From star abyss

Chapter 858 073 Only death and class are insurmountable

Chapter 858 073.Only death and class are insurmountable

"Standing here alone?"

Leoz came to Silverston's side quietly.

"We are the same kind, Leos."

Silverston smiled knowingly and then said:

"These children are all playing games and are stupid. They have no awareness of the dangers of [society] and have no idea what the Speaker is. They actually take what the Speaker who lives in the ring said as a guideline. It is simply unreasonable. .”

Leos' expression remained unchanged, and he slowly took out the ring that sealed the [Machine World Society] Speaker Mega Niobium Rose from his pocket:

"Are you talking about this ring?"


Silverston poked his head forward and said blankly:

"So, you also..."

"It's good to be sensitive, Silverston. But if you are too nervous when facing these prodigal dogs, you will only be considered neurotic."

Leos said calmly:

"We're going to dive into the abyss next, are you ready?"

"...Since you, a social killer, have said it's okay, then I have nothing to say. Anyway, I will always be vigilant."

Silverston sighed, rubbed his hair, and his bright yellow eyes flashed:

"Everything is ready, the fog lights to resist the blood of ether, and the Lan Yi to resist the winds of the outside world. To be on the safe side, I also stuffed a set of anti-memetic devices to deal with parasitic societies - but none of us have been here. Inside Xingyuan, Qianyuan is helpless. Not to mention the 220,000 players who have been punished by Laian Ding."

"What went wrong?" Leoz asked: "When I woke up, I found that these people were missing."

"It's not a small matter, Leos."

Silverston glanced around, and Lalioz entered the private chat channel:

"This matter involves some high-level issues. The children collided with the family members of the important people, which made the higher-ups angry."

"What are you talking about?" Leoz was puzzled: "We are the top leaders of Xingyuan."

"No, that's not the case."

Silverston kicked a stone and said calmly:

"In Xingyuan's view, I am, but you are not - cannon fodder god. On the one hand, your usurping power led to the emergence of Xingyuan separatism. This is the root of the problem. More importantly, after you usurped power, you also Mephidria was not saved.”

He looked at Leoz and suddenly asked:

"Leoz, although it's a bit stupid to say this, who do you think is the real enemy of the Will of the Star Abyss?"

"Earthlings." Leoz said immediately: "Earthlings are all evil and cruel people. They will only provoke war and genocide wantonly. Only by completely destroying the earthlings will the remaining [society] have nothing to fear. Kill all the people on Earth and destroy humanity so that Xingyuan can have its own living space."

"When you say this, you are no longer different from the people on Earth - why have you become more and more murderous recently?"

Silverston shrugged helplessly and said:

"I'm not from Earth. Guess again?"

"That's the Breaker."

Leoz said:

"In addition to the three known Destroyers, Star Abyss and Earth, there are countless Destroyers who have not yet arrived."

"The Destroyer has been defeated by us many times. Although Leviathandar is strong, he can still be defeated under your policy. Gelbroth's eyes are rough and he fails to make far-sighted plans. As for the discerning eye, wait until you and I return to the throne and join forces to beat him. After a pause, it will naturally give in."

Silverston simply said:

"The Will of the Star Abyss is most afraid of the fact that, in addition to the Yuan Yuan, the fifth layer of the Star Abyss has escaped its control. Because of this, it appointed the last path as the 'Master'. Your original usurpation of power was not only It’s a slap in Xingyuan’s face, and it’s a trampling on the way of domination.”

Speaking of Mephidria, Leoz's eyes turned cold and he said coldly:

"The former master of Haynes, Mephidria, is so incompetent that he eats nothing with his corpse and is in a coma! He is cowardly in fighting externally and in vain internally. He bullies the princes of Xingyuan. He is unworthy of cultivating resources at the expense of resources. He hides from the soldiers on the front line. Ashamed of the blood sacrifice of martyrs. God of domination? Bah, I am nothing more than a rat."

"Such a master is similar to the tyranny of Jie and Zhou, and is similar to the incompetence of Jingkang, who is embarrassed by his great responsibilities."

"My name for benefiting someone is to usurp power, but in fact I help the king and assist the country. Since ancient times, we have paid attention to reputation as false and ability as real. I fought hard day and night for six thousand years, gathered troops and horses, gathered human rights, appointed people on their merits, regardless of their origins, so the government was coordinated and people-friendly. The country was rich and the army was strong, so they sent out troops to attack Luyuan."

"Defeat the Dragon King, destroy the Titans, and capture the Evil Eye alive in the sea of ​​stars; the dragon clan is destroyed, the giants are dead, and the Evil Eye's followers go to heaven."

"I don't understand that even I, a little cannon fodder god, can achieve such a brilliant record with my humble talents. Mephidria, as long as you have a third degree of resistance, can you teach Gaia to enter? Today's Star Abyss The situation was all caused by Mephidria’s incompetence.”

Silverston was confused when he heard it, but he finally understood the meaning later, and then he held his forehead and complained:

"What allusions did you just quote? It's not a good thing to know too much about the culture of the people on earth..."

"No need to worry about this, I have my own sense of discretion."

Leoz has no worries. His connection with Secret is more like a private server. The other party cannot see his local situation at all. Instead, he can check the exchanges between nearby Secret citizens at any time.

"I understand what you mean, Leoz. You are very dissatisfied with Xingyuan, but at least you agree that this is our home. So no matter what, I will treat you as a friend, a companion, and a compatriot."

Silverston knelt down and said calmly:

"But you are wrong. Mephidria is not just a decisive weapon. The seeds of Xingyuan's intention to separate have been planted since then. As for the reason, you should also know."

"The way."

Leoz said:

"The emergence of the Tao allows ordinary mortals to have the opportunity to ascend to the gods, and even if they are in trouble, they can become the champions of gods. But even if there is no war outside the abyss, the acquired gods will sooner or later come to the stage of the star abyss. As the stars of this level of the star abyss, The gods, participating in the meeting of the gods - this is normal, and it is normal in mortal dynasties."

"But, some people don't want the new gods to come in."

Silverston looked at Leoz and showed a mysterious smile:

"Leoz, do you think you really just took away the power of Mephidria?"


"Yes, Leos, your name has become as legendary as 'The Brave' in the Star Abyss, and the name Leos has become as legendary as 'Arthur', 'John', 'Jack', ' Zhang Wei's a bad name."

Silverston gently touched the snow on the ground and said lightly:

"The enemy, whether it is the people of Earth, the Destroyers, or [society], our star abyss is large enough and has abundant supplies, and we can always defeat them. But for the will of the star abyss, its creations are greedily grabbing Its power longs to split His body, each becoming a new master."

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