From star abyss

Chapter 767 472 If you want to be a talented person, don’t worry about breast veins. You have many c

Chapter 767 472. If you want to be a talented person, don’t worry about your milk veins. You will have many children and no mortgage.

The process of the experiment was relatively long. Fortunately, they were adjacent to the dark star field, where the rules of space and time were distorted and the flow of time was very slow.

Originally, Li Ozi planned to take Miread back to China, but now it seems that he can only arrange for Miread to go back by herself first.

After all, there is N4 here as a [Biochemist], and it is inevitable that the other party will always be interested in Mired.

After all, as a pregnant woman, it is better for Mired to raise her baby with peace of mind.

"What a pity. I want to stay with you for a while longer."

Mired kissed Li Ozi's cheek and said regretfully:

"Remember to take good measures next time."

"Isn't this my first time too?"

Li Ozi shrugged and gave Mired a check:

"I still have a lot of assets in my name, you shouldn't be bored."

"Don't worry, kid. It's only two hundred years. I can't even think of a god for more than two hundred years."

Mired said, but still took the check with a smile:

"Just let me see how far your planet has developed."

"Well, that's right..."

This was what Li Ozi had in mind.

As an immortal species, Mired is a piece of walking history. Her knowledge and experience, including a lot of knowledge, can be of great help to White Candle Star.

"If you have anything to do, you can go to Di Yalan. We will probably have contact with each other at the rear - in any case, let's get along well."

Mired looked at Li Ozi and suddenly asked:

"Honey, what do you think about marriage?"

"Do you care about that so-called status?" Li Ozi asked.

"Marriage cannot restrain an existence like me." Mired chuckled and said, "But in your opinion, what kind of relationship do we have?"

Li Ozi did not answer directly.

He took Mired's left hand, intertwined the fingers, and then let go, holding the two hands tightly together.

"To be honest, with the blitzkrieg process between the two of us, this can hardly be called love." Li Ozi said: "For me, you are my mentor, friend, and comrade-in-arms, and now you should be my family. .”

"Love will be eroded and shattered by time, and the vow of growing old together will be forgotten and deteriorated... Well, it seems that only family love is the most lasting means to connect immortals like you and me."

Mired was very satisfied with this answer:

"My dear moon, if you tell me the answer to love or anything else, I may not like you so much."

"It's fate." Li Ozi said.

"You don't have to worry, Li Ozi, my life is too long, to put it bluntly - if you really want to stay with my pure love to the end, then your ending will be very tragic. This is an objective law."

Mired patted Li Ozi's shoulder, and she touched her forehead to Li Ozi's head:

"These children, or civilization, will be the proof of the bond between us. I can see that you are starting to fight everywhere, trying to give the children still in the belly a living space. The number of these 14.8 million children is too huge. There will inevitably be civil strife, disputes and divisions in the future.”

"There are many different-dimensional worlds." Li Ozi touched the other person's forehead and said softly: "Keep developing, and add more children to each world. It won't take long for them to be allocated."

"It's so pitiful. As parents, we can't cultivate them with our own hands." Mired lamented: "When I think of this, for these children who are destined to be lonely, I even feel...sadness? Or should I say emotion? ?”

"You have to learn the emotions of a short-lived species slowly."

Li Ozi comforted him:

"Don't worry about their future. The lives that have inherited your and my blood will one day grow stronger and come back to reunite with us - well, no matter what, you can see that day."

"...Lee Ozi."

Mired closed her eyes and said:

"I'm beginning to suspect you did it on purpose."

"This is really not something I could have expected..."

"No, I'm not talking about that. Li Ozi, do you know how big the universe is?"

Li Aozi thought for a moment, mobilized his one-year master's degree knowledge inventory and replied:

"The current abyss was formed before the war outside the abyss. It is about 60 billion years old. The other abyss is older. The total population of various civilizations, races, and creatures is at least more than 79 billions (1 billion = 1 trillion) . As for the area - the Abyss is the smallest, with a diameter of only about 98 billion light years, and the Abyss is three times the size of the Abyss."

"For me, such a large universe, so many living things, and such an ancient history - it's all meaningless."

