From star abyss

Chapter 856 071 The Fire of the Origin

Chapter 856 071. Fire of the Origin

Xia Yubing is a very quiet person. He is not very interested in games. He is not as explosive as Caramel Snail. He just used up his recruitment body.

"Do you know each other?" Caramel Snail was surprised: "I also want to introduce it to you."

"I had a chance encounter with this gentleman. He seemed to be on some mission at the time and sent the arcane energy to me."

Xia Yubing said, igniting a wisp of fire at her fingertips, then gently blowing it away, and looked at Leos:

"I have fulfilled Qiu Yun's long-cherished wish. It's just a pity that I didn't get to see my sister for the last time."

"When the recruitment period is over, you release her life, and maybe they can go to the underworld to meet again." Leoz comforted: "Even after so long, I still remember that Qiu Ran is a courageous, loving person. The silly eldest sister of the family.”

"I really hope they can reunite." Xia Yubing lowered his head: "However, now that I have confirmed my position and participated in the battle as a commander and analyst, I think it is more appropriate for you to hold this power."

"Is it really possible?" Leoz was surprised: "This is their family's legacy after all."

"Qiu Yun said this - oh, wait a moment, let her tell you."

As Xia Yubing spoke, she raised her hand and activated the camouflage mode, letting Qiu Yun's will take over her body.

Qiu Yun blinked her eyes, and her temperament immediately became gentle and intellectual. She walked up to Leos, lowered her head slightly, and said sincerely:

"I've always wanted to thank you in person again, sir."

"It's a little effort, that's what it should be." Leos said calmly: "But this is the last thing left by your sister..."

"Hey, what's that? I'm dead too. Instead of gathering dust in our hands, it's better to leave it to those who really need it."

Qiuyun smiled:

"My sister chose to entrust you with arcane energy. I think she must value you very much. I hope you can continue to fight with this power. I hope Qiu Ran's flame can illuminate your life. future."

After saying that, she raised her hand and placed it quietly in Leoz's palm. Leoz felt a wave of waves, some kind of fiery, warm power, which was transmitted to the depths of his soul along with the contact between his palms.

['Qiuyun' has given you a soul blessing, and the power of arcana is engraved on your soul. 】

[You have obtained the secret dragon level (15) arcana - [natural fire]]

[Tip: This arcana will be bound to your meta account. No matter which character you switch, you will get the talent of 'Original Fire'. 】

"Original Fire": Root Talent (Following Binding)

"In the beginning, chaos was not yet opened, and fire was ignited, and then darkness and brightness were divided."

Your character has a thorough understanding of 'fire magic', 'combustion', 'thermal energy', 'high temperature', and 'thermal arcana', and is close to flames and combustion from the root.

Gain 80% fire/burning/light godhead tendency.

Depending on the path chosen, you will enjoy different bonuses:

[Destruction] Path: Qi power has the characteristics of ‘burning’ and ‘high temperature’. Practicing any technique will provide a burning effect for attacks.

[Fine Arts] Path: Your proficiency in thermal weapons/hot terrain/fire elements/high temperature biochemistry increases by one level by default.

[Dominator] Path: It is easier to awaken the arcane energy of the root of ‘heat’.

[Plunder] Path: When the luck determination is successful, you can choose to cause a spell damage of 'Red Flame Punishment' to the enemy.

[Redemption] Path: Healing skills cause an additional 50% true damage to the undead.

[Weird] Path: You can burn ghosts that are unwilling to surrender to you to increase their tameness.

[Void] Path: After releasing a void attribute attack, it will cause a continuous burning effect. After accumulating five layers, it will cause explosion damage as a percentage of the maximum health value.

(\u0026*¥ @! # garbled characters)

[Blacksmith] Councilor: You can add the permanent enchantment effect of ‘Fire’ to the forged weapons.


I have to say that Qiuyun's advice was really practical.

Leoz put away his hand, and his palm immediately burst into flames. Without any arcane energy, just a simple burst of energy was enough to produce a burning effect.

"The explosive power has at least doubled, and this is only an increase in energy, not arcane energy."

——Talents of this level are actually more useful for Leoz who is just starting out.

Just like Aunt Merston said, my talent is very poor, so it is helpless for me to change my body to the path of [Destruction]. After all, I am 15 years away from adulthood. During this period, my aunt cannot protect me all the time. Be good to yourself.

[It would be better to say that with my aunt’s character, if she doesn’t create more enemies, it can only show that she silences her mouth very cleanly...]

However, with the talent of "Primordial Fire", this problem has basically been solved. And it may even be more powerful than the original talent of the Dawnbreaker family.

When he reaches adulthood, the fusion of paths is almost complete. With the three paths of [Destruction], [Domination], and [Essence], as well as the arcana possessed by Leoz himself, he will truly have the ability to become the Overlord of the Star Abyss. qualifications.

Qiuyun's blessings and gifts were obviously a powerful assist.

Leoz glanced at Qiu Yun and felt a little emotional in his heart.

[If it were before, without humanity, I would never have thought of doing such unnecessary things. Obviously you won't get such a generous reward. 】

Qiuyun seemed to see his mood, she smiled slightly and said:

"It seems that this ability is quite useful to Mr. Zhen. Now that I can help you, the last regret in my heart is over."

"Qiu Ran loves you very much." Leoz said: "If I could have been stronger at the time, I might have been able to avert some tragedies."

"It's too nihilistic to say that. People are already dead. Compared to the past, it's better to look at the future."

Qiu Yun smiled heartily. In this regard, she was exactly the same as Qiu Ran:

"May the flame illuminate your path forward, all the gods who protect the peace of Xingyuan."

After that, she bowed her head and took the initiative to exit the disguise mode. Xia Yubing raised her head, adjusted her glasses, and said with satisfaction:

"In this way, the distribution of combat resources will be reasonable. The true general, who was already invincible, is now even more powerful."

"You do have a good vision, but as a conductor, you have to continue to look at your performance."

Leoz nodded, tentatively recognizing Xia Yubing.

"Long time no see, Mr. Azhen."

Lanaen suddenly poked her head out from behind Leos and smiled:

"Siverston and Yu Tianxiao are checking out and should be here soon."

She has her hands behind her back, and her short hair shawl is as smooth and soft as silk. People can't help but want to touch it when they look at it. The slightly covered side face creates an indescribable contrast between light and darkness, as if she is standing under the moon. But stand normally.

Lanaen is not the prettiest, but for some reason, she can always give people a comfortable, natural, and close feeling. Seeing her fair and delicate face, even the devil wants to pinch her.

"Hello." Leoz glanced at her and said, "I remember your name is Yueyue, and you are the assassin in the team?"

"In addition to cutting up the back row, I can also protect our back row and be a guerrilla scout at the same time."

Lanaen took a big step forward, turned around, looked at Leos, and said obediently:

"Speaking of which, how did you come up with the idea of ​​coming to fight Leng Xing directly?"


Of course, it was impossible for Leos to tell her that Sid's memory could help. He had already thought of the relevant excuses.

He took out a ring from his pocket:

"There is a chairman of the [Machine World Society] here, named Mega Niobium Ross - he told me all about it."

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