From star abyss

Chapter 900 115

Chapter 900 115. "Let us kill the Star Abyss and the Earth together."

The situation is more complicated than I thought.

Leos fell into deep thought.

Red King can anchor his soul. It seems that he should have done it a long time ago.

That's right... Now that I think about it, Glena Waterwhirlpool might be the hook.

He had been eyeing him as early as the Blue Star, which is why Glena Shuixuan came to his system store so early.

The human personality, which had not yet awakened at the time, had no way of distinguishing it. Even now, it is impossible to realize this due to lack of information.

However, Red's attitude was surprisingly good.

Even though he was already the main god, he still treated Leoz with his subordinate status and honorific title.

Maybe, after going through so many hardships, Red, who is alone, has changed his gender...

——That’s weird.

[Red is a profit-seeking beast. He doesn’t care about etiquette and reputation at all. This just shows that he is in a bad state and needs help from me. 】

Reid clapped his hands gently, and several high-level dragon waiters appeared around him, serving them tea and water, and laying out a sumptuous tea banquet. She picked up a piece of macaron and ate it modestly, holding her chin with one hand. , showing a happy smile:

"Well, it's so delicious. It's worth all the effort I put into purchasing it from another dimension - Sir Leos, why don't you come and try it?"

Leoz looked at the other person. Although he didn't say anything, the face covered by the visor seemed to have said everything.

"Okay, I get it, it's such a shame."

Red took a sip of tea and said to Leos:

"Oh, by the way, you must be curious whether I am a man or a woman."

"Do you think the target of a nuclear strike would care whether the nuclear bomb was launched from the air or from the water?"

"I didn't mean to hurt you, never. It's just out of old acquaintance that I wanted to communicate with you and connect with you."

Reid sat dignifiedly on the Emerald Throne and said:

"You were dragged into my dream by saving Rednia King, right?"

"Why do you ask?"

"That's it."

Red took a sip of tea and said:

"To be honest, I have no gender. If anything, my gender is everything - no matter whether they are men, women, old or young, as long as they are creatures that exist in this world, I can change into their appearance at any time."

"Is this Leviathandar's ability?"

"Yes, the power known as the [Golden Kingdom] - of course, from the moment of inheriting the glorious dragon bloodline, the leader of the dragon clan does not even have a gender. After all, where does light come from?"

"What about you?" Leoz asked: "A pirate, a child laborer, or the goddess of truth...which one is you?"

"They are all me."

Red looked at Leoz:

"You are me too."

"Leviathandar is the source of all life. If you want to eliminate Leviathandar, you only need to kill all life in the universe, from single cells to gods. Only by killing all living things can the Destroyer be truly driven out. .”

"Of course, if you mean gender identity."

Reid paused and said:

"When the last secretive [writer] councilor met me, he created a treacherous and evil image based on me. He named the book "Eternal Speaker". I liked this name, so I took it to call himself — but in fact, writer Rhett LeBoli made a small mistake."

As she spoke, she deliberately puffed up her plump chest and said with a smile:

"I was born as a female child worker in Hainas, the capital of the Principality of Wake. My original name was Rednia King. And [writer] Rhett, in order to make me evil, he wrote me as a man."

"Although I don't care about this, I seem to be subconsciously more accustomed to appearing in a female form - of course, I can also change to a male form at any time, just like the male Clesius I adopted when I took refuge with you. Like a pirate.”

"But it seems that I am more comfortable playing the role of a woman - I have been by your side as Chargenia for more than a thousand years, and no one has noticed."

Leoz declined to comment.

[Who knows how many of your words are true. 】

Red, or rather Rednia, was very pleasant to talk about these times.

It seems that He has not communicated for too long, or there is something wrong with His spirit. The long lifespan and the torture caused by the hidden ether make Rednia's thinking a little unhealthy compared to ordinary people.

But even so, Rednia can at least communicate.

"Besides gender, you probably want to ask more, why on earth should I find you?"

Leos said impatiently:

"I told you, I'm not interested in your gender. Even if you're just a stitch monster, it has nothing to do with me."

Rednia shrugged:

"Oh, okay. I thought you would have a good impression of me after knowing that I am a woman."

After saying that, she waved her hand, and the tea banquet on the table immediately turned into a star map of a war game:

"Since you still care about efficiency so much, then how I came to Xingyuan and how I stole history are not important. Let's talk about it later."

"Now, I will tell you why we formed an alliance and the plan I have been deploying since I met you."

She waved her hand and pressed it directly on the first layer of the star abyss.

