From star abyss

Chapter 713 417 The Shape of Finality

On the Azure Star, there is no day in the outside world, and there is no night in the Four Kingdoms.

‘Missed call: Li Ozi (note: silly son)*11’

‘Missed call: Li Huixi (good daughter)*2’

‘Lee Ozi: Dad, are you okay? Why haven't you come back yet? (Read but not replied)’

‘Li Huixi: I’m still two hundred derbies short of next month’s tutoring fee. Please pay it. (Have read)'

'Reply - Li Huixi: Okay, Dad earned 370 from pulling steel coils the day before yesterday, and all of them were transferred to you. (Read, transfer accepted)’

‘Li Ozi: Dad, I cooked porridge for you. If you are hungry, come back and eat it hot. (Read but no reply)’

‘Reply-Li Huixi: Come on Xixi! You are the best. Dad believes you can get into a university in the capital! (unread)'

‘Lee Ozi: The police said that ghost murders have become more frequent recently. Dad, please come back quickly. Mom and I are so scared at home (unread). ’

‘Reply-Li Huixi: Does Xixi still lack anything? Studying is stressful. Would you like dad to buy you a game console so you can relax? (unread)'

‘Li Ozi: I’ve finished changing the urinal for my mother. She just talked to me about work. I want to wait until I finish secondary school before going to work... Dad, can you talk to her? (unread)'

‘Li Ozi: (typing)’

'Li Ozi: I really want to continue studying. The teacher said that I can go to college. I only need 4,000 Derby per semester and work-study. After graduation, I can go to the drone factory to work as an assembler. If I'm lucky, I can get a job as a beta-level [machinist]. 】As an apprentice, you may even have the opportunity to go abroad to Red Arrow. (Attached electronic link: "Frost Plating Electronic Engineering Vocational College \u0026 Red Arrow Empire Alheim Technology Co., Ltd. Cooperation Major: Micro Intelligent Drone" (PDF format)) (Unread)’

'Lee Ozi: Dad, I have learned from the teacher that this major can be applied for a work visa (click to jump to the link: Red Arrow Empire Immigration Agency official website: Red Arrow now only needs to pay taxes for five consecutive years and have I can get a green card if I live in a fixed place, and I can get permanent residence if I work for eight years. Then I can come to Red Arrow with my parents. It’s just a bit harder. Housing in Red Arrow is too expensive, but I can live in a bridge cave with Red Arrow’s artificial sun. High power, no freezing to death. (unread)'

‘Li Ozi withdrew three messages’

‘Li Ozi: It’s okay, Dad, you should go home quickly. I plan to go to the county to find a job after graduating from technical secondary school. (Have read)'


Li Mingji had finished smoking the few cigarettes he had left, and he began to consider whether to spend money to replace e-cigarettes. However, the thought of the messy fruit-flavored cigarette cartridges and the stronger nicotine stimulation would easily cause a strong impact on his wallet. Despite the blow, he still chose to stick to traditional cigarettes.

Although no matter what you smoke, you are spending money to buy pain, but on the bright side, if you take out a loan to work, aren’t you also spending money to buy pain?

Human happiness and pain often coexist. Without suffering, you cannot experience the taste of happiness. To put it bluntly, it is such a thing.

Just like giving birth to a child, you will obviously endure great pain, but the unconditional love that parents generate and invest in raising their children is unique and irreplaceable in the world.

"It is precisely because of this that I choose to give up my failed life and let the gods take over my destiny. As long as my family can live a good life, in this country that values ​​girls over boys, Li A boy like Oz who is discriminated against can also enjoy a normal education, so that my wife can replace the advanced prosthetic body and walk again, let alone my life and soul, even if the entire planet is blown up. It doesn’t matter…”

As a failed ordinary person, Li Mingji has no memory of grand narratives. He doesn't care about independent thinking, nor does he care that after losing his own life, his children will call a stranger in Sidis daddy, and his wife will love him. The person will also become a successful and completely different self.

This kind of thing is distressing and anxious for people with a monthly salary of 3,000 Derby, but for laid-off and unemployed middle-aged rural men with no education, as long as there is still someone to take care of the family, there is nothing to care about.

Li Mingji was sitting on the bridge, and the time had reached nine-thirty in the evening.

Sides hasn't come yet.

Maybe Xingyuan lied to him, maybe it was just a dream. There are no gods or gods in the world, but I am poor, stupid and ignorant, and I mistake my imagination for reality.

A few barks of dogs came from the distant village, which seemed to support his point.

‘This is fake. ’

Li Mingji felt a little shaken.

'go home. ’

Now when I go back, I will be scolded by my family, but as long as one night passes, my family will urge me to get up and cook.

