From star abyss

Chapter 649 353 Accommodation

Chapter 649 353. Accommodation

However, the development of things is always unexpected.

Just when Li Ozi felt that he had opened the door and found a shortcut to the mission, Mired suddenly disappeared.

When Li Ozi woke up, the whole village was surrounded by a gloomy and decaying air of death. The original fragrance of bone soup was replaced by the decay of rotten wood. Even the wooden bed he specially used to sleep on had turned into a tattered floor. .

He felt bad for a moment and quickly got up and went into the village to search. However, wherever he went, he didn't see even an animal's footprints.


Li Ozi then turned his head and tore open the rift in time and space, and reached the top of the mountain in an instant. The house was locked and his eyes were desolate. Although it was dilapidated before, the ceiling was not even damaged.

It seemed like he had experienced hundreds of years in a flash.

Li Ozi's eyes darkened slightly. He lowered his head and grabbed a handful of dirt from the ground.

The ground was dry, it didn't look like it had rained, and there was no radioactive material left.

But at five o'clock in the morning, the quality rain had just washed away all this. He and Mired walked down the hillside side by side and discussed the moon together.

However, now, when Li Aozi looked back, he saw that the stone path had been washed out and crooked by flash floods. It was completely different from the road he had walked on in the early morning.


Li Ozi pulled out the crimson cursed blade with his backhand and walked towards the shrine gate step by step.

Bang - squeak!

Li Aozi quietly kicked the door and entered the shrine, scanning around with the [Eye of Truth].

There are no bejeweled beasts here, nor are there those young boys and girls praising quality.

The empty and dilapidated dojo exudes the smell of earth and moss. There is only a dead skeleton sitting on the futon. The skeleton has its head lowered and its clothes are in tatters. Arrows and bullets are scattered around its feet, which seem to have been spilled from its body. .

"This is……"

Li Ozi was puzzled. He stepped forward step by step, raised his sword, opened the skeletal head, and revealed the sign on his chest:

Person in charge of Yali Mountain Shrine——Miread Fannie


Li Ozi was stunned.


A crow crows and flutters its wings across the treetops, and Li Ozi immediately becomes alert.


How could there be any living things in a place where it rains heavily?


He immediately turned his head and strode out of the shrine gate. There was a sound of footsteps all around him. Li Ozi held the sword in one hand, ready to release arcane energy at any time.

"Go up! Right in front of you!"

A group of bright silver-armored mobile troops held guns and spread out quickly. A masked void warlock turned a sixteen-sided dice with one hand, creating a purple virtual bunker for this group of warriors to set up a dense formation.

The armor on their bodies is very strange, as if the Kevlar on modern soldiers has been replaced by chain armor and plate armor from the cold weapon period. Everyone wears a purple tank on their waist to fuel the firearms in their hands. Recharge.

But compared to their weird attire, Li Ozi was more concerned about their chilling aura.

Like airtight cotton covering the mouth and nose, the trachea was constantly trembling and trembling, and it was almost impossible to complete the contraction. When the air circulated through, it caused a stabbing pain.

Suffocating, suffocating intensity.

Etatian (7).

Li Ozi's hand holding the sword trembled unconsciously, and his biological instinct was calling the alarm!

The people standing here, without exception, are all elite Eta-level people.

There are more than 30 mobile team soldiers. Although they do not have any blessings from the Tao, their bodies exude a mysterious and empty void breath and their pure biological strength has surpassed 90% of the creatures in the layer abyss.

not only that.

Li Ozi looked at several black armored soldiers in the crowd. They were exceptionally tall and heavy armored soldiers wearing purple goggles. The aura on their bodies was even more fiery and violent. It was Sita.

But even so, it's not enough.

Li Ozi continued to look forward, seeing through the crowd with his true vision. He noticed that there was an even more terrifying aura on the mountain road behind, like a giant frozen mountain, constantly emerging from the deep sea.

Snap, snap, snap—

"It's really easy to find. I didn't expect that a spy like this could be infiltrated inside the parliament. Fortunately, the kingdom's parliament has great powers. Even corpses that have been dead for forty years can be found."

A dull voice sounded, and a tall and burly figure appeared in front of Li Ozi.

"What do you think? Sealed body - 'Succubus'."

