Ozi, he raised his hand and touched his pretty face. His posture was frivolous and his behavior was provocative.

"Follow me, don't fall behind."

Li Ozi closed the page, stood up and left.

Three consecutive days of heavy rain made him finish reading a book. A man and a widow were alone in the same room, especially

Especially for a frivolous woman like Mired, nothing interesting happened, which seemed a bit counter-intuitive.

Li Ozi's mood was extremely calm. As he followed Mired along the way, he began to gradually realize why the description of the mission "Flower of Nothingness" was so pale and messy, and the conditions for victory were so vague.

Nihility, reality, and romance, among the three major doctrines, only one will win.

The key to cracking the mission should be among these three.

[Since Mired is the it possible that Mired's ideological changes will affect the ending? 】

From the books he read, he could tell that the entire Longxing satellite's thoughts were in such confusion, chaos and emptiness.

This is not surprising, after all, everything on this planet is based on void.

There is no path, no Star Abyss myth, and no [society].


Li Ozi suddenly realized, isn’t this the so-called ‘Pure Land’?

If the Void had not invaded, this place would have been a pure land free from interference from the forces of the Star Abyss. It would be isolated from the world, enjoy long-term peace, and develop freely.

Thinking of this, Li Ozi immediately realized many loopholes:

"Speaking of which, Knight Mired, why have you never wondered where I come from?"

"Why should I be curious? I'm not your mother."

Mired gave him a strange look:

"The blockade bodies all come from places other than this planet. As for whether you come from the void or from other planets, does it have any impact on me?"

"There is still a difference. After all, the void narrative just wants to kill all of you and completely devour and annex them. We are different."

"What about you? Mr. Leoz, how will the other grand narrative group you represent choose to treat the Dragon Satellite?"

"The high probability is... to kill 90% of the people with the plague, kill the remaining 9% with gunfire, and finally enslave the remaining 1% with the market and capitalism, and then carry out colonial transformation and transfer We let the unemployed vagrants, puritans and criminals who cannot survive in the local area re-employ themselves here, and at the same time develop urban civilization."

After Li Ozi finished speaking, he shrugged his shoulders.

"Mr. Leos, don't you know what the ending will be like? The void has been on this planet for decades. Before that, the people on this planet lived a comfortable and loose kingdom life, but it was only eight years ago that the void came to this planet. In ten years, social order has been turned upside down, and science and technology have exploded."

Mired chuckled and said:

"People who were used to being slaves when they were young are now asked to work and consume on their own, and people with no labor skills have to sit in front of computers and program - how can they accept it? They just learn from a narrative, In another narrative, I am still a slave, and the shackles on my body are forced to be broken, but the blockade of my soul cannot be released - tell me, is there really a difference in all this? Has the so-called change really changed? "

"I don't deny that."

Li Ozi found that his [Charm] seemed to have a very limited effect on Mired.

I used [Eye of Truth] to glance at the other party's information, but everything about Mired's template was normal, an ordinary Eta (7th level).

There is only one bright skill in the skill bar: [World View·Nihilism]

A long time ago, Li Ozi discovered that Xingyuan's "world view" is not just a thing involving ideology, it really has spiritual amplification and resistance.

The martial arts of nationalism are overwhelming, the villains all have social Darwinism, objective materialism is called the "god-killing template", and subjective idealism is simply an explosive artifact. And all kinds of radical progressive ideas are easy to get closer to [society]...

[Nihilism] is very special. All nihilism in this world is itself the result of the outward radiation of the void. It can be said that this itself is a tool for the void's external aggression and expansion.

Under the guidance of nihilism, people will question the meaning of existence, ridicule past myths and history, deny the meaning of labor, oppose any war, oppose organizational unity, refuse entertainment and reproduction, and ultimately become empty and boring, with only emptiness. Their destination is the only sweet spring that can fill their dry hearts.

Mired is a nihilist, which seems to explain why she is always frivolous and plain, but her behavior is very positive, and no matter what she does along the way, she does it herself.

This is not the case with Li Ozi. After receiving university education, his worldview has become materialism. In addition, he is a politician and industrialist himself, so he can transform into realism at any time, which is not difficult.

"Then do you recognize the void?" Li Ozi asked.

"It does not require my approval. Even for void, it is not necessary to exist or not, just like 0, no matter how much it is multiplied, the result is 0."

Mired said casually:

"There is no possibility of change in the future. Adults should know that this world does not allow us to question. History is a train moving forward. You and I are just passengers on the train, or consumables that are burned. We have never There’s no deciding where this track leads—not even to hell.”

"I think you don't have to be so negative."

Li Ozi shrugged:

"I read the book you gave me."

"How do you feel?" Mired asked.

"The nature of human beings is to make do with what they have. The same goes for the human body. The appendix is ​​useless. There are only two sets of teeth in a lifetime. When they are used up, they can only wear dentures. Taking in carbohydrates and calories will make people happy, but eating too much will make people happy. They will suffer from diabetes and their health index will drop sharply. They obviously work to survive and make money, but they often die suddenly and fall ill at work - do you think there is any significance to such a creature?"

Li Ozi sincerely expressed his feelings after reading:

"Not just human beings, but any creature in the universe seems to be meaningless. A mayfly only has a life of one day, but a hibernating bear can hibernate and sleep soundly for six or seven months. For every civilization, the concepts of history, mythology, and nation have been in existence for a long time. For a long time, there was almost no practical effect. Apart from providing artistic value, culture seemed to have no redundant meaning. Politics was also useless. War can be the most meaningless behavior. Every time people try to use war to solve problems, only More problems will arise.”

"But the strange thing is..."

"It is these meaningless things that make the world colorful."

As soon as Li Ozi finished speaking, a message popped up on the information panel:

[Realism Victory: +0.3%]

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