From star abyss

Chapter 882 097 Night Sword Fight! Is there something wrong with you playing this one?

087. This frame is so handsome, isn’t it?

"I won't play anymore. It's up to you to do whatever you want."

Sometimes I have to sigh, strength is really a wonderful existence.

For a weak person, even hysterical threats seem cute, while for a strong person, even surrender is surprising.

Galina's surrender did not dispel the fear of several people. Everyone, including Leoz, stared at this beautiful and stunning dragon girl. They didn't know whether it was a scam or because they were really tired of playing.

"What are you doing? Don't you...don't believe me?"

Galina held her chin with one hand and sat down with her legs crossed. The gentle wind took the initiative to lift her up and cared for her like a treasure. She just smiled at the fear of Leoz and others:

"It's true of you. When you hit me just now, wasn't it very hard? I could almost feel the pain."

"Is this also called surrender?" Caramel Snail muttered: "Why does it feel like it's getting worse?"

"This is how the Dragon Clan is." Long Yuqiong looked indifferent: "This kind of arrogant immortal species has never treated creatures other than the same kind as equal life. You have to ask why - after all, these guys are [Gemstones" The first creature created by Dragon King Levitandar, it is also the most powerful creature. Especially the high-level dragons do not take us seriously."

"Let me communicate with her."

Xia Yubing said:

"Ziniu, put the drone over and I'll communicate with her - Yueyue, please continue to lurk. Once you find something wrong, take action to subdue her."


Lanane responded obediently.

——Throughout the entire battle, Lanaen maintained a high degree of restraint and obedience. Although she seemed gentle and lovely, she was actually more patient than the best hunter.

Her camouflage and stealth skills are really good, and she will step into the spirit world to hide herself from time to time. It is rare to see such an excellent assassin, not to mention that she is very obedient to commands.

In fact, Lanane is also one of the trump cards in this battle.

If Galina refuses to surrender and insists on fighting, they will start plan three - Lanaen will directly exile Galina.

The data collected through these days of lurking records is enough to simulate Galina's aura and appearance.

At that time, all we need to do is let Galina sleep well for a few days, and then Galina, disguised as Yueyue, can lead them to get through in a dignified manner.

It's just that this plan is completely the last resort. Not to mention knocking out and temporarily exiling a demigod, this is simply impossible to do - butler Vulcan and Qianlan Jiuge, director of the Qianyuan Bureau, are still watching.

Ye Zhanjian didn't pay much attention to the plot. When he heard Long Yuqiong's introduction, he immediately became confused:

"Then, these descendants of the Destroyers, aren't these dragons the invaders who invaded the Star Abyss in the first place? Why can they still live well? They invaded other people's homes, but instead became guests in other people's homes. Don't you think so? Is it ironic?"

"This issue is very complicated," Leoz said, "but one thing can be confirmed: as long as the aggressor is not punished thoroughly, the other party will only become a beneficiary of peace."

"Wait a minute, I just question the plot, but General Zhen, what you said is too extreme..."

Ye Zhanjian twitched his lips:

"Isn't that the same as if the enemy is not completely exterminated, the other party will rise in the future - this is not an online novel. Excessive revenge will attract everyone's hatred."

"There are still distances between relatives, and hatred is naturally divided into levels."

Leos folded his arms and said calmly:

"The Dragon Clan is certainly the follower who invaded Xingyuan in the first place, but it is also the source of all life. If the [Redemptor] Lord God Lai'anding Fairy Spirit created all the God Clan, then basically all life has traces of the Dragon Clan - —As a mortal, you can’t kill all your ancestors, right?”

"According to the current situation, the Dragon Clan can no longer form a complete civilization, and more often wanders in the star abyss in the form of tribes, companies, guilds, etc. Those with family backgrounds can also become a noble and do some business. Let's start a business. If you don't have the ability, you can sell your genes and become a tutor, or even serve as a bloodline optimization tool for civilization. There are many dragons out there."

Long Yuqiong took off his gloves and showed off the dark blue dragon scales on the back of his hands:

"My dragon blood was bought with money, and it's not very expensive. The number of dragon hybrids already accounts for a large proportion in the galaxy - of course, for some reasons, they may never be able to form a civilization."

Caramel Snail is curious: "Some reasons refer to..."

