It's night! It should be said that in the gap of the dimension, there is no difference between day and night, there is no direct sunlight, and there is no moonlight!

And Zhu Li, it has been a few days since she came to the castle, and in the past few days, Lias has had a lot of fun, but Zhu Li is difficult to adapt to the boring life of the castle!

"What, aren't you used to it?" This night, Qin Feng came behind Zhu Li and said!

"Hmm!" Zhu Li nodded honestly and said, "It may be that I just became a demon, but the days of becoming a demon are very leisurely, which is beyond my expectations!" "

"What do you think demons should look like?" Qin Feng said again!

"In my impression, demons should be very fond of fighting, and they are going to bewitch humans!" Zhu Li hesitated for a moment and said!

"You're right, there are militant elements among the demons, and of course, there are demons that demagogue the human race!" Qin Feng smiled!

"Then Lord Qin Feng, what kind of demon are you?" Zhu Li asked curiously!

"I'm not a demon!" Qin Feng smiled and said, "Strictly speaking, I am considered a human being!" "

"Human, this... How is this possible? Hearing this, Zhu Li was stunned! Narias she...! "

"Lias is not my biological daughter!" Qin Feng smiled, "I was afraid that Lias would be sad, so I didn't tell her the news, Miss Zhu Li, can you help me keep this secret?" "

"Ahh Absolutely! Zhu Li hurriedly said! But Lord Qin Feng, as a human being, why are you able to live with demons?! "In the past few days, Zhu Li has met Gabriel, Gurefia and other female demons, so he is surprised that Qin Feng has collected so many demons as a person!

Qin Feng smiled and said again, "Humans and demons can coexist peacefully, just like you and Lias!" "

"Hmm!" Zhu Li nodded and smiled slightly, Lias broke into her heart like a cute elf!

Looking at Zhu Li's delicate face, Qin Feng felt a sense of intoxication!

"Lord Qin Feng, what are you doing?" Seeing Qin Feng looking at himself in a daze, Zhu Li's white face was dyed with a touch of red, and he turned his face shyly!

"I'm wondering, Lias called you mother, should I put this relationship into practice!" Qin Feng smiled and looked at Zhu Li!

"Ahh Do you want to...! Hearing this, Zhu Li's face turned even redder, and she heard what Qin Feng meant!

In a panic, Zhu Li found that Qin Feng's palm climbed onto his slender waist!

"Lord Qin Feng, we can't do this, our progress is too fast!" Zhu Li hurriedly refused!

"Oh! In that case, I still have a chance! Qin Feng narrowed his eyes, and after touching Zhu Li's murderous part slightly with his palm, he left with a laugh!

Qin Feng and Zhu Li have only known each other for 133 for a few days, and he still understands the truth that if you want to hurry, you can't reach it, not to mention that Zhu Li also has a good impression of him!

After Qin Feng left, he came directly to the place where Veni Lana was imprisoned!

"It's you bastard!" Finding out about Qin Feng's arrival, Veni Lana immediately opened her mouth and scolded!

"It's been four years, and every opening sentence is like this, can you change a new line!" Qin Feng smiled indifferently, and then took off his clothes as usual!

Veni Lana didn't show the slightest puzzled look, because she had long been numb to such a scene, and every time Qin Feng came here, he would vent on her!

"Hey, Venilana, four years have passed, and your skills have improved!" After firing a shot in Veni Lana's body, Qin Fengmari put on his clothes, and then squinted his eyes and said!

"Shut up!" Veni Lana pulled the sheet over and covered her wonderful figure!

"Is this necessary?" Qin Feng spread his hands and said, "Is there anything on your body that I haven't seen?" "

"You're already my woman!" Qin Feng said again!

"My heart will never belong to you!" Veni Lana sneered!

Qin Feng shook her head, Veni Lana is hard-mouthed, otherwise, how many times can she commit suicide, she would have died a long time ago, why bother to accept Qin Feng's torture here, it is estimated that deep down in her own heart she is also enjoying this kind of shaking-like sadistic love!

"Your daughter has grown up!" Qin Feng sighed and said!

"She quietly ran to the human realm and met the fallen angel cadre!" Qin Feng said in a deep voice!

"Lias, how is she?" Hearing this, Veni Lana hurriedly asked!

"Of course it's fine!" Looking at Venierana's nervous appearance, Qin Feng laughed for a while and said, "Fortunately, there is a person who sacrificed his life to save Lias!" Now, that person is Lias's mother! "

"You got on that guy?" Venier Lana sneered!

"No, it's your precious daughter who thinks she's a mother!" Qin Feng glanced at Venilana meaningfully, and continued: "Although Lias has a father like me, she doesn't have a mother after all, so she regards the person who is good to her as a mother!" That's the picture of that person! After speaking, Qin Feng threw Zhu Li's photo to Veni Lana!

