From star abyss

Chapter 78 078. Assault on the Horizon

"Counterattack on the Humanity Headquarters?"

In the underground clinic in the Sikkim settlement, Dr. Chen Siqi held an aluminum tube in his mouth and looked at Li Ozi in surprise:

"I thought you were just crazy, but I didn't expect you to be a fool."

"Your cultural quality is as good as Nomi's."

Li Ozi complained and spread his hands:

"Don't worry about anything else. I want to know from you how to enter the second and third floors of the shelter."

"Aren't you very familiar with the terrain?" Chen Siqi glanced at him unexpectedly: "I have never been to the second floor. As a doctor, I am only allowed to travel between the third floor and the first floor - the third floor has The reactor, as well as the production line of Esha products sold externally by Mingji, the experimental fields, and the secret passage leading to frost plating."

"Wait, it leads to Shuangping?" Qiu Ran, who was taking care of the boy with a broken leg, heard this and immediately looked here in surprise. She immediately squeezed away Li Ozi and lay down in front of the table: "It really leads to Shuangping. Where is the end point?"

"It's unmistakable, it must be Shuang Plate. I've seen people from Law Three (Frost Plate National Security Guard) several times. They are different from Law Four. Law Three is the handler of external affairs and is responsible for supporting warlords and oligarchs overseas. A comprador regime favorable to frost plating.”

Doctor Chen shrugged:

"As for the end point, you have to ask the people in the Subway Brotherhood."

"Subway Brotherhood..." Li Ozi said thoughtfully: "It turns out that they bought some of the rights to use the old-era subways from the Subway Brotherhood. Frost Plating's Rule Three actually acted like this. No wonder..."

No wonder players in previous lives had conflicts with Rule 3 agents all over the world. You can find Rule 3 agents in any corner of the Blue Star.

Frost Plating's 'Law' agent system has strict classifications.

Rule 1: Firmly defend the Constitution of the Republic. In fact, it has been adapted into the Presidential Guard, which only obeys the orders of the President and has the best equipment and intelligence support.

Rule 2: Strictly protect the national economy, be responsible for law enforcement and investigation of foreign capital and economic cases, and be under the jurisdiction of the Frost Plating Government.

Rule 3: Eliminate all external threats. It is governed by the military and has a relatively independent armed force. In its heyday, 13,000 spies were deployed around the world. Their main purpose was to target the frost-plated satellite countries, colonies, and external settlements. Monitor and manage.

Rule 4: Always safeguard women’s rights and interests. Independent intelligence and law enforcement agencies, with search and law enforcement powers, are actually agencies designed to safeguard the power of the president. The people at the bottom are a mixed bag, but the top management is composed entirely of elites.

Different from the people in Rule 4 who are in charge of internal investigations, the agents in Rule 3 are pure bad guys and killers. Their number is even smaller, and they do unscrupulous things, ranging from subverting the regime to instigating warlord leaders to plant drugs. "Princess" has turned many countries that were once vibrant into hell on earth.

Li Ozi was actually not surprised by Law Three. Behind Law Three was the Frost Plated Army. Since Mingji Humanity was able to directly obtain military weapons, it meant that there must be a military background behind it.

What surprised him was... a man with thick eyebrows and big eyes from the Subway Brotherhood actually had contact with Shuang Ping.

Garbage Man, Green Base, and Subway Brotherhood, among the three outside organizations, the Subway Brotherhood is the most popular.

Garbage men only dig up garbage and claim to be protecting the cultural relics of the old era. As for where so many relics came from... they don't care.

The Greening Base is an extreme form of ecological protectionism, committed to greening the outside world without sunlight. Anyone who dares to touch the trees they have worked so hard to plant will be chopped into pieces and made into fertilizer - but you Guess how the tree was grown?

In contrast, the Metro Brotherhood, this organization is full of aspirational atmosphere from head to toe. They emphasize pragmatism, try their best to avoid people falling into competition, value technology, knowledge, education, unity and development, and develop through the methods developed in the old era. Activities in the subway and establishment of neutral transfer stations.

Every subway station is a refuge for them, providing shelter and survival for outsiders. Of course, this is not free.

As an organization of outsiders, the Metro Brotherhood naturally hates the Four Kingdoms and the warlords. They are collectivists. Every bullet and tooth must be collected by the Brotherhood and distributed by the headquarters committee after calculation.

Unexpectedly, the Subway Brotherhood actually has business dealings with Frost Plate. Is it pragmatism?

"If I use that passage, I can go back to see my family..."

