From star abyss

Chapter 906 121 Stunning Maid

Chapter 906 121. Stunning maid

Principality of Oshuria, Destiny Castle.

[Killing Lord] Mrs. Merston has been in a good mood recently, and even the number of murders has dropped significantly.

However, this is not because she suddenly changed her temper, but because there are basically not many enemies left that she has identified as killable/potential threats.

It is difficult to say how many innocent lives were lost in the bloody storm she caused, but ironically, when these people really died, everyone was surprised to find:

Pollution is gone, public security has improved, unemployment has been resolved, corrupt officials and shady cowards are gone, social atmosphere is surprisingly good, and people's life happiness index is unprecedentedly high.

It wasn't until this moment that people realized that [Ao Sha Qing]'s killing was not an unprovoked act of madness. Her approach was indeed extreme, but the result was good.

There is a saying in Jingyuan: It is never despair that can make you give up revenge, but the hope of life.

Most of the reasons why people choose to break the law and commit crimes are not due to innate factors. It is true that certain ethnic groups have made great achievements in crime rates, but most of the time, crime requires a cost consideration.

Economy and profit are the root causes of crime.

When the economy is not good and social order is out of balance, using one's life to obtain survival resources, like wild beasts, exchanging blood for reward becomes a natural reason for committing crimes.

And when the economy is better and the legal system is sound, people think that it is obviously not cost-effective to land themselves in jail for a few hundred dollars.

Therefore, for rulers, building a sound rule of law and maintaining a normal economic environment is far more conducive to social stability than investing a large number of police forces to maintain order.

However, social stability is indeed a bit difficult for a country like Oshuria, which does not even have a sound feudal system.

[Ao kills Qing]'s approach is actually not unusual.

When a dynasty changes and a new king is not crowned, absolute violence is used to eliminate all unstable factors, leaving only quiet, docile, law-abiding and tax-paying citizens. At the same time, a large number of people are lost, and the society will inevitably have vacancies. In this way, , the originally tense conflict between man and land was immediately resolved.

However, everyone knows that this is not a way to achieve long-term peace and stability. It can even be said to be drinking poison to quench thirst.

Population is the blood of a country.

Bloodletting can temporarily relieve dizziness and activate the body's immunity, but if one liter of blood is directly drained, it is suicide.

However, that is also a matter for the future.

When little Leoz grows up, he will certainly encounter these problems, but by that time, the population should have recovered a lot. Leoz can just use this reason to promote some reforms, such as opening the border and attracting immigrants.

After finishing the morning meeting, Merston was in a happy mood. The rebellion in the south has been put down, and weapons and equipment are sufficient. The most important thing is to pay taxes. This year's fiscal deficit is not large, and prices can basically be stabilized.

The special environment and physical laws of Jingyuan make industrialization here very difficult. Even Narrative Civilization has only achieved the self-sufficiency of the capital area. For a small country like Oshuria, it can maintain its current scale. , the relationship with the "Red Blood Alliance" does not deteriorate, so that if the alliance has any leftovers, it will be enough to pick them up.

Population has always been a factor limiting the development of Oshuria and all Abyss countries. If the road wants to develop, it also needs population. High-level strong men need talents to share their Abyss curse.

After all, it is still a human problem.

She leaned against the back of the throne and quietly thought about the next arrangements.

Merston is planning to introduce some immigrants from the Platinum Orchid Confederation into Oshuria, but this may cause dissatisfaction among the people of the Platinum Orchid Confederation. This year's farm work is not enough, and there are also natural disasters and beasts from outside. At this time, manpower will be divided. It is likely to lead to human disaster.

However, it is a good excuse to introduce some servants needed by the royal family to serve the principality. After all, Bai Jinlan and Oshuria belong to the co-hosting confederation. Under the guise of recruiting maids and retainers for little Leos, there should be many people willing to do so.