He put his hands on his hips and wore a weird crow mask on his face. When he saw Li Ozi, he immediately held his chin, fiddled with his hook-like claws and said jokingly:

"It seems like you have been abandoned."

He wore armor that was far more exquisite and luxurious than ordinary soldiers. Vivid carvings appeared on the black and hollow equipment. White feathers floated in the wind, surrounding his majestic and tall figure.

However, such a strong body was actually a cripple with a hunched back. His left leg was empty from the knee down, and he walked with his knee hitting the ground.

He leaned down and pushed his knees to the ground. The crow feathers all over his body trembled awe-inspiring, and his eyes were just at the same level as Li Ozi.

"It's so sad. It's so beautiful when it's held up high, but it's so lovable when it's thrown away."


Li Ozi opened his mouth and asked with difficulty.

"Knight of the Kingdom Council - No. 7 of the High Table, 'White Crow' Evans."

The Crow Man bowed and saluted with an elegant gesture.

He tilted his head slightly and asked:

"Don't be too nervous, relax, we don't mean any harm."


However, judging from Li Ozi's experience, it is extremely difficult to maintain his current calm posture even in front of the other party.

——Yota (9)

This is the ultimate strength in the abyss, under Kappa (10), and before diving into the star abyss.

Although he was only at the level of Yueta for the first time, just by being in the same space as him, Li Ozi felt as if time and space had condensed into ice, and his body's heat was flowing out uncontrollably.

This is not an illusion.

For the Yota Order, they are already the top beings in this universe, and every move they make is enough to have an impact on the fragile layer abyss.

When Evans breathes, the energy in the surrounding space is pulled and quickly converges into his body, used to maintain the existence of his powerful body.

The Yota Order is almost equivalent to the main battleship and aircraft carrier battle group of an interstellar civilization in the universe. Unlike the absolute decisive weapons of the Kappa Order, the Yota Order is for people without talent and can only rely on climbing to achieve the goal. limit.

On top of this, the mortal body will not be able to withstand the excessive force, and will be completely broken, and the physical body will be rebuilt, and the body will be reborn as a god.

Even the Yota level, which is achieved purely by relying on biological strength, is no exception.

In other words, what stood in front of Li Aozi was the limit of the abyssal creatures.

"...If you are here to find Milled Fannie, then unfortunately you are already too late."

Li Ozi shook his head and said.

"Oh, put Mired's problem aside for now. The spy who has infiltrated the Kingdom Council, we will find her sooner or later even if we dig three feet under the ground."

Evans looked at Li Ozi and laughed:

"I'm here for you, the succubus who fell from the sky. You don't seem to know what it means to be a sealed body without mental abnormality, right?"

"I really don't know about this."

Li Ozi grinned. With the reaction of this group of people, even if he tears the space rift, he will be killed instantly.

Not to mention anything else, just Evans and Jota were there, and Li Ozi immediately gave up the plan of resisting.

It's useless. In the face of absolute crushing power, no matter how much the blood demon flow is divided, the remaining damage value can kill himself.

Therefore, Li Ozi had no intention to resist at the beginning, and just said calmly:

"Can you please explain to me what my value is?"


Evans said, raised his hand, and took off the mask on his face. The tentacles were squirming. He opened his gray beak, and his six eyes emitted a faint purple light.

"Abusing the power of the void for a long time will lead to corruption. You should also know this. The more Aliji you inject, or the longer you rely on the sealing body to fight, the body will gradually transform into a creature of the void."

Then, with his lame legs, he approached Li Ozi step by step, opened his sharp claws, and said greedily:

"Only pure sealed bodies can extract reliable, safe and pollution-free Ailijie."

The tumors on his face were twisted, and a mouth grew on the side of his face. As he approached, he made a longing sound:

"Leoz, I will dedicate everything you have to the Kingdom Council... Don't think of this as a sacrifice, like a sacrifice..."

Endless flesh and blood spread out from the gaps in the armor, like a torrent, quickly engulfing the soles of Li Ozi's feet.

"No, that's not the case. This is an opportunity. You should be grateful...the parliament can always mobilize supplies to where they are most needed."

He stretched out his big hand, grabbed Li Ozi by the waist, defended himself, and opened his mouth:

"But before that, let me help the council coordinate..."

As he spoke, he swallowed Li Ozi's head in one gulp.

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