Qiu Ran was a little excited for a moment, but then she realized that the passage was at the bottom of the underworld, and if she wanted to go through it, it would have to be like what Li Ozi said.

"Just fight it all the way to the end."

Li Ozi said lightly.

Although he had cleverly killed a Beta-level (β, the second Greek letter) baby eater with the help of the storm disaster, Li Ozi thought it was enough.

Whether it was the power of the Alpha level or [Severing Life], an arcane power that restrained the ability to restore blood, Li Ozi had the confidence to deal with the professor.

"But..." Qiu Ran hesitated.

She is not good at fighting, and not only that, she doesn't even have a main profession.

"For Qiu Ran, I can take you into the passage or even onto the subway - I have acquaintances in the subway brotherhood."

Qiu Ran's eyes lit up:

"Really? Thank you so much-"

Li Ozi raised his hand:

"However, your arcane power belongs to me."

Li Ozi does not engage in loss-making trading. Unless it involves issues of principle, he is generally too lazy to consider others.

As a player in his previous life, Li Aozi did not take any action to kill people or steal goods, out of recognition of Qiu Ran's character and helping to repair the vehicle along the way.

After all, his superpower pod can also extract arcane energy from recently deceased corpses.

To put it mildly, who would be willing to take an ordinary person with no fighting ability on the road if it wasn't for this arcana?

"This won't work."

Qiu Ran sternly refused:

"Without this ability, there is no way I can survive."

"Then you stay here with Dr. Chen."

Li Aozi looked at Dr. Chen Siqi:

"so what have you thought of?"

"To be honest, I'm happier than anyone else if you want to fight Mingji... But, I really can't help it. The second and third levels of Mingji's humanity require the permissions of Dr. Anna and Nurse Nodley respectively. , without permission, you cannot open the elevator."

Doctor Chen Siqi knocked on the table:

"As for going down from other places, I can only tell you that it is impossible - why is the shelter called a shelter? Because in the old days, Mingji Heavy Industry was an industrial group that manufactured nuclear war shelters. Even nuclear bombs cannot destroy it. If you still want to use manpower, you are looking down on nuclear weapons."

"What's more, the second layer of the shelter is already 110 meters below the surface - because the temperature is too low, this is a layer of frozen soil that requires a diamond drill to excavate."

Dr. Chen Siqi concluded:

"You have no other way to access the lower two floors other than the central elevator."

"Aren't there stairs or emergency exits?"

"Yes, but it's very hidden. I can't find it. You have to ask the designers who built such permanent shelters in the old days."

Li Ozi frowned.

The situation was not optimistic, but he still nodded:

"It's okay, it's not too difficult. Defeat Nurse Nodley and Dr. Anna, and you can get to the bottom."

"Your arrogance will kill you." Chen Siqi sneered: "Whether it's head nurse Nodley or assistant doctor Anna, they are not that simple. Maybe they have been hiding their strength and are waiting for the professor to die one day. , fighting for power and position..."

Li Ozi was noncommittal.

He had seen Nodley's faceplate. She was just an Alpha-level warrior. She didn't have a single plug-in or prosthetic body on her body, so there was nothing to worry about.

Doctor Anna, on the other hand, has always been very low-key. After the professor faked his death, he quickly rose to take charge of the overall situation and arranged and handled everything - it is difficult not to make people suspect that she had been prepared for it.

However, Li Ozi is still very confident.

"That's enough information."

Li Ozi dropped two military bullets and turned around to leave.

"Hey," Chen Siqi called him: "Aren't you going to get a cure for the disease from the underworld? Why did you suddenly decide to fall out again?"

Li Ozi did not stop, he said without looking back:

"Because of the baby, that's enough."

Chen Siqi was startled. She glanced at the boy with a broken leg lying on the bed and nodded:

"Indeed, that's enough."

Qiu Ran on the side was still struggling. Chen Siqi couldn't help but sigh:

"I have been in the outside world for a long time. Gradually, I am losing my humanity. It's ridiculous...Human beings now have to stay in a frost-plated place to maintain their humanity."

Qiu Ran's eyes moved slightly, and she raised her head to look at Dr. Chen Siqi:

"Li Ozi seems to like children very much. He had a good relationship with Dimitri's grandson before..."

"Babies are pure. They know who is kind to them and who is malicious to them. Unlike adults, adults don't understand anything. They are stubborn and hypocritical. They are really useless."

