From star abyss

Chapter 841 056 Dispersion

Large, predator, [society]

Among these three words, if you pick any one at random, people are more likely to accept it, and they don’t even need to pay special attention to it.

And as long as two of them are combined together, it is enough to make people collapse. A large society or a large predatory society, or a predatory society. Each of these three things represents a cruel and violent monster.

Now, when it all came together on one target, Ozzy made the wisest decision.

"Disperse and retreat?"

N4 glanced at Li Ozi strangely:

"It's strange that you can still run away without a fight."

When Li Ozi found her specifically, N4 was still obsessed with the research process.

"That's a large-scale predator [society]." Li Aozi said seriously: "Hurry up and bring important information and equipment, and find a safe direction to escape."

"Isn't it [society]? Haven't you killed many people before?" N4 disagreed: "I heard that you killed three people in White Candle Star."

"Social councilors and social entities are two different things, just like spores and fungal entities - and the situations are different."

Li Ozi had no intention of explaining to N4:

"You, a native of Blue Star, have never seen [society], so of course you don't understand anything."

"Really? Why do I feel that you are not worried about [society], but you want to find an excuse to drive us out."

N4 smiled and continued to do the experiment at hand.

"What time is it? Take your people and leave immediately."

"Anyway, you can solve it, why should I leave? After all, you must have some ulterior secret plan to implement-"


Before N4 finished speaking, Li Ozi took the test tube from her hand and threw it to the ground, then slapped her unceremoniously.


The frivolous smile on N4's face immediately solidified. She stroked her cheek with one hand. The slap was not light at all, and the well-maintained skin immediately burst into bright red blood stains.

Her rank is the same as that of Li Aozi. To deal such a heavy blow can only mean that Li Aozi is really angry...

N4 looked at Li Ozi again, who had a gloomy face and eyes full of anxiety and impatience.

"...Don't tell me that you are really at your wits' end."

N4 said in a deep voice:

"Is there any problem in this world that you can't solve? Mr. Leos."

"I have to inform others. If you don't want to die, take them away as soon as possible."

As soon as Li Ozi finished speaking, he immediately turned around, crossed the timeline, and disappeared.

N4's eyes flickered, and then another gravitational wave broadcast announcement sounded in his ears:

"The main body of [Society] is about to invade Greenfield City. Everyone should disperse immediately to save the fire."

"Don't fight with the main body. Even if it is a true god, there are few beings who can fight against the main body."

"After you obtain safety, immediately find a way to go to Narrative Civilization. We will always be in touch."

"Repeat it again..."

The workers next to them looked at each other in confusion, not knowing what to do, but the players moved quickly and packed up their luggage to start making money.

A Mingji employee stepped forward and asked worriedly: "Prophet, what should we do..."

N4 gently wiped the blood on his face and said:

"Let's go, Li Ozi doesn't want us anymore, what's the point of staying?"

"Well, he probably means that we can gather together after we are safe."

"Assembly?" N4 narrowed his eyes: "Well, assembling, throwing sand into the sea, and trying to collect it all. This is probably what Li Ozi thinks of assembling."

"What does it mean……"

"It's nothing, I just said it - as an employee, talk less and work more."

N4 claps hands:

"Boys and girls, pack your things, Mingji Heavy Industry 2.0 is moving."

Unlike N4, which is full of conspiracy theories, most people still listened to the advice. As soon as the broadcast came out, they started packing their luggage and tried to move out of here within three days.

"It's such a pity that it took so long to develop the city to this point."

Barnum and his apprentices were a little reluctant to give up. As [architects], they were the most important builders in the city. Without them, Greenfield City would be a RV at best.

"We will come back." Li Aozi reassured: "We still have our port here, and we can't give it to others."

"That's true," Barnum nodded: "But Li Ozi, won't you come with us?"

"You are practitioners who build the path. You are among the most important talents in Jingyuan. No one will dare to attack or hurt you, but I can't."

Li Ozi shook his head and released a decay cloud from his palm:

"I have too many dangerous arcane powers, and I am a discriminated group in Jingyuan. Following you will hinder your development."

"Is that so? But in Layer Abyss, holders of sequence arcana are also discriminated against..."

"The Jingyuan people are even more discriminatory. This is related to the fact that they are a neutral civilization."

Li Ozi shook his head:

"Don't think you can relax without me - Barnum, you [architects] are very popular, and you will definitely reach the realm of narrative civilization. If you get there, remember to find a woman named Bai Qiliu, too. Known as the 'Fantasy Queen', she is a Sigma level (18) divine who can guide you to a better path."

