From star abyss

Chapter 955 170 Void Realm (Part 2)

From the beginning to the end, in the eyes of the old Mahamuts, the two captured abyssal gangsters were nothing to fear. How could they suddenly assassinate someone who had no foundation, was a newcomer, and was still living in the Stray Hotel on low-cost commissions? What if the top brass of the Iris Brotherhood even set fire to the business they had built for so many years?

Anyone who thinks about it will feel that there must be someone else behind this.

Even so, the old Mahamuts were not surprised. Although they were angry, they already knew what would happen to them after doing black and white business for so many years.

Apart from anything else, if you just take the line of void, your fate in Jingyuan may not be good.

Regarding the death of their second son and the burning of their family, they were not worried that they would repeat the same mistakes. After confirming that the two had no ability to resist, they immediately captured the ancestral home and conducted interrogation.

In their opinion, the second son was killed because the incident happened suddenly and the response was insufficient, and the two elders were different.

They hold the trump card that the Iris family has relied on to make trouble for many years, so there is no need to panic——


The abyss opened its huge mouth, roaring from the endless bottom, followed by magma spurting out from under the cracked earth, flowing fiercely like blood through every corner of the ancestral home.


Immediately after the roar, there was endless earth shaking. The entire water prison quickly cracked and disintegrated, shaking off sand and gravel. The caramel snail reacted immediately and took the opportunity to struggle hard and break free of the rope. He had just broken free, and in the darkness, A gap immediately opened in the cell, and he jumped up and slipped out through the gap.


When the caramel snail ran all the way through the shaking ancestral house, the sight he saw was really shocking: a smooth avenue paved on the corridor, stretching for tens of meters, made of human skin blankets, surrounded by It is filled with by-products consisting of parts and leftover materials.

Then looking down, the caramel snail was gradually sweating.

This is not only a display hall for sinful trophies, but also a slaughtering assembly line for living priests. The so-called long corridor is actually a long bridge, floating in the air relying on the power of the void. If you glance down, you can see each one Strange monsters covered with purple void crystals are continuously pulling out humans from the pool, dragging them like a sheep, throwing them on the chopping board, cutting them open, cutting them, and mincing them carefully, and go through evil and superstitious rituals. , and deal with it if it gets worse...

Even in Layer Abyss, only followers of the evil god would perform such vicious sacrifices.

Meeting the caramel snail with a broken filter immediately caused physical discomfort.

"Fuck, how many people did they kill..."

Although Li Ozi had long said that the Iris Brotherhood was not a good thing, seeing such a cult scene, even he, who had experienced hundreds of battles, was suddenly shocked and speechless.

Dang clang——

Just when he was shocked by the tragic situation under the bridge, the sound of chains falling to the ground immediately brought him back to reality.

The caramel snail turned its head, and a charming and beautiful figure stood on the other side of the bridge, holding a flail in one hand. Her head disappeared, replaced by a tilted cross deeply embedded in her neck.

【Eye of Truth】

When the arcane energy is activated, the opponent's rows of data immediately appear in front of him.

Most of the information shows 'Void Corruption', which is impossible to understand, and the level is higher than mine, reaching level 239.

The template is ‘War Madness’.

"...I originally felt a little guilty about killing someone. After all, I was actually the one who struck first."

Caramel Snail took a deep breath, raised his hand, and a dark sword immediately fell into his palm, and he held it:

"But after I truly understand what you have done, I only feel calm in my heart."

The characteristics of the War Madness template are that it ignores the hierarchy and avoids damage, and the output rate is tripled. It is very difficult to deal with, and coupled with the level suppression, this means that the fault tolerance rate left for the Caramel Snail is extremely low.

If you are not careful, the car will overturn.

‘You must not be scratched. With my current level and armor, I will be on the verge of death if I get scratched. Elite units must treat it with caution. ’

However, he wasn't jealous either.

Since Cumin Fen was killed, he has been exchanging experiences with experts and constantly honing his skills.

So that one day, when he meets those mysterious earthlings again, he can prevent the tragedy from happening again.

Not only defeating and killing opponents, but more importantly, protecting others from these beasts.

【Sword Master of Imprinted Soul】


[Whale Sect·Prajna Sea Saintly Body]

The virtual image of the sword-wielding warrior appeared solemnly behind. The power of the caramel snail was overflowing. Blue flames were lingering around it. Buddhist chants and sutras faintly erupted in the air, which sounded like a whale song.

For a moment, the originally narrow corridor seemed to be flooded with sea water, violent waves hit it, a desolate and ancient atmosphere rolled in, and even time and space seemed to be swallowed by the ocean.

"Are you a monster with a war-mad elite? Let me start with you and show the results of my hard work and courage!"

