From star abyss

Chapter 934 149 Di Yalan’s family affairs

To be fair, Di Yalan's career can be said to be very successful. She is strict in her work, clear rewards and punishments, handles official duties internally neatly, and speaks appropriately externally. It is surprising that the White Candle Autonomous State, which is not even a third-rate civilization, is on the interstellar stage. Played the role of a great nation.

But as for his personal life, Di Yalan cannot be said to have made no achievements, at least it can be said to be impoverished.

In the seventeen years since she was in politics, except for some scandals with Commander Leoz Dominate, who promoted her and valued her, she has almost never had any close relationship with her. When the oligarch and the colonial governor came to Dialan, she responded with the same tone: Thank you, I can't do it, goodbye.

In addition to the lack of emotional life, Di Yalan's social relationships are also limited to a business-like attitude. Perhaps because of the unique indifference of the immortal species, Di Yalan will hardly take the initiative to socialize with anyone.

Of course, there are also rumors: Di Yalan is actually Leoz's secret girlfriend. The reason is that the two graduated from the same university, not to mention the same department and classmates, and they were undergraduates in the same class. However, President Leoz was very worried. He had already been involved in society and started a large-scale industrial business, while Di Yalan went to study abroad at a high-end institution in the Crystal Tower.

This kind of experience is hard not to remind people of the plot of "a man works to support his girlfriend to study for graduate school." This is so common in life that people subconsciously assume that Leoz is the provider, and even Looking forward to the ending of this story.

Judging from the results, people's ideas are probably half completed: five years later, Leoz and Dialan met again, but this time they were superiors and subordinates, employers and assistants, and then further became political partners and The heads of state, perhaps to avoid suspicion, have no plans to continue their development.

At least, that's how it seems to ordinary people.

Di Yalan doesn't think it's weird for people to gossip like this. After all, she is almost the most outstanding woman on this planet. If she doesn't like anyone else, then obviously only Leo can catch her eye. Your Excellency.


Di Yalan gently fiddled with the photo frame and looked at the flawless beauty inside, which transcended the concepts of gender and race.

What should I say?

Even for an immortal like her who is indifferent to emotions, it would be a lie to say that she had no reaction at all when facing Leos. She realized early on that Leos' charm was almost a kind of magic. Even if she couldn't capture his beauty, she would still be attracted by his temperament. Even if she didn't care about his appearance, she would still be infected by the emotions naturally revealed in his words.

No one dislikes Leoz. If he is a weak-willed person, he will forgive him even if Leoz wants to kill him.

Even if it’s me——


Di Yalan put down the pen and sighed.

'What am I thinking? There is still much unfinished business. ’

No matter what the reason, you should not be distracted during work hours.

Since the [Social] attack broke out in the Empire, Narrative Civilization has temporarily put aside its past conflicts and begun to unite and cooperate. For some reason, the group has begun to give the green light to the autonomous state, forming alliances and assisting in construction, as if it is putting itself on the line. treated as allies.

The Baizhu Autonomous State is developing at a rapid pace, and there was once a situation where there were not enough bureaucracies. Unfortunately, many things cannot be solved by artificial intelligence alone. As a government leader, a large number of tasks are backlogged on Di Yalan.

Boring work day after day is torture for anyone, and Dialan is no exception.

It's funny to say that when Leos was the president, he was obviously a hands-off shopkeeper, but he didn't need to do anything. Many times, Leos would stop there, the president would read a few formulaic words according to the script, and the matter would be solved.

At first they thought it was because of the Overlord path, and then they tried recruiting some charismatic mutants.

Seven were recruited, three resigned halfway through their work, two felt life was boring and resigned to become terrorists in Valkyrie, one had a civilized narrative, and one had no problems, but his private life was a bit chaotic, so he At the age of twenty-six, my girlfriend already had three figures, and later she stopped working at all.

Looking at it now, His Excellency President Leoz is no longer gifted. On the path of [Domination], he is normal and a little abnormal. It was once suspected that he was actually a divine person on the path of [Fine Arts].

'It seems that I am very tired today, and I started to pay attention to my own personal matters...'

Di Yalan quickly dealt with the matter at hand, filed the documents, and announced that he was off work.

