From star abyss

Chapter 811 026 Decisive Battle with the Secret Parliament

Chapter 811 026. Decisive Battle with the Secret Parliament

"The glory of mankind will last forever!"

The momentum of the secret councilor deeply shocked the Xingyuan citizens present, and even Li Ozi was surprised.

This kind of transcendent unity is entirely based on the strong belief and cohesion of belonging to the same society. Let alone the Blue Star, not even the narrative civilization can have such fanatical support.

If we say that racial identity depends on blood, national identity depends on culture, national identity is based on law and ideology, and narrative identity is based on dreams and the pursuit of power...

Then the identity of [Hidden Society] completely transcends nation, culture, law, system and dreams.

Caramel Snail looked at the enthusiastic [Writer] in front of him and felt a chill unconsciously.

[Writer] Victor gently lifted his glasses, quickly opened the notes in his hand, and released a powerful shock wave. The caramel snail did not react for a moment, and was instantly thrown away.


The caramel snail landed on the back of its shoulders, quickly finished unloading its force, rolled twice before standing up, and stood at the same position as Li Ozi and others.

"He was beaten back." Silverston said casually: "But it's normal. The other party is a member of the parliament after all, and a secret member of the parliament - just treat it as if you are facing the speaker of other [society]."

"what is this……"

His hands kept trembling, the green in his eyes kept spreading and changing, and the instinctive fear was awakened. Caramel Snail looked up at the three congressmen, trembling uncontrollably:

"You citizens, even if they come from different backgrounds, as long as you accept the existence of [society], can you completely abandon the world in which you were born and raised and completely serve Gaia?"

"We certainly don't serve Gaia."

[Astrologer] Kauna said calmly:

“Gaia is the hidden name, our leader, our mother, our teacher—and us.”

"Of course you can't understand this relationship, Xingyuan pups."

[Gourmet] Chen Xiaochen made a face, crossed his arms, and said proudly:

"Citizens, juries, parliamentarians and speakers are one with the [hidden society]. Everything we have swallowed has shaped us today, and everything we do now will also shape future generations."

"Three thousand worlds are all unified, and all phenomena are unified. Everyone is for me, and I am for everyone. Everyone is me, and I am everyone."

[Writer] Victor held a pen in one hand and a notebook in the other, and said with a smile:

"Xingyuan has never ushered in unification, so of course you don't understand our lofty ideals."

"Noble? It turns out that you invade other people's homes, massacre them with poisonous blood, select your companions, win over and brainwash the other party to recruit people into the group, and then convene a council to summon the true body to come, not even letting go of an electron on the planet - this Is it sublime?”

Li Ozi sneered.

"Don't say it so harshly. In the culture of our planet, this is called 'democracy and freedom' and 'respect for the destiny of the country.'"

[Writer] Victor touched his chin and looked at Li Ozi:

"I've been very concerned about it since the beginning. The fate of this little brother is like a loach. I can't control it. Now it seems that you look a bit familiar."

Li Ozi was too lazy to answer the other party's question:

"Can't you Earthlings survive without war?"

"Civilization is built on war, and we just ate a little bit of it."

[Astrologer] Kauna smiled and said:

"After all, our [society] is just for food. The ones who kill the most people in Xingyuan are you Xingyuan people yourself."

“Then it’s true that the people on earth who kill the most must also be you on earth.”

Silverston sarcastically said:

"It's true that crows laugh at the blackness of bats. Everyone is not clean, so how can you be so high-minded and criticize morally?"

"Because we are your future."

[Astrologer] Kauna said lightly, turning to look at [Writer] Victor, the etheric blood in his body changed the rhythm and conveyed the past message:

"How long will it take for [Mechanical Priest]? These guys are different from ordinary Star Abyss natives. They know the secrets very well, and they also know things about the earth. Maybe they are the apostles of the Star Abyss. If you fight them rashly, the 'secret' effect will It will disappear."

"It will take some time to control such a large device." Victor said calmly: "It is not easy to bring that child in. After all, his parents are mixed with Azure Star people, and he grew up in this environment. …”

"How long?" Kauna simply asked, "How long will it take?"

"12 minutes." Victor picked up the pen: "No matter what, it takes 12 minutes - we have already broken up with each other anyway. It would be more appropriate to kill them all and silence them than to let them break the secret."

