From star abyss

Chapter 745 The Overlord of the 450 Galaxy

The strong gravity bent the light, and a ray shone on his body, immediately disappeared into thin air, and then continued to fly out from his back.

"Barrage strikes are useless? It's probably a force field shield, nothing magical."

Yedie's fleet was unimpressed.

"Maintain a centralized formation, release battle balls and mechas to intercept. Move the Alliance's fleet to the front. No matter how fast he accelerates, he must first overcome the Alliance's unmanned army."

The Night Butterfly Federation is a technological civilization, and even if they have idealistic beliefs, they cannot change their tactical style.

Human sea tactics, especially the human sea tactics of mechanical troops, are indeed very uncomfortable for [Yuexian Bishop] who has no echo power, especially when fighting in a universe with a harsh environment like Galaxy Eye, there is almost no room for guerrilla warfare. .

[Yuexian Bishop] No matter how T0 it is, it cannot change that it is a profession positioned as a spell assassin.

"Something's wrong - this guy seems to be immune to beam weapons?"

However, when he chose to rush into the airtight barrage group and confront the fleet head-on, like a bayonet piercing straight between the Galaxy Eyes with crisscrossing lines of fire, the outcome was already doomed.

"The target can't hit him. Some force is interfering with our machinery."

[I never thought about fighting guerrillas with you. 】

The blue comet withstood the barrage of the fleet, relying on the gravitational vortex to further accelerate and rush into the first row of the Night Butterfly Alliance fleet.


A Yedie officer noticed the darkness in front of him, and the strong light made the whole room look extremely dim.

[Arcane missile has been selected]

[[Pegasus Wings], [Physical Strengthening], [Electromagnetic Explosion], [Cold Breath], [Extreme Sun Color]... 400 missiles are ready]


He looked up.

A missile shining with phantom colors rushed toward him quickly. The wonderful light and shadow were like a Pegasus in a fairy tale.

Boom boom boom!

"The Z21 ammunition depot exploded and the ship sank!"


Li Ozi opened his arms and accurately controlled the vector nozzles on the left and right sides to advance, allowing his body to fly quickly in space and rotate quickly at the same time.

"The 'Photophobia Prince' was hit on the side!"

Arcane missiles of different colors are constantly spitting out from his palms. The N4-modulated colonial auxiliary biological brain allows him to find the weak areas of each warship at a glance and analyze the locations of ammunition depots and towers.

"The cruiser USS White Eagle was attacked by an unknown missile - this thing cannot be intercepted!"

His figure continued to accelerate in the air, and massive arcane missiles poured down like heavy rain. Even if the death-defying mechas and battle balls rushed up and tried to open a force field shield to intercept, it would be of no avail.

The dense arcane missiles, with the strength bonus of the Yotta level, there are almost no materials that can block this high amount of special effect spell damage.

Each mecha was penetrated by the force field and shield, and the cockpit and furnace core were destroyed and penetrated. Before the pilot could eject, he was involved in the fusion explosion and was completely turned into dust in the universe.

[Enter the combat state and cause damage to the enemy]

[Racial Talent: Moon Fever Trigger]

Li Ozi's body dragged the blue light across the starry sky in an instant!

【Shining Sword】

The power of the galaxy has long been accumulated, and the high-energy particles continue to accelerate. He opens his hands, and two 120-kilometer-long rays of light are constantly flapping and waving like angel wings.

No skills required.

All you need to do is—turn it around!

[Your attack speed limit has been removed]

"Disperse quickly! Don't be dragged over by the annihilation of the antimatter engine——"

A warship made an evasive maneuver in time, and the helmsman almost used his lifelong luck to avoid thirty consecutive arcane missiles.

"Huh." The captain breathed a sigh of relief and took out the photo from his arms: "Mary, fortunately, with your protection, we can afford to pay off the mortgage after we return from the war -"

【Starfall·Meteor Impact】

Before he finished speaking, the blue comet immediately hit the bow of his ship head-on. The deck cracked, the engine stopped spinning and caught fire. As soon as a large number of operators raised their heads, they were instantly torn to pieces by the alloy storm rolled up by the vacuum. mud.