The caramel snail raised the long knife, and the shadow behind him also raised the long knife. The two were in perfect sync, holding the handle of the knife with both hands in a highly synchronized manner. The energy gathered like a vortex, and the two shelves on the left and right of the entire corridor caused a stir. Unprecedented resonance, hunting sound.

Crosshead seemed to sense the threat and turned his body slightly. Power immediately spread under his feet and turned into invisible chains, binding him.

[The energy storage has reached the limit]

Caramel Snail's eyes flashed, and his body instantly merged with the shadow of the warrior behind him, and he swung his sharp blade.


If the layers of waves turned into substance, they were instantly blasted away by the sword energy. This sword hit Crosshead's chest accurately.


The air wave was so strong that even Caramel Snail himself was repelled by the shock wave. This powerful attack brought up thick smoke and dust, covering the opponent's figure.

But because of this, the entire corridor was destroyed, and the ugly and evil human creations in the display cabinets on the left and right were all shattered by the resonance generated by this blow.


Caramel Snail was delighted and said excitedly:

"The effect of this blow is unprecedentedly good. With this move, if you face those people on earth, you will definitely be able to make them drink a pot..."

However, his voice became smaller and smaller.

Jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle bell…

The flail dragged on the ground, and the iron chains collided with each other, making a crisp and cold sound.

A big skinny hand tore open the smoke, and the head of the cross suddenly appeared in his field of vision.


Not only that, she finally identified her opponent and locked onto the caramel snail almost immediately. She ran towards the caramel snail quickly and raised her flail. The caramel snail subconsciously raised his weapon to block, and the heavy force instantly hit him. Crushed to the ground.

"Uh-huh! Fuck-"

Caramel Snail subconsciously wanted to open his body to release the control, but the opponent's arm quickly lit up with a purple light.

【The arrival of void erosion】

Caramel Snail had just mobilized his strength, and his eyes instantly lit up with purple light.

‘Why did you bring Li Ozi here? ’


‘You accomplice of the butcher, you hypocrite! Birds of a feather! ’

...This is Violet Star?

‘We live in harmony with [society], but you suddenly arrived and destroyed us! ’

...No, that's not the case. After being corrupted by [society], there is no way to save it. I'm just——

'Just helping them out - right? Do you really think so? ’

A familiar voice sounded in my ears.

The caramel snail's pupils shrank.

‘Do you really want to liberate the corrupted people, or do you hate [society] because the person who killed me is [society], and use this reason to justify the massacre on the Purple Star? ’

Cumin powder walked past him alone and left these words.

‘I quite liked you, but I didn’t expect you to be such a butcher. ’

…It’s not like that, I’m not.

He stretched out his hand to hold him back, but his vision immediately changed, and more and more people appeared in front of him.

‘You really disappoint me, Jiao Ziniu. I have supported you all the way until now, but you fall in love with that woman named Cumin Fen. ’

‘Damn, you only got the runner-up spot. It’s a shame we still support you so much. ’

‘You only play games all day long, when will you really grow up? ’


[[Will] judgment failed. 】

[Warning: You have been eroded by the power of the void and have acquired the status of 'suppression', which cannot be lifted using hegemony, control immunity and invincibility skills. 】

A warning sound suddenly sounded, bringing Caramel Snail back to reality.

——Damn it, the recognition filter has not been fixed yet.

When I was fighting against the Secret Council, my knowledge of the filter was ruined once.

I thought it would be repaired when it went online again, but for some reason, his "Lai'anding Medical Agreement" seemed to have failed. Things that should have been harmoniously blocked can now not be erased.

"Besides, what the hell kind of special effect is this? It doesn't matter if hegemony and control-free can't release control, why can't he be invincible?!"

Before he could calm down in shock, the situation in front of him was precarious.

Being pressed hard by the head of the cross, not to mention the constant loss of health points, countless negative states instantly filled the entire status bar.

Countermeasures are ineffective, purification items cannot be used, dispel scrolls cannot be used, and even forced exit from the game cannot be done.

Not only that, after the recognition filter was broken, Caramel Snail has been suffering from all positive mental effects.

Rumblings kept coming to my ears, various thoughts kept growing in my heart, my spirit became highly tense, and people and things from the past flashed back to me from time to time.

Everything else was fine, but cumin powder, she kept appearing in front of him, blaming him, and constantly emphasizing his sins and shortcomings in a disappointed tone.

He went to the Purple Planet side by side with Li Ozi and single-handedly caused the massacre of the entire civilization. Even if hundreds of years have passed, he will never be able to let go.

It's obviously a game.

It's just games, games, games!

But why do we still see dead players in the game...

Could it be that Azi is still alive?

If this is her soul, then what is "Star Abyss"? Is a cyber digital life space the destination of people’s souls after death?

If this is the case, then starting from the Blue Star, we have continued to create killings, wars, destruction, colonization operations, plundering...

Are we any different from [society]?

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