From star abyss

Chapter 780 485 The cold white frost, the bones corroded and the soul devastated

Chapter 780 485. Bitter white frost, bones corroded and soul devastated

"...In the past forty years, there has been no change in the population of Shuangplating, but in fact, the older generation of natural people either chose to leave or died. The new generation of customizers like us have never gained anything from this society and family. Any emotion.”

Kelesim said:

"Although we are barely well-off to outsiders, our spiritual world is empty. Apart from the company and the country, we don't know what else to live for."

Everything seemed to get worse.

Kelesim's speech made the white-haired woman silent for a long time.

How should she reprimand the other person? Or do you question the other party’s statement?

No matter how hard they try to prove that their current life is much better than the outside world, it will only further separate their understanding.

She knew a long time ago that the people of the Four Kingdoms never thought that the suffering in the outside world was terrible. The more she said this, the more curious they would be and even planned to go to the outside world or the areas controlled by the Baimei Army to pursue true love.

Rather than causing harm to the outside world like that, it's better to let him fantasize here.

The woman held the cup. At this moment, she realized that forty years had passed too long.

People living in this era just cannot get any compensation from family and social relationships. People rely on the credit of enterprises and society to maintain relationships. Without inheritance and inheritance, even culture becomes meaningless.

'Did Devlin do the right thing? ’

The woman held her forehead with one hand, inserted her fingertips into her hair, and smoothed it back, her eyes complex.

The blind pursuit of equality makes everyone the same.

Is this also equal to those who are unwilling to cater to the crowd?

But it’s too weird to think like this – if all people are equal, then everyone is unequal.

So, equality = inequality?

The woman fell silent, not knowing how to refute the other party.

"Maybe humans shouldn't be exposed to technology in the first place."

The woman sighed, a complicated look appeared in her purple eyes:

"Humans have evolved for millions of years before they evolved from monkeys to humans. Technology only appeared for a few thousand years before it transformed from stone tools to nuclear weapons, and even transformed humans in turn."

Kelesim was puzzled: "What are you talking about?"

"After President David Lin came to power, he lifted the ban on all technological research restrictions on Frost Plate."

The woman glanced at the other person:

"Shuang Plate has used technology to solve its own conflicts, but it has brought about changes in the entire Shuang Plate nation. Is this a good thing or a bad thing... I am just a college graduate, so I am not qualified to comment."

A gust of breeze rolled up her short white hair. She subconsciously raised her head and looked around and said:

"It's just that rather than saying that humans are delving into technology, it's better to say that humans are enslaved and dominated by technology."

She squinted her eyes, sensing something vaguely.

"Entropy Lord's sky was lowered after realizing the progress of science and technology. The human experiments of Mingji Humanity were also for the sake of technology. Even the spiritual famine caused by Shuang Ping's current changes is closely related to technology."

She stood up, and the cold wind blew through the cafeteria, raising her already messy hair. The woman's purple pupils shrank, and the blood all over her body solidified instantly.

Click, click, click—

Frost spread across the earth in an instant. The workers and diners who were chatting and laughing just now were frozen together with the earth. Even the turbid air in the mouth of anyone who exhaled turned into dry ice.

The desolate chill came from the outside world, and the blazing fire was frozen in the air, looking extremely stunning and magical.

Bang bang bang!

The blood in her body surged faster. The woman blinked, her frosty eyelashes shook off the ice and snow, and her pupils refocused.

The capillaries that were necrotic due to the cold healed instantly, and even the ice-broken cells in the brain were completely repaired. They were strong and regenerated crazily, and even the frostbite and bruises on the body surface were all regenerated and healed.


The woman shook her hair, clenched her fists with both hands, and her muscles continued to stretch and contract. After several activities and regeneration, the muscle cells gradually adapted to the ultra-low temperature environment and restored their motor functions.

"Is this a cold wave in the outside world? Is the protective barrier turned off? No, it's more than that."

The woman straightened up and moved forward step by step against the pressure of the wind. She opened her collar and took the initiative to welcome the frost.

The wailing wind pulled her body, and the blizzard and wind and sand came together, tearing her scalp and skin crazily. Every time the ice knife and snow sword cut her skin, the skin that adapted to it would regenerate in the next second, gradually forming A layer of translucent cuticle.

In the purgatory of natural disasters and ice, her body became more tempered, she continued to die, and continued to evolve in the cold until she was almost immortal.

Her pace became faster and faster, and finally she overcame the harshness of the cold wind and started running in large strides. Not caring about saving the workers around her, she quickly rushed out of the cafeteria. Everywhere she could see were lifelike ice sculptures.

