From star abyss

Chapter 727 431 Exile to the Void

Chapter 727 431. Exile to the Void

The bright white moonlight is like water, floating on the earth with sparkling ripples.

A large number of void monsters immediately felt an indescribable feeling. They lowered their heads, stamped their hammers, and faced the moon hanging high in the sky. For a moment, they forgot that they were on the battlefield.


The dead-headed orcs swung their axes and chopped these meat targets into pieces immediately. Even they felt a little confused about their opponents' sudden abandonment of resistance. But they did not choose to raise their heads and look at the moon like their opponents out of curiosity.

The bright moon in the sky exudes a kind of magic, which is both pure and flawless, and full of yearning and fanatical magic. The two seemingly completely contradictory things are organically combined and displayed at this moment, making it almost unimaginable. What exactly exists.


Sides looked solemnly:

"No matter how many times you pretend to be a ghost, it's useless. No matter how high the value is, you can't beat the first level!"

But soon, Sides paid the price for his words and deeds.

"Sequence Three·Paradox"

A familiar and cold voice echoed in the space:

"Far, near."

Sides' pupils narrowed.

The distance from the moon clearly did not change, but the next moment, a big hand suddenly appeared in front of him. The pure white porcelain skin was slightly emitting a halo. In front of him, five fingers were clenched one after another, and they were facing him. Come smash it.

"Idiot." Sides tilted his head and sneered: "You think you can hit me with such slow movements? A snail can move faster than this -"


Sides was hit in the face by a punch, and the dragon-faced mask was slapped hard on his cheek. The force penetrated into the skull, causing the intracranial tissue to reverberate.

'impossible! Such a slow attack, even a mortal can dodge it! ’

Siders was not injured by the punch, but a wave of astonishment arose in his heart:

‘It’s not that I’m fast, nor that I’m slow to dodge. ’

He turned his eyes, and the fist had been pulled back, still 17.03 kilometers away from him.

There are no sonic booms, no timeline jumps, no space rifts.

It was as if the punch was just swinging in place, but it spanned a distance of 17.03 kilometers and hit his face accurately.

Very far, yet very close.

Before Siddes could react, another punch hit him on the head. He instinctively raised his hands to parry. This time, he did not underestimate the opponent, but blocked and defended at full speed.


A deep dent was made in the dragon-shaped mask, and Sides's face deformed along with the mask. The blow was not light, and it hit his face hard.

Slow again?

No, that's not the case.

Li Ozi's attack speed was so high before that Siders could react, but he clearly reacted to these two punches, but he couldn't catch the attack at all.

The opponent's fist clearly traveled 17.03 kilometers, and the initial speed and power looked like a punch in place.

It is impossible to determine the opponent's attack path.

‘It’s the distance. The distance is wrong! ’

Sides reacted:

"Leoz, you actually still have authority?!"

He's obviously just an old guy from outside the Yuan Dynasty.


Sides was hit in the nose by a punch. He quickly parried it, but the punch still hit his face, just like a person running with all his strength cannot catch up with a turtle.

"No matter how fast I run, if Leos throws a punch, he will be beyond my distance."

Siders failed to parry and became more alert. He kept changing postures and immediately increased his perception to capture Leoz's attack movements.

"He's coming from the right!"

Sides immediately took action, and a void blazar exploded in his palm, hitting the opponent in the middle of his movement.


Leoz kicked him on the side of the meniscus of his knee, and Sides' interception was instantly broken. He was not angry, but his eyes became more serious.

“Not yet – this time on the left!”

He grabbed it with one hand, and the void crystal rose from the ground, forming a gable.

——Since you can't block him, then don't let him hit you.

Sure enough, the void coral rose, making it impossible for Leoz's punch to reach it.

"The hardness of void crystal is six trillion times that of diamond, and it also has the characteristics of nothingness. Without the distortion curse of Kappa (10), conventional physics is invalid for it. It is in a superposition state of existence and non-existence, and the layer of abyss An attack hitting it is like sending an electron through a gap, without any damage."

Sides' figure was submerged by the energy of the void, as if he was trapped in a purple-black ocean. He said lightly:

"Although, your weak attack can't even leave a scratch on my body——"

"Sequence Two."