The smoke in his hand illuminated the dark night, and he stood on the bank of the river under the daylight of the artificial sun. Four hundred years ago, the Frostplated people invaded the outside world and incorporated this land into their territory. However, in the past four hundred years, the president of the Republic never cared about this conquered land. Bureaucrats and plutocrats fought in the capital, fighting openly and secretly. Their bribery and bribery... Even a fraction of political donations can open five factories, three primary schools, and one middle school for this village.

But no one cares about this small border town. There is a group of people who are struggling between food and clothing. Even if they work hard, they can't compare with the consumption of Gemini in one night.

President Medvey's words of "fighting for jobs for women" caused Li Mingji to lose his job, and thousands of lower-class families who need men like Li Mingji to be in charge lost hope.

Li Mingji knew that regardless of whether Sides came or not, he was already dead.

He lowered his head and looked at the river under the bridge.

This river full of garbage and wastewater leads to the outside world. Even the poorest workers in Frost Plate will proudly puff up their chests when they think that people outside only deserve to drink purified nuclear wastewater.

The frost-coated white night fell on the border plain, and Li Mingji quietly waited for the final moment.

Whether Siders comes or doesn't come, he will make a choice.

In this way, time passes little by little.


The fingertips were slightly hot, and the cigarette butt burned the filter.

The smoke has burned out, but the gods have not yet arrived.


Li Mingji dropped the cigarette butt at his feet, stamped it out gently, then picked it up and threw it into the trash can nearby, preparing to go home and continue to live through this failed life.

As a human being, Li Mingji is dead, but he is his father and he cannot die.

Li Mingji turned around and put his hands in his pockets, thinking about whether to work as a security guard at the newly opened pharmaceutical factory in the county tomorrow. He was already old. Even if he took out loans and sold his organs in exchange for a combat prosthetic body and became a bounty hunter, Probably not as good as young people.

It would be more suitable for an uncle like me to work in the factory honestly.

As he was thinking this, a biting cold wind suddenly came from behind.

"what happened?"

Li Mingji suddenly turned around, and the next moment, a huge diamond-shaped door suddenly appeared in the sky. With the purple energy curtain in the center fluctuating, two huge figures quickly flew out of it, wrestling and falling to the ground. .

"What the hell is this--"

Li Mingji was stunned.

Before he could react, two giants, one blue and one purple, nearly three meters tall with skinned and armored bodies, had already started a fierce fist fight.


Leoz hit Siders in the chest with a kick, then suddenly twisted his waist and turned around, raised his hind legs, and hit Siders in the face. Siders retreated repeatedly, and before he had time to get up, Leoz rushed forward again. He reached in front of him, used his leg as a knife, and struck neatly on the side of his knee joint, which was exactly the weak part of the armor.


Siders was knocked to the ground instantly, but he clearly noticed that Leoz's attack was weakening.

"Ha... The upper limit of the Blue Star is only gamma (3). Your strength here is too high. Welcome the punishment of the planet."

Leoz had no nonsense, the black chaotic fire on his body could no longer be used.

The curse of Xingyuan is too malicious for him, an outsider.

With a curse all over his body and the fact that he is only a spiritual body, it is already too much to just maintain his physical form.

Not to mention... As the seed of the Star Abyss, Siddes has a lot of strategy information, and he can clearly tell that Leoz's physical data is constantly declining.

[It must be resolved quickly. 】

He trampled down His head with His foot.


Sides immediately rolled on the spot, dodging Leoz's attacks one after another. With his body without a curse, he and Leoz's strength were quickly pulling in. Leoz's reaction was getting slower and slower, and more and more The attacks fell into the air.

"I won't let you succeed!"

He stood up with one hand on the ground, and just as he raised his upper body, Leoz immediately punched him in the face. Siders used his strength to perform a half-turn somersault, turned around and landed dexterously like a cat, and kicked Leoz's hands with his feet. There was a gap between the legs, and then the upper body immediately exerted force, and an iron mountain top hit Leods.


Leoz took half a step back.

It's not because Sides' attack is very strong, but because the curse of Layer Abyss is constantly weakening him.

"Okay, you old guy, no matter how hard you struggle, Xingyuan will always be on my side."

Seeing that he had defeated Leoz for the first time, Sides was refreshed. He clenched his fists, took a deep breath, and suddenly exerted force:

"Give me back my system!"

They have no way.

In the Star Abyss, the existence of the path is more important than anything else, and authority is also suppressed by the Star Abyss Curse.

As incomplete gods, Leoz and Sides could only rely on their physical strength to fight without any means of rescue.

Sides is well aware of his strengths.

No matter how powerful the opponent is, what's the use of being senior? As the chosen seed, is He afraid of this old guy?

Leos' fists and kicks gradually slowed down, and he guarded them carefully. But even if the opponent's physical strength has begun to fall into a disadvantage, Sides still can't get any advantage in terms of pure boxing skills.

