From star abyss

Chapter 685 389 Chicken Thief Oz vs. Stupid and Adorable Niu Niu

Chapter 685 389. Chicken Thief Oz vs. Stupid and Adorable Niu Niu

Gio Skua sighed regretfully:

"[Gem Dragon King] Leviathandar is the concept of 'life'. If we want to eliminate it, we need to eliminate all life in the cognizable universe, including ourselves. If we don't have it, then we have to Returning to the boring, boring, monotonous state without any human interest - oh, I'm not talking about you."

"[Dark Titan] Gelbroth, it is the essence of darkness and fear. If it is eliminated, then there will be no darkness in the universe, only chaos and nothingness... That kind of environment, for us today , can you still survive? Think about the chaos that gave birth to us. As a cannon fodder god, you permanently lost your emotions and personality precisely because you were burned by chaos for a long time."

"As for the [God of Insight] Discrimination Eye, alas, let alone - this guy has completely won. The reason, knowledge, and technology we rely on now are all the results of the Discrimination Eye. The more we fight against it, the more we need it. As we improve our skills, we will become more dependent on the discerning eye, and the power of the discerning eye will become stronger, and there is no end to it.”

Having said that, Gio Skua looked at Li Ozi with admiration - even though he had no eyes, Li Ozi could see his sincere attitude:

"...Almost everyone is unable to stop these three existences. Xingyuan has defined the Destroyer as a law that cannot be eliminated but can only be delayed and resisted."

"The Destroyer is our eternal enemy. Not only us, but even [society] will also face the blow of the Destroyer. They may be able to defeat the Destroyer for a while, or even draw power from them - but it is still the same, like the discerning eye. The battle has fully explained everything."

"The more you fight against the Destroyer, the stronger your life will be, and the Dragon King's power will increase. The more you drive away the darkness, the more waste heat will be in the universe, and the final darkness will eventually come. The more you hone your skills, The magic eye draws enough power from your actions themselves."

"Before you, we were unable to fight against these guys, or in other words, we could only die repeatedly and use corpses to block their invasion - but this was useless, just like mortals cannot resist natural and man-made disasters. You also know, the Destroyers, There are many more...their existence itself is just like a program setting, subverting, clearing, resetting, and factory-factoring all the cognizable universe."

Gio Skua changed the subject:

"But you are different, Mr. Leoz. You blocked them for a billion years. Before that, no main god could survive 20 million years... Although time is meaningless for those years, you delayed It took too long, more than all our Lord Gods combined!"

[...Leoz, are you so scary? 】

Li Ozi was silent for a moment, sorted out his thoughts, and said:

"Just trying my best."

If someone else had said this, it would have been a bit of a slap in the face, but it was quite appropriate for Leos to say it.

However, Gio Skua laughed and cursed:

"Come on, Leoz, others don't know, but I know how you fight against the Destroyer."

【……oh? 】

Li Ozi had an idea. This was a good opportunity.

He crossed his arms and deliberately looked on with indifference.

This directly aroused Gio Skua's nature, and he immediately started talking:

"Stop pretending—I know what you're doing:"

"The first step is that after you take the seat of the agent, you immediately announce the abolition of the old traditional system of supporting warriors, and instead establish a military merit system to encourage all gods to actively participate in the war instead of staying behind and eating empty pay."

"In the second step, you created the Pantheon, appointed people on their merits, and incorporated generals and warriors into it. At the same time, it was also because of this step that the cannon fodder gods turned to work on the logistics system. Over tens of thousands of years, your subordinates The number of gods has increased dramatically. The large number of gods has increased the frequency of excellent seeds."

"The third step, and the most important point, is that you introduce the [social] mechanism."

Speaking of this, Li Aozi's eyes turned cold.

There is something in Gio Skua's words.

[——This guy is really not here on behalf of an individual. Is he testing me? Or hit me? 】

But Li Ozi maintained restraint. He looked at the other party calmly without any change.

The ripples on Gio Skua's face were equally calm.

The two of them faced off like this for a few seconds, and Gio Skua was finally defeated and said calmly:

"... Of course, what you introduce is the good side of [society]: centralized distribution of materials, eradication of class differences, and in order to achieve the goal, through precise calculations, perfect control of resources to different gods and warriors. This is [society] ]’s advantage. It’s perfect for dealing with the Destroyer.”

"It's just that I heard that Mr. Leoz, you know something about the nature of [Society]? You seem to know... [Society] is the evolution of civilization relying on something."

