From Subordinate Sect To God-Level Sect

Chapter 101: Coming To The Door To Cause Trouble [Third Update]

He had already found out the assassination attempt on him at the Jieyou Tavern that day!

That day he and Huang Xianyi went to Cangyan City. After Huang Xianyi revealed his identity, one of the people he beat was an Evergreen Sect disciple.

The disciples of the Evergreen Sect went back to complain, but the daughter of the Sect Leader of the Evergreen Sect learned of Huang Xianyi's existence. She asked Jieyou Tavern to assassinate him.

The Jieyou Tavern was originally a Sect that helped people with errands and was mainly focused on black money. They were promoted step by step. All the eighth-grade Sects knew their contact information. Taking people's money to help others eliminate disasters was what they had been doing.

Their assassination was arranged the night before the Canglan Sect's promotion to the ninth rank Sect examination.

Because of intelligence errors, their assassination failed, and one of their disciples was killed by Lin Feng.

After the mission failed, they sought compensation from the daughter of the Sect Leader of the Evergreen Sect.

The style of the Jieyou Tavern is that after a mission fails and a high-priced claim is obtained, they will solve the mission objective.

However, the "647" Jieyou Tavern still underestimated Lin Fan's strength, and the assassination they sent failed again.

Two failures were no longer worth the losses for the Jieyou Tavern branch, so they gave up their pursuit of Lin Fan...

They may have forgotten this mission.

But this enemy Lin Fan still remembers that no matter why they want to kill him, he will never let them go.

Now that he is strong enough, it's time to go find trouble at the Jieyou Tavern.

Maybe this is a good way to get Spirit Stones.

Wouldn't it be nice to kill two birds with one stone?

After Lin Fan returned to the inn, Langya came not long after.

Langya's current strength is Heavenly Cave Realm Ninth Stage. His strength is already extremely terrifying at his age, but Lin Fan is planning to let him go to Jieyou Tavern to cause trouble. This strength is naturally not enough.

After Langya came over, Lin Fan gave him a Medicine Pill. After he took it, he tied another binding position of the power of the whole sect to Langya.

Then adjust the infusion ratio of the two positions of Quanzong's power to one to ninety-nine. Ninety-nine percent of the entire sect's power, the Cultivation Base, was poured into Langya's body.

The aura on his body is rising steadily...

The current Canglan Sect is no longer what it was five days ago…………

Canglan Sect

Level: Eighth Grade Sect.

Number of people: 1.34 million.

Financial resources: 8.52 million Spirit Stones (Poor Sect)

Tibetan Scripture Pavilion:

Cultivation Technique:

Heaven level: "Hunyuan Gong"

Spirit level "Tianyuan Gong", "Qingyang Gong" and "Bingling Gong".

Martial Skills:

Heaven level "Dragon Yang Body", "Xuan Ming Armor", "Shattering Sky Knife", "Thirteen Crazy Breath Slashes", "Ba Xuan Body" (incomplete)

Spirit level "Red Cloud Wandering Body Step", "Yuanwu Stick Technique", "Fire Sun Palm", "Sword Control Technique" and "Mountain Shaking Fist".

Secret Technique: "Second Stage Qi Jin"

Enable ability:

1: Talent increase: All Canglan Sect disciples’ talents will increase by 40% through practice. (effective permanently)

Two: The power of the entire sect: Bind the Sect Leader, extract one-tenth of the Cultivation Base that all disciples practice every moment, and pour it into the bound person. [Two binding positions] (Sect Leader has the power to change the binding object, and Cultivation Base infusion has no side effects.)

Three: Comprehension increase: The comprehension of all Canglan Sect disciples will increase by 40% through Martial Skill training. (effective permanently)

Four: Martial Skill inheritance: As long as the Martial Skill is included in the Sutra Pavilion, the Martial Skill inheritance can be initiated to any disciple of Sect. [Skill twice] (There is a cooldown, which depends on the level of Martial Skill and the degree of inheritance. It changes with the level growth of Sect.)

Sect warehouse: (Golden Source Fruit×82, pill recipe………………………..)

The number of people in Sect has reached 1.34 million, which has basically doubled the number of people.

