From star abyss

Chapter 655 359 Maggots

Chapter 655 359. Maggots

Paulina stepped into her shoes, fastened the dagger on her calf, put on her thick and exquisite coat, turned to her family and shouted:

"I am leaving."

"Paulina! Remember to tell the blacksmith that our sickle should be ready."

"Okay, okay, okay, I understand. Bye, bye, grandpa."

Polena said perfunctorily, picked up the small bag, put on her shoes and rushed out of the house.

Today is a special day for her.

Sixteen-year-old Paulina has grown into a slim girl, with wavy blond hair tied behind her head, clear eyes as gorgeous as rubies, and a plump and well-proportioned figure that can be seen even if it is covered by thick clothes. curve.

Even as an outsider, she has become somewhat famous in Gufeng Village.

Of course, this is mainly due to the fact that she has a grandfather who is a local village sage, and her family has a small manor of more than 1,500 acres in Duna Autonomous Prefecture. The wine in the cellar always makes the gentlemen of the royal capital linger over it.

But this has nothing to do with Pauline Jean Caffogeny, who came to the country for vacation. She likes her current life very much.

Without the maid control, she can wear trousers and riding boots to have fun in the fields, chase rabbits with hounds, and ski down the 700-meter-high mountain without wearing the shiny and heavy pearl necklace, diamond earrings, and superficial tones. Silk skirt.

The tutor has no control over her studies. She can read the strange legends of the country farmers and the battle notes of the legendary general Bolania without restraint, instead of wasting time in literature, posture and etiquette classes.

Everything in the countryside is so happy, regardless of your undignified and unladylike behavior. The spectacle of peasant women cursing and greeting each other always makes Paulina enjoy watching it. Catching squirrels and picking truffles in the forest are daily must-haves. Indispensable entertainment activities.

Of course, my grandfather who was a knight in the kingdom in his early years is also very interesting. He always maintained the style of the army and never treated Paulina as a weak daughter. Instead, he taught her to fold clothes, wash dishes, and ask for prices. Haggling, dressing wounds, identifying herbs, swordsmanship and shooting.

Occasionally she made her grandpa happy, and would tell her about the past battles with the barbarians outside the border. They fought hard during the day, and at night soldiers from both sides secretly traded pepper and glass beads with each other for Alijie and gold. story.

Therefore, Polina did not object to helping her grandfather do things.

But today was different. She was really looking forward to what would happen next.

She hurriedly ran through the streets of Gufeng Village, and the simple villagers greeted her as soon as they saw her:

"Hey, little girl, where are you going to fight in this outfit?"

"Good morning - Gaslin said he found a good thing and called me over."

"Hey, that Gaslin at the east end of the village - although he looks extremely handsome, he is always doing nothing and making a fuss. Last time he caught a cauliflower snake and said, 'Look, I caught a dragon.'"

The villagers dismissed it and joked:

"Speaking of which, have you seen Andeva? I haven't seen him for two days. Could it be that he went hunting in the mountains?"

"Maybe - I don't have any hope, but it would be nice to have some fun."

Paulina disagreed, she was very excited, because only she knew that what she saw today was absolutely, absolutely not ordinary.

Gaslin is indeed extremely handsome, just like the succubus in the legendary story, but he looks like a fool. It is said that when he rushed down from the upper stream a few years ago, he hit his head on a rock. Since then, he has lost his memory. He can't even remember his real name. Not sure.

But Paulina was not a greedy cat. She didn't care about Gaslin's flawless beauty. She only went to play with Gaslin who was not very smart just because of the pleasant conversation.

What's more, what he discovered this time, even in the entire kingdom, there may not be such a... rare treasure.

She trotted all the way through the dotted villages and came to the bridge of the village. The waterwheel in the distance was continuously rotated by the river water, the forging hammer hit the metal, and the violent collision sound became closer and closer.


The sound of blacksmithing brought Paulina back to reality. She recalled her grandfather's instructions in her mind, so she stopped and turned towards the open-air blacksmith shop.

Just a few steps closer, the heat coming from the pavement made it difficult for her to get close. The magma in the furnace was slowly drained out, like gold covered with dust, shining and hot, making people dizzy.


The tall and strong blacksmith turned his back to her, silently waving the hammer and tapping the metal on the anvil. He seemed to be making three knives. This was a special forging technique. In order to save costs, the soft layer was The steel wraps the hard steel like a sandwich and forges it in the middle.

"Hello, Mr. Blacksmith."

With her hands behind her back, Paulina did not dare to approach because the temperature was too high, so she could only shout at the back of the tall blacksmith:

"I'm from the Kafgeni family. A few days ago, my grandpa ordered a batch of nails from you. Are they ready now? Grandpa wants to repair the fence in the garden to stop wild boars from gnawing. After all, that's where my grandma lived. My favorite sunflower…”

She spoke as tactfully as a skylark, speaking fast and jumping with logic. In just two sentences, she talked about the policies of the Kingdom Council and the unreasonable economic system.


