From star abyss

Chapter 871 086 The storm subsides (two in one)

Chapter 871 086. The storm subsides (two in one)

The heavy hammer fell, and the stars shook the earth.

The sharp cherry blossom blades danced in the roar, drifting and drifting, as if they were wandering in the air and had no choice but to be rolled up by the green flames. The tongues of fire gently licked the cracked armor, burning the blood vessels dry and chewing the flesh. net.

The skull-crushing hammer broke the moment it hit the opponent. After all, the effect of force is relative. Only by breaking it in time can it prevent Leoz's jaw from being shattered.

But even so, the shock wave in the air alone had already rushed Leoz into the air, and he had to spin continuously, relying on gravitational arcana to stabilize his body.

"Did you succeed?"

Caramel Snail said, not forgetting to continue swinging the sword blade, slashing out fierce sword energy.

"The damage record is over 200 million to almost 300 million, and we only hit 3% of her health. But the good news is - we finally got her to stun and stun!"

Xia Yubing reminded:

"Don't let your guard down, we have to get rid of her current state."


Long Yuqiong folded his wings, braked suddenly and landed on the ground, raised his head, breathed out dragon breath, and followed closely to make up for the damage.

Ye Zhanjian also followed closely behind, throwing out a series of flying knives in his hand. The sharp blades almost formed a focused laser line, hitting the huge figure, and marks immediately bloomed.

The Wolf School attaches great importance to team fighting, especially when it comes to making up for damage, often by applying marks to cause a series of effects.

Easily injured, shattered, armor-piercing, mana-burning, will-weakened, exhausted, broken tendons, sluggish in movement, rigid in thinking - as long as teammates output powerful power and the attack frequency does not drop, the damage will only get higher and higher.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Leoz quickly took medicine and used consumables that cost tens of thousands of coupons at no cost at all.

Olafur's fine wines - eat them all.

Hunting Potion of Hunter Mentor Yodunna - purchased in one batch.

Even in front of Greena, he used various consumables in Greena's store to add buffs and attack Greena in turn.

After the second team participates, the output efficiency is not simply 2+2=4, but increases exponentially.

Leoz and Caramel Snail have already worked together, and Long Yuqiong and Ye Zhanjian are both experienced professional players, so there is no need for any barriers to cooperation.

What's more, they also have a completely free man named Xia Yubing to direct them.

"Put a mark on your chest, and someone will give you three rings!"

"The glass shatters, the sky falls, the Overlord's Roaring Sword - the third ring is achieved, and the target enters a coma!"

"The head part of the dragon is destroyed - the horn is broken!"

"The antimatter blasting barrels are set up, disperse—!"

"Dragon Wings are broken! Let's struggle on the earth forever."

The cooperation of the four men cannot be said to be close, because it is only the first time for them to jointly operate, and there are still many places that they are not familiar with. There are a lot of overlaps and obstacles in each other's movement routes.

For example, Caramel Snail, as a long-handed sword warrior, has a high output, but needs to be played on the field. Even if the injury avoidance between teammates is turned on, it will cause physical obstacles.

The Night Battle Sword has to go back and forth, applying marks everywhere, and it is easy to be hit by the caramel snail.

Leoz and Long Yuqiong cooperated tacitly and did not need eye contact. When Leoz released the Qigong Cannon, Long Yuqiong knew that his predecessor would move out of the way to avoid hindering the output.

But the addition of Ye Zhanjian made Leoz very uncomfortable. He had never enjoyed the support of his teammates. Suddenly, a nanny who helped block and move him suddenly came. He just felt weird and couldn't let go. Use your hands and feet.

But with Xia Yubing coordinating, reporting the situation in a timely manner, and directing Ye Zhanjian's mobilization, it was much better this time.

Don’t think about anything, empty your mind and just output.

I don’t know if Xia Yubing has any skill bonuses, or if she just has quick reactions and a photographic memory. Her control of the battlefield is like a cold warrior, accurately mobilizing the chess pieces and placing them in the most suitable position. And it’s often a matter of taking one step and seeing three steps.

Greena soon woke up from her coma. She shook the dragon's head, and the broken dragon horn began to repair quickly. The broken dragon scales faded away, and fresh sword clusters sprouted out of the ground like bamboo shoots.

"Her blood speed this time is too scary - [Severing Life], does anyone have the serious injury effect?"

Long Yuqiong looked around and shouted at the caramel snail:

"Jiao! Seriously injured!"

"That's not blood recovery, it's regeneration."

Caramel Snail threw up the sword blade with his left hand, injected a dose of anti-collapse circulation agent into his thigh with one hand, and at the same time did not forget to slash the sword with his backhand.

The anti-collapse circulation agent was injected into the body, and the body temperature dropped sharply. Frost appeared on the face of the caramel snail, and it began to quickly recover its strength. At the same time, it raised its hand to catch the falling blade, turned the sword body, and threw a sword towards Tianyinglong's side. sword.


"Sky, power, sun."

The cherry blossoms drifted and withered, and with a sharp collision, a desperate crystal barrier rose from the ground.

"Crystal King Hunter."