"I see."

Barnum shrugged. After optimizing his bloodline, he no longer looked any different from a young Eldar. He also inherited porcelain skin. This image was pleasing to Jingyuan:

"But what should you do? The magicians just took the portal and left. Now that you are immune to low-level magic, how can you leave?"

"You don't have to worry about this. I will lead [Society] away first, and then find someone to join us." Li Ozi nodded: "Most likely, I will go with Naifei. The little crocodile's outbound reconnaissance team has anti-matter thrusters. .”

Seeing that Li Ozi's arrangements were in order, Barnum felt relieved:

"Well, I wish you good luck, I will definitely find Qian Qianqing."

After sending Barnum away, Li Ozi came to the players again. Before most of the players had finished, he announced the start of the promotion and rented out all the arcana on hand.

For some time in the future, it will be difficult for him to gain new experience, and he will have to rely on regular cuts of pork - he means players pay rent.


There was a sudden sonic boom, and a silver-white shadow fell violently. Nephis stood upright on the ground, her inverted triangular helmet opened from the middle, revealing her still stiff and indifferent face.

"Boss, the team has been mobilized. When will we set off?"

She walked up to him and asked Li Ozi:

"The staff analysis believes that the other [society] is just passing by. There is no need to take risks to attract its attention. You can just leave."

"Yes, I understand. I just went to take a look. For a strong person like me, observing the body of [society] is of great benefit."

"I see, boss, are you going to observe and learn from [society]?" Naifeis gave a thumbs up and read: "As expected of the boss, the boss is wise and majestic, the boss is smart..."

"Don't praise me with such a scary expression."

Li Ozi nodded and sent the coordinates to Naifeis:

"Naifes, take your subordinates to this location. We will meet up again after a while."

"Yes, I understand."

Naifeis showed excellent qualities and immediately pulled down her visor, turned around and took off. After a while, Li Ozi saw her coordinates begin to move quickly towards the target.

"It's better to have subordinates like Little Crocodile who never waste my time."

She never asked too many questions and resolutely carried out her will. Even if she was asked to die, Nephis would take action immediately.

However, there seemed to be some changes in her words. She felt more humane than before?

Li Ozi didn't think any more and began to direct the migration work.

Every hour, Li Ozi will broadcast the attack speed of [Society] throughout the city to heighten people's vigilance.

At the same time, Li Ozi also began to actively prepare for war. He began to mass-produce his own colonial clothing bodies. People could see that he planned to fight guerrilla warfare or even sparrow warfare, slowly consuming the numbers and delaying the speed of [society].

But Li Ozi was obviously not a fool. He assigned several replacement bodies to different people. There was a young man in Barnum's team, and the Sids clone was assigned to Nepheth. As for N4, , Li Ozi handed Zhannia to her.

Such an attitude, which was almost like being a lone figure, made N4 feel a sense of crisis. It was so severe that it had never been so severe before, even when it faced Lord Entropy and the Void Army.

Li Ozi prepared for the war wholeheartedly and placed weapons everywhere in Greenfield City. In order to live up to his determination to fight to the death, everyone went all out to speed up the relocation.

By the time of parting on the third day, N4's view of Li Ozi had changed.

"Don't die here." N4 said, "This world would be so boring without you."

"I'm just storing the weapons with you for a while." Li Ozi said calmly, looking at Zhannia who turned away from N4 and puffed out her cheeks: "This little guy knows how to have a temper, give it to her when you have time. Feed some rare metals and you’ll be honest.”

"Speaking of your mother, secret dog, the smell of poisonous blood on you makes me sick! Disgusting! Super fucking disgusting!"

Jania said with disgust:

"I actually fought alongside you, what a fucking shame!"

"Okay, be good and stop talking. At least Li Ozi has defeated many enemies in person."

N4 touched Zhaniya’s head:

"Go back and grandma will find you a cute little boy to be the sword holder."


Zhannia folded her arms and reluctantly disappeared on the spot, returning to the blade.

"It looks like you need to change your weapon. In the final analysis, the Excalibur is just a tool."

N4 turned his head and looked at Li Ozi:

"Then let's go."

"Be careful on the road." Li Aozi said: "You can try to inquire about the courses of 'Luo Shengqing' Feilan. He is a very powerful [Biochemist] on his way to becoming a god, but he is a university boss, so I suggest you have a deep friendship.”

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