From Subordinate Sect To God-Level Sect

Chapter 108: Promotion To Seventh Rank Sect

Lin Fan returned to Dongning City. Don't worry about the Giant Lion King of the Tyrant Sect. There is the Sky Demon Eagle King and the Psychic Python. Today's staple food is ready.

He did not go back with the Holy Voice Sect Leader...

There is no need to take Mu Qingchan away in person.

Because he knew very well that the Sect Leader of the Holy Sound Sect would never dare to break his promise...

The Celestial Realm powerhouse and the Holy Sound Sect dare not offend them, and they cannot afford to offend them. Unless their Holy Sound Sect is disbanded immediately, they will not dare to break their promise.

Even if they were given more extreme conditions, they would not dare to disobey them, let alone Mu Qingchan. Moreover, it was the Sect Leader of Shengyin Sect who proposed to send Mu Qingchan. Lin Fan was just following the trend and wanted to hug him. How can you succeed without paying the price?

Anyway, they can't afford to offend them due to their own strength...

Jiang Haoran can sell Jiang Linglong, who has a Human Cauldron physique, in exchange for Sect promotion, and the Holy Sound Sect can also trade Mu Qingchan, who has an imperial body, for Sect promotion...

Celestial Realm strong men, it is said that even the fifth rank Sect is not there, how dare they offend...

Return to Canglan Sect in Dongning City.

Lin Fan summoned the Canglan Sect chefs, took out the huge corpses of the Heavenly Demon Eagle King and the Psychic Python, and then said: "These are two seventh-grade Magical Beasts [you guys stew them! The staple food of our Canglan Sect today] This is it.

Looking at the two huge Magical Beasts, the cooks all showed surprised faces.

They are all the best cooks that Lin Fan has found from Dongning City. They are so good at their craftsmanship that there are several of them from the best inns...

One of the old men cupped fist said with emotion: "I have been cooking and studying food all my life, but I have never used seven-grade Magical Beasts to make ingredients in my life. Thank you Sect Leader for making it possible."

"Who isn't? Not to mention seventh-rank Magical Beasts as ingredients, I'm ashamed to say, I've never seen sixth-rank Magical Beasts meat. Sect Leader Shenwei can actually hunt down seventh-rank Magical Beasts."

"Thank you Sect Leader for opening my eyes. I am so lucky to be a cook in Canglan Sect."

The cooks all lamented that they are all flatterers...

Lin Fan waved his hand and said: "Okay, okay, let's do it quickly! I'm still hungry!"

Lin Fan disappeared.

He kept looking for Wang Qizong because the Canglan Sect's Seven Tasting Sect tokens had been sent over by the Burning Sky Sect.

Not surprisingly, it should be in Wang Qizong's hands now.

This is also the reason why he temporarily let go of the giant lion king and came back in a hurry.

When he arrived at the Canglan Sect Elder's Courtyard, he didn't see Wang Qizong. Lin Fan took out the transmission talisman and sent a message: "Where are you? Has the seventh-grade Sect token arrived~々?"

Hearing this, Wang Qizong said: "The Sect Leader Seventh Grade Sect Order has indeed arrived, and it is in my hand.

But now there is a trouble. Hundreds of our Canglan Sect disciples have been killed by masters, and the murderer has escaped.

I am disposing of the body at the scene of the incident and haven't had time to report it to the Sect Leader. "

Dare you kill them to win someone from the Canglan Sect?

Lin Fan had some guesses in his mind. He frowned and asked, "Do you know the origin of the murderer?"

Hearing this, Wang Qizong hesitated to speak, but replied: "Sect Leader, this is the work of the Evil Demon Sect. They also left a message saying that if the Sect Leader does not hand over Jiang Linglong, they will kill us Canglan Sect disciples every day in the future. , until our Canglan Sect is destroyed."

One of the top fifth rank Sect, Demon Sect?

They also came for Jiang Linglong, but they didn't expect that they would use such obscene threats.

The evil demon sect’s behavior is indeed quite evil......

If it were normal for Sect to be frightened like this by them, he would really be afraid of them.

Those who dare to hurt their Canglan Sect.

Lin Fan suddenly became angry.

Nan Nan said: "Evil Demon Sect, you have the guts...

After saying that, he asked Wang Qizong where he was and hurried over.

The corpses of the Canglan Sect disciples had almost been cleaned up. When Lin Fan looked at the death of these disciples, they all looked extremely miserable.

They are all inner disciplines who have just received the low-grade spiritual level Cultivation Technique. Their strength is still very weak and they have not yet broken through to the Dan Condensation Realm.

I didn't expect to encounter such a disaster...

Hundreds of disciples died like this. Lin Fan was very angry in his heart. They were disciples of the Canglan Sect, his disciples of the Canglan Sect, just like his family.

