From star abyss

Chapter 824 039 Times have changed

After disconnecting, Shen Shen said nothing, turned off the recognition filter, and came directly to meet Laian Dingxian. ,

The fairies had been calling him before. Without thinking about it, he knew that it was the player being killed in reality.

When He passed through the dimensional membrane and came to the feet of Leian Ding, the fairy at this moment looked like a mortal, with short brown hair floating quietly in the wind, and the stars were lit up and held up by Him. Look carefully. Count, no more, no less, exactly 99.

"Lian Dingxian..."

"Today, I lost 99 children."

Ryan sat on his knees on the ground, gently turning his hands, and the power of salvation intertwined and shuttled, lifting the 99 stars into the endless deep sky.

"Children who were penetrated by medical protocols, even the best ones, only lasted 4 hours and then fell apart. Unlucky, they were even made secret, even their names and existence in this world Everything has been erased.”

The stars of various colors are gradually moving away and out of sight, but I don't know whether the condolences they carry are transmitted to the dead soldiers along with the stars.

"They are all great martyrs."

Ryan put his hands on his knees and stared at the stars for a long time.

"I am not a god who is proficient in fighting. As the main god of [Redemption], I do not have the ability to log on to the front line to fight. Even a cannon fodder god like Leoz is much more useful than me. Instead, I have been healing and fighting in the rear. Resurrect and breed warriors to resist the damage of the Destroyer.”

After a while, she said:

"At the end of the Abyss War, I received many painful divine warriors. Their wounds could not be healed, and their souls were directly penetrated. It was obvious that they had suffered some kind of root damage, which represented the 'continuous information sequence' in their bodies. It was smashed directly."

"This is [society's] handiwork."

Shen Shen said:

"After [Society] appeared on the battlefield, it caused serious damage to our living forces, especially [Hidden Society], [Outland Society], and [Highgarden Society]. The joint attack of these three giants directly led to our domination of the universe. It was pushed back and ended up trapped on Haynes.”

"If Star Abyss hadn't stopped the war outside the Abyss in time and recovered a large amount of strength and remnants, it would be difficult for us now - no, it would be almost impossible to carry out the "Adventer" strategy. Of course, Leoz's desperate resistance has made it possible for us It bought a lot of time...Although He also caused the martyrdom of Mephidria, the previous heavy investment in Mephidria fell into the hands of the [Secret Society] in vain."

Ryan calmly said:

"However, compared to [society], various differentiations have begun to appear in the six-layer star abyss at this moment, and independent consciousness has begun to appear. Among the six star abyss, except for the Yuan Yuan we place our trust on, the other five star abyss have begun to gradually support To create one's own 'narrative', to a certain extent, it supports the rise of civilization and writes a grand narrative."

"The void directly occupied an entire layer of Xingyuan. From then on, our Xingyuan completely lost control of Zhou Yuan."

"Today, if you want to separate the connection between each layer of the star abyss and the narrative, you must send military forces, export civilians, production departments, economic markets, and cultural highlands to them - and these are very important to our star abyss, or: Yuan Yuan , is extremely difficult.”

"Because our de facto citizens, the Star Abyss Protoss, have been decimated in the war outside the Abyss."

Shen Shen said:

"Today's Yuanyuan has actually been forced to narrate. We have essentially established a grand narrative with the Star Abyss God Clan as the main body, aiming to unify the six levels of Star Abyss and expel [Society] and the Destroyers."

"Since the major narratives gained their path, a large number of ascendants began to form gods and even main gods of various groups. On the basis of having a large number of acquired gods, the narratives began to think of establishing their own schools, no matter how strong they were. , the ultimate goal is to support one's own star abyss to break away from the six star abyss."

Le Anding said:

"Whether we want to admit it or not, the current six-star system has collapsed. It is a turbulent late-stage empire, with warlords and aristocrats in a state of fragmentation."

"Since then, we have begun to work on building a system that can avoid huge casualties on the Star Abyss side, and can also safely and secretly export our god warriors to the major Star Abyss, and use them to re-establish narrative civilization and Star Abyss. Control and strengthen Yuanyuan’s influence on the five star abyss through the stabilization of the garrison.”

"The war outside the Abyss destroyed all our main gods, and I have also lost the ability to breed new gods. There is not much material left to create gods. Sidis is the god I created with the only remaining materials and energy. .”

"For this reason, I chose to cooperate with the [player] so that our divine warriors can infiltrate the major star abyss by descending."

When he said this, Qing Shen's heart tightened. He knew what the other party meant.

"I have said so much, but in the final analysis, I mean one thing - we cannot afford to die anymore."

Le Anding did not look back, his tone was calm and gentle, but when it fell on Chen Shen's ears, it was like a star pressing on his back. He immediately knelt down on one knee, and the heavy power pressed him almost to the point of losing his mind.