When he said this, Li Ozi looked confused. He showed it well and said with complete sincerity:

"I don't know."

Gio Skua laughed:

"Well, I know that Mr. Leos will not violate any taboos."

He walked forward, patted Li Ozi on the back, and said casually:

"Mother Leanding said before that the content of origin soil in the Murphydria universe where Mr. Leoz is located seems to be a bit too high, so I questioned whether this was possible."

Li Ozi asked:


[‘Gio Skua’ used the “Lie Detection Technique” on you]

[Because you told the truth, the lie detector failed. 】

Li Ozi looked confused, but he quickly connected the context and instantly realized what this meant.

[Society]... is a civilization that relies on a special substance called 'source soil' to evolve.

This substance must have some special characteristics. Judging from Gio Skua's tone, the Star Abyss side must be very wary of the existence of Origin Earth, and there seems to be control restrictions.

Not only that, Gio Skua even used a lie detector spell - which is basically certain:

Leos hid the origin soil secretly.

[This old Bideon... is really able to fight against the Destroyer. He is hiding something private - [Society] actually relies on the 'Origin Earth' to transform. I can't believe that this is unprecedented information. Leos doesn't know it. tell me. 】

Li Ozi suddenly thought:

[Wait a minute, Leoz didn’t officially anticipate the current situation of being interrogated by Xingyuan and deliberately didn’t tell me, right? 】

Although this old guy is inhumane... he is still very considerate.

"...Haha, don't worry about it."

'Fortunately it's not Leos. This guy is really loyal to Xingyuan and won't think about rebellion at all. ’

When Gio Skua saw that he failed the lie detector test and knew that Li Ozi really didn't know what Origin Earth was, he seemed relieved, shook his head, and said:

"Speaking of which, last time we were on Purple Star, my cognitive filter was broken due to the corrupted caramel snails of the [Music Society] - only then did I notice that among us gods, even if we are physically You are different, and you can recognize each other directly. Look at you - you are so tall, and I can still recognize you."

Li Ozi said calmly:

"It's natural."

"It's unnatural. I died after only living for 600,000 years. I had no chance to change my body. After my death, I was directly fished out of the abyss by Laian Ding's mother. It took a long time for me to be resurrected. Now I still have to Concealing your identity and participating in the war as a player in a low-key manner - Hey, we are not like you. You guy, you have directly reincarnated into the outer star abyss."

Gio Skua exclaimed:

"Did Gaia let you live? It only destroyed your body, but didn't destroy your soul? How lucky you are. If your soul is gone, you have to collect the fragments from the abyss, bit by bit, and there are a lot of them. People simply don’t have this kind of luck.”

"After all, in the vast abyss, a large number of souls gather into a torrent. The longer the time, the worse the integrity - so, after I woke up, I was guessing: Do you think those of us who have come back from the dead are just like this? Because the integrity is so poor that the body cannot enter the star abyss, and can only rely on the instinct and memory of the gods to come to mortals?"

"Of course, this is just speculation, or it may just be that I am overthinking my own conspiracy theory... What if Xingyuan really just wants to allow us to live a peaceful retirement life without destroying the reality filter?"

Gio Skua is a talkative person, maybe because he is very familiar with Leos. They haven't seen each other for a long time, and they had a lot of fun chatting with them.

"I am not sure."

Li Ozi's heart sank:

【All certified. 】


"Our situation is different from others. Although those descendants have received the blessing of Leanding, but judging from the state of Gio Skua, his spirit has not been separated, and only the divinity and the memory of being a god have been blocked. ..."


"Their predecessors were recycled, so they probably don't have the power to pass on."


"Because I'm not dead."


"I did not die under the claws of [Hidden Society] Gaia."


"At the last moment of its life, Gaia did not kill me. It seemed that it was because of the persuasion of my family that it had compassion. It instead used banishment and drove me into the star abyss - this should be why I was able to survive. Complete memory and consciousness."


The previous conversation with Leoz came to mind at this moment.

[Gio Skua’s statement completely overlaps with Leoz’s guess. 】

Li Ozi thought quickly:

First of all, make sure: "Star Abyss" is not a game at all. It is the living universe. My previous guesses about the low-dimensional world were all wrong.

"Xingyuan" is Xingyuan.

The game simply doesn't exist.

According to Leoz. And it is very likely that it is the last surviving universe other than the Earth universe under the ravages of the Destroyer.

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