From star abyss

Chapter 821 036 The Flower Language of Yellow Rhododendron

Li Ozi was not shocked by the other party. He just calmly came behind the other party, sat down with his back to the other party, stretched out his right hand over his left shoulder, and just put it on the other party's shoulder.

The old woman saw his intention, so she put her hand on the back of his hand and quietly felt the other person's temperature:

"Your hand is still so warm and strong, and your skin is still young. I still remember that I once held this hand and knelt down to propose to you - haha, I was so energetic when I was young."

Li Ozi said nothing. He could feel his wrinkled palms trembling.

The old woman hasn't spoken to anyone she knows well for a long time. She needs some time to adapt and organize her language.

"Hundreds of years ago, during the Yamiglioko Federation, the government was harmonious and the world was peaceful. I was also a young, promising, healthy and lively girl. I have always been looking forward to the country assigning me a brave, strong and hard-working person, such as a farmer or a worker. , the army or astronauts or something - at this moment, I was assigned a task by the country."

The old woman tried to calm down her excitement and said:

"'Alexia, among your contemporaries, you have the best physical fitness, excellent psychological quality, and even better qualities. We hope you will see the future world for the motherland. If you are among them If you like people, combine with them and serve as messengers linking the future and the past to write a new peace.'"

"'But what if they encounter difficulties and setbacks?' I asked."

"'Then, you will become their bride.' The secretary said to me: 'You have to guide them and serve them. If there are new shackles and enemies, just use your hammer to smash them to pieces. Fight against all injustice and the oppressed.'"

The old woman hid her face, her eyes were already shining brightly:

"I'm sorry... Huang Dujuan's contract is not a written proof of love. It was just a deliberate statement written by the secretary at the time to guide people in the future to open the time capsule."

"I'm sorry, I lied to you, Mr. Li Ozi."

"I am not your bride alone, I am... for the people of this era, a gift from Yamiglioko to the people of the future."

The old woman lowered her head guiltily:

"I'm really...sorry that I lied to you for so long."

"Actually, I don't have the ability to have children at all. The organization trained me so that I can record the history, humanities, morality, law, science and technology and artistic works of the past and bring them completely to the present."

"My life has already reached its limit in a long sleep. From the first day I met you, I have been an old woman. Even if I am transformed with prosthetics and enhanced with genes, I cannot erase the mental wear and tear. .”

The old woman said apologetically:

"I'm really sorry, Mr. Li Ozi."

"I know." Li Ozi said.

"Yeah, you should know."

The old woman was stunned for a moment, then said in surprise:

"You...what did you say?"

"I knew the facts of Huang Dujuan's contract early on."

Li Ozi said calmly:

"Comrade Alexia, I know that you are not my personal bride. You are a gift that belongs to everyone in this era. Those precious spiritual properties, belief inheritance, ideals and mantle are the dowry you bring to this era. "

"...Is this so?"

Alexia murmured:

"That's fine. The person I feel the most guilty and sorry for is you."

"In exchange of equal value, Alexia, let me tell you a secret."

Li Ozi said:

"Actually, I didn't open the Yellow Cuckoo Contract at all."

The wind crushed the rapeseed flowers, and the headscarf was swept up into the sky and flew away into the distance.

Alexia's head of silver hair has long since fallen into pieces, revealing a large piece of bald head. Her aging face is full of pigmented plaques, her wrinkles are like oxidized apples, and her teeth are not very good either. It is stable, and the whole person no longer has the beauty and liveliness of youth.

She didn't look back at Li Ozi, and Li Ozi didn't look back at her either.

The two of them just sat on the ground, back to back, in a field of blooming rapeseed flowers, maintaining their impression of each other.

In Alexia's heart, she absolutely did not want Li Ozi to see such an old and ugly old woman.

And Li Ozi also knew that Alexia was no longer willing to be influenced by his youth and beauty, which had shaken her determination to serve the people.

"When I was young, I had a heartbeat."

Alexia took Li Ozi's smooth palm and said softly:

"No matter whether you are a witness to Huang Dujuan's contract or not, at least you have done this."

"But your 'groom' wasn't supposed to be me."

Li Ozi said:

"I lied to you, Alexia."

Alexia smiled:

"You've reached this point today, do you still care about this? Oh, Oz, or do you think that Ms. Alexia is just a fussy girl with a petty mind?"

"That's not what I meant, Elici. It's my honor to be able to make acquaintance with you and fight side by side all the way."

Li Ozi said:

"I'm no longer human."

"I can feel it. I haven't seen you for forty years, and the aura on your body is no longer like a mortal... It's warm and blazing, enough to evaporate and burn everything close to you. Just like the sun."