This made him feel a little guilty... They joined the Canglan Sect because of him. In a sense, he was the one who harmed them.

He knew very well that the deceased were gone, and there was only one thing he could do, and that was to avenge them.

Lin Fan was silent.

Are you thinking about how to take revenge?

Lin Fan shook his head and tried to calm down, and said: "Give me the seventh-grade Sect token.

Hearing this, Wang Qizong quickly took out a yellow token and handed it to Lin Fan.

"Congratulations to the host for promoting Binding Sect to the seventh level Sect."

Ability advancement.

1: Talent increase: increase the talent increase by 20% based on the previous level of training in Sect.

Two: The power of the whole sect: Add another binding position. To use or not to use, as well as the three binding positions, the Cultivation Base perfusion ratio is customized by the Sect Leader.

3: Comprehension increase: Martial Skill practice will increase your comprehension by 20%.

Four: Martial Skill inheritance: The cooling time is reduced by 30%, and a Martial Skill inheritance skill is added. The three inheritances have their own cooldowns without interfering with each other.

Sect Warehouse space increased...

Promotion rewards:

Reward: High-grade heaven-level Cultivation Technique "Six Yin Xuan Zhen Gong", middle-grade spiritual-level Cultivation Technique "Four-Yang Condensing Fire Jue", high-grade heaven-level Martial Skill "Lihuo Armor", middle-grade spiritual level Martial Skill: "Broken Jade" cut".

Reward: Secret Technique: "Thousand Faces Technique" can change one's own face and disguise it as the face in one's memory.

Rewards: sixteen low-level pill recipes, sixteen low-level medical skills books, eight low-level formation books, four low-level beast control methods, four low-level weapon refining skills, and two low-level elixir cultivation books.

Enable ability:

Blessing of destiny: The luck of all Canglan Sect disciples increases by 5%. (What is destiny? Along the way of cultivation, in addition to looking at Talent’s physique, one also looks at destiny, luck, etc. Of course, people with strong Talent physiques will naturally have better destiny than ordinary people. Destiny affects this person in some mysterious way. In a lifetime, for example: two disciples with the same strength and knowledge go out to collect elixirs and spend the same time. One person collects more and the other collects less.

Some people have an ordinary life, and some people have endless adventures in their lives... These are all brought about by destiny. )

Lin Fan was shocked.

Damn it, it can actually increase the disciple's luck, awesome...

Lin Fan quickly looked at the Sect properties.

Canglan Sect

Level: Seventh Grade Sect.

Number of people: 1.31 million.

Financial resources: 12.45 million Spirit Stones (Poor Sect)

Tibetan Scripture Pavilion:

Cultivation Technique:

Heaven level: "Six Yin Xuan Zhen Gong", "Four Yang Fire Condensation Technique", "Hunyuan Gong"

Spirit level "Tianyuan Gong", "Qingyang Gong" and "Bingling Gong".

Martial Skills:

Heaven level "Dragon Yang Body", "Lihuo Armor", "Broken Jade Slash", "Thirteen Crazy Breath Slashes", "Ba Xuan Body" (incomplete)

Spirit level "Red Cloud Wandering Body Step", "Yuanwu Stick Technique", "Fire Sun Palm", "Sword Control Technique" and "Mountain Shaking Fist".

Secret Techniques: "Second Stage Qi Jin" and "Thousand Faces Technique"


Enable ability:

1: Talent increase: All Canglan Sect disciples’ talents will increase by 60% through practice. (effective permanently)

Two: The power of the whole sect: bind the Sect Leader, draw (Qian Wang Zhao) to take one-tenth of the Cultivation Base that all disciples practice every moment, and pour it into the bound person. [Three binding positions] (Sect Leader has the power to change the binding object, and Cultivation Base infusion has no side effects.)

Three: Comprehension increase: The comprehension of all Canglan Sect disciples will increase by 60% through Martial Skill training. (effective permanently)

Four: Martial Skill inheritance: As long as the Martial Skill is included in the Sutra Pavilion, the Martial Skill inheritance can be initiated to any disciple of Sect. [Skill three times] (There is a cooldown, which depends on the level of Martial Skill and the degree of inheritance. It changes with the level growth of Sect.)

Five: Blessing of destiny: All Canglan Sect disciples’ luck will increase by 5% (permanent effect)

Sect warehouse: (Jinyuanguo×82, pill recipe……………………

Sure enough, a new ability was added.

Blessed by destiny.

Lin Fan doesn’t know what the use of increasing luck by 5% is?

Five percent is too little!

But something is better than nothing.

Just when Lin Fan was shocked, a group of disciples rushed over and said: Sect Leader, please allow us to refund the tickets.

"We want to withdraw from the clan."


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