When he raised his head, the red-black sky drooped and approached, and an indescribable suffocating feeling rose from his stiff heels, like an ice pick piercing his brain.

This height...

The woman's eyes were extremely solemn.

"The artificial sun and barrier... were swallowed up by the canopy of Esha."

This is not an accidental phenomenon. After graduation, she has been wandering around the outside world for so many years, so she naturally knows what this means.


Under the sky of eternal night, the restlessness like a swarm of locusts slowly emerged. An ancient, supreme, and unquestionable powerful force fell on the earth in an instant.

The curtain of white sand and ice and snow was grandly unveiled, and the fantasy brilliance of dark blue and purple refreshed the world like an aurora.


The woman glanced around, and a frozen engineering mecha came into view. She stepped forward and hit the opponent's hand with her elbow.


Lightless muffled thunder rolled rapidly in the evil clouds, and countless twisted red-black substances fell from the sky in an instant, swallowing up the light and darkness.

The alloy rusts, then degrades so quickly that no atoms remain.

The protein turned into carbon powder in an instant and was submerged in the torrent of evil.

Everything on the ground was quickly cleaned up.

Devouring heaven and earth.

No, they are not plundering, but taking back what is theirs.

No matter where the universe originated, its end has already been determined.

The evil spirits flying all over the sky were like fireflies, and after completing a round of cleaning of the dungeon, they gradually dimmed.

But destruction is by no means the end.

〖The long night is still there, but the ground is generating waves, like fish chasing each other, the sky is shaking, and the roar of dragons is better than that of tigers. 〗

In the dim sky and earth, only the dark blue and purple auroras expand outward without limit.

Under the aurora, a group of phantoms kneeling and praying slowly emerged. They had no fixed postures. They were just like the choir members of the church in the past, blindly chanting and praising unknown existences. Their voices were directly in people's faces. It sounds deep in the consciousness, polluting the hearts and minds of all things every moment. It penetrates into the subconscious network and continues to spread.

The words of those poems are difficult to understand, eternally desolate, obscure and incomprehensible, but they call out waves of surprising signs.

I don’t know when, from eternity and historical years, among the vast dust from the entire planet, aimless chaotic consciousnesses gathered at this moment, and the chaos continued to stir, forming a continuous and meaningful wavelength - the wavelength of consciousness.

〖The light is dim, it is difficult to see far and near, the frost and soil are cracked, the dead air is floating, and the narrow corridors of billions of miles are suddenly lost. 〗

These wavelengths were further accelerated from natural phenomena and evolved directly into living creatures, which worshiped the Supreme Lord without limit.

An existence that is older than ancient, long before the concept of history was born, and waiting at the end of the future.

〖Everything in the universe welcomes Haoyu! 〗

Outside the aurora, strange figures slowly emerged. They were very similar to the frost-plated workers who had been swallowed up before, but without exception, they showed a completely inhuman characteristic.

Instead of walking, they were suspended in the air. Their hollow bodies were filled with evil substances, floating unconsciously in the air. Wherever they touched, they quickly rusted and disintegrated. When the light touched, even the light was swallowed into the body, and all energy was absorbed into the body. Absorbed immediately.

Their posture is definitely not to destroy all things, but like subjects who take back everything for their master, they take away all the materials of the blue star with a arrogant attitude.


The huge engineering wrench struck hard on the snow, and the power of plundering the road was instantly poured into it, opening up an invisible protective force field to block the surrounding evil atmosphere.

"I've been out for so long and it's only my first day at work. This kind of thing happened to me."

The woman held a wrench that was disproportionate to her body with one hand, inserted the five fingers of her other hand into her hair, and sighed:

"The Apostles of Entropy Destruction are all here. It seems that Azure Star can't hold on much longer - five months? Or three months? No matter what."

She glanced at the canteen that was covered in heavy snow behind her. The torrent of evil had not swept there, it was just frozen.

——"I heard that people in the outside world are very free, and everyone lives a free and unrestrained life. Men and women can have various relationships and take care of each other. Is this true?"

Kelesim's words came to mind.

"...In a sense, this can be regarded as seeking benevolence and getting benevolence. If you long for freedom in the outside world, won't this come? Haha, but freedom always comes at a price."

The woman raised her head and laughed, then lowered her vision, a cold light flashed in her purple eyes:

"Nomie Anderson Guessett, 'The Immortal Rose.'"

She picked up the huge wrench, which was nearly five meters high, and waved it as lightly as a branch.

"My old bones are stronger than those of young boys and girls."

Carrying a huge wrench, she hooked her hand towards the apostles of entropy destruction in the sky, grinning, revealing her still sharp shark-like fangs:

"Come on, let's fight, you (civilized frost-plated) guy."

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