She seemed a little too tired today, so she decided to relax in a place she hadn't seen for a long time.

Ten minutes later, Di Yalan stepped out of the portal. She released the transformation technique and transformed herself into an ordinary rural woman. Without any assistants or bodyguards, she climbed the mountain to Mailin and entered the ruins hall of the past.

Although this place was originally transformed into a village center by the players, it has now been abandoned once again as the center moved to the capital. All Di Yalan saw were some tables, chairs and benches, as well as various 'today's tasks', Notices such as "Village Entrustment" record the traces of the lives of those who came in the past.

‘These descendants have become a lot more active recently and have gained a great reputation in Valkyrie. They are completely different from the crispy ones that could be easily crushed before. ’

She doesn't know much about the players, not to mention that Di Yalan's goal does not lie in this.

She walked around the center of the village and saw an abandoned pastoral house. It seemed that women once lived here, grew vegetables, and cut clothes. There were also some frost-plated labels written around them to mark various ingredients and medicines. .

It can be seen that the women here once wanted to live a good life.

Leoz said that this was the first time he brought the descendants to the White Candle Star. Maybe there were people who wanted to live peacefully with Leoz at that time.

‘That’s great, I can’t even imagine such a thing. ’

She lowered her head, walked around the countryside, and walked toward a pothole deep in the ruins. After walking for dozens of meters, a permeating smell of medicine was captured by the olfactory system. Di Yalan glanced at the stone tablet aside and murmured. murmured:

"After all these years, it has never changed."

On the stone tablet it is clearly written:

"Latecomers, no matter what your reasons are, being able to get here proves that you have the courage to explore the unknown road ahead."

"The future is an abyss with no bottom, but all hope also resides in it. I don't know how to use words to express this feeling... But please believe me, as a glorious betrayer, I will always stand in my conscience And this side of justice.”

"The latecomer, behind the gate, is a monster that has been sealed for a long time. I used some forbidden techniques to create her from chaos. If there is anyone in this world that I am sorry for, it must be that child. ”

"I have prepared a series of trials for you. If you successfully pass the trials, you will be able to awaken her with your sincerity and help you overcome obstacles and overcome all difficulties."

"Son of Xingyuan, please destroy all [society], let everything be peaceful, and return to the world."

"[The Secret Society] Thirteen Members - [Doctor] Levalushin Doctor (former name: Adel King), rests here."

"The person who erected the monument - the original [Secret Society] jury: Ellia; Citizen: Velvet."

Di Yalan lowered his head, knelt on one knee in front of the stone tablet, held the pendant on his chest tightly, and began to repeat the voice engraved in his soul:


Di Yalan, I'm sorry. I gave you the best qualifications and the supreme bloodline, but without your consent, I placed a cruel mission on one of your children. What you should have enjoyed is a life of luxury and luxury. life.

But I want to turn you into a warrior, a lonely and cold Crusader. You must hold noble ideals and fight to the end against the most serious thug in the world - the "Secret Society".

I will take away your emotions and love, and arm your mind with steel and fire.

I will transform your flesh and bones, and let magic and violence adorn your makeup.

I will destroy your personality and thoughts, and fill your life with revenge and fighting.

You are a noble victim, sacrificing yourself on behalf of the people of the world. Without your destruction, there would be no survival of the universe.

I have never hurt anyone in my life, and I have saved countless lives, but you are the only one I love the most. If I could replace you, I would be willing to go to hell for you.

But there is nothing I can do to save you. All I can do is wish you complete this mission as soon as possible before I die.


"——Completed, my mission."

[Doctor] Adel King, who was also his own creator and a father-like figure, passed away soon after leaving these words.

There's nothing sad about it actually, her tear ducts were removed from the start.

Just watching her father's body rot little by little, she was powerless and allowed the blood of the ether to soak, struggle, and dry up. This process became a nightmare in her heart when she was a child.

But soon, the mechanism implanted in Adel's body took effect.

Probably feeling the sorrow and fear in her heart, she moved involuntarily, threw herself between the silvery ether, opened her mouth widely, and drank her father's blood.

Suddenly, she was no longer afraid or panicked.

Adel, who was just like his father, died just like that, but he was not actually dead, because his ether was still flowing in his body.

