From star abyss

Chapter 645 349 Border

Chapter 645 349. Border

The overturned vehicle was slowly righted by construction machinery, and the people trapped underneath struggled to crawl out.


The captain of the armed mobile team, Onska arched his body with difficulty, and the people next to him quickly patted his back, so that the accumulated radiation rain in his chest could be quickly drained away.

"Ugh—poof! Bah, bah, bah...hoo!"

His body twitched rapidly and his muscles spasmed. He knelt on the ground until the doctor came and injected him with an injection of Allijie. The power of the void quickly took effect in his body, and the blood vessels were unblocked by the purple energy. For a moment, his body As if swallowed by purple light.

It took dozens of seconds for him to regain his composure, the wound healed, and the broken bones were reconnected by the connective tissue bred by the void.

"Welcome back from hell. Captain Onska."

The doctor wearing a beak mask squatted down. In fact, his equipment was closer to that of a fierce warrior. He looked at Onska through the gas goggles and said:

"All your teammates are dead, and the escorting blockade has also disappeared - tell me, what exactly happened?"

"Knight Evans, cough--"

Onska spit out a mouthful of bruised blood, calmed herself down, and said:

"It was a rebellion. We were suddenly attacked by knights sent by the Kingdom Council. At the time of the incident, Zhiyu had already arrived. Fighting in a narrow space, we were no match for her. She knocked down all of us in two or three strokes. . I was the only one who was lucky enough to be caught by the seat belt and hung upside down for three whole days... so I was not swallowed up and killed by the rain."

"The knights of the Kingdom Council never rebel. Not only do they enjoy extremely high salaries, but they also have a distinguished status. There is no reason to rebel."

Knight Evans shook his head and asked:

"Which knight betrayed you and killed you?"

"My lord, that knight is Meredith Fanny."

"Meread Fannie—a woman?"

Evans repeated the name,

Onska's facial muscles were burned by radiation and became bruised and bruised. Every time he spoke, he had to squint his eyes, and his voice was as hoarse as a bellows:

"Yes, she has purple hair and purple eyes. She is tall and has a flirty attitude. She looks very improper. After defeating the Fermi Institute's convoy, we were supposed to return immediately, but she suddenly rebelled while passing by the forest. Beat us all.”


Evans said:

"There is no such knight in the Kingdom Council."

"There is no female knight, nor Meredith Fanny, nor a female knight named Meredith Fanny."


"I'll go, what kind of monster?"

Li Aozi was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously let go of his hand. The Shar-Pei immediately fell to the ground, let out a humane "Hey", and glared at Li Aozi resentfully:

"You're such a good-looking person, why do you have such a bad mouth?"

"It's my fault, I look really scary..."

Li Ozi shrugged, paused, and then thought about it:

"...harming 'people'?"

Li Ozi raised his eyebrows and looked at the group of small animals surrounding Mired.

A bit unusual.

Let’s not talk about the fact that animals can talk. This is actually quite common in the universe, but normal cats and dogs, no matter how close they are to people, will not look like ‘people’.

The facial features of these animals are very much in line with humans. One gray reed chicken even has a middle-parted head. Including the Shar-Pei, these animals have too many characteristics and postures that overlap with humans, and their movements are also full of humaneness. Head tilt, excitement, confusion.

Li Ozi couldn't help but ask:

"Mired, could it be possible that these animals..."

"Yes, people change."

Mired said calmly, took out a packet of glucose solution from his arms and poured it into a porcelain bowl. Many animals immediately came forward to feast on it.

Li Ozi walked to her side and observed Mired's expression. She felt neither relieved nor relaxed. The act of feeding these...human beings who had turned into animals did not seem to touch her at all.

"I know what you want to ask."

Mired held her chin and said calmly:

"This is a village near the occupied area, which is the so-called border of the kingdom. After all, it is close to the void zone. Various blockades are scattered in all directions. Except for bounty hunters who are eager to make a fortune, almost no one will approach."

"The kingdom deliberately did not notify the people here to evacuate, so that these people could fend for themselves and become cannon fodder that slowed down the pace of the Void - only when the infection of the Void approached, purple markings appeared on their bodies, and they would leave in a panic."

"Most of the adults fled with their families, but most of them were wiped out by Zhiyu on the way. Even if they were lucky enough to survive, the mobile team of the Fermi Institute would find them and contain and control the infected - well , nominally to protect them, but actually serving as guinea pigs to conduct various drug experiments in order to 'test drugs that can save mankind.'"

The little animals ate carefreely, and the bowl of glucose was quickly robbed. Mired took out bread, cereal and ham from her backpack in a hurry.

"Ouch, it's delicious!", "I don't want to chew tree bark anymore.", "I really can't live a day without Sister Mired."

Li Ozi looked at the small animals on the ground and understood their identities from the vague and childish words in their mouths.

"These...are all abandoned children?"

Li Ozi said.

"Originally, there were still some old people, but soon after they turned into animals, their organ functions began to fail. This is not difficult to understand, right? The lifespan of animals is usually much shorter than that of humans. An 80-year-old man becomes 80 years old. The body functions of these animals have completely deteriorated."

Mired divided the food on her body and stood up.

"follow me."

After saying that, she led Li Ozi down the main road of the village and up the hill. After stepping on the stone steps covered with fallen leaves, a small shrine immediately appeared in their sight.

Mired stepped forward, shook the rope bell gently, then pressed his right wrist with his left hand, lowered his head and prayed silently for a while. Li Ozi vaguely heard her whisper:

"Thousands of hidden truths and dharmas are destroyed and falsehoods are revealed..."

After a series of strange spells, the closed wooden door of the shrine suddenly opened, revealing the dim dojo inside.

Li Ozi stepped forward and felt a shiver in his heart. Among the extraordinary gene sequences in his body, the part belonging to [Sequence 9: Gravity] began to stir, as if trying to struggle out of his body and throw himself inside.

【This is--】

Li Aozi calmly held down his body and transferred some of the gene fragments to appease the extraordinary sequence in his body, his face solemn.

He knew what it meant.

[Gravity] is not only one of the top ten arcane powers in the sequence, but it actually belongs to another system. It has a strong resonance and induction relationship with certain arcana powers.

And in this environment, there is only one reason that can cause strong resonance with [Gravity].

Mired took off her shoes and walked barefoot into the dojo. She leaned forward slightly and bowed forward, and reported calmly:

"I've brought someone here for you, Enrique."

Why are there still people spreading rumors that I wrote it in a popular hand?

He turned around and killed the two girls to prove his innocence.

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