The three steel billets broke in response. The blacksmith put down the hammer and the failed steel billets and walked into the house. After a while, he took out a large box of nails and silently walked towards Paulina.

Polena raised her head and looked at this little giant who was more than two meters tall. His black hair was like countless pythons draped over his shoulders. He was extremely fat, with a fleshy face, a crooked mouth, slanted eyes, and buck teeth. He looked ugly. Terrible.

Since he was close to the furnace, all he had was a pair of fire-resistant cotton trousers and a leather apron. After that, he wore nothing, revealing his greasy skin. His fat belly trembled when he walked, and his skin was extremely pale. If he looked at it from a distance, he must be a fat maggot.

Even though Paulina was innocent and kind-hearted, she was startled when she saw him walking over silently. Then she smiled slightly, took the cardboard box from the other person's hand, and opened it in front of the other person without any warning.

The nails inside are arranged in an orderly manner, and the acid etching on the surface makes the nickel plating shine brightly. The key is that they are arranged neatly, like soldiers undergoing review. One can tell at a glance that they have been carefully organized.

"so beautiful!"

Paulina's eyes lit up and she couldn't help but grab a long nail and put it in the sun to look at it:

The nail body is straight with no bend, and the sharp nail head is very sharp, but it does not give people a feeling of vulnerability. Instead, it makes people believe that this nail can be firmly penetrated into any wood. The electroplated nickel layer on the outside is sufficiently corrosion-resistant. It’s such a beautiful nail that makes people reluctant to use it.

"Thank you very much, Mr. Blacksmith."

Polena smiled and was about to send it back first when a voice suddenly sounded from behind:

"Paulina! You are so slow!"

Polena turned her head and saw a young man with black hair standing at the end of the bridge, looking here boredly. His facial features were exquisite and beautiful, like a person who had stepped out of a painting.

He yawned lazily and said:

"Bo~~Lian~~Na~~, you should hurry up. Everyone is here, and you are the only one missing."

Paulina said: "Wait a minute, Gasline, my grandpa ordered these nails, I have to send them back to him."

"Let's talk about that kind of thing when we get back. It won't be long anyway." Gaslin glanced at the ugly and fat blacksmith, and immediately had an unpleasant physiological reaction: "Uh... If nothing else, just leave the nails first." Here, wouldn’t it be enough to just take it when you come back?”

"Hey, Gaslin, you don't understand,"

The freckled girl next to her immediately said:

"Paulina didn't want to see the fat maggot's face twice, so she was anxious to send the nails back."

When Paulina heard this, she quickly explained:

"No, it's just that I want to use nails for grandpa as soon as possible."

"Uh-huh, you don't have to force yourself to explain, it's understandable..." Gaslin scratched his hair and said jokingly: "You are so serious, Paulina, and you still stand with that ugly fat maggot, isn't it more disgusting? Yet?"

"It's so inappropriate to say that again. What kind of man is it to attack other people's looks?"

"It's really bad to attack other people's looks, but isn't it even worse to attack others with their looks?"

The handsome and handsome Gaslin waved his hand, glanced at the plump blacksmith, and immediately felt uncomfortable:

"Anyway, Polina, you'd better hurry up, Alisuya is still waiting for us."


Polina hesitated for a moment, then turned to look at the blacksmith.

"Master blacksmith..."

The other party lowered his head and said nothing. He raised his hand to take the nail box, turned around and walked towards the house.

Paulina felt a little weird in her heart. Although he was ugly and it was not an exaggeration to say that he was the most unpopular person in the world, she instinctively felt disgust when she saw him. However, he was attacked and ridiculed by Gaslin for no reason. He was a human being. You'll all feel uncomfortable, right?

"Okay! Let's go!"

The freckled girl hugged her from behind and said affectionately:

"Don't worry about the fat maggots, and hurry up and do our thing - what Gaslin is looking for today is not ordinary."

'……yes. ’

When Paulina thought of what she saw, she was immediately moved. As a girl, her curiosity immediately defeated everything.


Polina nodded, followed the girl for a few steps, suddenly stopped, pondered for a moment, turned her head, and shouted to the blacksmith in the room:

"Master blacksmith, I will definitely be back before seven o'clock. I'll bother you then!"

She clapped her hands and said, "Please don't close the door," and quickly followed Gaslin and the others into the forest.

After a while, the fat blacksmith walked out of the house and came to the anvil. He was about to clean up the scrap iron and residue and restart the stove when a voice suddenly shouted:

"Hey, maggot."

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