From star abyss

Chapter 961 176 Gate of the Void

The roaring flames finally attracted the attention of the upper council of Victory Port.

Even in the sparsely populated Jingyuan, the issue of the void is definitely big news. Otherwise, the two are too close. In the history of Jingyuan, the war against the invasion of the void has not happened once or twice, even if it is stated openly. The Federation hopes to maintain a stable and harmonious neutral posture, but the independent city-states and countries among the people may not think so.

For a time, news of void invasion, mysterious flames, and lone resisters spread like wildfire in Victory Port, and the streets and alleys were filled with panic.

Seeing that the next step was for companies to flee and the economy to be in decline, Aigler, as a guardian, had to come to the stage and declare that the city was under martial law. Then the police were summoned. Aigler asked the parties and witnesses:

"Tell me everything you see."

"I found it when I went hunting in the mountains. It was on the mountain behind the Mahamut family's ancestral home."

An Orion was in shock. It wasn't until the healer released the calming technique that he could explain logically:

"The ancestral home has been destroyed. I saw purple turbid void crystals floating from the air like snowflakes. The earth cracked from it, and a terrifying purple light curtain burst out, stretching like a city wall, and constantly cracking outwards, as if to It’s like walking out of something.”

"I heard that there are mysterious flames, what's that about?" Aigler asked.

"A man, he may be some kind of knight-errant, with one sword, standing under the light curtain in the void. The long sword bloomed with fire and light, and the light rushed towards the star abyss, as if it was going to pierce even the abyss. , relying on this power, he fought against the other side of the void."

After hearing what Orion said, Aigler and the people around him looked at each other.

"The power of light, what did you think of?" Aigler asked everyone.

"There is no power related to light among the six paths, and there is no existing powerful power in Jing Yuan's narrative. Even if there was in the past, its strength is really not on the table."

Someone said:

"On the other hand, the Dragon Clan has always worshiped and believed in light."

"Dragon clan..."

Eggler murmured:

"This is not easy to mess with."

"We have already informed the alliance. Among the four major alliances, the one with the largest number of dragons is the "Red Blood Alliance." Maybe we can get some information from them, but it is more likely that they are some idle dragon rangers. "

The subordinate explained:

"In short, it's just to appease the people. Please go and check it out."

"Hamagai Lai is not a good opponent. During the last void blockade, he killed a large number of our backbones. Although the Dragon Clan is not very united, they are all good players in terms of individual strength."

These two behemoths, even a small city-state like Victory Port, are simply not equipped to fight against each other.

The coalition hopes for stability and harmony, and has been promoting a gentle attitude towards the void. Taking action against the void rashly may lead to dissatisfaction with the coalition.

There are many wanderers from the Dragon Clan scattered outside, which may directly threaten both of them.

Logically speaking, this matter could have been just pretending to be dead and waiting for the limelight to pass, but the battle happened to take place in the ancestral home of the Mahamut family.

Combined with the previous incident of burning the mansion, Aigler could guess with his toes how the upper class in the city would react if he pretended to be dead in this matter.

——'Oh my god, even an established family like the Mahamut family can't protect itself. There is no stability in this city. We have to pack up and run away. ’

If this is ignored, the city-state will be dissatisfied.

"We need to find a way to transfer the things that Victory Port should be responsible for to outside."

With such a mood, Aigler sighed, opened a portal, and headed outside the city.

"Hopefully, the conflict between the executioner and the dragon ranger will not be too deep. Of course, the best result is that they both die together, just to fool around."

After passing through the portal, before he could stand still, a bursting cyclone immediately hit him head-on.

Aigler quickly raised his cane and opened a protective force field in front of him. The solid crystal wall rose instantly, but it was shattered in less than half a second.

Before he could react, the brooch on his clothes immediately emitted magic light and blocked the blow.

"Tsk, this power is not weak. Just the aftermath can cause a full blow of Lambda level (11)."

If they can produce this kind of destructive power, then the two monsters in the center of the battlefield should at least start at the Cauchy level.

That is, almost at the same level as he is now.

Aigler hesitated in his heart. If he were young, he would naturally not take these two things to heart and would have pounced on them long ago.

But now, he is the only guardian in the city-state. If he falls here...

Everyone has selfish motives. To be honest, with his current worth and status, he has reached the time to enjoy all the glory and wealth, and there is no need to risk his life.

While he was thinking, another ferocious heat wave fell. Aigler flickered away in time and landed in a forest. A strong hot wind burst out behind him, almost pulling his clothes off his body.

Turning his head and looking around, he saw that the originally dense bushes had turned into burnt ashes. When the wind blew gently, the embers rekindled with scarlet fire.

Just in the fringe area, the temperature here has reached unimaginable levels. If it were to be in the Abyss, probably the entire solar system would have been burned clean.

That is to say, in Jingyuan, heat will be transferred backwards, which indirectly weakens the killing range and diffusion ability of high-temperature spells.

"The heat wave just now... is unmistakable. It is definitely the lethality that can only be unleashed by a Kexi level (14). Although I can't feel the power of the path, this just proves that it is the power of dragon language from the superior dragon clan."

However, if even that dragon clan exploded with such terrifying power, the executioner Hamai Jialai he faced would inevitably be even stronger.

Aigler raised his head, cast a buff spell on himself, released magic scouts, and searched around.

Soon, one of the scouts sent a picture of the battle.


The flaming sharp blade hit the solid door heavily, and the majestic power was transmitted to the earth. An earthquake immediately erupted on the spot, and magma erupted outwards, destroying the ecology of the earth.


Li Ozi landed with a crash, his whole body protected by the Demonic Iron King's armor, which greatly strengthened his resistance to the void.

However, this does not mean that he has gained an advantage.

He raised his head, his platinum dragon eyes staring at the huge door that slowly spread out from the void light curtain.

The gate to the void.

Generally speaking, only a great king like Sides is qualified to open the door and cross the star abyss through the rift, not through the Abyss Port.

Compared to the Hidden Abyss Port, the Void Gate cannot bring the body to reality for a long time, so it is generally used as a temporary bridge for transporting projections and vanguard troops.

However, the fundamental reason why the Void Gate is a strategic weapon is that the deity that floats or dives through the channel of the Void Gate will not be regarded as floating as long as it is within the energy tide range of the void.

In other words, if [Void Executioner] comes out of it, even if he can only last for 10 minutes, he will still be in full glory without being cursed.

Can you fight? It definitely can't be beaten.

The heyday of Hamai Jialai can compete with the level 300 [Star Master] 'Liz' in the previous life. Even Liz, who is wearing a void dragon skin robe, will be defeated by Hamai Jialai with the star shield. The first knife cut through the defense.

This has nothing to do with body type.

Harmajialai is conceptual ability.

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