From star abyss

Chapter 700 404Not Found

Squeak, squeak, squeak—

The chain pulls the door, pulling it inward little by little and opening it. The breath of nothingness in the air is completely transformed into substantial particles. The more you breathe the air, the more anxious and disappointed you feel, and you are full of panic about everything in this world.

"Finally, the disrespectful one has arrived."

A murmur echoed in the hall:

"Your disobedience and violence are meaningless. This planet is about to be incorporated into the grand narrative. Now that it is done, do you still want to move forward?"

Li Ozi didn't talk nonsense. He put the N4 aside, then turned around and walked slowly forward.

"You will die." N4 put his hands on his hips and said angrily: "Fermi Research Institute has divided up all your abilities. These people all have your characteristics and arcane powers. How can you fight them? ?”

Li Ozi didn't answer and just moved on.

Click, click...

Footsteps echoed in the lobby. The five-meter-five-meter-tall figure walked into the majestic hall, but there was no feeling of squeezing. Instead, he was as small as an ant falling into the sea.

This palace was infinitely large, but visually it was infinitesimally small. This chaotic sense made Li Ozi even more convinced that he had reached the border of the void.

As long as he takes a step forward, he may directly step into Zhou Yuan.

"Forget it, since you insist on doing this, then just follow the rules."

From the shadows, eight deformed knights slowly walked out. Several of them wore various masks, such as magic eyes, rays, and merchants. What made Li Ozi particularly concerned was that among them there was a green knight with no mask on his face and his body covered with flowers, vines and thorns.

"'Garden' Gaden... It seems that what was destroyed outside was just your projection."

Li Ozi looked at the vacant chief position again:

"'Maggots' are not here. It seems that the Knights of the High Table in the outside world are just your incarnations, used to control and rule the mortal kingdom. The real Void is always here. Rely on the mask to give the clone power - —It seems like you have surrendered to the Void a long time ago, right? What a bunch of compradors."

"'s ridiculous, don't make a mistake."

The 'Garden' knight, who was covered in thorns, smiled sharply:


"Everyone standing in front of you is a being at the lowest level of Dragon Satellite."

He raised his hand and touched the skull-like face, revealing a dark and honest human face, and said in a country accent:

"'Garden' Gadeen, the slave owner's gardener, works under the scorching sun and whips all day long, and has to watch his daughter being brought into the room by the owner."

The maskless female knight wearing a thin veil stepped forward, and a woman's face full of sadness appeared:

"'Dancing Girl' Christine, a slave who was sold into a brothel by human traffickers. She has no parents or family, no salary and no freedom. As long as the customers like me, they can do whatever they want to me."


The white wings spread slightly, and the knight with tentacles between his mouth limped around:

"'White Crow' Evans, a bird trainer who raised crows and trained them to deliver messages and speak. A flu hit and all the birds died. I lost everything and sold myself into slavery."

"Warrior Worrell."

The one-armed knight with no eyes and a lion's head slowly sat up from the ground and pulled out a giant sword as long as his body from behind:

"I have no father or mother. I went to the battlefield at the age of three. There is no meaning in survival. To live is to fight, and to fight is to stay alive. The cycle goes back and forth."

"'Poet' Chen Wenjing—ah, you should be familiar with my legend."

A man dressed very gentlemanly walked slowly to the bright area. He took off his hat and saluted, and said politely:

"I don't have any tragic experiences, that is, I have been imprisoned and studied as an experimental subject, and I have been studied since I became a knight. That's all, haha, am I lucky?"

“‘Ama’ Melissa. Just a haenyeo.”

The female knight with a stingray head and a graceful figure folded her hands on her lower abdomen and said lightly:

"I used to soak in the water for twelve hours every day, sometimes to fish for pearls, sometimes to dismantle sea urchins and fish for shrimps and crabs. If I were not careful, I might be sucked away by the undercurrent, and many people would not survive. At the age of thirty-five, you can’t make money by fishing during your menstrual period, so you can only carry it on an empty stomach.”

"'Traveling Merchant' Mashanat."

The knight covered in pockets shook his head:

"I tried my best to cross the ocean, cross the desert to transport goods, do business, and bring them precious and rare items. I just wanted to beg for food. Even so, I was called a profiteer and was targeted and robbed by thieves. .”

Li Ozi looked at the last knight wearing the magic eye mask:

"You are 'Magic Eye' Reyes, right? What other tragic experiences have you had?"

"I'm from a noble family and don't have a tragic past."

The knight with the magic eye had a very upright figure, with almost no deformity visible. However, when he opened his mouth and let out a strange neighing sound mixed with the voices of men, women, old and young, even Li Ozi was slightly surprised.