Alexia said:

"I think I already know why I fell in love with you, Mr. Li Ozi."

"Really? Tell me."

"None of us belong to one person, just like the sun. We are born with the obligation to do great things for others, for the country, society, the world and other groups."

Alexia said:

"This is a responsibility and a pleasure. We have been working hard for an existence beyond the individual. I am fighting for the people and the oppressed, to build a better world without exploitation and suffering, even if that It’s just a blueprint… As long as we keep getting closer and closer, people will be better off, and one day we will be able to realize that world.”

"Establishing the kingdom of God on earth? This requires absolute courage and unyielding perseverance."

"So Mr. Li Ozi, what are your responsibilities and obligations? Since you have lived until now, what is your goal and your path?"


Li Ozi raised his hand, clenched his fist, and said in a deep voice:

"Everything I do, in the final analysis, is just to seek justice. Some people owe me debts, and I just want to get them back."

Alexia leaned on Li Ozi's shoulder, which was the most intimate gesture she had ever done. When Li Ozi spoke, her old voice seemed to return to its original state:

"Lee Ozi, you have to understand that violence cannot solve all problems. Killing blindly may turn yourself into the enemy of your own hatred."

"You must not have had an easy life over the years, and you will definitely have to endure all kinds of suffering in the future. The road to fairness is full of injustice. Absolute fairness can never come."

"But, I believe you can do it, Mr. Li Ozi."

"We are all striving for a lofty ideal. Although the means are different and the ideas may be very different, no one wants to be unhappy forever."

"This world is an organism, and we can never be separated from the changes in society, country, civilization, grand narrative and the universe. If cosmic rays become slightly stronger, all human beings will die, and if politicians fail to discuss their interests, they will explode. War... none of us can escape it.”

Alexia took Li Ozi's hand and said seriously:

"If you want to get rid of the injustice in your body, then what you need to do is to eliminate the injustice in the world in order to usher in your own liberation."

"Let's talk about it then."

Li Ozi shook his head:

"You have eliminated Lord Entropy and Esha. There will be better times in the future. We have also untied each other's burden of lies... Do you have any other wishes? Alexia?"

"My life has been exhausted."

Alexia said:

"Do you know information entropy? As life continues, the degree of chaos will gradually accumulate, and eventually it will collapse, and it will no longer be able to maintain a continuous and stable system - I have been sleeping for too long, and it is no longer possible to continue my life. ”

"I know."

Li Ozi looked at the system panel in front of him:

【Name】: Alexa Yin-Manuel Justin

【Gender: Female

[Age]: 591 (reached the limit)

[Faction]: Amilioco Federation (Destroyed)

[Total level]: None

[Health]: 0.03/1 (continuously disappearing)

[Status]: The end is approaching (the target's biological and soul strength has reached its limit, and its lifespan cannot be extended in any way)


This time, even [Bloodline] couldn't help.

"Maybe it's because my mental power is strong enough." Alexia said: "Among the many people who have participated in the Huang Dujuan Contract Plan, I am the only one who can persist until now... But it seems that it is precisely because of this reason that my My mind is on the verge of being lost.”

"I should have taken you to space with me."

"If I leave with you and abandon the people and the working people, then I will no longer be me. I will betray the people and my beliefs, Mr. Li Ozi."

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have offended your beliefs..."

"Li Ozi, you are only so gentle to me."

"How can I see it?"

"If someone wants to die, you will definitely yell, 'Idiot, are you squandering your life like this?', or you may just ignore everything and give the other person a kick silently."

"I don't have any."

"But you really respect me."

Alexia touched his hand, closed her eyes, and said:

"My ideal is to fight for the happiness of all mankind throughout my life, but as a traditional woman, I also have my own dreams."

"Mr. Li Ozi, Amilioko Federation, my motherland has always been famous for its liveliness, health, and enthusiasm. We are good at singing and dancing, and are keen to express our moods through dance and songs."

"if you can--"

"I see."

Li Ozi raised his hand and gently cut his palm open.

[Sequence 82·Hunter King]

After combining the blood of ether, he can use the effect of blood volatilization to bring blood infection to others at any time.

The blood quickly surged from the palm of his hand, spreading quickly like a rose blooming.

The faint sweet fragrance mixed with the rape flowers did not bring the corrosive poison of the ether. The brilliant sea of ​​rape flowers was quickly dyed with a gorgeous layer of snow-white, and the flowers were clustered like a wedding dress.

Alexia Yin-Manuel Justin gently moved her nose, and a new kind of power was awakened from her body.

She opened her thick eyelashes, and her clear eyes were like lake water. Her long brown hair hung on her shoulders. She grabbed it in surprise and braided it into a beautiful braid.