If it weren't for Sect's lack of money, I would probably have more money by now.

So now Lin Fan has to work on Spirit Stones.

If you grab the Spirit Stones vein from Dongning Mansion, you won't be able to dig out much for a while.

The veins of Spirit Stones are formed by the earth's mountains absorbing the Spiritual Qi from the heaven and earth. It takes a long time to form. Even if there are Spirit Stones underground, I won't be able to dig them out for a while.

Mining the Spirit Stones vein itself is an extremely labor-intensive task. It requires a lot of manpower to mine the rough stones, and then cut the rough stones with tools. Only with good luck can they be mined.

Mining a vein of Spirit Stones can generate an income of tens of thousands of Spirit Stones a year, which is pretty good.

The Canglan Sect now only has one, which is completely insufficient. Even the disciples of the Canglan Sect cannot afford to support it...

However, Canglan Sect should soon have eight or more. Lin Fan has arranged for the Wolf King to seize the eight that Dongning Mansion originally owned. I believe he will be able to get them soon.

Now Lin Fan is preparing to improve Langya's strength and let him run the Jieyou Tavern.

Lin Fan also made a reservation for the Spirit Stones mineral vein in the hands of Jieyou Tavern.

As for the Batian Sect, the Shengyin Sect depends on whether they can offend the Canglan Sect. If they don't provoke him, he will not touch them. After the Canglan Sect is promoted to fifth rank, he can make offerings to them every year.

As the saying goes, the Sect world is progressing step by step, and the powerful Sect's tribute every year is a huge amount of income.

Because the powerful Sect has a vast jurisdiction, they cannot cover everything. They mine every vein of Spirit Stones themselves, wasting their disciples' training time.

The territory is theirs, the low-level Sect is equivalent to renting their territory, and they are equivalent to rent collectors.

Everyone knows how much they can earn in a year, and it is normal for low-level Sect to work hard to get some oil and water.

Just like the eight Spirit Stones veins within the jurisdiction of Dongning Prefecture, the mining is Grade 7 Sect mining, and Chenning Prefecture only needs to send one person to supervise the mining quantity.

When the seventh-grade Sect is handed over to the Spirit Stones, if they are satisfied, forget it. If they are not satisfied, they will squeeze it. Anyway, they have big fists.

Now Lin Fan feels that their Canglan Sect has a big fist, so they can also occupy these eight Spirit Stones veins and ask the seventh-grade Sect to provide them with supplies.

Of course, he would probably have to hit the sixth rank Sect with his fist to convince them, and the Spirit Stones mine would belong to their Canglan Sect.

According to the information found by the wolf team, Jieyou Tavern branches are located in every county in Tongchuan County. It is really difficult to deal with them.

But they have a headquarters, Tianyang City, which ranks fourth in Tongchuan County. This is Lin Fan's goal. He plans to go there with Lang Ya in person this time.

It's easy to defeat them, just kill them in the Yin-Yang Realm of Sect. The other little miscellaneous fish are not a big concern.

Just like today's Dongning Mansion, without Yin-Yang Realm's peak master 1.0, they can only be at the mercy of others and compromise...

Langya's strength reached Yin-Yang Realm Ninth Stage the next afternoon.

After his strength reached the Yin-Yang Realm Ninth Stage, Lin Fan took him out of Dongning Mansion and prepared to go to the Jieyou Tavern to cause trouble.

Both of them are extremely fast, Lang Ya is the strong one in the Yin-Yang Realm, and Lin Fan is also the terrifying Celestial Realm Xing Tu.

Because Lin Fan had to take care of Langya, the speed slowed down a lot, but it only took less than an hour for them to arrive at Tianyang City.

When Lin Fan arrived at Tianyang City, he took Langya directly to the headquarters of Jieyou Tavern without any ink. Unexpectedly, Jieyou Tavern was really a tavern...

It says on both sides of the door.

"I will relieve you of your difficulties and relieve your worries."

After Lin Fan and Langya entered the tavern, a charming young woman wearing deep V clothes came up to them and said slowly: "If you are worried about anything, you can talk to the slave family.


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