"Hey, are you sure you want to put all your hopes in that newcomer?"

Chen Xiaochen pouted:

"Originally, Azure Star was going to be transformed into a new earth... After letting that guy take over, although Lord Entropy gained his power, wouldn't our base be gone?"

"Be obedient, Xiaochen."

[Engineer] Zhang Fulong’s voice came from the Ethernet network:

"We don't have a Speaker now. We should keep it secret and not be understood to avoid being encircled and annihilated by Xingyuan."

"T-it's all Red King's fault."

Chen Xiaochen showed an impatient expression:

"If that idiot woman hadn't run away, we would at least have a speaker sitting in charge now. Why would we need these means?"

"You don't have to worry about that, just trust Victor's arrangements."

Zhang Fulong changed the subject and said to a more distant direction:

"Jack Wampel, please pay attention and complete the blood sacrifice as soon as possible. Among us, your reforging materials are the most difficult to obtain."

"Jack, use your own discretion."

[Barber] Jack Vampire said leisurely:

"The scalps of the Star Abyss natives are easier to peel than those of the Indians. Jack, I'm not interested."

The secretive party was constantly exchanging tactics. At the same time, Li Ozi and others were also calmly discussing combat plans in the private chat channel.

"I understand the situation." [Psychic Medium] Lanaen quietly summoned the spirits and hid them around. "My characters are not highly trained, but they are very mobile. I monitor their situation and dynamics. If needed, I will be there to support them at any time."

"Although those natives are somewhat resistant to destiny manipulation, it is only limited to their own bodies." [Writer] Victor said confidently: "I am still the same as before, responsible for controlling the field and commanding, you can just go and fight."

[Astrologer] Kauna adjusted his collar and said seriously:

"That [Warrior] looks very strong, leave it to me to deal with him."

"[Astrologer] has the fastest attack speed, and the explosive power just now is also the strongest. Leave it to me."

Li Ozi calmly opened the white obelisk interface and recruited several obscure enhanced arcane powers for himself.

[Sequence 82·Bloodline] Recruited

[Iterative Movement] Recruited

【Sonic Dash】Recruited

"Although I can eat them all, I still have to eat appetizers and desserts first to comply with the rules."

Chen Xiaochen licked his lips, the irises of his eyes quickly expanded into a nebula shape, and he stared at Silverston:

"I'll start with this... the [doctor] who looks very weak. It's both vegetables and chicken, a combination of meat and vegetables, and balanced nutrition."

"I've figured out the details of that [Gourmet]. Fortunately, I have all the preparations here to restrain her."

Silverston opened his luggage and looked at the [High Toughness Nano Silk Thread·Severe Wound Enchantment] on the unopened box, and immediately showed a kind smile:

"If you dare to hit the wet nurse, you are finished."

"Don't be too arrogant, the other party is a congressman."

After Li Ozi said that, he looked at the caramel snail:

"You are the only one left with the remote output, although ten meters is a bit short..."

"——I'm going to kill [the writer]."

Caramel Snail slowly raised his head, the green in his eyes kept flashing, but compared to the familiar green light, the burning anger in his pupils was more eye-catching.

At that moment, no one knew what kind of changes had occurred in Caramel Snail's heart.

His memory kept digging deeper, and his past conversations with Li Ozi came to mind.

"You clearly knew that Xia Beiluo was dead a long time ago, you knew that this planet was hopeless, and you decided to invade this planet - but you lied to me and said you were here to find someone. You Having said so much, how miserable Xia Beiluo is, how unfortunate people are...I have experienced so much, and now tell me, all of this is the result of [society] parasitism."

"Aren't you happy?"

"You also established good relationships with people along the way, and people gave you so many good things to entertain you..."

"They took the initiative to like me, I didn't ask them to like me."

"Take me through every city here and let me understand the local customs..."

"To facilitate bombing."

"Tell you how you can still carry out your mission honestly."

Li Ozi, he didn’t lie.

The scene in his memory reappeared. Li Ozi put his hands on his hips and looked at him strangely:

"What do you think we do?"

"Who do you think you are?"

"Who do you think I am again? A hero? A savior? A messenger of peace?"

"I have no obligation to save others."

"From beginning to end, I have only lived to fulfill my own selfish desires."