With black hair, a shrine maiden costume, and a smile on her face, she looks like a mother!

"I don't think in a few years, Lias will forget you as a mother! No, I should say that I didn't know that you existed anymore! Qin Feng sneered!

Veni Lana suddenly broke out, tore up Zhu Li's photo at once, and then came to Qin Feng (bade), grabbed Qin Feng's collar with one hand, and said angrily: "Hurry up and return my daughter to me!" "

Because of Qin Feng, she hasn't seen Lias for four years, and now that a virtuous woman has appeared, it will really be as Qin Feng said, her biological mother will never recognize each other one day!

"Don't be angry!" Qin Feng knocked off Venilana's palm, looked at Venilana coldly, and said, "If you want to recognize Lias, promise me two conditions!" First, when you meet Lias, cooperate with me in a play, and second, you must never mention the past! "

"You're also afraid of your past being known!" Hearing Qin Feng's condition, Veni Lana sneered!

Qin Feng shook his head and said, "Don't get me wrong! I just don't want Lias to know, in Lias's eyes, I'm a kind father! "

"Disgusting setting, if Lias knew that you were the culprit who imprisoned her mother and destroyed her family, she would hate you!"

"No, I think Lias will be very sad!" Qin Feng smiled, "In the end, Lias is like a wounded cat, licking her wounds and mental wounds alone!" Of course, I'm not going to let that happen, and if you don't agree, I won't let you and Lias recognize each other! "

"I agreed!" Without too much time to think, Venier Lana agreed, in her eyes, instead of living here, it is better to hide everything and meet her daughter, there is another most important reason, after four years of physical communication, Veni Lana seems to have a strange emotion for Qin Feng!

"Good!" After Qin Feng vigorously rubbed Venilana's headlights, he left the basement!

The next day, Veni Lana really saw Qin Feng walk in with a little girl with a face similar to herself, but with a different hair color!

Although there were four years apart, Veni Lana still recognized her daughter at a sight!

"Mother!" Lias had been mentally prepared for a long time, and now after seeing a woman who looked similar to herself, she immediately knew that the woman in front of her was her mother, and she was the first to shout!

"Lias!" Venier Lana has accepted the name Lias!

"Mother, don't be angry, move back with us!" Lias gently wiped the tears from the corners of Venilana's eyes and said!

"Mother is not angry!" Veni Lana didn't know what kind of lie Qin Feng had rounded, so she couldn't help but follow Lias's words!

"Alright, let's get out!" Qin Feng took Veni Lana's arm and said!

Venier Lana subconsciously wanted to resist, but remembered that she had to cooperate with Qin Feng to act, so she obediently poured her whole body into Qin Feng's arms, and just like that, Venier Lana and Lias officially established a mother-daughter relationship!

Of course, the appearance of Venier Lana was not a good thing for Qin Feng, because it was more difficult for Qin Feng to overthrow Zhu Li!

After a lot of effort, the relationship between Qin Feng and Zhu Li has made rapid progress!

And at this time, in the human world, the shrine that originally belonged to Zhu Li became depressed because of Zhu Li's departure! Baiqiu, who was killed by Qin Feng, had already turned into ashes, but there were still black traces on the ground from that time!

On this very day, a stranger was ushered here, no, it should be said that it was also a fallen angel! With a sexy and revealing outfit and straight black hair, she is a beautiful fallen angel no matter how you look at it! (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

She is Linali, a fallen angel slain by Lias in the books, and now she has come to investigate the whereabouts of his good brother, Baichu, on the orders of Governor Asahir!

"Really, where has Lord Baiqiu gone?" Linali pouted and said! Now Linari seems to be cautious, no matter what, this town is also the place where the fourth largest force, the zombie clan, dominates!

"Hmmm! There's the breath of a fallen angel here! Linali shrugged her cute little nose and said! This is where Lord Baiqiu appeared! "

"But there's no one here!" Linali frowned as she looked at the desolation around her!

Along the way, Linali finally found the place where Baiqiu died!

There is only a layer of black charcoal left on the ground, but there is still a heavy aura of fallen angels left here!

Linali's face changed, because she could feel that Baiqiu seemed to have been killed!

"You have to report it to the Governor!" Linali has a guess and wants to get out of here!

"Yo yo, I really didn't expect it! There will be an unexpected reward for a walk around! At this time, some lazy female voices called out!

"Who are you?" As soon as Linali turned around, she found a girl in a white robe and a white hat walking over, her pupils shrank, and she immediately entered a fighting state!

"Is it a fallen angel?" Looking at the black wings behind Linari, Gorta smiled disdainfully: "If you can find this place, it should be the same group as the fallen angel you met last time!" "

"Who are you? Also, where is the fallen angel you are talking about? Linari asked in a deep voice!