Doctor Chen Siqi twitched his lips:

"For babies, for children - this is how humans should be. I am a doctor who saves lives and heals the wounded, but I was taught a lesson by a garbage man. It's really embarrassing. This is obviously my duty... Hey, silly sister, what are you doing? expression?"

"I..." Qiu Ran hesitated: "I don't know what to do. I want to go back and see my family. My brothers are about to take the college entrance examination. I want to settle them well. For me - family It’s everything to me, but…”

"But what?"

"I don't know how to fight at all, and I don't want to lose my arcane power. Without this thing, I would just be an ordinary silly lady who repairs cars in a scrapyard, dismantles the parts, cleans them and sells them. "

Qiu Ran was dejected:

"I know that Mingji Humanity has done a lot of bad things...but they have also helped me a lot. I, I can't go against them, and I don't want to hurt anyone."

"Then what do you want to do?"

"I want to go home, but-"

"Then what are you going to do if you sit here and chatter for a long time to send it?"

Chen Siqi put her feet on the desk unceremoniously:

"She's an adult now. She doesn't need to ask for other people's opinions on what she wants to do! If she wants to go home, didn't that trash guy propose a deal? Just hand over the Ao Neng."

"But if there's no arcana, I'll—"

"Which one is important?"

Chen Siqi asked coldly:

"If you want to get something, you have to be prepared to give it in exchange. There is no free lunch in the world. If you really can't afford it, sleeping with that man is better than cowardly sleeping like this."

Qiu Ran blushed at these words, and she retorted angrily:

"I won't do that kind of thing. Although I am poor, weak, and have no fighting ability, I also have dignity."

"In this case, and you don't want to sell your dignity or give up your property, if you are a woman, you can find a way on your own, even if you crawl out with your hands, to get out of the outside world!"

Chen Siqi raised her middle finger and cursed:

"You just want to rely on your identity as a woman to win the sympathy of others, and then take a ride - Damn, don't always think about asking men to help you. You are a human being. You have hands and feet. You are no better than A woman who is so different from a man is so convinced, damn it!”

Qiu Ran's face turned red with embarrassment and she was trembling all over, but it was not out of anger, but because Dr. Chen Siqi's words deeply touched her heart.

——A frost-plated woman always says that she is better than a man while lazily relying on the strength of a man.

Sell ​​your body or your arcane energy in exchange for Li Aozi's help - in this case, what's the difference between yourself and Shuang Ping's other aloof and lazy women.

"Thank you, doctor."

Qiu Ran's chest heaved violently. She bowed deeply, then opened the door and followed quickly.

I can't rely on others...and others have no obligation to help me.

"Mr. Li Ozi!"

Qiu Ran ran through the cabin corridor with long strides.

She kept searching for the whereabouts of the garbage man, and found Dimitri's house along the way.

"Li Ozi? He asked for some books from me and set off."

Old Dimitri was holding a pipe in his mouth. Since there were children in the room, he did not light up. Faced with Qiu Ran's inquiry, he thought for a while and said:

"He bought some gunpowder and chemicals. He should be preparing for a tough battle. Those things need to be properly placed. He should not have gone far yet."

Before he finished speaking, Qiu Ran had already disappeared.

"Wait for me!"

Her eyes became more determined.

Although she has no fighting ability, Li Ozi bought so much gunpowder, so her arcane power can definitely be put to use.

She had to fight for this opportunity on her own. Since Li Ozi wanted to break into the underworld and fight his way to the end, what she had to do was to prove that she was qualified to fight side by side and share the worries.

She ran very fast, and the scarf that covered her face came apart. Many wanderers saw her dignified appearance and showed interest, but no one took action.

This is also the result of Li Aozi... Qiu Ran's eyes wandered, and she knew it very well.

It was Li Ozi's series of actions and impressive achievements last night that allowed her, a powerless woman, to enjoy protection because of her status as a companion.

Not only that, but without Li Ozi's skills along the way, she would have fallen into the hands of Law Four... If she didn't do it right, she would have been charged with treason, affecting the future development of her younger siblings.

She recalled that when she first arrived at the camp, Li Ozi instantly killed three cannibal wanderers.

If he hadn't acted decisively, he would have been divided up like a piece of cake, and some would even pinch his toes and organs and make comments.

I have unknowingly...been indebted to a lot of kindness.


She rushed to the surface, running too fast, which made her physically exhausted. Qiu Ran looked around, but there was no trace of the familiar off-road vehicle.

Snowflakes mixed with drizzle, exaggerating loneliness and desolation, burying all traces.

They're gone.


Qiu Ran fell to her knees in exhaustion. She looked at the vast snowfield, and there was no trace of light visible in the red and black evil clouds.