Greena's body shape changed again. Her body shrunk to two meters in height and completely transformed into a fully armed armored knight. She gently raised her hands to form two crystal-clear scimitars.

"The pressure of the dragon clan has been removed. Has she degenerated into a weak posture?"

Ye Zhanjian suddenly felt his body light up. He glanced at the battle records and his eyes widened:

"Are you kidding me - Crystal King Hunter: The absolute king of the Crystal Hunter Lizard clan, a legendary creature that only exists in legends!"

"That's what the Dragon Transformation Technique is."

Long Yuqiong ended his transformation into a dragon and entered a period of weakness. He came to the edge of the battlefield to recover and explained at the same time:

"The dragons are all creatures with infinite growth. In theory, as long as they live longer, they will become more intelligent and powerful. However, the more powerful the upper-level dragons, the longer the growth cycle. Based on this growth law, the dragons invented the dragon transformation technique. , high-level dragons can gain powerful power by reversely degenerating into the postures of lower-level dragons or even sub-dragons."

"At 659 years old, he is still a young girl among the upper-level dragon tribe, but among the sub-dragon tribe, he is a legendary king who has transcended the limits of his race!"

"As a young dragon, the authority and power that cannot be used due to lack of age can be used by inferior dragons."

"Krastal, Kry, Klii (Crystal, Cry, Kill)"

The King Hunter raised his paw gently, the temperature plummeted, and crystal walls immediately rose up on the ground, crisscrossing each other, directly isolating everyone.

At the same time, sharp and shining heavy rain fell from the sky. Caramel Snail and others realized something was wrong and hurriedly opened the Gang Qi shield.

Snap, snap, snap—

Sparkling raindrops fell on the surface, and the broken flowers immediately bloomed. Under the reflection of flames and radiation, they violently burst into iridescent glory.

"Get away!"

“There’s something wrong with this rain—”

"Don't get wet with it."

Xia Yubing shouted repeatedly, but when the rain of crystals fell, the whole world seemed to be put into a slow-motion camera. Everyone's movements became sluggish, and even their thoughts seemed to be stuck in the mud, and their bodies were delayed in responding.

Tick, tick, tick...

Leoz's figure was covered with crystals, the sharp blade wielded by Caramel Snail was stagnant in the air, and Long Yuqiong, who was still in a weakened state, was sealed by the crystal layer. Even the most maneuverable Night Sword, after several flashes of movement, , also completely wrapped.

In the end, all the [Destruction] path players who participated in the attack were all crystallized and sealed at this moment.

"The Glazed Thousand Killing Realm."

Greena said lightly:

"In the Abyss, the speed of light is 300,000 kilometers per second, but even pulses of light will be stored in crystals."

"Crystal is the master of information, and I am the master of crystal."

"You are a good team. The [Blacksmith] Councilor and the Taoist Genius jointly acted together, plus the [Social] atmosphere that just broke out - at this juncture, well, I can probably guess that you want to coerce me. Then sneak into the lower star abyss."

The fighting space has reached its upper limit, and the surrounding areas have begun to dissipate.

Greena shrugged, her platinum hair flowing down like a waterfall.

She took the initiative to release her dragon form. Faced with these weaklings, Greena had no reason to continue to maintain that laborious image.

The curse brought about by continuous diving and resurfacing is still on her body. Just normal exercise is already very tiring, severely limiting her physical and mental strength.

If the fight continues like this, she will probably feel a little tired.

"I have to admire your determination and courage. As mere gods on earth, you dare to challenge the demigods of the stars. Not only that, you also make me feel novel and tricky..."

Greena slowly walked to the crystal sculptures and judged them one by one.

She looked at Ye Zhanjian: "You are nimble and quick in reaction, and you are the alpha wolf of the pack. However, the composition of your team is obviously not good. Only warriors are not enough to compete with the dragon clan's comprehensive advantage."

After speaking, she turned to the caramel snail: "I always have a subtle feeling about you, that you are never truly liberated - you may be strong, but hatred will only make you numb and confused."

"As for you... despicable traitor, you are just a low-level dragon clan, but you still dare to take action against your emperor."

She glanced at Long Yuqiong's sculpture with disdain:

"That is to say, you have a group of good teammates, but your strength is a bit strange - your ideas and tactics are not what a young dragon should have... Who are you?"

After saying that, she turned to face the last one, the statue of Leoz.

"The people who came here today and faced me cannot be compared with ordinary assassins and terrorists. I am really curious about what kind of organization you are from."

"However. Although your actions are quick, your tactics are superior, your cooperation is seamless, and your strength and imagination are beyond the first level...but you are particularly different."

Greena stepped forward and looked at Leos carefully:

"You are the strangest, most special, and most powerful one. To be honest, I feel that if it weren't for me and a similarly cursed Sigma level (18), you would really be able to kill him."

She put her hands on her hips and looked Leos up and down:

"The secret councilor, [Blacksmith], has also practiced the path of [Destruction] - you just used arcana in the battle, right? It's amazing. Who are you?"