"My name is Gorta, and I am the head of this town, and as for the fallen angel in your mouth, he is dead!"

"What!" Hearing this, Linali was a little surprised, Baiqiu is a ten-winged fallen angel, equivalent to a demon king-level powerhouse, although the girl in front of her gives her a sense of danger, it is impossible to kill a fallen angel at the demon king-level ah!

"There's no way you're going to kill him!" Linali said decisively!

"Naturally, I didn't kill him, my master killed him!" Gortha smiled and said, "It's really looking for death, that fallen angel wants to hurt Miss Lias, and I have been punished for poor protection, in order to make amends, then please die in my hands!" After saying that, Gortar moved, and the movement was very fast!

Facing the menacing Gorta, Linali frowned, looked at the ever-expanding fists in her pupils, and with a flap of her wings, Linali had already flown into the sky!

"Boom!" The floor in the shrine garden has been dented into it!

Looking at such a powerful punch, Linali, who was flying in the air, secretly breathed a sigh of relief, if this move was solid, she would probably be seriously injured!

The smoke and dust billowed and when the smoke cleared, Gorta looked up at Linari and frowned!

Linali was happy in her heart, it seems that this strange woman can't fly, so she who can fly has this big advantage, and she will definitely win!

Linali's magic froze and she had an extra spear in her hand!

"Go ahead!" Lina Lijiao snorted and threw the spear in her hand at Gorta!

"Boom!" The spear slammed into the ground, kicking up billowing smoke and dust again!

Because the smoke and dust blocked the view, Linali couldn't see the situation of Gortar clearly!

"Dead?" Linali muttered!

"It's so naïve, such a weak attack wants to hurt me!" I don't know when, Gorta's voice suddenly sounded behind her, and Linali immediately became creepy!

Linali wanted to turn around, but found that her wings were caught in the palm of her hand! At the same time, she also heard Gorta's voice!

"These black wings are so ugly! Pick it up! With that, Linari felt the hands that had grabbed her wings begin to exert force, and at the same time, Gorta's feet pressed against Linari's back, rubbing vigorously!

"Die!" Gorta screamed, Linali felt a heart-rending pain from her wings, and then her body was kicked by Gorta and hit the ground, and then, Linali's eyes went dark, and she didn't know what was going on!

Inside the castle, after four years, Venilana is finally free again!

Staying in a confined space all year round, now that the environment has changed, Veni Lana feels like she is being reborn!

After going through this captivity, no matter what, Veni Lana doesn't want to be imprisoned anymore, and the feeling of losing her freedom will make people crazy!

After coming out, Lias, who has two mothers, seems very excited, and Veni Lana has officially met Zhu Li!

Zhu Li is also the first time to see Qin Feng's wife, and her powerful aura is by no means comparable to a gentle girl like her!

Seeing Qin Feng and Veni Lana, Qin Se and Ming, Zhu Li was a little surprised!

"Orpheus, are you out?" Seeing Orpheus behind Qin Feng, Lias said happily!

Orpheus is only ten years old now, and he has a naïve personality, although he has lived longer than Qin Feng, he has a lot of fun with Lias!

"Hmmm! My research was a success! Orpheus nodded and said!

"Research! What research? Orpheus, are you so good? Lias was even more curious!

"Brother!" Hearing that Lias wanted to see the research results, Orpheus set his eyes on Qin Feng, well, he was asking if the snake could let Lias see it!

"Alright, let's go play!" Qin Feng can be regarded as agreeing!

The two kept walking away, and Qin Feng could vaguely hear the whispers of the two daughters, and of course, Lias's muttering voice: "Orpheus, I can also call my father my brother!" "

For a moment, Qin Feng was stunned, what did Lias mean by this!

"Qin Feng, who was that little girl just now?" In the past four years, her strength has recovered again, and as a powerhouse at the level of the Demon King, she can naturally feel the terrifying energy in Orpheus's body!

"Orpheus's body is an infinite dragon!" Qin Feng smiled and said!

"Infinite Dragon!" Hearing this, Veni Lana's face changed, the Infinite Divine Dragon, a legendary creature, was born in the dimensional gap and has infinite energy, so it is called the Infinite Divine Dragon!

"That Lias won't be in danger!" Veni Lana hesitated!

"Don't worry! Orpheus and Lias are very good friends! Qin Feng smiled and said!

At this time, Gurefia walked in, and the moment she saw Venilana, she was first surprised, then smiled, and said, "Congratulations Madame on coming out!" "

"Humph!" Venier Lana snorted coldly, she had a deep prejudice against Gurefia and Kadireya, the two women who had thrown themselves into Qin Feng's arms from the beginning! Among them, she is not Qin Feng's woman now, it's just that she has suffered for four more years!

"Master, Gorta is out there asking to see him, saying that he has caught a fallen angel! It seems to have something to do with the fallen angel I killed last time! "。

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