"We can take this opportunity to increase our relationship with Bai Jinlan. It feels good to promote some of Bai Jinlan's noble descendants into the palace. It would be best if we can merge the countries in the future... The daughter of the Arlett family is good, she is very smart, and she looks dignified and beautiful. , but it is not suitable to be a concubine for Leoz. It seems that the Kudler family has a 12-year-old boy who can be supported and made loyal to Leoz as a knight..."

Just when she was building a team for her good nephew, the deputy suddenly came over with small steps and said in her ear:

"Mrs. Merston, someone has come to apply for the position of servant to His Highness Leos."

"Oh? It's quite fast. I was just thinking about transferring people from Baijinlan, but I didn't expect that the local people are quite motivated."

Merston nodded, stood up and said to the ministers in the audience:

"I have something to do, so just leave if you have nothing else to do."

After dismissing the nobles and retainers, Merston turned around and left.

Now was the time to hire people, and it involved someone close to Leos, so she had to personally check it.

Soon, she arrived at the interview room, and there was a long queue at the door.

"It seems that the treatment I gave is good." Merston said lightly.

The deputy responded: "The treatment is second to none, mainly because the reputation of the Dawnbreaker family is good enough. The Grand Duchess often provides free medical clinics and wins the hearts of the people. It's a pity that His Highness Leos can't be like his mother..."

"...Who knows."

Merston's eyes dimmed slightly. On the surface, he showed a disapproving attitude:

"My nephew has inherited the same bloodline as me. He will naturally find a way out."


"Now, let me see what these people who apply for the job are like."

She did not hide her aura and walked through the crowd. The applicants who came to apply were intimidated by the aura of the demigod. Most of them were so scared that their legs were weak. The better ones were dripping with cold sweat, and only a few were reluctant. Stay calm.

Merston deliberately walked around in a circle to ensure that everyone could be enveloped by her aura. Then she came to the interviewer's seat and asked calmly:

"How's it going, Melia?"

The interviewer was the cook Melia. This half-heaven devil had a very strict attitude. He picked up a pile of materials and said without hesitation:

"There are 28 people applying for the job, 12 of them are unqualified. 8 people are rough and not careful enough. The others are pretty good. I plan to recruit a batch of them to my kitchen."

"It doesn't matter who you want." Merston said nonchalantly: "Then, is there anything suitable for Leos?"

Speaking of this, Melia looked embarrassed:

"Well, there is one person who is special after all. You'd better see for yourself, madam. I'm not sure whether it's appropriate or not."

"What does it mean to be appropriate or inappropriate? Melia, you've been with me for half your life, can't you tell?"

Merston was too lazy to bother, so he took the resume directly from the other person's hand, glanced at it, and looked into the crowd:

"Who is Qinlan Jiuge?"

Everyone looked at each other and started discussing.

"Is it that woman?"

"It must be, I saw her just showing off her talent."

"She is really a perfect woman. Not to mention her appearance, she knows everything, speaks fluently, and is literate..."

Merston tilted his head. It seemed that this girl had good abilities and impressed everyone who came to apply for the job.

A small white hand was slowly raised in the field, and then a sweet and gentle voice sounded:

"It's me, ma'am."

The next moment, the crowd slowly made way for a passage. Merston raised his head and saw a plainly dressed woman appearing in front of him.


She raised her eyebrows and said in surprise:

"There is such a beautiful woman in the world, and you are Qinlan Jiuge."

"Yes, back to Madam."

Qinlan Jiuge slowly raised her head. Her stunning beauty made people hold their breath and admire it silently. Her long blue hair was spread over her shoulders. Although she was dressed like an ordinary rural woman, her pair of dark golden vertical eyes stared at Mo. When she was Mrs. Ston, she was neither humble nor overbearing, dignified and beautiful, which was very popular with [Qing Ao Sha Qing].

"My name is Qinlan Jiuge, and I came here specifically to apply for the position of maid to His Highness Leos Dawnbreaker."

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