"A dignified congressman, you actually act together with the people on the side of the star abyss, and you are still a secret congressman. The aura of etheric poisonous blood in your body is unmistakable. You are definitely a pure descendant of earthlings."

"That being the case, it's even weirder."

Greena crossed her arms and started thinking:

"The more pure the Earthlings are, the more arrogant they are and tend to destroy and conquer the Star Abyss, let alone act together with the Ascendants of the Star Abyss."

Hmm...I can't figure it out.

No matter how you think about it, the opponent's combination is simply too outrageous.

"It seems that it is still necessary to hand them over to the empire. There may be some mysterious organizational force involved behind this... The prey and the hunter are acting together. This is really an incredible scene."

However, before the transfer, there was one more thing that attracted Greena's attention.

"I've had a strange feeling since we first met."

Greena raised her hand and gently lifted Leo's crystal chin:

"The appearance is ferocious, the bones are strong, the lines are too sharp, and the strong burning aura makes him look like a body-burning demon - but I don't know why, but I always feel an indescribable feeling."

The fighting space completely collapsed, the stars were scattered like water, and the satellite was sailing unhurriedly in orbit.

It was all over, and the plan had undoubtedly failed.

Platinum eyes stared at the face in the crystal, and the voice seemed to come from all directions:

"Have I seen you? Young man."

Leos' eyes stared through the crystal layer at the platinum vertical pupils in front of him, but he was slowly typing characters in the chat group:


[Energy savings 97% - 98% - 99%]


No need for unnecessary communication or explanation, it is complete trust in your comrades.

"And I will repay this trust."

Silverston responded with a squeeze of the trigger.

"Plunder and plunder."

Buzz buzz——Bang! ! !

The rays of light penetrating through the stardust fell to the ground, without any error!

The golden spear hit Gelina Shuixuan's cervical vertebra, and drove straight in, like a rivet, piercing her spine!

Blood mist sprayed, and the hot temperature brought by the impact melted and unsealed the crystal.


For the first time since entering the battle, Greena showed unexpected surprise:

"This divine light is actually the way to rob—"


The four sharp blades were raised instantly.

Whale Faction·Cloak splits the waves and attacks!

The two swords of Caramel Snail merged into one, turning the sharp blade, stirring the whirlpool, and slashed the head through the air, and the sharp blade cut deeply into Greena's left shoulder.

Wolf Faction·Ten Thousand Shadows Andrographis paniculata!

The Night Battle Sword's Ten Thousand Blades returned and turned into a fierce lotus flower, cutting open Gelina's neck like a chainsaw.

"Disperse." Greena said calmly.

The next moment, Platinum's force field instantly opened up, trying to interrupt the two warriors' offensive.

Tiger Faction·Hengshan Jin!

Dragon sect·Sea-breaking strength!

Long Yuqiong and Leoz exploded at the same time, and their whole bodies were in full condition. The two stood side by side, and at the same time they threw out a sword light to clear the way, defeating Greena's last barrier.

"It's now."

Xia Yubing hammered the table and shouted:

"She's about to switch forms—cut her off!"

Dragon faction——!

Clear dragon roars came from all directions.

Leoz shifted his strength and glanced at Long Yuqiong, who happened to look up at him.

Although he didn't say anything, he seemed to have said everything.

Tiger faction——!

Shocking tiger roars rolled out in all directions.

——Combined attack!

"The blue dragon flew across the sky and collapsed!"

"Restrictions removed, Tiger scoundrel fight!"

Use all your strength, concentrate everything, and concentrate all your energy and spirit.

The blue dragon and the tiger alternately ran and sprinted, but in the end they condensed into one body, converging into an almost solid substance.

At the same moment, Silverston had finished loading and pulled the trigger again.


The silver light in the sky is like divine punishment, cold and heartless.

The dragons roar and tigers roar on the ground, wreaking havoc on the world.

At this moment, it completely represents the strongest destructive force on the Xingyuan side. No one can stop it anymore. The right time, right place and right people are all on their side.

Nothing could stop it anymore. The surging energy first spread outwards, and then quickly gathered together, forming a small black-red singularity in place, rotating at high speed, squeezing and swallowing all matter.


When the singularity disappeared and the smoke dispersed, what was revealed in front of everyone was still the standing platinum figure.

"Did you fail..."

Ye Zhanjian felt nervous, but they still had fighting supplements, if they had time.


Long Yuqiong lowered his head and looked forward:

"She has no fighting power."

——Mercury's secret sword hit Greena right in the heart and spread throughout her body.

[Lord of Gold and Iron] was activated quietly, and Leoz was still outputting.

A large number of magic conductor threads quickly shuttled through Greena's body, forming a parallel circuit, causing the magic power to continuously short-circuit and destroy.

The ability to cast spells is completely destroyed.

At this point, although Greena seemed to be unscathed, Platinum's eyes dimmed.

At this point, even if we can still fight... there is no point.


Greena yawned, feeling sleepy coming over her like a tide.

The curse had exhausted her strength.

"Hey, terrorists across the way."

She raised her hands and said sleepily:

"Ha...ah wow wow, I surrender."

"I am yours now,"

"It's up to you."

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