"Saving the Blue Star is to turn you into my supporters and believers. The strategic position of the Blue Star is very important, and I want it."

Yes, Li Ozi is a careerist.

He wanted this planet and he worked hard for it.

But...what's wrong with giving this planet to Li Ozi?

He never hides his ambitions, and the bombing of Purple Star is also based on the principles of Xingyuan.

Yes, the people of Purple Star have been destroyed since the day they parasitized the [Music Society]. Li Ozi was just cleaning up the garbage like ordinary people in this star abyss.

That's all.

"I was wrong."

Caramel Snail clenched the sharp blade, Cumin Fen, Xia Beiluo, and many other players who were defeated by [Machine World]. The characters they cultivated with their own hands, the accounts they cultivated carefully, and the collections they accumulated were all reduced to nothing.

He looked around.

Lord Entropy has been almost defeated, and the sun has returned to the sky, but how much did it cost?

So far, the number of casualties died in wars, conflicts and disasters in the four countries has been impossible to count.

So many many sacrifices, all because of secrecy.

"What we talk about is mutual understanding, what we talk about is peaceful coexistence."

Caramel Snail grasped the hilt of the knife, the sword kept trembling, and made a clear chirp, responding to his emotional excitement:

“You [society] are not worthy of understanding coexistence!”

Whether as a player or from the perspective of a citizen of Star Abyss, how can you forgive [Society]? !


Li Ozi chuckled secretly and narrowed his eyes slightly. Silverston noticed his pleased expression and joked:

"Are you happy?"

"The fool has learned his lesson. Can the father be unhappy?"

Li Ozi raised the corners of his mouth.

[That's it, caramel snails, you finally realized it. 】

"I want……"

Caramel Snail looked at [Writer] Victor in the last row.

[Star Abyss and Earth cannot coexist under any circumstances. The only way out is to completely eliminate each other. 】

"...I will kill all of you Earthlings, and then dance on the scorched earth of your hometown."

The caramel snail took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

[Because we are from the Star Abyss and you are from the Earth, only one of the two worlds can exist. 】

The wind suddenly became calm, the sand stopped flying, and the sunshine was still warm.

The whole world seemed to have pressed the pause button and fell into deathly silence.

Kauna and other people on Earth felt the changes in the atmosphere. As an [astrologer] Kauna's perception was more sensitive. He raised the corner of his mouth:

"Twelve minutes? It doesn't seem very boring."

"All the reconnaissance spirits are in operation, and there are no blind spots on the battlefield." Lanaen said calmly.

"The momentum is like a rainbow and the swords are at war. The morale of our team has reached its highest level." Victor wrote eloquently with flying dragons in his hands: "The confrontation will continue to gain momentum. However, it seems that the natives of the Blue Star are just a temporary team. They are absolutely There is no way we can achieve such an exquisite collaboration.”

"The weather suddenly changed, clouds gathered, it seemed that Lord Entropy's evil spirit had subsided, the snow melted, and water vapor formed. The clouds were dense, as if a bottle of ink had been knocked over, and they fainted quickly. Thunder and lightning flashed, because they were blocked. And the land that has been covered with snow and desert for a long time is looking forward to a great spring rain."

"Just like us from Earth, we are looking forward to a masterpiece of war."


A bolt of lightning pierced the sky, cutting open the dark curtain.

Caramel Snail suddenly opened his eyes, his gaze became extremely sharp:


The heavy rain started pouring down immediately, and the battle reached the climax of hand-to-hand combat as soon as it started.


Li Ozi raised both fists and faced [Astrologer] Kauna instantly. It was like two heavy trucks colliding together, instantly setting off a cloud of explosions on the ground.

【Apocalypse Guidance】

Immediately after the explosion occurred, they were replicated one after another on the ground. Li Ozi and Kauna attacked alternately. The battle between the two was constantly edited and broken down, like a slideshow, proceeding slowly and persistently page by page.

Kauna's claws swirled with bright stars, and they fell continuously towards Li Ozi in an instant. Li Ozi raised his hand unceremoniously, and his energy circulated outward. Every time Kauna's attack landed, Swing it out just right.

[Dragon School·Hua Jin]

Perfect block!

The weapon in his hand was deflected by the force, Kauna's center of gravity was immediately destroyed, and he fell to the side. Li Ozi did not let go of the opponent's plan, and immediately followed up. The force of his left hand circulated, and he briefly accumulated force, and his right hand turned into a grasping palm. , pinched the opponent's back collar, and tried to throw him over his shoulder.