She was pleasantly surprised to see that her palms had regained their youthful luster, and the calluses left by hard work were still on them. Health and vitality had returned to this body.

Then, a big hand broke into his field of vision

"Come on, good girl."

Li Ozi stretched out his hand:

"I never lead an independent and strong woman, but you are an exception. I owe you this."

"Lee Oz."

Alexia raised her chin and said proudly:

"I'm getting older, can't you be more likable?"

"Okay, let me think about it..."

Li Ozi pondered for a moment, then suddenly rushed forward and picked up Alexia by the waist.

"You finally figured it out, come on!"

She playfully slapped the former, then dropped her toes to the ground, took two steps back, and pinched the skirt that didn't exist. In terms of dress, she was no different from an ordinary rural woman. She wore blue sleeves. , wide and thick cotton trousers, colorful and bright clothes.

She is earthy, tacky, and has her hair braided. She does not have the bright charm of an urban beauty or a young girl.

But for Alexia, 'tacky old hat' is not a bad term. Her cheeks were red. She didn't know whether it was shyness or excitement. She smiled openly, like a working people. The clothes on her body exude confidence and healthy vitality.

This is more beautiful than any dress.

"Alexia Yoon-Manuel Justin."

She smiled and said:

"Can you dance with me, sir?"

"I'm not very good at it." Li Ozi said: "I have never enjoyed this kind of luxurious friendship..."

"No, this is not a luxury. Dance was formed to pray for the favor of gods, and then evolved into a form of entertainment and expression of emotions for ordinary people."

Alexia stretched out her hand:

"Come on, boy, let's sing and dance."

Li Ozi did not refuse.

"follow me."

Alexia took his hand, put one arm around his waist, and swayed from side to side.

Her dance steps are light and her movements are powerful. The dance from her hometown often involves steps, turns, and jumps, but Li Ozi will only wave his hands and shake his shoulders. If Alexia is an athlete, then he is like a clockwork machine. Toys perform similar actions over and over again.

"Keke, Li Ozi, you are so interesting..."

Alexia took his hands and walked around in the sea of ​​flowers with him, lifting the petals with her steps. The pure white petals fell like snowflakes, expressing her emotions freely in the air.

They jumped from day to night, from night to dawn, without a trace of distress or anxiety.

Ideals and futures, missions and ambitions are temporarily put on hold at this moment.

At least on this day, they chose to be true to their hearts.

"The cranberries are blooming beside the fields and rivers,"

There is a young man whom I really love,

But I can't confess to him,

I can’t express my true feelings!


"Old woman, Grandma Alexia! You really are, mother—come here quickly."


He knew nothing about the matter;

The girl misses him day and night,

The cranberry flowers by the river have withered,

The girl's longing has not diminished at all!

The girl's longing has not diminished at all!


"Wake up, how can you fall asleep here?"

"Stop it, kid."


The girl's longing is growing day by day,

How can I tell him that I am a girl?

I don't have the courage to tell, I'm just hesitant.

Let my sweetheart guess for herself!

Let my sweetheart guess for herself!


"Ivan, Grandma Alexia is asleep. Let's take her back."

"Mom, can I go play table tennis with my mother-in-law tomorrow? I have already learned the backspin she taught me."

"My mother-in-law's waist is bad. It's time for you to learn to play by yourself. Be good, Ivan, and be obedient."

The kid named Ivan was coaxed to leave the rapeseed field. It was not until much later that he probably figured out why people were surrounding the enthusiastic and good mother-in-law in the village that day.

But when he realized this, it was already more than ten years later, when it was time for him to represent the frost-plated national athletes in the table tennis competition of the Blue Destiny Community.

At that time, when Ivan Jovanovich Kharkiv was wearing clean sportswear and bringing bread, salt and sausages to the mountain to worship, he happened to meet a young man, who was perhaps the most handsome man in the world. The existence is enough to transcend the limitations of gender and race.

Ivan greeted the other party, who showed a gentle smile. They visited the grave together, completed the worship, and then talked about many things, and the other party also asked him about many techniques.

Only, not for playing table tennis.

"Can you dance?"

The man gave him a cigarette, but he didn't smoke it.

"I can ping-pong-pong."

Ivan holds a cigarette between his ears. As an athlete, he does not smoke.

"Better than me. I can't do anything."

The handsome man squatted in the field with him, without any pretense. If he changed his clothes, from behind, he would look no different from an old farmer.

Ivan laughed and joked bluntly:

"No way, you are very handsome. You are definitely a pretty girl with good looks. You don't need to be able to dance to be popular."

"You're still young and don't quite understand."

The man stood up, turned and left:

"Sometimes standing in the middle of the crowd can be quite lonely. At that time, you will probably miss a failed dance party."

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