"Layer Abyss."

Rednia said:

"Gaia has adopted a brutal and extensive strategy against the Abyss from the beginning. As far as I know, Gaia deployed [peasant] Farmar Pasha in the Abyss. In her opinion, the Abyss has a chance to produce There are two councilors, [Tailor] and [Blacksmith], so only one councilor is enough to control the place."

After speaking, she glanced at Leoz and said ambiguously:

"But it seems that Gaia never thought that her [blacksmith] would fall into the hands of others."

"Tell me the important point."

Leos said coldly.

[She doesn’t know the power of [blood], she just thinks that I have been corrupted. 】

However, this is just fine.

Rednia seems to be omniscient and omnipotent, but in fact she only relies on information to piece together deductions.

I have to admit that people on Earth are indeed smarter, but in this regard, Leos is not inferior.

Rednia may have had a slight edge in intelligence, but she never really understood herself.

She thought she could control herself and hold down his weak points with some handles... This was simply a joke.

However, properly forging some clues and giving them to the other party would help to see Rednia's true face clearly.

Although Leoz didn't want to admit it, Rednia's attitude and approach were indeed sincere enough and she was seeking cooperation.

However, since she is so sincere... it means that her current state must be worse than imagined.

[Is it because the curse is superimposed? No, shouldn't it be just that, or... the negative consequences of seizing history? 】

Suddenly, Leoz thought of a possibility.

[She took the initiative to show up. Doesn’t it mean that she can no longer control me behind the scenes? 】

Thinking of this, Leoz's belief became stronger.

[The initiative may be in my hands...]

"Okay, don't worry. You should also have a deep understanding of Gaia's power. Even if you are a complete body and have obtained the power of the Lord God, you are still no match for her. Not to mention that what I stole is just a useless one. [Plunder] the position of the Lord God of the Road."

Rednia gently rotated the deduction chart:

"However, Gaia is not without its weaknesses."

"You should also have discovered that [social] enemies actually don't have that big advantage when facing narrative civilization. Especially when narrative and Xingyuan are integrated, Void is almost desperate against [society] The winning rate is 89%! Even Gaia is no match for narrative civilization without gathering the Secret Council to complete the coming of the body."

"However, Yuan Yuan Will is also eyeing the Narrative Civilization. Although your boss wants to drive away Gaia, more importantly, he wants to use Gaia's threat to achieve domination over other Narrative Civilizations and the Star Abyss—— The obvious intention is to establish a common enemy as a reason for Yuanyuan to garrison and rule other stars."

"So, this is the situation before us two traitors:"

She raised her hand and pointed at Leos:

"You, [God of the Living] Leoz, the tyrant who usurped power, also took away the identity and power of [Seed of the Star Abyss] Sides. Although I don't know exactly what I got, but at least with my help , your growth rate is astonishingly fast, you are definitely not an ordinary thing."

"You will not be trusted by Xingyuan. No matter how much you desire to be recognized and obtain the seat of the Lord God, Yuanyuan's will will not allow you to destroy its plan."

"but me."

Rednia put one hand on her waist and said calmly:

"[Eternal Speaker] Red King, in the eyes of [Hidden Society] Gaia, I am a heinous traitor. I have killed a large number of my fellow brothers and sisters. For me, if I want to get the remains of Leviathan Dar, It is absolutely impossible to truly complete the final re-forging.”

"It is impossible for me to be trusted by Xingyuan, nor to get help from [society]. If I want to defeat Gaia, the only thing I can rely on is a strong person who can not be attracted by Xingyuan and [society] at the same time."

"He must be strong, stronger than anyone else, able to kill everyone in the world, an opponent that even the most powerful Gaia must face."

She walked forward slowly and stretched out her hand:

"Only you, Your Majesty Leos."

"You are the strongest force in the world, the one who has fought against Gaia for tens of billions of years alone. I admit that in terms of absolute personal force, you are the largest, highest, and most powerful existence. Only you can satisfy me... need."

"It was my fault in the past. I thought Gaia would allow me to complete the reforging and get the remains of Leviathan Dar, but I soon realized that you are the only person I can truly trust."

"Despite differences and misunderstandings in the past, we now share a common enemy. We must unite and I am the only strength you can rely on. You will not find a more suitable partner than me."

"As long as we join forces, you will get the help of an entire narrative civilization, and I will help you build a new narrative. By then, the power of the two major narratives' cooperation will be enough to change the pattern of the six-layer star abyss!"

She held Leoz's hand and said frankly:

"Now, it's time to make peace, Leos."

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