From Subordinate Sect To God-Level Sect

Chapter 127: Piaomiao Pavilion, You Are Seeking Death [1St Update]

Wait until the people from Shangqing Sect leave.

Lin Fan ordered Wang Qizong and others to prepare to move the sect. Dongning City was too small and was no longer suitable for their Canglan Sect. It would be better to go to Wushuang City, the capital of the Zhou Dynasty. Wushuang City was in line with their current layout of the Canglan Sect.

Their Canglan Sect is already fifth rank Sect, and is still the strongest fifth rank Sect in the Great Zhou Dynasty. There is no doubt about their strength, and occupying Wushuang City is a matter of course.

Moreover, the materials Lin Fan brought from the Shangqing Sect's pit were to establish a Canglan Sect garrison in Wushuang City.

Especially this time, Sect was promoted and received a more powerful formation reward. He wanted to build an impregnable Canglan Sect garrison.

From now on, their Canglan Sect will no longer be left to their own devices.

If anyone dares to provoke them, Lin Fan will definitely make them come back.

With this Sect promotion, Lin Fan's time to advance to the next Realm has been reduced by 60%. In about twenty days, he will no longer be afraid of Shangqing Sect, a fourth-rank Sect.

It's time to build a decent Sect station.

Of course, he also wants to promote Canglan Sect to fourth rank Sect as soon as possible, but promotion to fourth rank Sect is a bit troublesome and requires participation in a special promotion event.

That is the "War of Thousand Dynasties"

There will be more than two thousand Sects from the dynasty participating, and the strongest Sect will be selected...01

This Thousand Dynasty Battle takes place once a year, and only the Sect who gets the first place is eligible to apply for promotion to Sect.

Only after passing the third rank Sect assessment can you be officially promoted. The Thousand Dynasties War will start exactly twenty-six days later.

Twenty-six days is almost enough time to establish a decent Canglan Sect garrison.

After Lin Fan gave the order, he took Jiang Linglong and the others out of Dongning City and headed straight to Wushuang City.

The Wolf King and the others are waiting in Wushuang City now!

To participate in the Thousand Dynasties War, Lin Fan had to cultivate a group of strong men.

Therefore, he did not ask the Wolf King and the others to stop recruiting disciples. The power of the whole sect must continue to be strengthened so that he could cultivate strong men.

Went to Wushuang City Lin Fan to rest for one night.

It was only the next day that he began to study the newly unlocked function of Sect.

He bound the Cave Heaven Paradise to his own Red Sky Sword.

The Red Sky Sword is the fifth rank weapon he refined.

Lin Fan summoned the entrance to Cave Paradise, and the Scarlet Sky Sword suddenly floated horizontally in the air. A white light door appeared under the Scarlet Sky Sword, which was quite strange.

Upon seeing this, Lin Fan walked in. As soon as he entered, he entered a cave filled with Spirit Power. There was nothing in it, just like an ordinary void space.

The space is about a thousand feet long and wide, almost the size of a small island, and a hundred feet high.

Among them, Spirit Power is rich and seems to be inexhaustible.

It is indeed a blessed place for cultivation. If you practice here, you can maximize your talents.

Lin Fan took out the seven-star elixir Jinyuan fruit tree and soil that were collected last time at the Golden Devil Ape Station and placed them in the corner of Tianfu.

Immediately, signs of life were detected. The Golden Source Fruit Tree was absorbing Spirit Power and growing.

The Sect warehouse cannot accept live Magical Beasts, but it can accept elixirs. These golden source fruit trees have not withered, but they have not grown.

Now that there is a blessed land in the cave, the Jinyuan fruit trees should be able to bloom and bear fruit.

However, it is a pity that the place is too small and cannot grow many elixirs. It can only cultivate some rare elixirs.

On the contrary, it is possible to cultivate a group of masters controlled by Lin Fan, and also let them help raise elixirs.

Why control them?

Because the affairs of Dongtian Paradise must not be exposed.

Then Lin Fan ordered the Wolf King to find someone...

Then he spent a day building the Canglan Sect's resident formation, the spirit gathering formation, and the sect-protecting formation. He built several of them in succession. He also established some formations that relied on Spirit Stones to assist the cultivation for the Elders.

I have no choice but to do it myself. The foundation of the formation palace is too weak to be able to support such a high-level formation.

However, now that the Canglan Sect's comprehension bonus has reached as high as 130%, I believe they will soon be able to stand alone.

The same is true for other halls. Now the Alchemy Hall can already refine some one- and two-star Medicine Pills for use by the core recipe. The three- and four-star Medicine Pills have all been successfully refined by pill refining masters.