Mired spread his hands:

"Most of the time, the life of the immortal species is meaningless, doing nothing, not knowing where to go, not knowing what the meaning of everything is."

"Exercise cannot increase strength, and no method can cause death. Only the longer time accumulates, the more things will be forgotten."

"I once didn't know why I existed. I went to witness civilization and watch the birth and destruction of the sun. I kept thinking about my relationship with the world."

She opened her eyes, and her purple irises reflected Li Ozi's figure.

"But now, because of your help, out of these 79 quadrillion lives, there will be 14.8 million children, proving my significance."

"At least, you have to see that day on my behalf."

Li Ozi smiled:

"The last person that your descendants and I will see is you. You will have to spend a long time to find and help them grow."

"I have plenty of time." Mired smiled: "But the only thing worth focusing on is this one."

"Look on the bright side, you have plenty of time to learn to be a mother."

"I'll always find a way out, don't worry about me."

She looked at Li Ozi and said:

"It's you - Li Ozi, you haven't enjoyed true love and marriage yet. If you really want these, just go and look for them. If you get tired or hurt from playing outside, you can just go home at any time. , I have endless stories of civilization, history and galactic stories here.”

"Let's talk about it then."

Li Ozi said calmly:

"In the grand narrative of civilization and the sea of ​​stars, the love between children seems extremely pitiful."

"Then you should remember it clearly."

Mired said:

"It is precisely because of the shortcomings of countless people's parents and the love of their children that a grand narrative that responds to everyone's expectations has been assembled."

She let go of Li Aozi's arms, and when she turned to leave, she said to Li Aozi:

"From the day civilization began, this universe should no longer be cold."

Li Ozi watched Mired's back disappear from the bridge, and then watched her spaceship jump away, heading for his manor and mansion in White Candle Star.

Actually, she was right about a bit.

"My own home, I have never gone back to sleep once."

Li Ozi shook his head.


As Li Ozi, his native family has become fragmented.

As Leoz, his home was destroyed by the [Hidden Society].

Even thinking more utilitarian: the final beneficiary of watching over future generations is actually Mired.

Whether Li Ozi is a partner or a spouse, Miread knows very well that the final outcome of the two of them will definitely be that she watches Li Ozi collapse and be destroyed day by day.

She gained her own ethnicity and the hope of life, which could accompany her through an extremely long time. She had new motivation in the future, and it could almost be regarded as a life.

Li Ozi looked at the Milky Way.

He fights for the Crystal Tower, which is not his home.

He controls the wind and rain in White Candle Star and covers the sky with one hand. White Candle Star is not his home.

He was born on the Blue Star, and he had countless supporters and companions, and the mountains and seas responded to him, but the Blue Star was not his home.

Mired's place was the first place he could call 'home'.

Mired is not a kind person, nor is she a gentle wife and mother.

Even just looking at her current appearance, she is on the same level as Yawen. If we insist on talking about the female gaze, then Yawen is still younger.


It wasn't until today that Li Ozi discovered that this word was so unfamiliar.

For him, there has never been a concept of home.

Just a little bit.

He stared at the vast stars and the dark world, and the past memories, experiences and unfair fate from Leoz all flooded into his heart like a tide.


Leos never had a home, but it was engraved in his bones. It was even alienated as a responsibility and obligation to love and value the baby, but it never faded away.

[Xingyuan is my home. 】

Li Ozi clenched his fists:

[Yes, I just want my home back! This entire star abyss is defended by countless cannon fodder gods and heroes. 】

The glass on the side of the ship reflected Leo's figure. He slowly raised his hand and moved towards Leo's body.

[It is those of us who have no homeland... who have tried our best to protect the universe of Xingyuan Will. 】

Li Ozi raised his hand and touched it gently towards the glass, as if touching the Milky Way.

[This is Xingyuan, we should be the rulers! 】


The fingertips across the mirror touched each other, and Li Ozi's altar immediately became clear and calm.

"Sooner or later, my home will be taken back from the Star Abyss God."

He raised his head, and the figure of Leoz on the ship's side glass had disappeared.

In other words, the person in the mirror has always been Li Ozi.

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