From star abyss

Chapter 945 Why did 160 suddenly fly?

After some effective communication, Li Ozi relied on his fame and credit guarantee as a major anchor to promise many benefits to the future Yuan Shen master, and finally won the other party's trust.

The Invincible Tyrannosaurus Rex, ah no, at Li Ozi's strong request, changed back to its original normal ID - Mo Wen's return date, or Xiao Mo for short, was also officially tricked into the group chat by Li Ozi.

Li Aozi announced to the public that his team has the top warriors in the national server, the top mage, the top support, the second-rate wet nurse and the top alchemist, three professional brothers and the single champion and runner-up, plus Li Ao Now, the gold content of my own arena, which can kill thousands of people, would make anyone interested.

In fact, apart from Caramel Snail and him, the only member of his team who can move at the moment is Xiao Mo, a newcomer.

However, this did not prevent Xiao Mo, an amateur player, from being fooled into being stunned. He said, "We are an elite team and we usually don't recruit outsiders." He also said, "I think you may be the new hope for players in the hot summer." With enthusiasm, he immediately took the funds from Li Aozi and resolutely gave up the most precious time to open up land to complete the acquisition mission.

Only this time, Li Ozi's goal is not jewelry materials.

Xiao Mo set off with the funds given by Li Aozi, but Caramel Snail was still confused.

"General, I always feel like you are a different person."

Caramel Snail scratched his head:

"Although you seemed approachable in the past, you were actually quite aloof and never said a word of nonsense. But now you are very enthusiastic when communicating with others, and you are almost like an old friend of mine..."

"Old friend?" Li Ozi smiled: "Are you talking about Li Ozi?"

"Yes, but you are not as handsome as him. Well, of course that's not what I meant, but it's really not that good to look at your character as a real general. I don't mean anything else, just to be truthful, you understand?"

"People change too. Whether they get better or worse, they all change with the environment. This is what we call living people."

While waiting, Li Ozi and Caramel Snail always chatted in the Stray Hotel on weekdays. Compared to the real general who was silent and didn't socialize much in the past, Li Ozi communicated in person. Obviously, It's more approachable.

The Stray Hotel is too comprehensive, with people from all walks of life, and many of the topics discussed are very exciting. However, under the watchful eye of the Overlord King, no one dares to cause trouble here.

Based on this prerequisite, Li Aozi couldn't find a more suitable place in a short time, so he explained the matter clearly here.

Without much effort, he recounted all the experiences of making caramel snails.

"In other words, you just said that Galina had no friends, that no one cared about her, and that even her mother didn't care about her life or death, and you made Galina cry in anger?"

Li Ozi was quite surprised:

"It's unbelievable that a woman over 600 years old would cry over such a trivial matter. What hurtful words you said."

"What are you talking about?" Caramel Snail was extremely aggrieved: "You said that after playing games for so many years, no one has been greeted before. Even girls should not be so fragile. What's more, according to the setting, Galina is that age. Shouldn't she be older than the rest of us put together? She looks young even to be my grandma."

"Well, this seems very abnormal. Listening to your description, I feel that her personality has changed dramatically. When she was in Layer Abyss, this woman was ambitious and scheming, and she could lie and perform well. But in your case In front of her, she behaves like an underage cub that lacks the protection of her mother."

Li Aozi nodded, held his chin and thought:

"If she was acting, then her purpose of doing this was just to arouse your sympathy - but according to your explanation, she died not long after she cried."

"It can't be that I cursed people to death, right?" Caramel Snail said with a guilty conscience.

"It has nothing to do with this. You don't have to blame yourself." Li Aozi said calmly: "This should all be because of her mother."

Caramel Snail muses:

"That Red King? I saw someone on the forum posted a sexy picture of her. She's quite beautiful."

"It's just average. I don't count it as a scam. I have scars on my legs. I occasionally speak with a clipped sound. I have no sense of boundaries. Nine times out of ten I come out of the bathroom with nothing on. I don't like being like a gangster." woman."

"Why do you know so well..." Caramel Snail complained: "You haven't lived with her, have you?"

"Let's not talk about this for now." Li Ozi raised his head and looked at the caramel snail: "First, take me to the place where Galina is buried."

"Well, come with me."

The two of them had just stood up, and Li Ozi suddenly noticed that there was a table of people in the corner quietly putting down their wine glasses. The person by the window was observing him and the caramel snails through the glass.

Apparently, they seemed to have heard a lot.

Li Ozi didn't take it seriously. After all, there was a recognition filter, so these NPCs shouldn't be able to hear any important information.

Caramel Snail took him out of the town quickly. Only then did Li Ozi notice that this small coastal town named Victory was actually not small. The area could be considered a medium-sized city. It was enough Accommodates a population of 5 million.

Coupled with the arrival of the Stray Hotel, this independent city-state has obviously become a hub city with a mixed crowd and a very fast population flow.

"Niu, you are really lucky. This place is quite close to Narrative Civilization. If Qianyuan Port had not been closed, its usual flow of people should be five times what it is now."

Li Ozirui commented.

"Hey, is that right? I just found a safe place to camp. Since it's a good place, I can call Long Yuqiong and the others over later."

"Well, actually the most suitable port is Alemany Island. But it's still a bit far away from us, so going there... is of little value."

Li Ozi casually told a little lie.

Although Alemany Island in the Futon Sea seems far away from here, there is actually a very smooth route. However, this place is not a terra incognita in his mind.

In the future, Narrative No. 8 - the colonial pioneer group of "Endless Garden" comes to Alemany Island for some reasons. The rich products and fertile volcanic land here will attract countless people to settle here and become A land of hopes and dreams.

Until, the main plot of the 6.0 version begins - "Die Another Day", staged here, and indirectly triggers an unprecedented catastrophe in the abyss.

Compared with Levi's petty fight, Tutu's tens of billions of people, the extremely serious disaster caused by "Die Another Day" directly led to the plot of version 14.0 - "Garden of the Void", which made countless The players finally gave up all previous suspicions, infiltrated into Zhouyuan collectively, and entered Void's hometown to punish and retaliate against them.

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