"Almost more than 3 billion years ago, when the war outside the Abyss was just reaching its middle stage."

Silverston's voice sounded, and people raised their heads: they saw him holding an umbrella with one hand, slowly falling from the sky, followed by a magic carpet, resurrecting Yu Tianxiao deployed on the beacon, right on top .

"According to the fairy in the lake on the White Candle Star, 3 billion years ago, the writing, language and laws of the dragon civilization appeared outside the star abyss, especially on the mother planet Hain controlled by [the living god] Leoz There should have been a prosperous civilization here."

Xia Yubing took the time to send everyone a few messages in her notepad:

"But unfortunately, at least in the impression of the fairies who are the survivors of Haines, they did not find any technological legacy of the dragon civilization. This is a bit puzzling, because according to the calculations of experts at the time, the dragon civilization had existed for at least 500,000 years. Even if the development cycle of dragons is hundreds of times longer than that of humans, their brain capacity can definitely support more massive calculations and thinking. The civilization should also far exceed that of the native humans in Haines, with a recorded civilization of just 10,000 years. "

"Haines The rise of mankind is not that long, especially after the era of brutal massacres and annexations. The oldest era in the hands of the Starfall Master is only the Aven Era, which records the first war between humans and the orcs. , expel the orcs from the Central Plains."

"Based on the current ecological observations of the Dragon Clan in Xingyuan, it can be inferred that the Dragon Clan is a highly differentiated ethnic group with extremely strict internal hierarchies."

"Adragon, dragonborn, draconian, flying dragon, true dragon, celestial dragon, higher dragon type, radiant dragon."

"It is speculated that if a dragon tribe can raise 200,000 dragon descendants a year, 30 to 50 of the companions can eventually evolve into flying dragons, and 1 to 3 of them can evolve into true dragons or celestial dragons."

"The dragon clan has a very wide range of races. Lepidosaur reptiles like the Crystal Hunter Lizard are the lowest dragon clan. What needs to be distinguished is that snakes, lizards, birds, and dinosaurs belong to the dragon clan, and birds are a specialization. dinosaurs, and snakes are specialized lizards.”

"According to this statement, crocodiles should never belong to the dragon family. Instead, they are a species similar to the dragon family but independent."

"So to be precise, the lowest-end dragon creatures should also be lizards and birds."

"Silva Silver Dragon is considered to be an immortal silver dragon in legend. If its soul is immortal, it can regenerate forever."

"To be precise, these snake people, lizard people, and dragon people are not humans. They are highly specialized dragons that have evolved convergently with humans. If it is more realistic, then it is more appropriate to call them human dragons.

"However, the Dragon Clan actually has no such thing as reproductive isolation, so it interacts and fuses with various ethnic groups, resulting in a wide variety of sub-dragon descendants. This also led to the emergence of 'pan-dragonism' and 'dragon nationalism' in the Star Abyss. ',' and the 'Pan-Dragon United Front' and other strange organizations. For the Dragon Clan, they have never been able to achieve their goals of nation-building and civilization. In the final analysis, it is because the Dragon Clan themselves are rejecting such so-called 'unorthodox rulers' .”

"Dragon people are a more advanced species than human dragons. They can be understood as dragons that have evolved in human form."

"Among all dragon people, the earth dragon people who can turn into mountains and have no lack of strength when they step on the earth are the ones who stand at the top. An earth dragon person is equivalent to a Zeta level (6) The strongest ones, and even higher up are Wyvern and Draco.”

"Only when you reach Feilong and above can you call it a dragon. Feilong is a bipedal dragon that is extremely good at flying. Its spellcasting and combat capabilities are far stronger than dragon people. True dragons are already the mainstay of the dragon civilization. They are versatile and have a longer lifespan. , stronger, tougher and extraordinarily intelligent than the flying dragon."

"Most of the legends of dragon knights are actually contracts signed between mortals and flying dragons to help each other. Due to the infinite growth of the dragon clan, the flying dragon will be happy to choose a partner to share risks, but this is like a marriage. Ordinary contracts are limited to the level of true dragons at most - at this level, they can no longer simply explain their existence. Even if they don't have a path, they still have terrifying spellcasting potential and profound wisdom."

