From star abyss

Chapter 910 125 Red’s Hunting Season

"Your Majesty, the population on the grassland is sparse. Even if all the major kingdoms and principalities are included, the entire northern territory only has more than 10 million people. And there are many believers of the White Wolf God on the grassland. Although he is a wild god... but his subordinates There are also some descendants equivalent to Sigma level (18)."

Lanmallock explained:

"If the purpose is to expand the population, the south and east would be more suitable."

"I think so, but His Royal Highness the Crown Prince of Oshuria doesn't have that kind of strength. It will take at least fifteen years for him to grow up - although I know this is the fastest way, but Xingyuan people are Xingyuan people after all. Thinking has its limits after all.”

Rednia took a sip of hot wine and thought:

"It would be great if we could speed up the growth of his strength..."

This is, Lan Mallock recommended:

"Your Majesty, I think I can help you solve your problems."

Rednia glanced at Him: "Say it."

"In order to deal with Sodaren's tribe, General Natuo went to Kuoshuitan to find the golden dragon and hunt it."

"Golden dragon? Where did Jingyuan get the golden dragon?"

Rednia said strangely:

"If it is from Layer Abyss, it has been more than ten years since we lost contact. The original curse should have been adapted to it, and the strength has basically been fully exerted. How dare a nomadic general dare to challenge the upper dragon clan."

"I instigated it. In fact, that golden dragon is much more powerful than you think."

Lan Malok said proudly:

"If you are anxious to train His Highness the Crown Prince's abilities, Nato would be a very suitable candidate."

" do have a heart."

Rednia looked at the wine in the jade cup and said:

"But it's not convenient for me to come forward in person. You still need to continue to lurk and monitor the northern border. How to contact that golden dragon is still a problem. Moreover, just a Natuo, at best, with a few Kesi (14th) level warriors, is not enough." It’s enough. If a warrior wants to grow quickly, he must either rely on constant battles to accumulate experience, or rely on the guidance of excellent martial arts masters.”

Thinking of this, Rednia couldn't help showing a disgusted expression:

"Tsk, that guy Leoz has no talent at all. Before the path is completed, he can only find the path of [destruction]."

Speaking of which, Leos seems to have always been the type without talent. When they first met, among the gods who were as majestic as the top of a mountain, Leos looked like a dwarf.

Should it be said that it is the restriction of the cannon fodder god? Having been reincarnated twice, this guy always finds a body with no talent.

Forget about everything else...Leoz chose the path of [Destruction], which she didn't understand at all.

The main reason why she chose to steal the history of the main god of the [Plunder] path was that this path was more suitable for her abilities and did not require any knowledge to be learned and applied.

Regarding the other five avenues of Xingyuan, Xingyuan has set up a protection mechanism in this regard. Except for [Scholar] Lyle, who has spent a lot of effort to barely understand some of them, ordinary [social] citizens cannot understand them.

After all, the knowledge of Xingyuan is different from the understanding of their earthlings.

As for things like martial arts and combat experience, it could have been given to Leoz with the power of the Speaker.

However, her body is still being repaired and cannot be used at all.

[The situation is worse than expected. Sure enough, I made the right move by leaving the mountain early. 】

She even had to dismantle the Excalibur and integrate the fragments into Leoz's soul in order to anchor the connection with Leoz.

Rednia didn't know what kind of help Xingyuan gave these gods like Leoz, but it was more like an auxiliary level, improving growth, but not giving clear guidance.

Rednia doesn’t understand the path of [Destruction] at all, and Leoz’s own path of [Domination] is still merging.

[Leozi, this guy, doesn’t really think that he can live in peace and live a life without using weapons for fifteen years, right? 】

Rednia's eyes were dark.

[No, I won’t allow you to settle down. Before you accomplish our goal, you can’t gain happiness. I won’t allow you to relax. You must go all out to become stronger. Even if it is a half-baked path of [destruction], I will take it. You build yourself into the strongest being...]

Seemingly sensing Rednia's worries, Lan Malok thought for a while and said:

"If the crown prince is seeking lessons on the path of [destruction], there is actually nothing he can do...but the process may be a bit complicated."

"Oh? Tell me."

"Actually, this matter has something to do with that golden dragon."

Lanmallock explained:

"According to the results of my surveillance for so many years, the golden dragon monk fell into the abyss a year before the silent loss of contact. But I think he is a [monk] with profound cultivation and has basically become a star. Yuan, so I didn’t pay much attention.”

"The point." Rednia said impatiently.

"It wasn't until a few days after he arrived that a ferocious and evil aura also came here - in the wild land southeast of Oshuria, an evil god crawled out of a wild abyss harbor there. Without stopping, he surfaced toward the abyss... About a year later, the evil god was forcibly expelled. They happened to meet the Golden Dragon Monk. The two of them got into a fight for some unknown reason and tried to surface. As a result, not long after, the two of them were killed again. The [society] that was entrenched at the top was driven down.”

Ranmallock said:

"If I'm not wrong in my judgment, it should be Leves, the "Lewd Daughter" who was demoted to the evil god in the middle of the Hidden Abyss War."

"I have an impression."

Rednia nodded:

"I met her a thousand years ago when I went down to the abyss. That woman has been guarding the position of [Demon Hunter], one of the final paths to [Destruction], for a long time. Many god-goers hope to defeat her and seize her throne. Let me think about it... about four hundred years ago, she was still being challenged by others, and many people regarded her as a whetstone for improving martial arts - even the [Dusk King] of the Void challenged her."

"what's the result?"

"989 wins, 7 draws, 12 no results, 2 losses."

Rednia said:

"This woman is indeed a strong person, but even if she is an evil god - she climbed up carrying the curse of three layers of star abyss - no, she floated and sank three times between the layer abyss and the realm abyss, a total of six layers curse."

Rednia twitched her lips:

"What a crazy woman. This kind of strength has been weakened to a level lower than that of a demigod - at most the strength of Kappa level (10), right?"

"Not only that, Levis is currently planning a new ascent. She tried to find the wild Abyss Port not long ago, but was driven away by the entrenched [society]."

"Idiot." Rednia said bluntly: "If I were her, I would just sleep for hundreds of years and wait until all the curses on my body dissipate."


She changed her voice and said with a smile:

"Thanks to her being an idiot, otherwise, I wouldn't be able to give Leoz supplements."

Lan Malok nodded:

"I have already sent you the information about Levi Si and the Golden Dragon Monk. I wish you a pleasant stay, Your Majesty."

"Well done, Lan Mallock, go back to Arthur to get the gift."

Rednia was in a good mood, stood up, put on her feathered felt hat, and her face instantly became serious:

"It's just that this time it's no joke."

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