From star abyss

Chapter 869 084 Space Sniper

Chapter 869 084. Space sniper

Chilan Star, low-Earth orbit, Poros-11 observation satellite.

"Time is up."

Silverston nodded slightly, put on his mask, stepped directly into the vacuum, and said to the team channel:

"I have arrived at the established track and am adjusting the 'Yaksha' sniper parameters."

"So fast?" Xia Yubing was surprised: "You arrived three minutes earlier than planned. They haven't come out of the arena yet."

"After all, this sniper gun needs some time to adjust."

As Silverston spoke, he opened a curtain on the satellite skylight, and a ferocious beast was revealed in front of him.

It is about as long as a luxury car. The polymer composite material constructs an extremely strong gun body. Mithril threads are wrapped around circles of accelerating rings. It can be seen that this is a typical linear accelerating cannon, also called a Gauss rifle. .

The magnetic field of the induced current interacts with the magnetic field of the accelerating coil current to generate ampere force, which accelerates the projectile and launches it. This principle can be understood by even children in the middle class of kindergarten.

However, high-end weapons often only require the crudest and simplest working principles. Before reaching the realm of gods, all mortal weapons are essentially sticks and stones.

Silverston was no exception. He was in a hurry, so he had to make a series of modifications with the help of existing props. If you take a closer look, you will find that there are many familiar traces on this 'Yaksha'.

Yes, this is the inertial cannon held by the previously sacrificed cumin powder.

Since Cumin powder passed away, Caramel Snail has become more rational. His little girlfriend died without any intention of cherishing the relics and sealing them up - maybe for him, compared to letting the weapons of the people he loves gather dust, It's better to shine in other places, that's what cumin powder wants to see.

Of course, one artillery piece alone is definitely not enough.

Ye Zhanjian donated a set of red triangle smart locking programs, which were replaced by professional teams, eliminating the need for programming.

Shen Shen was not stingy. The taciturn boy gave him two vampire fangs, just enough to enchant the weapon.

Although Yueyue didn't send any particularly important supplies, she helped him complete the assembly. It must be said that she has always been a trustworthy helper.

As for Leoz, he was even more generous and directly gave him two "otherworldly" level demonized weapons. This was also the capital that allowed him to dare to launch this sniper operation.

Silverston opened the magazine of the 'Yaksha' and cleaned out the ammunition that had been tested before. Then he carefully took out a weapon box from his carry-on bag and opened it gently.


One of them was a pale golden spear, with the tip of the spear split from it, a purple crystal spike sandwiched between it, and an invisible light blade extending forward.

This magic weapon is in excellent condition. Even if you are not a spell caster, you can feel the amazing magic power contained in it. The magic spike at the front is used to break through magic armor, which is suitable as the first round of ammunition.

The other one is also a long weapon, but it is more special. It is a weapon called beryllium.

Beryllium is a sword device, which is to install a short sword on a long pole.

The pole is just an ordinary alloy and needs to be replaced in order to withstand the impact, but the dagger on it is the focus.

The system shows that the dagger above is called the 'Mercury Secret Sword'. After hitting the target, it will quickly release a large amount of highly toxic liquid metal and spread throughout the opponent's body.

This liquid metal is an excellent conductor of magic, which is fine for ordinary people, but if it hits the caster...

It's like connecting copper wires to the positive and negative terminals of a battery.

Liquid metal will be recognized as alien by the body's own immune system, and the rejection reaction is secondary. The most terrible thing is to form a large-scale short circuit in the body of the caster, directly burning the opponent's mana channel from the inside.

Of course, for a Sigma level (18) demigod, this would definitely not kill the opponent. At most, it would just make her unable to cast spells for several days.

——But their purpose is to temporarily cripple Glena Waterwhirlpool's spellcasting ability.

Even though he was prepared to this point, Silverston still felt that it was not safe enough.

Before starting to reload, Silverston raised his hand to pick up these two "otherworldly" quality weapons, and immediately released blue threads of life force from his palms.

"Welcome Hao Entropy."

Silverston read:

"Reverse the increase in entropy and truncate the future."

Threads of life force immediately wrapped around the two weapons, and then a faint red-black color emerged, just like the evil substance that Lord Entropy had originally covered the Blue Star.

"Well, as expected, after history is stolen, even if you have divine power in vain, it won't have any effect."

The thief's approach was very clever. He knew that even if he took away the god's position and divinity, his understanding of the way of robbery could not be erased, so he chose to replace it from the historical level, thus legitimately 'inheriting' his identity. and seats.

In the eyes of outsiders, the main god of [Loot] has changed. Even if his abilities are very different from before, they will subconsciously believe that 'the divine power of Raid is like this'.

As for Silverston, even if he holds real authority, no one would think that he is the main god.

Although the other party is not a good person, Silverston has to admire this idea.

More honorable than stealing, more elegant than robbing.

This doesn't look like's just like collecting his history like an antique.

However, perhaps there is karma and retribution, and the other party would never have thought in his wildest dreams that after having everything taken away from him, Silverston could still rely on the methods of Le Anding and [Player] to return to the Star Abyss. .

Not only that, but former partners and comrades-in-arms also reunited.

Leos (Lee Ozi), Shen Shen (Long Yuqiong), Gio Skua (Caramel Snail), Lana En (Yue Yue), Eli Vent (Yu Tianxiao), Atreya ·Ye Feng (Ye Zhan Sword).

In addition, Xia Yubing, the former messenger officer, has her own command and deployment.

"Looks like fate is on my side."

Silverston raised the corner of his mouth, closed the loading bay, and completed inputting all parameters:

"Starting from this sniper attack, I will get back everything I lost before!"

[Entering combat airspace]

"The Silverston side is already in place."

Xia Yubing knocked on the table with a calm expression.

All current actions are expected.

The Omega powerhouse will arrive at Yu Tianxiao's location in 17 minutes.

The purpose of arranging for Yu Tianxiao to take the initiative to expose the [social] atmosphere was to allow the empire to control traffic on Chilan Planet so that Vulgan, Galina's butler and bodyguard, would be trapped outside and not allowed to return.

Unlike Galina, who is haunted by a curse, Vulkan is a Kappa (10th) level strongman native to the Abyss. Once he takes action, only Zeta (6th level) people will not be able to escape at all.

Once the powerful men from the empire arrive and find out the situation, they will definitely imprison Yu Tianxiao. At that time, Yu Tianxiao will use the same method as Professor Mingji and directly commit suicide to escape.

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