"Just being cursed since birth, opening a pair of evil eyes that can see people dying and empathizing with them, and then going crazy and killing the whole family, is not a hardship at all. Only the weak will be defeated."

‘Magic Eye’ Reyes said and looked at Li Ozi:

"And you, the former chief 'maggot', you have already met the 'king' once before, but you were so frightened that you fled and devalued yourself, and worked as an ugly and poor blacksmith for five years - this time, you want to Repeat the same mistake?"

"Make the same mistake again?" Li Ozi asked.

"You should also know, 'Chief'."

Reyes crossed his arms and said calmly:

"Although I don't know what your origin is, if there is no void, the existence of us high-top tables is just the lowest, most humble existence that endures the most suffering. It is the arrival of the void that gives us these powers. No matter what , this path of nothingness has achieved our position as Lord.”

"Feel the void, embrace the power of the void, and let the thoughts of the void spread on the earth. Only when more people endure the suffering of the void and further desire the power of the void from us can we fight against the void - but the more we do this, the more Unable to leave the void. Those civilians are like the unlucky ones who have to pay back the loan after buying a unfinished building. They cannot leave us for the rest of their lives."

"Alijie, the power of the void, the void energy technology, and even the 'king' - these things are all based on our cooperation with the void."

Reyes opened his arms, and the Yotta-level auras on the eight knights of the high table were released.

"...Don't you know how to resist?"

Li Ozi suddenly asked:

"I came here to talk to the 'King' and to unite the power of all of you to fight against the grand narrative of nihilism. To this end, I have been very restrained along the way and do not want to hurt any knights of the high table. . Yet you tell me that you don’t plan to resist the void?”

"Recognize the reality. The void is invincible. Only the order dominated by the void is the only one worthy of recognition. There is no independent choice in this world. Your so-called 'comprador' is nothing but naive wishful thinking. "

Garden sneered.

"Without the technology and power brought by the Void, Dragon Satellite will always be a slave kingdom and a depression of moral civilization. The only choice is to take refuge in the Void." The dancer said righteously.

White Crow folded his wings and said condescendingly: "You have never experienced our suffering at all. So far, we have only welcomed a more civilized narrative. You have no right to question us."

"Sovereignty is useless, and fighting is useless. The so-called war is to let a farmer's son travel thousands of miles to kill another farmer's son."

The soldier lowered his head and said painfully:

"The expansion of the void must also be caused by difficulties. We were invaded by the void just because Dragon Satellite had original sin. We must reflect on ourselves."


The poet said frankly:

"The void has not come, and I am being studied by the slave master. The void has come, and I have been severely studied by Fermi. The void has swallowed everything, and no one will study me. Do I need to say anything else?"

"The Dragon Satellites are all corrupt officials and nobles. They occupy most of the wealth in society, but they are not willing to share it with us, the lower class people. What can I do? I can only unite with outside forces to eradicate them!"

Haenyeo said sadly:

"Even if it's not Void, I will lead the way for other intruders from the outside!"

“So what if a planet that hates other people’s efforts to get rich but pursues unearned gains is destroyed?”

The businessman was so angry that he was shaking all over, and copper coins were sprayed out from his pocket:

"On this planet, you are just the most insignificant part, and you are still bullied by your compatriots, but in the void - they are willing to treat us equally, even if they are treated as nothingness!"

“Resistance is for the weak.”

A striking purple light lit up on the Demon Eye's mask, and he slowly pulled out a crystallized spear from the void, speaking in a solemn tone:

"The only right thing in this world is to be strong! Void is strong, so I join Void. If there is someone stronger than Void, then I will betray Void. There are so many doctrines and morals."

"If you plan to wake up the 'King' and make demands of him - ha, you should also know that the 'King' is just a puppet of power. Even if you want to do this, he will not be able to fight against the void according to your requirements - who Let his power come from the void."

Demon Eye swung his spear and asked condescendingly:

"Okay, make your choice."

He raised the tip of his gun and pointed it at Li Ozi:

"If you want to continue to take risks and insist on making the 'King' your fighting power, then hand over the mask. But as long as we are here, you can't even think about controlling the 'King'."

The other knights were deeply convinced. Garden took a step forward and mocked:

"Or, you can try to kill us all-"


Li Ozi swayed, walked slowly forward at the intersection of the timeline, and walked step by step to Gaden.

The next moment, he raised his hand and grabbed Gadeen's head in this timeline.

[Sequence Seven·Weak Force]

The air in front of Li Aozi's palm quickly disintegrated, splitting out from the structure into several basic particles, and a large amount of energy instantly spread outward in the form of radiation and convection!

Atomic decay!

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