From star abyss

Chapter 923 138 Cang Huang Jue Blade (Part 2)

Chapter 923 138. Cang Huang Jue Blade (Part 2)


The seemingly heavy door collapsed instantly, smoke and dust rolled past Leoz's feet, and the cold and damp air from the depths of the tomb hit his face like a wave. For a moment, the hair on his hair stood on end, and the rustling cold wind was like a needle prick. , seeping into the body from every pore and gap, as if it wants to stir up the bone marrow and tear it apart.

There is an old saying in the earth, which tells people that if the tea is not cold, the threat of death of a tiger is still there.

The first one was basically not achieved, but the latter was fully demonstrated at this moment.

It should be said that it is the tomb of the legendary demigod [Xuanyanqing]. Hundreds of years after his death, the air is still filled with a terrible sense of oppression, just like the despair of an ant looking up at a giant. Even if he takes one more breath, his heart feels... It is inevitable that the fear of "disrespect" will arise.

If there is a system at this moment, then his body must be full of all kinds of negative debuffs at this moment. Even Leoz, who is extremely determined, is not completely fearless when facing the demigod's tomb, but instead a lot of strange things arise in his heart. Empathize with grief.

Perhaps it was because the opponent had already half-stepped into the ranks of the gods and could almost be called his compatriot, but he also failed and died first.

The resistance hero of the past, the god of Xingyuan, and the hero who was granted the title of Qing, ended up like this. The empty altar was filled with dust. No one had ever dedicated his memory to him. This demigod seemed to be using his The ending warns those who come after them not to be greedy for power and path, but to cherish the people in front of them more...

Thinking of this, Leoz was very emotional.

So, he took out his shovel and pickaxe and started digging vigorously at the weak entrance to the tomb.

Everyone is dead, so what’s the use of leaving so many relics? Let’s bless future generations.

As for whether this is in line with ordinary morality - what does it mean?

You see, [Xuan Yanqing] himself has no objections, and he must also agree with it very much.

The excavation work was not difficult, simply because the entire tomb had never been maintained, and some seemingly powerful trap formations had long since become empty shells due to disrepair and energy leakage.

A few hours later, Leoz cut in with a shovel, and the mound in front of him suddenly collapsed. An awe-inspiring cold light illuminated the way forward, and the road leading to the main tomb was completely dug.


Leoz put down his tools, wiped his sweat, and strode into it.

There are no traps in the main tomb. The murals everywhere are filled with the stories of this legendary demigod, and four strange statues are placed. They are filled with symbols that seem to be full of rules. It seems that the visitor will follow the murals. The content needs to be rearranged to lead to the next level.

Obviously, friends who often rob tombs know that this is a classic puzzle-solving part of the tomb chamber.

Before some tomb owners died, they were also worried that no one would inherit their legacy, so they deliberately set up some tests. If the tomb robbers had the ability to solve them, they would be considered passed, and they would be passed on and a fate would be established.

Normally, half of this kind of puzzle can only be solved through the cooperation of complex spatial geometry, humanistic common sense and meticulous observation——


Leos walked to the south wall, lifted up a brick, knocked it twice, and said:

"(Kozite) I want to mate with you."


The next moment, the door leading to the lower tomb was smashed into pieces. A monster that looked like a scorpion and had weird long beards all over its body tore through the smoke, opened its terrifying mouthparts, panted, looked around, and locked onto its figure. Petite Leoz.


The shrill chirping of insects sounded, and the huge scorpion beast raised its pincers. The armor on its chest undulated violently, spurting out fiery and dense pheromones. It danced back and forth, spinning around Leos. Not only was it not malicious, but it was Full of...passion.

Leos smiled slightly and gently opened the scarf around his neck, revealing his delicate collarbone. He raised his hand, hooked at the scorpion beast, and said softly:

"(Kozite) Come here."


The scorpion beast clawed the ground and moved quickly, like a mountain collapsing, and rushed towards Leoz. Just as the other party was spraying courtship hormones and offering his deep love to Leoz, he was about to kill him. When he fell down - Leoz suddenly took out the rock ghost's finger bone from his pocket and stabbed it straight into the scorpion beast's jaw!


Like a hot knife cutting through butter, Gan Gui's finger bones melted, penetrated, and passed through the opponent's body without any hindrance, all the way from the head to the whole body, causing a complete collapse of the central nervous system.

In less than a second, the entire scorpion beast instantly inflated like a balloon, and surging heat quickly filled its body.

Then, Leoz simply turned his head, raised his hand, and caught the rock ghost's finger bone as it returned from the air.


The tragic explosion quickly spread poisonous gas throughout the room, but Leoz didn't care. He rolled up his cloak and leisurely stepped into the opened door and headed towards the next floor.

It’s not that puzzle solving is unplayable, but that violent clearance is more cost-effective.

According to the information from the 'previous life', the finger bones of the rock ghost are not only a key prop to obtain the holy beast, but also a special attack on the Zerg in the realm, and cause real damage and purification effects.

The person who built the tomb had a good idea, but he probably didn't expect that the descendants of [Xuanyan Qing] could decline to this extent.

You can think about it with your fingers: a tomb that has not been maintained for many years, with coffins, rotten wood, and dampness inside. A little decay will produce gas and temperature. This environment can become a perfect breeding ground for Zerg breeding.

Just seduce it with the Zerg's most desired reproductive psychology, and you can use the opponent's huge power to smash the door. In the end, you will be killed by the rock ghost's finger bones, and you will die without touching a hair of the 'reproduction target'.

See, this is what happens when you are a dog licker.

The moment Leos stepped into the second floor, the surrounding light dimmed instantly. The surging magic power surged fiercely like the center of a vortex. A large amount of rocks and sand gathered together to form a strong and tenacious warrior. image.

"Ah, how powerful it is."

The shadow of the mountain warrior completely shrouded Leoz. Compared with that towering body, he was completely like an ant.

Not only that, as the warrior gradually takes shape, the aura of the opponent is also rising.

Kappa (10), Lambda (11), Miu (12), New (13), Cauchy (14) - the secret of Kelong (15)!

At this point, the warrior's power has completely surpassed the level of his 'previous life'. Not only in the abyss, but even in the abyss, this kind of existence is the elite of the world.

"Level 300 [Tomb Rock Guard], frost + rock + dimension, triple attributes, 5 billion HP, 2 armors, and immune to real damage. It also has full body dominance, body damage immunity, and 33% spell immunity. , forced knockback by skills, and extremely high desire to attack - for players who have reached this point in the normal mission process, there is simply no way to deal with it. It is the dung monster among dung monsters. Its disgusting mechanism is even for me. Even the little crocodile Nepheus can’t compare.”

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