"Uh...I won't fail again."

"Next time you encounter a dangerous member of parliament, ask most people to evacuate."

"But fairies, if a warrior retreats in fear of battle, can he still be called a warrior? Without the experience of powerful enemies, those divine warriors with filters cannot grow up at all..."

"Xingyuan once needed you to die, but now Xingyuan needs you to live."

Le Anding said without emotion:

"Leoz's defeat seems to have given [Secret Society] Gaia new powers. Even the "Leanding Medical Protocol" jointly created by [Player] Pryor and I will be forcibly broken down. Its The power is already too great, and we cannot allow the divine warriors to die in vain.”

She raised her hand and clenched her fingers into a fist.

Even though her movements were very light, Shen Shen still felt an almost shattering power - the person who came from the real Lord God of the Star Abyss could not be erased even if she transferred most of her power to maintain the medical protocol.

The Lord God is the Lord God.

There was a sense of despair in his deep heart - he instinctively recalled Leoz back then.

On the Xingyuan side, class is everything.

Even though the cannon fodder god was unkind, unjust, unfaithful and unfilial, when Leoz usurped power and became the agent, he was actually the person of the Lord God of the Star Abyss.

Even though Teng Shen was confident that he could challenge Leos head-on, under the pressure of that character, he couldn't even have the slightest desire to fight.

Fortunately, Laian Ding had a gentle personality, so she did not continue to make things difficult for her, and the pressure was quickly removed.

"At our current stage, we cannot guarantee how many god warriors will be willing to continue fighting after unlocking the cognitive filter. Nor can we create new cannon fodder gods - and in order to complete the 'recolonization' of the major star abyss, We need players with emotions and emotions, not machines that can only kill."

——This is why it is necessary to install filters on the descendants.

The Xingyuan God Clan has no desires and desires. Apart from glory, is there anything else they desire? Maybe, but definitely not many.

But in order to disguise and integrate into the major abyss, and to deconstruct the narrative civilization from the facts, the human nature and desires developed through the cognitive filter are indispensable.

Only Yuan Yuan can lead such a grand plan.

However, in the actual implementation process, a large number of problems still arise.

Laian Ding's attitude is very clear: Today's strategic goals have changed. In the past, Xingyuan still controlled the universe outside the abyss, and the six main gods could continue to cultivate the gods.

But not anymore. [Secret Society] Gaia can penetrate even medical protocols, and no one can say whether other [society] will also evolve.

Having defeated [Machine Society] before, the medical protocol can at least preserve the lives of the divine warriors, which is nothing more than coming back.

Now, the spirit warriors have to wear a cognitive filter and fight with enhanced stealth.

There are not many absolutely loyal and capable veterans like Shen Shen. Xingyuan needs a little review before it can gradually loosen its restraints on them.

The current situation is that the Star Abyss Protoss has retreated to the Yuan Yuan. The major narratives have evil intentions and people's hearts are divided. They can no longer trust the god-supporters or gods who came out of the narrative civilization.

After all, [Society] can only cause harm to civilization, while Narratives want to completely get rid of Yuanyuan's control.

Shen Shen quickly figured it out.

Times have really changed.

In the past, Xingyuan used cannon fodder gods to fill the lines arbitrarily because the gods' materials were cheaper than the battle lines. If the Destroyer attacked Xingyuan, it would be completely finished.

Now, they don’t even have the ability to produce cannon fodder gods, and the harm [to society] currently seems to be basically shared by the major narratives.

"...This battle was my mistake."

Shen Shen said:

"From now on, when there are high-risk targets such as members of Congress and Speaker, I will personally deal with them."

"Xing Shen, you should understand that when we woke you up, we originally asked you to do this."

Ryan put his hands on his knees and said calmly:

"I have asked [player] to implant a new program into you. Once a secret, foreign councilor is detected, other players around you will be forced to disconnect. As for you, whether you challenge the other party or leave by chance is up to you. Let’s see what happens.”

Laian Dingxing's words were actually very tactful.

Although there are billions of divine warriors, none of them dare to die now. Even the most ordinary warriors of the gods are functioning as long as they continue to move in the star abyss and compete with the involution of the narrative civilization's path to godhood.

Ordinary players who can participate in the competition are like birds occupying the dove's nest. Nominally, they can join any narrative, but this is achieved by ‘recruiting bodies’.

In reality, they are all warriors of Xingyuan.

Whether it is reducing the number of gods in the narrative civilization, or increasing the reliance of the narrative civilization on these ‘undead’, this method of boiling frogs in warm water is the best way to combat narrative independence.

In the past, the military era of every inch of star abyss and every inch of blood finally turned into a long-term strategy centered on competition on the road.

Shen Shen lowered his head:

"Follow the teachings sincerely, under the crown of the immortal spirit."

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