He held the fist thrown by Leoz with the back of his hand. Leoz immediately lowered his body and crossed his legs to sweep. Siddes was injured on the ankle and was immediately knocked over. He put one hand on the ground and immediately somersaulted backwards, with his heel It was thrown out instantly like a meteor hammer and struck Leoz's chin.


Leoz's figure immediately returned to his spiritual form, causing the blow to miss, but immediately afterwards, Sides stood up, raised his fists and kicks, and hit Leoz on the head. It was like a bolt from the blue, so swift and unstoppable.

As the offensive and defensive momentum gradually changed, Siders became more and more anxious.

He has discovered one thing: no matter how bad Leos' physical attributes are, he can still beat him.

"Obviously he is a member of the Skilled Gods, but his fighting skills are even better than those of the Destruction Gods... Has this guy been learning to fight since he was born?"

He punched out a straight punch with his right hand, feinting in front of the opponent, and took the opportunity with his other hand to throw an uppercut, hitting Leoz's abdomen neatly, but Leozi almost didn't think about it, and it was completely based on instinct and nerve reflexes. The foot was kicking out, and the straight toes were like bayonets, fiercely hitting the gap in the armor on Siddes' chest.


Sides was numb all over. As a god, the circulation of divine power in his body was almost blocked for a moment. He took a few steps back and covered his chest and abdominal diaphragm with one hand.

"No...this guy is too strong. He can't be an ordinary god. This kind of fighting instinct cannot be tempered even by me who has been immersed in the timeline preview for countless hours!"

Even if the opponent is weakened to the level of a mortal, Sides feels that he has no chance of defeating him based on sheer force.

"Hey, that's it. Is this going to do you any good by killing them all?!"

But Leoz had no intention of letting Him go.

He took two steps in one step, flew up, and spread his legs in the air like scissors. He immediately grabbed Siddes' neck, flipped quickly in the air, and dragged Siddes up. His legs were bent, and he was struck by Leo. I threw it hard to the ground!

boom! ! !


Before Siddes could use his strength, Leoz had already grabbed his arm and pressed his chest with his thighs. He then took action and suppressed it with all his strength.


Even if his strength has dropped below the level of ordinary mortals, Sidhus, who is already at the level of a mortal, is not much stronger than him.

"it's over."

Leoz immediately broke his arm, raised his hand, and the fire of chaos ignited in his palm, preparing to strike again and completely take away everything from Siddes.


A rock hit Leoz in the back of the head.

"Hey, let go."

He turned his head, and Li Mingji lifted a big stone from the river in his hand, sweating profusely, and stared at him nervously:

"You bastard, that guy is the savior of this universe! At least he is my savior! Is what you are doing worthy of the entire Xingyuan?"

Having said that, facing a giant god who was even taller than him when he was kneeling on the ground, as a mortal, Li Mingji's instinctive fear of large animals immediately came to mind.

But if you don't take action...

'If I don't go up and watch Sidis being killed by this monster - wouldn't the whole family be doomed? ’

If this body is not given to Sides, who can save his family?

Who can help that kid Li Ozi afford the tuition and living expenses to go to Red Arrow?

The one fighting the gods must also be gods...and the superb skills, smooth fighting, and cruel methods were completely torturing the newborn Sidis.

Li Mingji didn't even need to look at it. Just the cold and cruel temperament revealed by the other party could not help but shiver between his legs.

Are you kidding, this is too scary... Even when facing thugs with live ammunition, Li Mingji has never been so scared.



Leoz glanced at Li Mingji and ignored him, concentrating on preparing to completely kill Siders.

"I told you to stop!"

Li Mingji roared, picked up a rock and rushed forward immediately, hitting Leos on the head:

"Compared to fucking life, a mere god is nothing!"

Just a reminder, both Leos and Sides are thinking like gods, but apart from the cannon fodder gods, favored gods like Sides have richer emotions.

But no matter which race of gods they are, they will not treat mortals as the same thing. Gio Skua is already very honest and honest, but he still disdains the sacrifices of mortals.

From the perspective of narrative civilization, mortals are one of the cornerstones of grand narratives, so a high-quality population is very important. Even if they are not expected to fight, humans must be industrially raised like livestock.

From the perspective of society, some individuals among mortals can be assimilated and guided to become compatriots, while others are evil and unequal oppressors.

(Yes, you heard it right, these beasts have always thought that they are redeeming those marginalized people in civilization, and these marginalized people, in our normal understanding, are 'non-mainstream', 'unsociable', and 'isolated' bad character)

Strictly speaking, there are no so-called good guys or bad guys in this book, only:

Newborn, crazy person, loser, winner, vested interest, person with contradictory ideas, idealist, realist

Anyone can jump repeatedly among various tags at any time. It is easy to establish a fixed persona, but I think this will make the work lose its liveliness.

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