There was no sound.

Nothing has changed.

Nothing touched.

In just a moment, immersed in the sea of ​​void energy, Siddes didn't even have time to blink, and everything in front of him changed instantly.

The purple-black world was immediately illuminated. The void crystal, as thick as a mountain, was completely removed from this space as if the 'delete' button had been pressed.

Siddes's indifference solidified.

Even though the bright white and holy moonlight fell on his face, he still couldn't believe this fact.

In the Abyss, the void crystal that cannot be penetrated from the perspective of basic physics is still a void crystal with a thickness of up to 1.4 billion millimeters.

That's it, gone?

No debris, no impact, no radiation, no combustion and reduction reactions.

It does not belong to physics, nor magic, nor has it any connection with metaphysics and soul.

To put it bluntly, this is like the programmer typing on the keyboard and deleting the model and matter of the void crystal.

If any ability shown by Li Ozi before this was obtained by relying on his own system, knowledge, and memory, whether it was [Crescent Moon] or [Gravity], the Star Falling Technique had no effect on him. any sense.

Sides knew the capabilities of "Star Abyss" all too well.

But what is it?

Sides felt a ringing in his ears. He was not sure whether it was a physiological disease caused by excessive pressure, or because after the void crystal was removed out of thin air, the negative pressure of the entire world was pressing towards him.

But Sides was certain that there was nothing wrong with his hearing.

Because he clearly heard that calm voice that never fluctuated emotionally no matter what situation he was in:



He raised his hand, and a void spike immediately appeared in front of him, blocking the opponent's advance. The purple crystal was hit by the porcelain fist, and was immediately erased and turned into nothingness.


Sides roared, and a series of void barrages fell quickly, bombing towards the opponent.

Only then did he see the other person's appearance clearly.

The silver-white armor exudes a blue halo like a starry sky.

The shape of the entire armor is very ordinary, very pure, and full of traces of pragmatism. The hem of the white robe that looks like soaked in snow is separated into two parts. The helmet is just an ordinary fully enclosed knight helmet.

It's just that compared to before, He - He has an extra crown on his head.

A pale golden crown with spikes like thorns.

Just the appearance of this crown made Siders realize that the person he was facing had changed.


Boom, boom, boom!

Void spells fell suddenly one after another.

Void barrage, removed!

Void blazar, removed!

The cannon fodder that comes up to die is removed!

As he moved quickly, the white robe seemed to confuse Sides' vision, and he was unable to judge the trajectory of the other party's footsteps.

But does it work?

"It's all flashy and useless! The only truth in this world is firepower. If you continue the oversaturation attack, I'll see where you can run!"

He had no choice but to bombard the earth with energy in one breath, setting off waves of tsunami-like void waves.

Time, dimension, space.

Under the impact of the void wave, these concepts were shattered one after another.

"Look at it! This is nihilism. Everything about you is meaningless. Even if you cross time and space, the void is your fate!"

However, even when the monstrous wave rushed towards him, the opponent just sprinted forward coldly and quickly, extending his palm towards the void wave that swallowed all things.

The world returned to calm, and there was no more turmoil.

Tide of the Void - Removed.

At this point, Siders could no longer maintain his composure.

"Fuck you! What kind of arcane power is this!!!"

Sides's outlook on life was strongly impacted:

"The wave of deconstructed by nothingness?"

It's like dividing zero by zero.

Regardless of the result, can zero be divided?

The reason why zero is zero is that it is an empty number. It has no inverse element. If any number is divided by zero, the result obtained is undefinable. It will only turn the overall representation into an infinite thing. .


Leoz stepped on the ground and came to the other party.

He didn't launch an attack, he just raised his hand and pushed Sides gently.


Leos said calmly:

"Nothingness and Being."

The next moment, Sides suddenly realized that his body was suddenly liberated from the form of the Lord of the Void. His skin returned to porcelain, and his body was wrapped in purple armor.

He resumed his form as a divine warrior.

"——You let two sequence arcana link with each other?!"

"When you are proud of your abilities, Moonlight has become my servant."

Leos said calmly:

"Moonlight believers, everyone."

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