From star abyss

Chapter 832 047 Hidden Abyss

["Social Institutions"·Purple Moon Anchor - Activation]

The long red hair instantly disintegrated and fell apart, and the frosty skin instantly condensed, reflecting the brilliance of porcelain.

[Your profession has been rolled back to [Yuexian Bishop]]

The blue eyes slowly opened, and Li Ozi had returned to the posture of the Moon Fanatic.

"Fortunately, Nefes completed the hidden mission in advance and prepared this mechanism. The curse problem can be solved with the passive exemption of [Moonline Bishop]."

Anyway, he now holds the [Electromagnetic Force] arcane power and needs combat power. He can turn into the [Corona Pope] in minutes.

The problem with Blue Star is also because he deliberately canceled his identity at the speed of light of Bai Zhuxing. Now Li Ozi is a stateless person. The Maxwell Corporation has no way of attacking the White Candle Autonomous State. If they really want to be held accountable, they can only look to themselves.

And if the public organization came to find him, Li Ozi would have too many places to go.

For example, diving into the abyss.

Li Ozi looked behind him: a medium-sized immigration ship was constantly transporting supplies from the outpost of the Crystal Tower.

He deliberately registered a gas exploration company and hoisted the flag of a neutral civilization. In fact, it was to enter the dark star field of the Galaxy Eye and officially search for the original body of Sidis and the entrance to the abyss where the evil god surfaced.

This is a secret that even the Crystal Tower civilization doesn’t know.

The value of wild, unexplored Qianyuan ports is very high, just like canal ports. Once you control the operation rights, you can always make profits from them.

As long as there is civilization, there will be exchanges, and exchanges will lead to trade. Just collecting tolls will make Li Aozi feel soft.

What's more, once the submergence channel is controlled, Li Ozi can cultivate his own Kappa (10) level experts in batches, and sell the quota in exchange for the trust and agreement of other civilizations. Narrative civilizations also use this method to unite. of his own allies.

So since Wild Harbor is so good, why are everyone still willing to dive with Narrative Civilization?

If you follow the narrative civilization, you will lose contact silently at most, and you can also inform your family members to "please express your condolences." Then going to the wild port to dive by yourself is basically the level of "a master is in the world, but a mistake is in the underworld."

Wild Harbor is very dangerous.

In a wild port that has not conducted navigation tests, it is difficult to predict when it will reach its destination. If it is later or earlier, it will not be able to reach the lower star abyss safely.

If you leave the channel early, the repulsive pressure between the stars will bounce you back to the original universe.

But if it's a little later, you may be stuffed into the lower star abyss in one breath, and you will be directly entangled by a double curse. If you are lucky, you will be paraplegic from the neck down. If you are unlucky, I will see you in the next life.

Of course, Li Ozi has no such worries, because he has extensive experience in diving and resurfacing. He is an experienced helmsman. He has already formed muscle memory when it is time to jump out.

Not only that, the greater danger comes from the environment.

Nogang didn't know which side of the star abyss he would be on when he landed.

For example, their destinations this time include:

Narrative No. 7 - "Hometown of the Soul"

Narrative No. 8 - "Endless Garden"

Narrative No. 9 - "Destroying Hometown"

Narrative No. 10 - "Red Blood Alliance"

Each of these four narratives is very senior. Although they jointly form a coalition government, they are basically in a state of rule without rule. And due to its extremely large area, Jingyuan's population density is very low.

This results in that your initial environment cannot be determined and may be within the scope of any narrative.

Every time you go down to Xingyuan, it's like starting over.

"Destroyed Hometown" and "Endless Garden" are more suitable beginner villages.

These two narratives have a relatively friendly attitude towards outsiders. They not only provide many materials and services, but also provide special teaching courses to tell you about the local culture, laws and customs, allowing you to quickly integrate into the local area.

For the abyss divers who are cursed after diving, it is suitable for cultivation and transition.

Generally speaking, the transition time is between 20 and 40 years, and then you can adapt to the curse on your body and start to officially move towards the path to godhood.

But if you encounter the "soul homeland", it will be a bit uncomfortable.

Because "soul" is a kingdom of the dead, those who are not on the path of [salvation] or [weird] will be discriminated against here.

The "Red Blood Alliance" is the worst narrative.

Not only is it highly repulsive to other visitors to the Star Abyss, it is also one of the four major narratives in the Abyss with the most martial virtues and the courage to fight privately among the people.

The Alliance advocates force, almost everyone believes in Social Darwinism, and the social structure is highly decentralized. It is essentially a coalition of tribes.

Not only that, the Red Blood Alliance has very bad racial discrimination, which is directly reflected in their laws.

According to the law, the alliance will provide different treatment according to different races. For example, the space human race will be restricted from education, employment, and asset purchase in the alliance, but you are allowed to join the alliance's army and serve the alliance.

Such a bad narrative is obviously not a good initial choice.

There was nothing Li Ozi could do about this.

If you cannot determine the environment in which you were born, you can only work hard the day after tomorrow.

The last and most important one.

Nogang is easily targeted by [society].

There is no inherent time zone for narrative around Nogang, so even if it is attacked by [Society], the narrative will not know about it, let alone pay attention to it.

Due to lack of exploration, Li Aozi didn't know how much [society] there would be lurking nearby.

But he had to go.

As the saying goes, 30% of the profits can make people take desperate risks, and 100% can make people trample all human laws - taking control of a wild port, there is much more behind it.

The most conservative estimate is that the profit margin from operating Qianyuan Port is as high as 49,989%!

What is this concept?

Picking up a dog from the roadside and tying it next to the port can earn Li Ozi a big yacht, good wine, good food and parties every minute.

However, Li Ozi is not completely adventurous. He has prepared a very rich supply of supplies. On this trip, he will take 200,000 screened players to take the first step as seaworthy.

If everything is fine and confirmed to be safe, then get ready to sit and count your money.

Before that, we have to do another head count.

"Finally, the time has come."

Li Ozi raised his hand, and a blue light lit up in his palm.

[Arcanum missile filled up]

[Select missile type - [Crescent Moon], [Gravity], [Electromagnetic Force]]

Three arcane missiles were launched and hit the cosmic space years ago. The waning moon quickly made the space two-dimensional, and then was firmly fixed with the support of gravity and electromagnetic force.

【Weak force·Boson mark】

Li Ozi clenched his left hand, and a purple radioactive glow lit up in his pupils. The weak force energy was quickly transmitted, screening targets from thousands of two-dimensional spaces.

Two hours later, Li Ozi finally found the target that resonated with the boson mark.

【Gravity pull】

He pulled the air with his right hand, and the two two-dimensional planes were quickly pulled out under the pull of gravity. The originally flat paper quickly filled in the three-dimensional world, inflating like a balloon.


A crisp explosion sounded, and the two two-dimensional worlds were immediately shattered. Space fragments were scattered in all directions. Two figures were randomly released from the two-dimensional plane, one after the other, and knelt down on the ground.

"This is……"

The king, who was covered in darkness, covered in armor with sharp thorns, and surrounded by surging magic power, slowly raised his head.

"Oh, is the dream finally over?"

Another man was dressed as a sage, holding a staff and wearing a laurel crown. He touched his curly mustache and looked at Li Ozi with eyes full of wisdom:

"I knew you would get us out... Leoz."

"Hobbes, Lucitor."

Li Ozi looked at his two old friends and classmates and nodded:

"I need you right now."

"The school is gone, and Bai Zhuxing has also changed its people. But it doesn't matter, you have other places to go."

"Serve me, and I can take you to the Star Abyss."

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