[The stars change]

The blood of ether boils fiercely, and the ability of [Astrologer] is activated instantly.

The environment that Li Ozi and Kauna were in changed instantly. Kauna held the back of Li Ozi's shirt in his hand, showing contempt:

"But that's it..."

The next moment, he saw Li Ozi, who had his back turned to him, standing with his hands behind his back like a great master, without any panic at all.

Looking further down, the hand on the opponent's back is constantly releasing turbulent energy fluctuations.

Kauna blinked her beautiful eyes:



[Dragon School·Qigong Cannon]

The demonic red energy exploded instantly. Li Ozi turned around with his hands behind his back and waved his right hand casually to hold up the Gang Qi shield. The violent storm caused by the explosion of the Qigong cannon could not even lift his clothes.

"It is undoubtedly a provocation to show your back to the enemy without any scruples on the battlefield."

[Writer] Victor quickly conceived the idea and wrote the development of the plot:

"After being provoked, Chen Xiaochen immediately turned his firepower towards the warrior——"


A piercing sword energy flew past Victor's left ear in an instant, and the aftermath split the giant rock behind him into two.

But it was just a feint attack - Victor immediately recognized it - the target was not him, but the [Astrologer] Kauna who had just stood up in the smoke.

Victor immediately wrote:

"Kawuna raised his hand casually, and Xinghui's sharp claws instantly grasped the sword energy and tore it into pieces——"

"Which way are you looking?"

The sound of caramel snails suddenly sounded, and Victor turned around suddenly, tore off a page and turned into a fat frog, standing directly in front of him.


The caramel snail's body suddenly jumped up, jumping over the frog's obstacle with its back, and at the same time sheathed the long knife.

【Crane sect·Iai】

The moment it landed, Caramel Snail's fist holding the scabbard hit Victor directly. The latter immediately raised the heavy book to block, turned the pen with his right hand, popped out a sharp blade, and quickly stabbed the back of Caramel Snail's hand.


The caramel snail kicked Victor on the knee, and the hand holding the knife lowered, and the blade immediately popped out. There was no need to cut with your own hands, it was all calibrated by the potential energy and the will of the sword.

The accumulated power exploded like a cannon, creating a blue slashing wave!

Boom, boom, boom!

The ground was cut straight into a crack. Victor was unsteady and could barely stand. He quickly grasped the caramel snail with his left hand.

[Gravity pull]


At this moment, [Gourmet] Chen Xiaochen, who was hundreds of steps away, suddenly crossed the distance and suddenly appeared in front of the caramel snail. She raised her hands and made a cutting gesture with a knife.

[A gentleman is good at cooking]

Countless slashes burst out in the void instantly, invisible sharp blades shuttled rapidly, and the rhythm of the caramel snail was instantly interrupted. Although the [Eye of Reality] could see the traces of the slashes, it could not see the moment when those slashes were launched. , he gritted his teeth and retreated, he could only keep raising his sword to block, and watched as [Writer] Victor made a stroke of ink and disappeared.


Caramel Snail blamed himself:

"What am I doing-"


Chen Xiaochen flew towards him with a kick, and Caramel Snail raised his knife to block it, but it seemed as if he was hit by an asteroid. He took a few steps back and raised his hand to squeeze.

【Gravitational pressure】

I saw Chen Xiaochen puffing out her cheeks, and her pink tongue popped out of the void, wrapping around her to protect her from being directly squeezed into pulp by gravity.

"You melon kid, how dare you ignore me and give you a piece of earwax!"

Chen Xiaochen held up his hands in dissatisfaction and made a cooking gesture:

"Watch the labor force knock your head off, add chili pepper and Sichuan peppercorns to make a Sichuan and Chongqing side dish."


"Gravity doesn't work on them?"

Caramel Snail was stunned, and at the same time, a burning sting like hot oil hit him, and it instantly flowed through his body, and severe pain and burns spread immediately.


"Hum hum……"

Chen Xiaochen crossed his arms and said:

"Labour and management have told you before, don't go crazy. Feel the heat wave coming from the Devouring Nebula!"