"There are only two kinds of dragons above the true dragons, the Silva Silver Dragon and the Golden Golden Dragon. They are both born out of the true dragons and are far superior to ordinary dragon nobles. They stand at the apex of dragon power and force. Dragons can only evolve from golden dragons.”

"The Golden Dragon, in the records of professionals, is considered a perfect creature. It has no weaknesses at all. It is born to be above all things and stands at the top of the food chain."

"Although there is no record of the Glow Dragon, the remains have been discovered through archeology by experts from Haynes. It is likely that they were ruler-level existences in the dragon civilization. To have the gold and silver dragons buried with them must show that their power and status are far apart." Far above it."

After posting so much, Xia Yubing also emphasized one point:

"The Glena Waterwhirlpool we met this time is a Glow Dragon Clan."

"In other words, if there is no second glow dragon, she may be the most orthodox successor to the dragon emperor."

"However, it's a bit strange... The Glow Dragon should theoretically be genderless, but for some reason, Galina's female personality and female side are particularly obvious."

"Please continue communicating."

Leoz typed slowly.

"Good fight, guys."

Silverston reached out and shook everyone quickly, and even gave the caramel snail a high-five, jokingly saying:

"I thought you would sink for a while, but I didn't expect you to come out so quickly."

"Azi definitely doesn't want to see me looking decadent." Caramel Snail scratched his head and said in an honest and old-fashioned way: "Even if it's for the other party, I have to fight hard, upgrade well, and then kill all these damn ones. Earthling."

"Well, the latter goal is difficult to achieve, so you can put it aside for now..."

"That's right." Caramel Snail nodded: "This may not be possible."

"That's right." Silverston shrugged: "Wars never end well. The world is not about fighting and killing. Peace and development are the themes. If you want to destroy a race, you will definitely encounter resistance and opposition from many parties... …”

"You're right, Silverston."

Caramel Snail nodded, his eyes softened:

"Don't be too ambitious. Kill all the people on Earth in Xingyuan first."

"Although I didn't mean it this way...but it's better than the previous one."

Silverston shrugged, looked at Leos, put two fingers of his right hand together, passed it across his forehead and said coolly:

"Fortunately, General."

"The sniping is very accurate." Leoz nodded in praise: "When did you learn to snipe? I have never heard that you are good at such an ability."

"Actually, I can't shoot at all."

Silverston said, taking out a camera-like thing from his bag and throwing it to Leos:

"The 'Assassin' external aiming system I invented comes with a transparent world, magic bullets, intelligent tracking, rapid positioning, AI simulation, target recognition, split attack, rapid fire change, super speed, automatic loading, head lock and chest lock Lock Niu Niu, it will automatically correct - but you need to adjust the parameters higher."

Leoz never knew anything about firearms, so he turned on the starter out of curiosity, and followed Silverston's instructions to set the parameters up step by step.

"Silverston, why is there a frame in my perspective? It's still moving."

"That's someone through the wall, and you saw through it."

"Why are there still arrows?"

"Those are the coordinates your parents reported to you in the sky."

"But I don't either."

"That's right. Guess why most of the protagonists with cheats are missing their parents?"

"Why is this frame still yellow?"

"It's normal for it to be pornographic. It means that some green players are reporting us for cheating - the environment in Layer Abyss doesn't seem to be compatible with this set of cheats."

"Come on, let's try it and see what the effect is of maxing out the parameters."

Silverston said, took out a few Frisbees and threw them into the sky:

"let's go!"

Leoz didn't move where he was. The pistol in his hand suddenly flew up and fired randomly into the sky. A series of dense barrages destroyed them all.

"How is it?" Silverston smiled proudly: "Does it feel very different?"

Leoz looked at the gun in his hand, and then at the target that was smashed all over the place.

——In fact, he doesn’t even know where the insurance is.

As a pure gun idiot, Leoz grabbed Silverston's hand and said solemnly:

"Doctor, you have a wonderful rejuvenation. You are truly a miracle doctor."

"Haha, that's it. I can make this kind of thing in a week. But you never seem to be interested in firearms before..."

"Then was then, and the present is now."

Leoz said plausibly:

"I have awakened! Now I am a genius at masturbating!"

I originally wanted to write some data, but after a few chapters it was upgraded, so I decided not to write a table to avoid being said to have a low word count (

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