From star abyss

Chapter 952 167 Court opening!

Chapter 952 167. Court begins!

Victory Lords, 4:30 p.m.

The guardian of the harbor and the lord of Xison, Aigler Hendon, walked to the stage with a cane. His gait was steady, like an old duck - this was a bit inappropriate for a Yolk man, but other than that he was almost There are no words to describe the smoothness with which he walks.

The Yorgians narrate the "Red Blood Alliance" in No. 10. They have twice won the title of the number one supreme race. Their huge population base allows them to emerge heroes from time to time.

Although the world always tries to find "phoenix", "peacock" and other ancestors for the chicken people, the chicken people sneer at this and think it is just a defense of the weak.

A chicken man is a chicken man, and Aigler Hendon's gorgeous feathers and bright red crown can tell it all. He stretched out a paw, smoothed the feathers on his neck, puffed up his broad chest, glanced around, and said loudly The next moment his voice echoed in the entire parliament hall:

"Does everyone know about the fire that happened in Westport today?"

"Yes, Lord Guardian, that's why we're here."

"I really didn't expect such a tragic thing to happen. It's really pitiful..."

"I think it's time to build a decent fire department and rely solely on private firefighting teams. When everyone here has a fire in their home, how long will it take..."

There was a lot of discussion in the audience, and most of the people who spoke out were at least sympathetic to the fire.

After all, death means death. If you say a few words, when someone in your family dies, others will also think less of you.

"Well done! That bastard who exploited sailors and merchants is dead!"

At this moment, someone shouted:

"The damn Iris family is finished. The second son of the Mahamut family, Quinn, was burned to a crisp. He deserved it all!"

It's a bit harsh to speak like this, after all, everyone dies...

"Now that everyone is dead, I'm wondering if I should postpone the tax issue."

Eggler rubbed his paws and said smoothly:

"As you all know, for a Yoelji man, I am no longer young. I love our city very much, but I cannot protect you forever. Therefore, it is necessary to form an army to protect the people and city property. … Coupled with this fire, I think fire protection issues must also be put on the agenda.”

"It's better to choose the day than to hit it. The Mahamut family has indeed caused us a lot of chaos in the past, but everyone also knows that without the power of other people to maintain order at the lower level, these captains and sailors will be unscrupulous. In this case, I suggest that we simply How about taking advantage of the Mahamut family's lack of manpower to set up a maritime management department... let's call it the Maritime Affairs Department?"

"Of course, establishing departments, armies, and firefighting all require money. The Mahamut family will definitely be happy to pay a little bit of the taxes they concealed and paid in the past - in this way, our army will also be in the future. Protect their heirs, right?”

The chicken man didn't talk in a cliché, and said "I want to take advantage of the situation" written directly on his face, but everyone in the House of Lords did not object much. After all, what Aigler said was indeed beneficial to all of them.

"Your Excellency, I have a question."

One congressman raised his hand and asked:

"Do you think this fire happened naturally?"

"Too many people saw it. It was a thunderbolt that struck down and set the wooden house on fire - oh, it looks like we still need to apportion the cost of lightning rods and expelling the lightning elemental elves to the citizens. Clerk, record it."

The chicken man responded fluently. In his opinion, the Mahamut family has declined. Taking the opportunity to implement reforms, return power to the parliament, and form a port guard army, this is the key point.

As he said, he is no longer young, and his descendants have not inherited his outstanding talents. Chicken people have a short lifespan and age quickly, but their birth rate is extremely high. Once he can no longer fight and shoulder the position of guardian, Then he would have to worry about hundreds of mouths waiting for food at home.

For the sake of his own descendants, Aigler must insist on completing the reform so that he can at least rely on the army to protect his family's descendants.

"But according to the police department, shortly after the fire broke out, the housekeeper of the Mahamut family, Meht, left Victory Port by car alone, carrying a lot of luggage and documents. According to the cross-examination transcript, he said This is persecution. I have to go to the countryside to find the old Mahamut family and tell the old man the sad news."

The congressman spoke plausibly and showed the report record:

"Let's not talk about the military and firefighting matters. I would like to ask everyone, even if the Mahamut family was a gangster in the past, do we have to ignore the criminal crimes of being persecuted and assassinated because of this? ?"

"Congressman Aweil, if you say that, you can't say it like that. The kid who picks up garbage at the port knows that the Iris Brotherhood is involved in smuggling, drug trafficking, human trafficking, hoarding, violent crimes, gang wars, and threats. There are quite a few immigrants from Layer Abyss, so I think it would be a good thing if such an organization was destroyed."

Another MP quipped:

"[Lord of Ghosts] Gloucester, I really don't understand how low a person's moral level must be before he can empathize with a group of drug dealers, human traffickers, and pimps - do you do this too? "

"Director Otto, you are the prosecutor. I know that you really want to throw everyone into prison. This will highlight your justice and satisfy your noble needs."

Congressman Aweil spoke righteously:

"With all due respect, we are human beings first, legal citizens of Jingyuan, a free city-state independent of the hegemony of the Narrative Federation. In Victory Port, we must abide by the law. Even if a person is heinous, there will be no one who can judge him. There are only gods and laws!”

"But God definitely wants good people to be believers. Otherwise, why would religions teach people to be good? Even Red King encourages honest business and repay debts on time."

"Yeah, even Red King doesn't like bad guys."

"Congressman Aweil, you are a lawyer. If you want to defend the law, why don't you defend the poor?"

"Because poor people can't afford lawyers."

As soon as this statement came out, the entire parliament burst into laughter. Representative Aweil had a green face, but still insisted on the suggestion:

"Your Majesty the Guardian, let's put aside the past history. What we should consider now is the fairness of justice. Let the police and detectives find out the truth. The trial should be judged, and the innocence should be cleared, not What's the use of having so many armed forces when the military and firefighting can't even guarantee basic justice?"

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