From star abyss

Chapter 96 096. Proliferation and Alienation

"Contact the Rose Army, attack the Mingji, and inform the world."

Li Ozi repeated Nelia's words, every purpose seemed ironic.

"Contact the Rose Army. Not to mention whether we can get in touch, or whether they will send troops - besides, how long will it take for people to come over?"

"It's even more nonsense to attack the underworld and humanity - even I know that if you dare to do this, it will definitely arouse international public opinion and attract condemnation. Will the Rose Army ignore these names?"

"The announcement to the world is pure nonsense. The Rose Army can't even control its own social media and public opinion. Do you expect people to believe what the rebels say?"

"This is not rebellion, this is innovation."

Jane Nelia said lightly:

"This shelter has extraordinary value and can help us in our cause of resisting the Four Kingdoms."

"If you just kill all the people without occupying and guarding it, then Frost Plate can still support new traces of the underworld. But if the Rose Army occupies this place, we can build it into a bridgehead to Frost Plate. "

"I understand your worries - don't worry about your interests. As the hero who severely damaged Frost Plate's lackeys, Qiangwei will not be stingy with rewards."

"No, you don't understand."

Li Ozi waved his hand and shouted:

"Do you think this is a matter of dividing the spoils? No, I don't care about the Rose Army. I don't care about Mingji's family wealth. As for Shuang Plate - Shuang Plate will be destroyed sooner or later, but I don't want to take advantage of them. .”

"Then according to your wishes, Red Arrow——"

"It has nothing to do with the Red Arrow." Li Ozi disliked Jane Neria's tone very much. This kind of rationality, ruthlessness, and self-righteousness was the unique bad temper of the Rose Army, and it was also the fundamental reason why their resistance failed.

"I said, Qiu Ran and I's companion is Nomi, not you, and not the Rose Army. Cooperation is not impossible, but at least we need to show the capital of trust."

With a character like Jane Nelea, you can't make detours with her, otherwise she will lead you into a ditch. However, Li Ozi still has the advantage of having a high main attribute [Charisma]. No matter how objective the other party is, he will be His words cannot be ignored.

"The capital of trust?"

"I don't want promises, I want practicalities."

Li Ozi raised his thumb behind his back:

"If you need a long-wave radio to notify the Rose Army - it's in the communication room over there. That's fine, no problem. But you have to follow us and kill all the ghosts first. I don't care what happens after that. It’s not my interest, so it doesn’t matter if I give it to the Rose Army.”

Not only is it okay, if the Rose Army can really advance all the way and knock down the Dark Trail, Li Ozi will save a lot of infrastructure renovation costs. If the environment is frost-plated, the players will have to moisturize the outside world when they come.

When the time comes for the players to arrive, the humane shelter with sound facilities, medical equipment, civil air defense projects, and its own reactor will naturally become the first choice.

At that time, in line with his publicity and popularity, it will not be too easy to monetize traffic.

Li Ozi has always been a realistic person. Except for some bottom-line issues, other matters can be discussed calmly and slowly.

Nomi is dead - but the body is resurrected as Jane Nelea.

From a relationship point of view, Li Ozi wanted to save Nomi, but it was Nelia who was saved. The latter naturally inherited the favor and life-saving grace of Li Ozi and Qiu Ran.

Taking advantage of favors and repaying them with force, buying and selling by force are all common methods used by players.

The reason for being polite to Nomi is because she blocked his gun, and together we fought from the underworld to the outside world, fought through Rule 4, and fought all the way back again - this is a life-long friendship.

Without Nomi, Li Ozi immediately switched back to his previous player mindset.

"Don't talk about those things that don't have revolutionary goals. I don't care. Not to mention that all the frost-plated people are dead. If the planet explodes, I might still be watching the show. Frankly speaking, I have double standards. As long as they don't die in front of me. Yeah, what does the fact that blood doesn’t splatter on me have anything to do with me?”

Li Ozi has never denied that he has double standards. Rather, he would rather say that not having double standards will only make both parties unhappy, so he might as well make himself happy.

Nomi's death weighed heavily on his heart - but when he moved, it felt even more unbridled.

——What we need to do now is to concentrate all our strength and quickly kill the remaining members of the Dark Trace Humanity to deal with the next problem.

In addition, Li Ozi also needs 2 million Derby funds to arrest (promote) himself.

His goals became clearer, his thoughts became smoother, and he returned to his original mentality as a player.

When he looked at Jane Nelia again, Li Ozi's eyes returned to that indifference.

Jane Nelia stared at her, and just as she was about to speak, Li Ozi saw through her mind:

"You want to say that I faked the identity of the Rose Army? Do you want to blackmail me with this matter?"

"This is not a big deal. The Rose Army never cares about the background of people with lofty ideals..."

He smiled:

"Isn't it? Bad Lumeng, Chu Haosheng, Rom Costa - these three moderates of the Rose Army, when they were purged by Mr. Alvin and Wang Geliang, you specifically mentioned their big businessmen and He is a lawyer."

Jane's expression changed: "I don't know what you are talking about -"

"Let me tell you a fact - the Rose Army's route dispute is meaningless. The times have changed. People trapped on the earth by gravity will never look up to the sky."

Li Ozi sneered.

Players in the previous life did not have a good impression of the Rose Army, not even as good as the Subway Brotherhood.

The reason is very simple. When the Rose Army was the largest in the mid-term and had the support of six external warlords, internal fighting broke out.

