From star abyss

Chapter 925 140 Life Sacrifice


The heavy coffin was opened with a bang, and Leoz took two steps back to avoid the pouring soul frenzy. The almost crystallized energy surged like a tidal wave. Anyone who was touched by it would be infected with the will and spirit of the deceased. , and was eventually assimilated step by step, becoming the flesh puppet of the undead.

Leos has too much experience in dealing with such powerful souls, not only from the memory experience of Sides - but also from the time when he suppressed the domination of the universe and slaughtered the dragon civilization.

He turned around and moved to avoid the surging torrent of souls. He cut open his left index finger with a knife and carved runes on the ground.

The horrifying one eye slowly opened, and a strange and joking laughter emitted from the surrounding space.

This is not a simple soul confinement spell - it comes from the original rune of [Strange Origin] Spector. Among the entire rune sequence of the Star Abyss, it is the top one and is called the 'deep mark'.

Similar runes can be possessed by any Star Abyss Lord, except of course Leoz himself. As a representative, his status has not yet reached that level.

Like a stray lamb encountering a tiger, the torrent of souls quickly calmed down, and the will of the dead soul gradually returned to reason, wandering in the air, preparing to condense and take shape.

The power of the Deep Mark Rune was immediately revealed. Spector's power was almost ineffective against living people, but it was basically accurate against souls.

What a pity, this kind of rune basically has no lethality, otherwise many things can be solved quickly.

"'s been too long since anyone woke me up."

The deep voice echoed directly in my heart.

Leos shook off the dust on his cloak and looked forward. The soul energy in the coffin had condensed into a translucent shape, like a warrior wearing heavy armor. He held his knees with one hand and leaned on the coffin, slowly He sat down, took a breath and rested for a while, collected himself, then raised his head and looked at Leos:

"You? A little kid, how can you come here?"

"My name is Leoz."

He said, raising the rock ghost finger bone in his hand:

"I think this thing can explain a lot."

"Telafal's finger bones? - Oh, he's a happy-go-lucky boy who doesn't talk nonsense at all."

The samurai looked exhausted, and every movement required all his strength. He slowly raised his hand and made a move towards Leoz:

"Come here, come closer. I don't have the strength. The curse of the abyss will permanently take away the same thing from you - what was taken away from me is energy."

Leoz had no doubts. He walked to a position two or three meters in front of the other party, stood still, and asked:

"Are you [Xuanyan Qing] Anweng Brayton?"

"I was called this when I was alive."

An Weng raised his big empty hand, gently brushed the top of Leos' head, and immediately let out a light sigh:

"How could it be able to come here, the passages in the body are so blocked? No, it's not that there are no passages. Your body has almost no absorption of external energy."

"My aunt said that my innate talent is not very good." Leoz said calmly.

"Not so good?" An Weng repeated, jokingly: "More than just not so good - kid, it's a miracle that you can survive."

"Huh?" Leoz frowned: "Why do you say that?"

An Weng pointed at him:

"You kid, do you have a younger brother or younger sister's twins?"

Leos was surprised:

"How can this be seen?"

"This is too common. In our time... Well, I just asked Jing Yuan's will. It has been 829 years since I was last awakened, which is almost 1,300 years ago. In your case It's not uncommon, we call it a 'living sacrifice'."

"Living sacrifice?"

The other party's statement caught Leoz's attention. These conversations were not recorded in his previous life.

"Yes, life sacrifice, you should know that for us ascension gods, the higher the level, the closer we are to the posture of the Xingyuan God Clan. In fact, the Xingyuan God Clan does not have the ability to give birth, even if it is said to give birth to the God Clan, Mother Goddess Leanding is only the mother of all gods in name. In fact, she uses various materials and the fire of chaos to make the gods herself. It is actually very difficult to truly leave heirs. .”

An Weng took a breath, leaned against the coffin, rested for a while, and then continued to speak slowly:

"Although not everyone can successfully ascend to the gods, there are many unlucky curses they will endure in the process of ascending to the gods. No one wants to leave behind descendants of their own ethnic group and continue their own blood and spirit. In addition, the environment in our realm is incomparable It’s so bad, even if the Void Demon comes to kill it, it will fall into the dust. Including me, passing on to future generations is a must.”

"It's okay for ordinary people in Layer Abyss, but for high-level experts, like demigods like me, even if they find a partner, they either can't bear their powerful genes, or there is reproductive isolation. Even if they successfully conceive, they will not be able to give birth. There is also a very high probability that those who come down are deformed monsters called 'gods' or 'gods of disaster'."

"So, someone came up with an idea to use magic to make the mother's body give birth to only twins."

"What's the use of this?" Leoz was puzzled: "If one child gives birth to two children, the probability of deformity and divine evil is the same. The curse is also inherited according to the bloodline..."

"You overestimate the curse of nature, and underestimate the wisdom of mortals."

An Weng knocked on his head and smiled:

"You should understand that when people who belong to the same path dive into the star abyss at the same time, the curses on their bodies will be dispersed. Do you know why?"

"Isn't this Xingyuan's own interception mechanism? In order to urge more people to choose a path and avoid involution disputes——"

"No, you are wrong. No matter how hard you limit the internal strife in the early stage, when it comes to the abyss and the fight for the divine position, even the Omega level (24) will dissipate as easily as snowflakes."

An Weng shook his head and said:

"Let me tell you, in fact, this is Xingyuan implanting an identity mark for you."

Leos' pupils shrank:

"……How can it be?"

"It's not impossible, is it surprising? I didn't expect the real purpose of the curse is to classify and manage people like recycling garbage."

An Weng spread his hands and said:

"You've gone far, kid. Your adults will definitely not tell you these things - the curse of Xingyuan is actually to screen out the talents they need for each level of Xingyuan. The ultimate goal is to provide the deepest source of The Abyss provides the greatest warriors and main gods - and they will take on the task of dominating the entire Star Abyss."

"Are you saying that the curses and blessings are actually to help Yuanyuan select heirs?"

"That's it. Different curses will continue to accumulate. The purpose is to screen out those who are absolutely obsessed with Yuanyuan and completely loyal to the Star Abyss. Only such people are qualified to rule the Star together with the Yuanyuan Clan. Abyss - and the others are just steps that the king steps on when he ascends the throne."

An Weng said:

"Although the truth is a bit cruel, at least we can work out a way based on this mechanism to help us leave behind descendants in this competition-that is: life sacrifice."

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