From star abyss

Chapter 785 490 Dawn (End of Layer Abyss)

"Huh, it's really not easy. I can meet a high-level entropy-killing apostle here. Is it lucky? Or is it unfortunate? Anyway, the ending is doomed. Human beings cannot kill you."

His legs were trembling, and he overcame his instinctive fear little by little and straightened them forcefully.

"I have been dead for a long time. Some kind person suddenly brought me back from hell one day."

Nomi murmured, laughing at herself, and stood up little by little.

"You know, human beings are very boring creatures. Even if they are to be destroyed, we still have to find a good way to die for the sake of dignity..."

She grinned, straightened her back, faced the huge and terrifying existence, and showed a contemptuous smile:

"Come on, fight here. You, Uncle Nomi, have died countless times and lived for almost sixty years. If you can replace so many entropy-killing apostles, hey, our lives are worth it."

The formless apostle of entropy destruction stood quietly, with countless strange brilliance floating all over his body, and his surging momentum continued to increase, obviously accumulating some kind of terrifying power.

The earth was constantly shaking, and the magnetic field was stirred into chaos. Nomi could imagine that the power of that blow was enough to wipe out a big city or even a frost-covered province.

——Oh my, you have to use such a powerful skill to deal with a nobody like me.

"Of course, that's what I say, but I believe it."

Nomi grinned and stood up straight:

"I won't die."

Facing the rising power, Nomi had no fear and straightened her back. She was neither going to die calmly nor giving up resistance, but she firmly believed in one thing:

"Once upon a time, my life was divided and devoured by countless mutants, my soul was also split, and all my arcane powers were in the hands of others - but I still survived."

The evil sky is constantly shaking, and the thick clouds are floating uneasily, as if something is about to come out.

"Someone doesn't want to die, at least the person who saved me doesn't want me to die."

Nomi grinned, showing great contempt for Esha and Lord Entropy’s lackeys:

"My aunt once told me that a few years after my death, there was a madman who wanted to go to the universe and invite aliens to come over to solve the problem of the Blue Star. Then, this fool, lit a hydrogen bomb and destroyed it. He blew himself up into the sky."

"Although people don't know what he did next, he probably died, but at least at the moment the hydrogen bomb exploded, people saw the sky he brought."

"Without your pollution blockade, the sky is completely clear and blue."

"At that time, we knew for the first time that there is light in this world and the universe exists. We have lost it for so long that we have forgotten that human beings have charged towards unknown existence countless times."

Nomi took a deep breath, the strong wind rolled up her white hair, and a determined look appeared in her purple eyes:

"Kill me as you like. Even if I am killed thousands of times, I, Nomi; I, human beings; I, the life on this planet! We will all crawl out of hell again and again, fighting against the entropy that blocks our freedom. Get down!"

"Nomi cannot be killed! And mankind's exploration of the boundless and unknown world will never stop."

"I believe this!"

Nomi laughed loudly, and then roared at the other party:

"Even if Nomi dies, there are still humans. If humans are gone, new life will evolve on this planet. Even if there is no Blue Star, the entire vast star abyss will be ready."


The earth trembled, the majestic power destroyed the laws of time and space, and the entire space completely solidified.

"Come to kill me, come to destroy humanity, come to destroy this planet, come to fight against the entire universe! The possibility of life will never be wiped out because of the selfish desires of Lord Entropy!"

"No matter how many times you try, you will never be able to stop someone heading towards the abyss."

Finally, the power accumulated by the Apostle of Entropic Destruction reached its limit. It raised its head and limbs, like a starfish half driving outwards, shooting out dazzling aurora rays. The earth instantly vaporized, and endless destruction rapidly expanded.

Facing the coming attack, Nomi's face was quickly illuminated. Even so, she remained calm and said calmly:

"Let me experience that kind of thing again."


The rays of the aurora instantly engulfed the entire world. Between the frost plate and the continental plate of the sky ring, an unprecedented explosion quickly rose. The unspeakable terrifying energy spread rapidly. The entire planet immediately erupted in an earthquake, affecting every blue planet. star region.

The Azure Star, which weighed 15.965×10kg, was hit hard and moved directly out of the orbit by a full meter.

very light.

very warm.

very familiar.

Is this what death feels like?

The burned retina slowly regenerated and refocused. She raised her hand, shook it hard, and said blankly:

"...Am I not dead?"


The skin reflected an unfamiliar light, and the whole body was surrounded by a blazing yet gentle light.

This warm feeling.

She suddenly realized something.

Nomi raised her head and looked at the top of her head. A huge hole was opened in the red and black evil clouds.

And in that hollow, there was a clear and pure blue, white and blazing round fireball, so strange and yet so familiar.

Nomi stared at the other person for several seconds, until her eyes were dry and two lines of clear tears fell down unconsciously.

That word…

From the moment she was born.


It is a word that has never been spoken since mankind entered the period of destruction.


She raised her head and looked forward. The presence in front of her made her slightly startled, and then she said the same words again:



The flaming staff is stamped on the earth, and the unquenchable flames burst out endlessly. The huge figure surpasses the mountains. With blazing fire and passion, he stands here forever.

〖How many times do you want to offend the Lord...〗

The terrifying Apostle of Entropy Destruction spoke for the first time. Just approaching the giant god opposite, its body had already begun to collapse and disintegrate under the excessive pressure and high temperature, and its angry and resentful howl echoed across the world:

〖Li—Ao—hereby! ! ! 〗

"You don't deserve to call me by my name."

The blazing flames gathered into a ring, and the Tokamak was majestically placed on the head of the giant god. He held the flaming staff in one hand, and his whole body glowed with brilliance that illuminated the world:

"Call me Crown Pope—call me His Majesty."

"Then die for me, kneel down for me, surrender to me and then die for me."

"Until all your memories in this world are reduced to ashes, will I allow your souls to be liberated from the light of the scorching sky!"

The blazing sun tore apart the eternal night, and only then did people realize that the chapter of dawn had begun.

"Master Yuanshi Entropy, come out and face me. Welcome your purification and liberation!"

(End of Layer Abyss Chapter)

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