It is the existence of this ether that reminds her all the time:

【Secrets are immortal, why should we be at home? 】

‘Yes, my mission is not over yet. ’

After the mourning was over, she quickened her pace, pushed open the ajar stone door, and officially entered the laboratory filled with the smell of medicine and corruption.

‘I’m the one who doesn’t deserve joy and happiness. ’

She walked to the familiar experimental table, brushed off the dust on it, tapped it lightly, triggered the mechanism, and took out a silver-white liquid from the dark grid.

‘Because I exist to completely end the source of all evil. ’

If Leoz or Arwen were present, they would be able to recognize at a glance that this was the secret potion that transformed them into the most deadly poisonous substance in the world - the aether mixture.

Ordinary people will suffer sudden nervous death if they smell it. People without earth blood will even quickly wither and carbonize. No matter what, this is a poison that cannot be touched.

‘I remember that this is the etheric blood left by Aunt Verlia, belonging to the [Explorer], it should be able to bring me some comfort. ’

Di Yalan unscrewed it as easily as unscrewing the cap of a drink bottle and allowed the poisonous ether to escape. She did not dodge or cover her mouth and nose.

Instead, she lifted the bottle filled with the mixture and drank it.

Gulu gulu...

Di Yalan let go of his hand.


The empty bottle hit the ground, and Di Yalan stood upright on the spot. Her eyes quickly changed color, from the original delicate golden yellow to pale silver, rapidly surging and switching like waves.

The vision gradually dimmed, the sounds became farther and farther, and then completely turned into silence.

"Oh? You haven't been here for a long time."

A kind man's voice echoed in Di Yalan's ears:

"I still remember your name - Di'Alan, the agent in Haines language. It's a good name. Do you still remember me? Xiao A'Lan."

"I, I can't remember clearly."

Di Yalan shook her head slightly, the world around her was spinning, and she gradually couldn't distinguish between dreams and reality.

"Well, that's all I can tell you."

The man didn’t take it seriously and said kindly:

"I am Dum Yinweida. [God of Destruction] The god-supporter of Dumfes."

"Really - no, I remembered...but you didn't seem to call it this before."

Di Yalan stared hard ahead, trying to find the outline of the other party, then calmed down and said:

"You are...[Wild Armor] Wilder Chimera."

"Correct answer! Congratulations!"

After his lie was discovered, Wilder Chimera said in surprise:

"Well, it seems that you have adapted to this space. Doctor Adel's modulation of you is really successful. The Necrotic Virus can organically combine the concepts of Titans and Dragons. I have a friend who is like this too, but But he used the two concepts of 'crow' and 'blood'——"


Di Yalan tried his best to maintain his spirit and said:

"The last time I came here was probably 7 years ago. Now my body is a little unable to keep up with my strength. I may need to adjust it a bit."

"This is very troublesome. The Necrotic Virus only allows you to combine. I can't help you improve your strength."

Wilder said helplessly:

"Your world is very strange. Power is strictly divided according to class. Although Dr. Adel relied on the fragments of the Destroyer to contact me across boundaries, unfortunately, I can only rely on the ether to transmit simple information. "

"Would it be useless even if the death virus is added..."

"There is no way. I think this is because the systems of Destroyer and Xingyuan are not compatible with our power."

Wilder thought for a while and said:

"I think you must be thinking about whether to carry out the plan of diving into the star abyss and increase your upper limit, right?"


Di Yalan nodded:

"I can't make up my mind, so I want to ask Wilder to help me. You are not the god of our star abyss, nor the Earth or the Destroyer. Your existence is very special. Bystanders can see clearly, and you may be able to provide better advice."

"Thank you for always trusting me. This has almost never happened since I participated in the Health Bureau's experiment. How can I put feels good to be trusted."

Wilder laughed and said:

"It would be great if that Crow Father could trust me so much. It's a pity that that guy only wants to give people equal death."

"Wilde, I have always been curious about what kind of existence your power would be if it were placed in the Star Abyss..."

"We are not very strong, but when you come to us, you will not be our opponent. Our world is more advanced than Xingyuan. At least our gods are much more terrifying than your warriors here. But it is a pity. , we cannot travel to your star abyss, and we cannot bear your curse."

