From star abyss

Chapter 919 134 Lai Anding, the master of free prostitution

Three months later.

"Here we are, the backbone of Edfa Forest, Mount Horjumu."

"This place is really far away. Along the way there are either poisonous swamps or high-level elite monsters."

"Stop nagging, the deadline given by Ryan is coming soon, we must continue to act."

After tearing through the morning fog, Long Yuqiong and his party walked on the mountain path.

Over the past few months, after Laian Ding's supervision and training, their auras have stabilized at the Kapa level (10), ranking among the top five players. Except for the slightly shabby equipment, they are no better than ordinary Jingyuan civilians. , in other aspects it can be said to be the top level of players.

"Huh, it's quite hard to climb this mountain."

Ye Zhanjian squeezed his sweat. The humidity in the air was extremely high. Coupled with the special nature of Jingyuan, his body felt a biting and moist sensation - the water vapor sticking to his body was radiating heat to the body, forming a layer of white frost. .

"Although I have been here for a few months, the environment is so harsh. I can finally understand why Jingyuan only has such a small population. In the wild jungle, let alone wild beasts, this natural environment alone is enough for a person to drink a pot. ”

In such an environment, let alone industrialization, the most primitive steam engine cannot be operated. The emergence of narrative civilization in an environment like Jingyuan has nothing to do with local intelligent creatures. It is entirely because these four narratives are all immigrants from outside. Among the hegemonic civilizations, three of them rely on imported immigrants to increase their population.

This is a paradise with endless products, but it is also a barbaric place that civilization cannot reach.

Coupled with the fact that Jing Yuan's personality is there, the only ones who can manage and change this environment are those at the level of the Lord of the Path.

"Actually, it's not bad. After the Edfa Forest, there are the northern countries represented by the Principality of Oshuria. I think the settings say that area is more suitable for people to live."

Yu Tianxiao brought up the character panel and said:

"This mountain will impose 4 DEBUFFs on the characters we recruit, [Slow], [Tired], [Damp], and [Panic] - however, this just shows that we are in the right place."

"That's true."

Long Yuqiong nodded:

"According to the clues revealed in several previous ring missions, [Black Rock Lord] Anon Brayton was the last person to see [Rock Ghost] Terrafall. Even though 1,700 years have passed, His descendants died and ran away, but his tomb and mausoleum still remain here."

"So I hate doing this kind of running mission."

Ye Zhanjian pouted:

"Originally, we were only two weeks away from this place, but in order to find out the whereabouts of the rock ghost, we had to go to the library of Lortan City to collect information. While collecting information, we found that a scholar had information in his hand. Go in We looked for a scholar, but it turned out that this kid was cuckolded, so we must help him catch the adulterer and adulterer before he can help us."

"When we caught the adulterer and the adulteress, we were about to go find him for information. Who knew that the cuckold was snatched away by a wild gryphon on the way? We spent three days running around on the road. We found out when we were planning the rescue. , the materials needed to set up the griffin trap need to be bought from a little girl who sells medicine. When I find the little girl, the little girl said that her mother was captured by the insect man, and the materials are in her mother's hands."

"So we defeated the bug man and rescued her mother. It turned out that her mother was already dying, and the material we needed happened to have the function of saving her life. At this time, we had to make a decision, whether to give up the material to save human life. , it’s better to sit back and watch the other party finish, and we leave with the materials.”

"Long Yuqiong did a good job in this regard." Yu Tianxiao commented: "He lied and said that the materials were destroyed during the battle, handed the woman away to the local hospital, and then ignored our affairs."

"Benevolence and justice are the best." Long Yuqiong said, "This is not our responsibility."

"Anyway, this task is so long and smelly that I'm going to throw up."

Ye Zhanjian complained:

"Lai Anding pushed us too hard. We didn't even have time to buy equipment. That day I went shopping and spotted a pair of short knives, which were just right for me. I almost took a picture of them. What's the result? Lai Anding. An Ding shouted, 'There's a new situation, go and solve it immediately', and my system interface was shut down directly, which made me mad."

"That's not the core issue."

Yu Tianxiao weighed the wooden stick in his hand and said helplessly:

"We did not upgrade our equipment or change our skills during the whole process. There is no reward at all for this long-term mission, and we can only survive by robbing homes and houses to make ends meet."

"It's a good thing that this woman doesn't have much authority and only has basic NPC functions. Otherwise, I feel like she would have prostituted us all the way to the server."

"Close the server? It's hard to say whether this game is a game or not." Yu Tianxiao shook his head.

Since the exchange that day, the conflict between him and Long Yuqiong had been put aside for the time being, Ye Zhanjian no longer caused trouble, and he treated NPCs with a little more humanity.

After all, once you know that what you do will have an impact on living people, it will be difficult to be as relaxed as before.

"Whether it's a game or not, at least we are in this world as gamers now, and there's nothing we can do if we don't want to be players."

Long Yuqiong said lightly:

"At this point, we can only behave obediently. Protecting our own safety is the most important thing."

"I haven't been in reality for three days."

"Don't worry, you are absolutely safe in reality." Yu Tianhao paused and said, "As long as [society] does not appear."

The three of them just chatted away, pushing aside the heavy fog, stepping over the branches of the sunrise tree, and officially arrived at the entrance of the cave.

"Oh, finally here."

Ye Zhanjian walked to the door, touched the badly weathered stone door, and complained:

"This place hasn't been maintained for many years. I'm afraid no one has ever visited it - by the way, how did [Xuanyan Qing], a demigod who holds the title of Qing, get to this point?"

"The information shows that the Black Rock Sword Master, Anon Brayton, was seriously injured in the Abyss War. After diving and surfacing many times, he suffered a severe curse and was mentally and physically exhausted. After going crazy once, he directly killed himself. Of all the tribesmen, only some branches of other tribes have been passed down. As the demigods declined and committed suicide, they also went to the upper star abyss to seek a safe life."

Yu Tianxiao explained:

"The characteristics of the curse will continue with the bloodline. It is estimated that his descendants will still be cursed even if they are still alive."

"Wow, it's so miserable." Ye Zhanjian exclaimed: "You are already a demi-god, why do you still want to move forward? Now you have the fate of the entire clan involved."

"After all, we are players and we don't understand the feelings of these star abyss natives who have ascended to the gods."

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