From star abyss

Chapter 94 094. Jane Nelea

All carbon-based life originates from a single cell.

No one knows why such a cell appears, especially in the deep waters of primitive darkness. Some superstitious occult enthusiasts believe that someone in the dark is doing it intentionally, but in fact it is more likely that countless bases of purine have been They came together unexpectedly.

It seems that from the very beginning, life has been full of absurdity, ridiculousness and uncertainty.

Suddenly one day, this lonely cell decided to divide into itself.

What's the point?

It is hard for people today to imagine what could be the reason for a cell without a brain to decide to "split" itself in two.

But no matter what, from the moment it decided to split itself and make another copy of itself, the ocean that was originally dead silent and dark and rough would become prosperous and colorful in hundreds of millions of years.

Absorb energy, shape, divide, replicate, absorb energy, shape, divide, replicate, cluster, combine, build tissue, cell differentiation...

"No... Nomi..."

Amino acids, calcification, bones, muscles, amniotic membrane, egg membrane, oviparity, lactation, nerves, notochord, myelin, mandible, enlarged skull, dental differentiation, stereoscopic vision——


The eyeballs move to squeeze out the crystal secretions, the eardrums resonate, mobilizing the information stored in the brain, synapses discharge, bioelectric currents pass through the nerves, reflexes are activated, and the brain is asked for advice: request to open the eyes.

Brain reply: Allow eyes to open.

She slowly opened her eyes, with wet tears sticking up and down her eyelids. The dazzling fluorescent lamp shone into her eyes, and her pupils shrank adaptively.

The iris is pigmented, reflecting a dark purple color, and the optic nerve returns to normal function.

"Welcome to the awakening."

She muttered, slowly raised her head, her brain started working quickly, she scanned left and right mechanically, and her vision immediately captured two humanoid objects.

The target on the left is suspected to be a male Homo sapiens, holding a weapon, about 185 centimeters tall, with gray eyes, black hair, pale skin with almost no wrinkles, and a very attractive appearance. After witnessing it, the level of hormone secretion in his body increased significantly.

Retrieve information——match the conditions. Target: Li Ozi.

The target on the right is suspected to be a female Homo sapiens, about 171 cm tall, with red hair and light eyes. She is holding her own palm in her hand. The target is emotional and has tears in her eyes.

Retrieve information——match the conditions. Target: Qiu Ran.

"Great, Nomi, you're finally back!"

Qiu Ran hugged her and kept crying thankfully.


A strange, deep voice sounded. Li Aozi raised his head in surprise and looked at her, full of doubts.

She slowly turned her head and raised her hand to push Qiu Ran away. In the other person's light eyes, she saw her own appearance:

He has dark purple eyes and long silver-gray hair scattered on his shoulders. His eyebrows are full of sharpness. His facial features are regular and not considered beautiful. His cheekbones are slightly higher than those of ordinary people, giving him a mean and indifferent feeling like steel.


Qiu Ran said in confusion.

"I am not Nomi. You have the wrong person, comrade."

As she spoke, she covered the undulating mountains on her chest and looked up at Li Ozi, her deep purple eyes sending a friendly signal:

"Please also help me find some clothes to cover my body. After all, there are differences between men and women, Mr. Li Ozi."

Li Ozi frowned, this unfamiliar tone, appearance and voice made him feel weird.

He mobilized gravity and pulled a hospital gown directly over him. While the other party was changing clothes, he suddenly thought of something and asked:


"It's me, Mr. Li Ozi."

She put on her hospital gown, stood up, and was only a head shorter than herself. She looked at them with her purple eyes, raised the corners of her mouth, showed a cheerful and enthusiastic smile, gave a military salute, and said:

"Sergeant Jane Nelea, a scout of the 'Barb' guerrilla unit under the Rose Army, thank you both for saving me."

Qiu Ran was confused. She didn't know what to do with her outstretched hand. In the end, she had to put it on her chest and stared blankly at this strange, mature, and heroic female soldier of the Rose Army.

"You... aren't Nomi?"

"Unfortunately, I'm not."

Jane Nelea shook her head.

"Then who are you - Nomi?" Qiu Ran asked hurriedly.

Jane Nelia glanced at the other party regretfully and said:

"Nelia is Nelia, and Nomi is Nomi. Although we share the same body, the same brain, and the same set of interests, we are indeed different individuals."

"You mean, you have a split personality?"

Li Ozi took a look at the team information. Except that the original [Physique] increased by 11 points, soaring to 30 points, and the age changed to 19 years old, there was no abnormality in her panel information. After thinking about it, she suddenly What comes to mind:

"Do you... know Volova?"

"Of course," Jane Nelia said cheerfully: "That is the god of plunder, and most of us believe in him."

Li Aozi nodded, but his expression became even weirder.

"What's going on, Li Ozi-Nomi, why have you changed into a different person? What's going on?"

"Biologically speaking, she is Nomi." Li Ozi considered his words and explained: "Nomi worked as a [predator], a professional group that generally has the ability to rob others of their strengths. "

"But there is a special group of people among the [looters]. They believe in Volova and promise to hand over half of the things they plunder, no matter how much, to other believers and friends."

"This..." Qiu Ran was puzzled: "But what does this have to do with Nomi?"

Li Ozi did not answer directly, but looked at Jane Nelia and asked:

"When was Nomi sent to you?"

"A few months ago, I was caught in the underworld awakening my arcana." Jian said lightly: "She came with all my arcana."

"That's not your arcana." Li Ozi understood clearly: "That's Nomi's arcana."

Qiu Ran was confused, but Jane's harsh tone made her feel uncomfortable. She subconsciously pinched Li Ozi's shoulder and said:

"Lee Ozi, this woman must be a monster or something. She took over Nomi's body. She came with bad intentions..."

"terribly sorry."

Jane said coldly:

"Nomi is the one here."

"What are you talking about!" Qiu Ran said dissatisfied: "Nomi is our partner——"

"That's enough, Qiu Ran."

Li Aozi held Qiu Ran's shoulders and said in a complicated tone:

"What she correct."

"Nomi Anderson Guerset, she may have been taken away by other [looters] who were also followers of Volova, and was assigned to Miss Jane Neria."

"--What does it mean?"

Qiu Ran stared at Li Aozi blankly, raised her hand and pointed at Jane Nelia:

"You mean, Nomi is just a soul that lives in her body - a part that was taken away and distributed by others?"


Jane Nelia said calmly:

"This body is mine, but it was taken away by Nomi before."

"What about Nomi?"

Qiu Ran's lips moved, her pupils trembled, and she said in disbelief:

"If, I say, Nomi, she - she is a soul that was given to you, then, what about the real Nomi?"

Li Ozi opened his mouth and expressed the suspicion in his heart for her:

"Dead long ago."

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