From star abyss

Chapter 693 397 Liberation Theology

Chapter 693 397. Liberation Theology


Alfen's eyes moved:

"Then my family..."

"As long as you are willing to practice Gio Skua's motto of truth, the whole family can enjoy the opportunity of reincarnation."

The old man said seriously:

"I won't force you, kid. You can stay here for a few more days until you get some rest. It doesn't matter if you don't want to. But we will be leaving soon, so we won't be able to provide you with much food."

"You want to leave? Where else are you going? The places beyond here are all desolate disaster ruins!"

Alphen couldn't help but ask.

In his opinion, the other party has so much medicine, food and manpower, and they still have to rush into the disaster area. This is simply a waste of resources, and it is simply a suicide!

However, the old man just said lightly:

"We're going north."

"Go north...are you talking about the royal capital?"

"The world is in chaos and starvation is everywhere. On this occasion, the Kingdom Council is indifferent. The Knights of the High Table stay behind closed doors and don't care about the life and death of the civilians. This kingdom doesn't treat you and me as human beings, so why should we be loyal to them anymore!"

The old man made an impassioned speech:

"If the king is ruthless, don't blame the common people for being unjust. The kingdom is unwilling to save the people, but the gods are! The kingdom is unwilling to provide disaster relief, so our church will go to the most dangerous place! The knights of the high table enjoy the glory and wealth alone, and collude with the void. If you don’t care about the life and death of the common people, what is the use of such a cruel and cruel kingdom and its monarchs and ministers!”

As soon as the old man said this, the refugees who were being treated in the ward looked at him sideways. The old man raised his hand and shouted in a very contagious voice:

"The king is unjust and the parliament is unjust! Is there anyone left to avenge us?"

"We are all citizens of the kingdom, and we have been invaded and persecuted by the void. Why can the high table and the knights have two lives? But we ordinary people who are digging in the mud have to starve to death. ?!”

"The higher-ups in the kingdom have never regarded us as equal beings. They call us untouchables! We are just numbers and labor force. We have nothing, and we have to be chased and swallowed by the void! Is this reasonable? Only beasts will allow their compatriots to be killed. , and we humans are the spirits of all things, and only God has the power to determine a person’s status!”

"The king doesn't have it! The Kingdom Council doesn't have it! All the public and rentier classes in the kingdom don't deserve it!"

"Are you willing to do that?! How can a person's life be determined by compatriots who are also human beings and only rely on power and the merits of their ancestors? Why should everything you produce and work be taken away by the nobles of the kingdom?"

The old man waved his arms:

"We never thought about betrayal."

"Fortunately, the gods are above us! His Majesty Gio Skua told us: we have to get back what belongs to us!"

"God gives human souls and souls, and the king of mankind has no right to take away the people's wealth and anointing!"

"This is not the country of kings and nobles, it is our country! Destiny guides us forward and gives us the power of life and death. How can a mortal king usurp the majesty of God!"

"But the Kingdom Council insists on going its own way. With their arrogant and contemptuous attitude, they have abandoned the people on the earth. They would rather treat themselves as snakes in the void and try their best to please the foreign invaders than save you."

"However, the gods are infinitely merciful, and His Majesty Gio Skua will always accept every believer!"

"Since the people at the top have abandoned us, let them fall! Take back the country that belongs to us!"

"If those rebellious demons who go against God's will dare to resist, then let the kingdom burn! In the fire, we will destroy the illusion and build the kingdom of God on the earth!"

The old man shouted loudly, and the suffering, sadness, and sorrow of the past were all turned into fuel for anger at this moment.

People's enthusiasm grew higher and higher, and someone in the crowd shouted:

"Destroy falsehood! God's kingdom on earth!"

The next moment, like a pressure cooker exploding, the sound of voices instantly broke through the tent and kept hovering in the sky.

"Long live Gio Skua! The God of Destruction guides us forward!"

"The kingdom is ruthless and has abandoned us, so why should we recognize this Bird Parliament? It's against him!"

"Those knights have bright and shiny armor, but I can only live here eating the flesh and blood of children - it's all because of the inaction of those knights! We are obviously the majority - they are the ones who occupy what should be ours!"

"Our land was invaded by the void, and our lives were sucked by the kingdom. We are all suffering. Everyone on this planet is the same! As long as we unite under the banner of Gio Skua, this country is ours !The gods have said it!”

"Destroy the delusion! Destroy the delusion! Destroy the delusion!"

Alfen stared at all this in a daze. The dream he once had for the knights of the kingdom was shattered bit by bit at this moment.

Amid the indignation of the crowd, Alfen's mentality gradually changed. He could not immediately accept his belief in gods, but his resentment towards the kingdom and knights reached its peak at this moment.

He gently pulled the corner of the old man's clothes, watched the other person turn his head, revealing his blue eyes, opened his mouth, made up his mind, and said:

"...I heard an anecdote on the way here. I think it might be useful to you, but I don't dare to tell it...I, I don't know if I should tell it."

"Don't be afraid, child." The old man said gently: "Tell me, what do you know?"

"...It's the Fermi Institute. While hiding from the rain, I heard a group of institute personnel speak."

Alphen said:

"They said that the knights of the Kingdom Council are assisting people from the research institute to track down Qi Yu. The purpose is to capture a man named..."

He paused, frowned and thought for a while, and said:

"It seems, it seems to be a guy named 'Zhi Xiang'."

The old man nodded slightly and motioned for the other party to continue speaking.

"They say that the Knights of the High Table attach great importance to the 'Quality' and believe that as long as they catch the Quality, they can control the Quality Rain to drive away the void. They can also strictly control the activities of civilians through the Quality Rain. Let us be trapped in a fixed area forever by quality rain, and continue to work and cultivate. This seemed to be a very confidential matter. I was scared when I heard that, and ran away quickly. If the institute knew that I had done such a thing, it might kill me. Got me..."

The more Alfen thought about it, the angrier he became. In the end, he was not afraid of being chased and said in one breath:

"Those people from the institute seem to be going to a place called the 'High Tower' to entertain the knights of the high table there. If you have the ability, just go there and teach these bastards a lesson!"

"We are only mortals and have no right to decide their fate."

The old man straightened up slowly, handed something to the young man, turned around and left:

"Only gods are qualified to decide the fate of mortals."

The old man left for a long time. Alfin looked down at the heavy thing that the other man handed to his arms, and almost suffocated.

It was a pure, flawless, shining golden color.

A gold coin, a gold coin of frightening purity!

Alphen was almost stunned.

Faintly, he seemed to hear a voice, echoing continuously in the air:

"And I am God."

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