The reason for the fight was that the radicals, represented by Alvin Duli and Wang Geliang, accused the moderates of being too weak and that they should impose a severe economic blockade on the civilians who interacted with Frost Plate, because every time they trade with Frost Plate , which will cause the soldiers on the front line to suffer a heavy blow.

The moderates believe that this is completely a social regression. Frost Plate is originally quite extreme in terms of morality and law. As a reformist, you cannot follow the same style as the enemy, otherwise the people who originally supported the Rose Army will collapse.

Finally, the leader of the moderate faction was secretly dealt with and assassinated by the radicals while on vacation. The entire Rose Army was in an uproar. Some young officers could not accept comrades killing each other, so they ran away angrily with their soldiers and went to fight guerrillas in the mountains.

What players hate the most is this boring fighting scene.

At that time, the players did not know the worldly nature of "Star Abyss". According to their usual stereotype of the game, how could there be any conspiracy?

But the level is just not high enough!

No matter how strong you are, it's still useless? That's definitely not strong enough!

Has it reached the limit of this universe? It doesn't matter, then go to the next level of the universe and explore the limits of individual strong men!

Presumably, when their equipment and levels rise, there will be another bloody storm.

People who hold the above thoughts will basically shut up next time Xingyuan comes.

Li Ozi attaches great importance to the Rose Army in order to attract players to come to him and empty their wallets to buy jewelry and the path of [Mutants].

But he won't invest too much. After all, the Rose Army's combat effectiveness has historically been great. Without the fierce men and women of the International Battalion, it would be somewhat unthinkable to fight against Shuang Plating, and it would be a matter of time before they were annihilated by Shuang Plating.

According to Li Ozi's memory, the current President Shuangzhi is busy with the territorial dispute with Tianhuan, and there is also David Lin's team within his own family who is eyeing him. If you think about it, the Yawen agents in history should have died long ago. Plated liquidation.

When the President freed his hands, the Rose Army was easily dealt with.

Taken together, Rose Army is not much better than Frost Plating.

Especially with the shadows and disturbances of the dummies, the entire Rose Army became a mess.

Li Ozi threw a combination of punches, and Jane Nelia suddenly felt the pressure.

Although the trick of taking advantage of someone's favor is a bit of a moral kidnapping, it is very effective for the Rose Army who care about their reputation.

It is very important to be famous, especially since Mingji Humanity is an international humanitarian relief organization to the outside world. Even if people from the outside world criticize it - but who cares about the people from the outside world?

The four countries will only be moved by themselves, and the public will be indignant, and they will have reason to launch large-scale revenge against the Rose Army.

As for taking the opportunity to continue to expand control over the outside world, open up a few transit station cities to transport military supplies, and provide a series of peripheral services to fighters fighting terrorists - is this normal? After all, soldiers are human beings too, and they also need to eat, drink and have fun.

Just move the unemployed people who are idle in the society. If it is done, the unemployment rate will be solved, the society will be stable, the people will probably be satisfied, the world will be generally satisfied, and the political risks will be minimized.

As for the people in the outside world who are dissatisfied, let them be dissatisfied.

Li Ozi stared at Nelia.

Although the other party had a poker face, his eyes were serious.

What Li Ozi threw out were all scandalous news within the Rose Army, which was difficult for Nelia, a guerrilla, to accept.

Secondly, as long as you are not stupid, you should understand the situation of the Rose Army.

After Li Ozi attacks the underworld, at most he can moisten the outside world, spend some money, and change a false identity to enter the Tianhuan in a big way.

The Rose Army can't do it. Their family has a big business and they can't run away.

They can fight against humanity, but they cannot bloodbath humanitarian organizations like Li Ozi - which is why Jane Nelia asked to take a step back and wait for the arrival of the Rose Army.

Even if Shuang Plating's team comes by then, fighting the regular army is a justified military action.

What Li Ozi wants is to bloodbath the people of Mingji, which is contrary to Nelia's idea: she not only wants to win good looks, but also win the shelter facilities of Mingji Humanity.

But if she didn't cooperate with Li Ozi... her moral difficulties would be secondary. She knew Li Ozi's ability to defeat the baby eater and massacre the underworld and the White Fang Gang.

She thought that if she just walked away like that, Li Ozi probably wouldn't let her go easily.

In this case, it would be better for both parties to take a step back, but there is a way.

So, after some negotiation, the two reached an agreement.

"I can't get involved in this unfair fight."

Jane confessed and held out her hand:

"However, I hope to use this arcane energy in exchange for leaving and sending the location of the Underworld Humanity Sanctuary here."

"make a deal."

made money.

It is not a small project to have someone who has been taken advantage of directly help him develop and renovate humanitarian facilities in the underworld.

Moreover, if there were any signs of other pseudo-human beings later - he would immediately blow up the reactor of Mingji Humanity.

The most important thing is that to get Nomi's arcana back, Li Ozi only needs to learn the knowledge of two [Domination] systems to find her body and wandering soul.

There are not many ways to resurrect people, especially those who have been dead for a long time. A few months is enough to decompose the corpse...but Li Ozi thinks that he should give it a try.

Li Ozi held the opponent's palm, and nerve tentacles oozed out from the palm and pierced into the opponent's hand. Jane Nelia frowned and groaned. A red and black color appeared in her pupils, and the blood vessels in her arms suddenly protruded. , as intertwined as the roots of a tree.

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