[Your critical hit rate has reached 100%, and the excess will be converted into the main attribute]

[The current overflow critical hit rate conversion [Charm] is: 650]

[Feat·Sustainable Love Hunting is activated! 】

[Real-time charm is: 1202]

[Real-time charm is: 1352]

[Real-time charm is: 1519]

An entire 'Hull'-class 14-kilometer cruiser was torn apart and smashed into pieces by Li Aozi without any warning, and Li Aozi's body also slowed down immediately.


He tore open the ship's propeller with a sword and stepped into the starry sky.

At this moment, Yedie saw for the first time the butcher-like figure that stretched across the starry sky.

"What the fuck is that..."

If it were a weapon, it would be too scary.

If it were a living thing, I had never seen such a nightmare born purely for killing.

Red and black flesh and blood tissue is generously covered with various types of composite armor. The main body exceeds 60 meters, and the diameter of its six thrusters alone exceeds 300 meters.

Since the main body is completely buried in the chest of flesh and blood, the nerves are directly connected to the two pairs of huge colonial arms, spitting out shining blades of light.

There are also those two, which are basically the main guns removed from the battleship. They are still firing outwards until now. Each shot is enough to directly open the cover of the light destroyer. Fortunately, it is not an explosive shell, which passes through. The damage isn't too terrible.

But what really makes people's scalp tingling is the series of bee-like creatures surrounding them. They move extremely quickly and are constantly actively intercepting anything approaching him.

"The decisive weapon of the Crystal Tower... I didn't expect it to be a colonial weapon."

But this is okay. Although the front row suffered serious losses, they are just some puppet troops. They can produce as many as they want.

"His speed has slowed down - very good, the sacrifice of the puppet army is meaningful - hey, go to the back and bring more consumables!"

Ye Die's commanders quickly stabilized their mentality and reorganized the battle.

"Send out the ace pilot! How can a mere reproductive equipment compete with our sacred Steel Soul!"

"It's almost time. The other party will send their ace to fight with me."

Li Ozi tilted his neck, and the reassembled fleet was reflected on the 'X'-shaped red and black flesh and blood goggles.

"As a result, in order to free up combat space for the elite mechas and avoid being affected, the conventional fleet must stop moving and prepare to eject the mechas."

Ye Die's fleet rearranged its formation and used precise fire to try to force Li Aozi to give up the airspace, but Li Aozi would rather stand still and be beaten than stick to his original position.

"That guy stopped moving..."

"Are you bluffing? No, it's probably because there's not enough fuel!"

"While now, let the mecha troops eject and attack!"

The battleship commander did not miss this opportunity and immediately began to organize the mecha troops to take off.

If the opponent's speed has slowed down, there is no need to waste energy on barrage coverage.

Only elites versus elites can accurately kill the opponent. Oversaturation strikes will only waste continuous combat capabilities.

"Do you really think it was me who stopped?"

Li Ozi said calmly:

"Moonlight believers, come out!"

The number of Moonlight Disciples, like the Arcane Missiles, is determined by the number of Arcane Energy held.

At this moment, Li Aozi implanted 50,000 different arcane energies in his body at the cost of genetic load.

From Alpha, to Omega – quality doesn’t matter.

The important thing is——

Following his order, in an instant, countless figures similar to Bishop Yuexian emerged from the lonely fire center. When the Night Butterfly mecha attacked, the opponent's field of vision was instantly covered.

"Radar error! The number of enemies has surged - no, we have been fooled! Quickly resume the intensive barrage -"

Fifty thousand arcane powers, fifty thousand missiles, fifty thousand believers.

The number of ace mecha troops has never been large.

"My sincerely beloved believers, the supreme will guides us! Sweep away the heretics and make them convert and surrender!"

Li Ozi's eyes were wild, and he used weak force to decay, releasing radiation that could not be ignored.

The shining swords in both hands intertwined and accelerated instantly. Fifty thousand Moonlight believers followed closely behind and rushed towards the ace mecha troops, which numbered less than a hundred!

"I am destiny, I am the chosen one, I am the master - this universe and starry sky exist for me!"

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