But it’s so far behind Lin Fan…………

The Weapon Refining Hall can also refine ninth-grade and eighth-grade weapons, but it will take more time. Because they are not as strong as Lin Fan, they have to forge the flame too many times, and it will take a lot of time to just refine the materials.

Lin Fan is relieved that every palace is making progress.

After the formation was established, he continued to be the Sect Leader and went out to eat, drink and have fun.

The next day he took the three girls to stay at the best inn in Wushuang City.

However, Sect Leader had only been happy for a day after he quit, and something big happened to the Canglan Sect.

Early on the third morning, while he was still dreaming, the door to his room was suddenly pushed open, causing him to wake up.

"Sect Leader, Sect Leader, something bad is going to happen."

Lin Fan sat up and took a look, and found that the person coming was the Wolf King. He had a worried look on his face, and Lin Fan said, "What happened?"

Hearing this, the Wolf King said: "Sect Leader, I practiced in the secret room where you arranged the formation yesterday. I woke up this morning and found out that our Sect was attacked by the Piaomiao Pavilion last night, and one hundred and thirty-two disciples died, as well as thousands more. Many disciples were arrested because of their old age.

This is what the murderer left behind. "

As he spoke, the Wolf King took out a huge stone tablet with blood words on it.

Lin Fan looked at the words above and suddenly lost all sleep. He clenched his fist and said coldly: "Piaomiao Pavilion, you are seeking death."

He killed their Canglan Sect disciples and captured more than a thousand disciples of their Canglan Sect, Elder.

It was the work of Piaomiao Pavilion, and the purpose was to force him to show up.

His identity as the King of Thieves was exposed.

In other words, the Piaomiao Pavilion treasure house was stolen, the Elder and his disciples were killed by him, and all these things were exposed. was probably the Shangqing Sect who stabbed him behind his back.

Just because he was not stationed at Canglan Sect yesterday...

Just think of this.

Lin Fan knew it was too late to think about this now.

He looked at the Wolf King, pointed at the stone tablet and asked, "Where is the Tianquan Peak mentioned above?"

The Wolf King replied: "Eighty miles east of Wushuang City is Tianquanfeng. They are well prepared and will definitely set a trap somewhere. Sect Leader, Sect Leader, what are you going to do now?"

Lin Fan said coldly: "Of course I'm going to meet them. If they dare to arrest anyone from my Canglan Sect, I want to see how powerful they are."

Hearing this, the Wolf King suggested: "Sect Leader, how about I take someone to investigate first and see how many people are here?"

Lin Fan shook his head and said: "Your Celestial Realm strength is even close to that of Tianquan Bee, so just wait here with peace of mind!" 157

Lin Fan, who wanted to rush out, calmed down, went to Jiang Linglong's room, and asked them to eat a Medicine Pill. After they fell asleep, he carried them into the Paradise of Cave...

After doing all this, Lin Fan looked at the Sect attributes and found that the Martial Skill inheritance cooldown had ended twice.

Lin Fan directly used the Martial Skill twice.

Inherited Martial Skill "Rakshasa Overlord Fist"

Level of inheritance: Return to nature

Inherited Martial Skill: "Illusion Magic"

Level of inheritance: Return to nature

At this moment, his strength is terrifying.

Lin Fan

Age: 19 years old

Identity: Canglan Sect Sect Leader.

Sub-professions: Seven-star pill refining master, fifth-rank weapon refiner.

Martial Dao Realm: Divine River Realm Ninth Stage

Cultivation Technique: Seven Evils Burning Heaven Jue

Martial Skill: Rakshasa Overlord Fist (Return to Original Nature) Void Sword Technique (Return to Original Nature) Blood Devil Body (Return to Original Nature) Turtle Breath Technique (Return to Original Nature) Immortal Shadow Technique (Return to Original Nature) Rock Demon Armor (Return to Original Nature), Broken Jade Slash (Return to Original Nature) Luofeng Palm (Return to Original Nature), Thirteen Crazy Breath Slashes (Return to Original Nature)

Secret Technique: Second Stage Qi Jin (Return to Original Nature) Thousand Faces Technique (Return to Original Nature) Dantian Sealing Technique (Return to Original Nature) Barrier-breaking Eye Technique (Return to Original Nature)

Illusory magic (returning to nature)

Methods to control beasts: Demonic beast control (returning to nature) Slave contract (returning to nature)

Formation: Kowloon Sky Swallowing Formation (returning to nature) Five Elements Spirit Gathering Formation (returning to nature) Yin & Yang Bipolar Sect Protecting Formation (returning to nature)

Emperor-level Cultivation Technique, two kinds of Emperor-level Martial Skills, and secret skills...

Without thinking, he rushed out and disappeared into the inn, flying towards Tianquan Peak. .

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