Wilder's ambiguous answer seemed to indicate that he was powerless over the current situation in Xingyuan.

"What happened? Little Alan."

"[Secret Society] Gaia instigated her councilors [peasants] to attack the empire, one of the narrative civilizations."

"Well, this is big is the battle going?"

"It didn't go well. It is said that the [Farmer] was the legendary final reforger. He completely showed the posture of the original legendary creature and caused a lot of damage to the empire."

Di Yalan held the pendant, lowered his head and said:

"I don't want to just be a mere head of state, I have to become a warrior. Only I can massacre the secrets. If you "Kaishi" from the high-level world can help us, then it will be even more——"

"We can't do it, Di'Aran."

Wilder said regretfully:

"You should be glad that you didn't meet Crow Raven - that Father Crow. He would only prepare you for a peaceful death."

"how so……"

"Well, I have to say that Crowe Raven is not a bad person, he is just a devout believer, and in our world, the influence of gods is much greater than yours... To be honest, Father, if he knows that I donate to the lower world If he gets a sample of the necrotic virus, he will chop off my head."

Wilder was helpless:

"Being able to give Adel the Death Life Virus and let him build a dragon death weapon is already our limit. If you really want to become stronger... Speaking of which, didn't Eld tell you?"


"In his later years, he came into contact with an organization called the Life Commune. According to them, there is a sequence of arcana called [Bloodline], which may theoretically be able to enhance the effects of the death virus."

"Is there such a thing?" Di Yalan frowned: "If I had known, I should have used this bottle of etheric blood earlier..."

"You don't have much etheric blood left. Kill a few earthlings as soon as possible. Otherwise, the connection with our Cervanti star realm will be severed. I saw you being created with my own eyes. I I don’t want to be separated from you, Xiao Yalan.”

"Let's not talk about that yet."

Di Yalan asked:

"Do you know anything about that sequence arcana [bloodline]?"

"Throwing aside the rules of the Cervanti Star Realm, I can tell you something."

Wilder said seriously:

"[Bloodline] is not a simple arcane energy. In the eyes of us in the Cervanti Star Realm, it is actually a legendary object that is no less than the Dragon Death Weapon."

"A legendary object? Is it some kind of object or creature?"

"A will."

Wilder's tone was solemn:

"In the words you understand: [Bloodline] is the egg that breeds the Destroyer."

"[Bloodline] will have four stages of evolution: [Bloodline] - [Hunter King] - [Existence] - [Eternity]."

"At first it was just a powerful helper that provided divine power, but gradually it evolved the ability to seize blood and copy talents, and then it further strengthened its existence. Even if the host is destroyed, it will transform into an immortal will that can come at any time. in one’s own descendants.”

"Until the end, it will be completely eternal."

"Isn't this just..."

"Do you want to say that [Gem Dragon King] Leviathandar's power? It's different, child. The concept of Leviathan is life and desire. It is actually a kind of compassionate power, but the eternal power represents the individual. Extreme selfishness, something that transcends life span, life and death, concepts, and will never be erased... I don’t know what to say, that kind of existence is eternity.”

Wilder thought for a while and said:

"You will have a high probability of encountering [Bloodline], and you should pay special attention to the fact that this power does not lie with the members of the [Hidden Society], especially the [Blacksmith] members."

"You have to be careful with him."

"Even Gaia doesn't know that the two councilors [Blacksmith] and [Soldier] have potential that is no less than that of the Speaker, just because the source they really need is not the Destroyer... But if any councilor gets the [Bloodline] ], and has evolved to [Hunter King]."

Wilder said seriously:

"Destroy him."

"He will... no, his mere existence will make the Star Abyss and the Earth cease to exist. If he is not eliminated, he will be more terrifying than the three previous Destroyers. For it, I think Adel will even allow it You cooperate with Covert.”

"Because the Destroyer can be negotiated after all. That guy has no will of his own and is a complete disaster."

"Di Yalan, remember its name. If you die in its hands without knowing its existence, you will be completely swallowed by it."

"[Eternal Star God] Astrala."

“The concept it represents is ‘eternity’—infinitely large and infinitely small, complete emptiness and absolute reality, alternating between chaos and order, eternal and immortal.”

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