If you miss this opportunity, you will never find it again.

It's all because I'm too weak and hesitant.

Qiu Ran held her head. She had missed the opportunity to go home and repay her kindness. Maybe from now on, in Li Aozi's eyes, she would be an ungrateful villain.

Why am I so stupid?

She sat alone on her knees in the snow, her head hanging down, not knowing what to do.

I may have to stay in this outside world for the rest of my life. I just hope that... my younger brothers and sisters can live a good life.

Qiu Yu and Qiu Ping are both very smart children. They will definitely be admitted to college and become upper-class people who can afford to drive a D2000 Snow Wolf hovercraft.

Although Qiu Yun is not very good at reading, she is very beautiful, good at talking, and very polite. She is very diligent in housework, so she will definitely find a good partner.

"Ayu, Ping'er, Yunyun, everyone must live well - you must fly upright across the frost-coated sky. It is not crowded at all, it is very open, and you will never smell the smell of rusted steel on the ground."

Qiu Ran held her hands and prayed sincerely:

"You must work hard for the college entrance examination. Even if I am not with you, you must eat well, drink water every day, and wear more clothes when the weather is cold..."

As she spoke, her vision became increasingly blurry.

Never see them again.


When her nose became sore, she couldn't help but burst into tears.


The high beam lights suddenly turned on, illuminating her figure in the vast darkness.


Nomi's petite figure sat on the roof of the car, looking very interested:

"Go on, silly sister, why don't you cry?"

Qiu Ran looked at her blankly:

"You, didn't you—leave?"

"No. I just finished purchasing food. Hey, it's all synthetic garbage. How come the food from outside is so different from the Rose Army?"

Nomi swung her legs up and down. Through the strong light, Qiu Ran could faintly see Li Ozi sitting in the passenger seat behind, reading a book.

"But Li Ozi is such an idiot. He has to turn on the lights to watch a movie. Well, one of the few good things about the outside world is that for ordinary people, the visibility does not exceed 10 meters. "

The joking look on Nomi's face made Qiu Ran understand the truth at once.

"Nomi, Li Ozi..."

Qiu Ran covered her face:

"Why are you teasing me - it's so embarrassing..."

"Because I told a certain Mr. Li Mouzi who did not want to be named: Silly Sister is a strong person, give her a chance."

Nomi jumped out of the car, she leaned down, patted Qiu Ran's face, and said with a smile:

"Stop crying with a sad face, just smile. You are stupid to begin with, but after you cry, there are frozen tears on your face, which makes you even more stupid."

"I'm not crying!"

Qiu Ran quickly pulled her face twice, making her face even more stained. It was freezing cold, so she knelt on the ground, her body was stimulated, and tears suddenly flowed out:



Before she finished speaking, Nomi suddenly opened his arms and hugged her tightly.

"Okay, okay..." Nomi said softly: "I can't stand people like you. You are stupid and stupid. You obviously have no ability, but you still want to be strong and work hard all the time - it's really stupid. ”

Qiu Ran's eyes widened, and the warmth from the stranger spread to her body, making her feel... unbelievable.

Nomi patted her shoulder and comforted:

"Stop crying, the outside world doesn't believe in tears. But if you are sad or hurt, I can give you a hug - only once, never again."

She buried Qiu Ran's head in her arms, then suddenly lowered her head and said in her ear:

"My family members are all dead, you have to protect them."

After saying that, she let go of her arms, turned around and got into the car.

Qiu Ran knelt there blankly, still thinking about Nomi's whisper.

It turns out... it was Nomi who helped him fight for this opportunity.

Her nose suddenly became red and swollen again, and tears began to fall from her eyes.


"Didi, you bastard - are you still doing (the civilized frost plating) in a daze?"

Nomi's curses came from the car, and then she took a breath and said lightly:

"Get in the car, silly lady."

Qiu Ran quickly wiped her face and stood up from the snow. Her frozen legs were firmly planted on the ground. She raised her head and walked towards the car step by step seriously.

When she walked around Li Ozi's passenger seat, she suddenly felt as light as a swallow. Then she easily opened the door and sat in the back seat.

"Where to go now?"

Qiu Ran shivered and covered her arms, asking:

"Is there enough fuel?"

"Ask not where we are going, but where we are fighting."

Noomi pulled up the handbrake, stepped on the clutch, and shifted into gear, with a grin on his face:

"Comrades, the real battle has just begun!"

The plot of this chapter is relatively coherent, so I won’t break it down.

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