From star abyss

Chapter 902 117 Mother’s name is Lai Anding

The humid and dark environment almost never has a bright and stable light source, and there is a cold and sad atmosphere everywhere. The water source here is simply extremely poisonous to mortals.

Is it too acidic? The main reason is that the water here is not dihydrogen monoxide at all... but some kind of hydrogen and helium compound. Its mass is half that of ordinary water, and it cannot be drunk by living creatures.

Okay, since the so-called "water" is so abstract, the environment and physical laws here are even more outrageous.

The thermometer carried by Long Yuqiong exploded directly. The lowest temperature in the abyss, that is, absolute zero, was minus 275 degrees Celsius.

And the absolute zero of Jingyuan is...

There is no absolute zero in the abyss.

The abstract hydrogen-helium compound of Jingyuan cannot be used as a reference standard at all. They can only use the water they brought from Jingyuan as a reference.

Then, they watched as the pure water poured into the container quickly condensed, merged with the surrounding air molecules, and then grew arms and legs... Wait a minute, how can it stand taller than a building? !

The three people who originally wanted to boil water for cooking were almost eaten by the water.

However, high-players are still high-players, and elites are elites after all.

The short-term losses and setbacks did not cause them to recover, because the way of thinking that truly drove them to succeed and become stronger still remained with them.

Compared with ordinary players, the biggest advantage of professional players and others is not that they are proficient in game operations and have greater talent, but that their understanding of the game and systematic thinking are completely different from players who are just for entertainment.

Even the natives of Jingyuan can't think as well as these group of problem solvers in the game industry who have struggled to get involved.

Finally, after a lot of testing, Yu Tianxiao relied on magic to roughly figure out the physical laws of Jingyuan:

"First: The speed of light in Jingyuan is not constant, and it has random mass. This means that you can use silicon crystals - no, anything that is transparent can store light, and information can be directly converted into light."

Yu Tianxiao raised a golden ice crystal and illuminated the cave where the entire camp was stationed:

"Based on this principle, we can use ice to make a lightsaber, which may be our most advanced weapon."

"Second: The wave-particle duality of light does not seem to exist in Jingyuan. Here, the light we feel is not electromagnetic waves, light is light, and electromagnetic waves are electromagnetic waves... What the hell is this? No wonder our communication All the sensors and electronic equipment have failed. In this environment, we can only conduct visual distance operations."

Long Yuqiong directly pulled out the electronic equipment and prosthetic plug-ins on his body and smashed them all, leaving only common metals such as gold, silver, and copper.

"Third: There is a problem with Jingyuan's thermodynamics. If what we see is not an illusion..."

Yu Tianxiao said as he poked the golden ice sword in his hand on the ground.

Click, click, click—

Wherever the sword tip hit, frost quickly spread out at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"The heat of an object will be transferred from low to high, but at the same time it can be transferred from high to low - in other words, if the temperature is not enough, the fire will not only fail to melt the ice, but will also be frozen by the ice!"

Yu Tianxiao wiped the sweat from his head.

"Fortunately, I am a specialized mage. If I had mastered too many sub-professions and schools, almost all of them would have to be scrapped and re-established after coming to Jingyuan - but the main path has no impact at all, and has even been enhanced."

As he spoke, he waved his hand gently, and the surrounding elements immediately came to life, like clusters of fireflies, actively lingering around him, dancing gracefully, showing intimacy.

"The energy here is not only terrifying, but also has self-awareness... Rather than saying that these hydrogen, helium, lithium, beryllium, and boron are elements, it is better to say that they are elves!"

Yu Tianxiao took a deep breath and said shockingly:

"I understand why this place is called bleachbyss."

"The entire Jingyuan is a living world, and everything is animistic in the true sense. As long as you are here, you are part of this world, and you must live in harmony with the natural environment."

"Jingyuan will bleach and clean everything and let you become a part of it. basically [society], right?"

"No, it has nothing to do with [society]. Jingyuan was formed hundreds of billions of years earlier than [society]. It's just a unique mechanism here."

Long Yuqiong said:

"It may also be that it was created by the so-called Xingyuan Will."

"The will of the star abyss...Doesn't each layer of the star abyss have its own will?"

Long Yuqiong narrowed his eyes slightly and said:

"I think so."

"really weird……"

Yu Tianxiao muttered:

"If each layer of the Star Abyss has its own will, then the hegemony of narrative can exist because of the permission granted by the Will of the Star Abyss?"

"It's possible that Narrative and Xingyuan have a mutually beneficial relationship?"

Long Yuqiong said slowly:

"The three narratives of Layer Abyss, after the exploration of the universe has been completed, have not yet united civilizations. There are four narratives of Jingyuan, forming a strong union. Perhaps for Xingyuan, the more civilizations are narrated, it will be a burden. It is best to leave a strong unified narrative civilization to help it..."

Yu Tianxiao's eyes lit up:

"You mean-"

"But at least we can solve the energy problem."

Ye Zhanjian abruptly interrupted the exchange between the two, picked up a branch from the ground, and used his energy to directly extract energy from it.


The branches quickly withered and cracked, turning into debris and passing away in the wind. On the contrary - Ye Zhanjian watched as his health bar increased a bit.

"That's outrageous, Jing Yuan."

Ye Zhanjian clicked his tongue and marveled:

"This is not just a violation of thermodynamics, it doesn't even exist in the conservation of energy."

"At least momentum is conserved."

Long Yuqiong picked up the homemade bow and arrow, opened it steadily, watched the bow bend, and nodded with satisfaction:

"I don't know what the principle is, but elastic potential energy can still be converted. Not only that, I feel that it is obviously much easier to shoot the bow."

"Because there is no energy converted into waste heat - the entropy increase in this broken place is just like a woman's face, there is no definite number at all."

Yu Tianxiao threw over a tube of arrows made of light-storing ice picks:

"You have to use cold weapons in this place, spears, slings, javelins, all of them. In such a world, I can understand why the four narratives of Jingyuan have to be combined. The environment is so harsh inside the inherent time domain, and externally The environment is completely good for wild animals, but not good for civilization..."

"Civilization is not the only way out for life, otherwise dinosaurs would have evolved civilization long ago."

Long Yuqiong directly released the bow string. There was no need to worry about the bow exploding due to empty position - the elastic potential energy accumulated by the deformation of the bow body could be directly transferred to the air.


A sound wave swept forward and turned into a breeze, blowing the grass blades.

"It seems that we have to spend some time adapting to the environment here." Ye Zhanjian sighed: "But don't tell me, it's quite fun here -"

"Sorry, I'm sorry to disturb the nature of your play."

Before Ye Zhanjian finished speaking, a steady female voice suddenly sounded.

"This sound..."

Long Yuqiong's pupils shrank and he immediately turned around, only to see a tall woman with short brown hair walking out of the forest at some point and arriving at the cave where they were.

Yu Tianxiao frowned:

"There's an ID on your head, it's a player, how did you—"

"Lian Dingmian - planning!" Long Yuqiong said in surprise: "Why are you here? It should be impossible for you to enter the Star Abyss - game."

"I used some personal means. It's just a skin with no fighting ability, and I myself... Tsk, a brief introduction. I have something to entrust to you."

Laian Ding crossed his arms and gave orders to the three of them unceremoniously:

"Find me Rand Lord immediately and bring him to me alive."

"I say it again, not even a hair of the living person should be missing."

"If you dare to let him shed a drop of blood, I will tell all the players to come over and bleed into a river for him!"

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