Caramel Snail's skin quickly festered, and the magic shield on his body was immediately penetrated by powerful energy. His flesh and blood continued to emit a strange pungent smell, the fat began to melt, and the skin gradually showed a Maillard reaction. burnt color.

"Silverston, (112,209) - Launch."

Lana'en's order was issued in time, and was immediately implemented into action.


A nano-treatment bomb crossed the battlefield and accurately hit the caramel snail's neck. A large amount of life force was quickly poured into the aorta, and then spread to the whole body, the blood and flesh regenerated, and the pain subsided.

【Walking in the spirit world】

Lanaen emerged from hiding, the ceremonial dagger in her hand was filled with spiritual power, and she stabbed Chen Xiaochen in the back.

【Soul Strike】


【Cold-Blooded Assault】

After firing three skills in a row, Lanaen danced gracefully like a butterfly. In just a moment, the dagger in her hand tore open wounds on Chen Xiaochen's body.

The poisonous blood of the ether quickly spread. Lana'en's eyes narrowed, and she immediately put away her dagger. She quickly formed a seal with one hand to communicate with the spirit body. At the same time, she stepped back, grabbed the caramel snail with the other hand, and headed towards the summoned black door. Go.

【Psychic Gate】

As soon as the two settled down, the pink tongue immediately destroyed the black door.

"Eh? I didn't hit it."

[Gourmet] tilted his head, suddenly felt something in his heart, and turned his head subconsciously.


Silverston walked up to her with a smile and bowed gentlemanly:

"I haven't formally introduced you yet. My name is Silverston."

"Oh." Chen Xiaochen lifted up her skirt and smiled like a lady: "My name is Chen Xiao——"


Before she could finish her words, a miserable green light instantly tore open her vision.

"Without even a moment's hesitation, the one who immediately started fighting was——Silverston."

Silverston kept waving his hands, two nano-silk threads intertwined in a carnival, and were activated under the infusion of his life force, turning into two dancing venomous snakes, moving quickly and wrapping around Chen Xiaochen's palms and soles, continuously releasing chemical toxins, Eroding and cutting wounds.


Although being cut and controlled, Chen Xiaochen didn't care and instead mocked the other party:

"When you launch a cutting attack against a professional at such a close range, you are really not afraid of being poisoned by the blood of ether."

"Of course I'm not afraid. In the past, I was too weak and could only watch from the sidelines as my friends and creations were poisoned and destroyed."

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

"I mean."

The blood of ether continued to seep out, and Silverston became calm. He took out a purple lantern from his arms and pulled it gently.

"I have thoroughly studied your weaknesses."

The next moment, white mist instantly filled the entire battlefield.

"This is--"

[Astrologer] blocked Li Ozi's punch, turned to look at the lantern emitting mist, and said in horror:

"[Goddess of Truth]'s fog lamp? But Chargenia should be dead."


Before he finished speaking, Li Ozi kicked him in the chest, and then took advantage of the opponent's retreat to hit him with an elbow to the heart. Kauna was knocked out of breath and retreated one after another.

"Pay attention during the fight."

Li Ozi rubbed his fists:

"You are a little better than [White Knight] - at least you can withstand beatings better than him. [Astrologer]? Why does it feel a bit familiar..."

"This is impossible...the ring of order, the fog lamp, the blood transfusion surgery...the three-piece set that enslaves the children of the ether."

Kauna ignored Li Ozi, his eyes were dazed, he murmured, and then yelled at Silverston:

"Hey! Where did you get Chargenia's invention from?!"

"...Who told you that this thing was invented by Shargeniya."

In the heavy rain, Silverston hung a fog lamp on his waist, and the mist covered his face, like a god coming to the world:

"I - I heard about [Looting Soul]. Although he is weak and not good at fighting, there is one thing that makes him ahead of other main gods."

"That is imitation. Imitation, learning, and then creation. Even if it is an item that the Master God of Fine Arts cannot create, the Master God of Robbery can plagiarize, steal or rob it after understanding the structure. Too much imitation... I summed up my own path and naturally became an original creator.”

"Although he is not the most powerful warrior, he is the greatest inventor in the Star Abyss."

Silverston said, taking out another bronze neck ring from his pocket:

"Now, be good dogs."

The word count has been reduced a bit today because some chapters are all literary and drama, and I’m worried about spoiling the reading experience, so I’ll release them tomorrow.

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