Because promotion to fifth rank Sect unlocked the Paradise of Heaven, he had an idea at that time, that is, he wanted to cultivate a group of Sect masters, which can also be said to be accompanying thugs.

He feels relieved to have it with you, so that he will not be alone at any time.

The Wolf King found a hundred people, all of whom were cultivators, but Talent was not very good. They were all lonely and helpless old men without any ties to the world.

Talent is not important here at Lin Fan, as long as you are obedient~.

But just in case.

Lin Fan still signed a special contract with them, and they will only obey Lin Fan's orders from now on.

After doing all this, Lin Fan led a hundred people into the Cave Heaven Paradise.

Lin Fan said to them: "From today on, you are the guardians of Canglan Sect. I will give you powerful strength. Your responsibility is..."

After the explanation, Lin Fan threw out a few Interspatial Rings and said: "You can use the materials inside to build a house here. For the time being, your task is to practice.

If you are missing something, I will replenish it for you. If you come to me for anything, you can just hang red lanterns on the roof..."

Because the Cave Paradise is a sealed cave, musical notes cannot be used at all.

After these subordinates entered, they were isolated from the world.

After giving the instructions, he left the Cave Heaven Paradise.

Dongtian Paradise is now bound to his fourth rank weapon general. After Lin Fan brought a hundred people into Dongtian Paradise, he put away the generals and got up and went out, preparing to tease Tao Yuexi again...

In the past two days, Lin Fan also sent Elder to collect territory. Half of the dynasties under the jurisdiction of the Shangqing Sect belonged to the Canglan Sect. It was necessary for him to send people to notify the Sect of these dynasties.

From now on, I have to offer them to Canglan Sect......

Recruiting disciples by the way.

While the major dynasties were in panic, Lin Fan spent three days calmly.

The number of people in Sect has grown steadily over the past three days.

Canglan Sect

Rank: fifth rank Sect.

Number of people: 16.08 million.

Financial resources: 65.3 billion Spirit Stones (Poor Sect)

Tibetan Scripture Pavilion:

Cultivation Technique:

Emperor level: "Seven Evil Burning Heaven Jue"

Emperor Grade: "Qingshuang Chixia Gong", "Red Dragon Art", "Taiyi Guiyuan Art" and "Tong Yang Gong"


Martial Skills:

Emperor level "Rakshasa Overlord Fist" and "Void Sword Technique"

Emperor Grade《Nine Nether Sword Technique》《Blood Devil Body》《Earth Devil Claw》《Turtle Breath Technique》《Fairy Shadow Technique》

Secret Techniques: "Second Stage Qi Jin", "Thousand Faces Technique", "Dantian Sealing Technique", "Obstacle Breaking Eye Technique", "Illusion God Technique"

pill recipe, how to control beasts...

Enable ability:

1: Talent increase: All Canglan Sect disciples’ talents will increase by 130% through practice. (effective permanently)

Two: The power of the entire sect: Bind the Sect Leader, extract one-tenth of the Cultivation Base that all disciples practice every moment, and pour it into the bound person. [Five binding positions] (Sect Leader has the power to change binding objects, and Cultivation Base infusion has no side effects.)

Three: Comprehension increase: All Canglan Sect disciples, Martial Skill practice comprehension increases by 130%, (effective permanently)

Four: Martial Skill inheritance: As long as the Martial Skill is included in the Sutra Pavilion, the Martial Skill inheritance can be initiated to any disciple of Sect. [Skill five times] (There is a cooldown, which depends on the level of Martial Skill and the degree of inheritance. It changes with the level growth of Sect.)

Five: Blessing of destiny: All Canglan Sect disciples’ luck will increase by 20% (permanent effect)

Sect warehouse: (The best Spirit Stones × 25.63 million, Blood Spirit Fruit × 13......

Cave Heaven Paradise:(....)

The number of Sect members has reached 16 million, and among these 16 million disciples, they have received an imperial body and dozens of celestial bodies.

Therefore, Lin Fan's strength improvement speed has been significantly improved...

Lin Fan broke through at noon this day, and he reached a new Realm.

Realm environment.

Lin Fan

Age: 19 years old

Identity: Canglan Sect Sect Leader.

Sub-professions: Eight-star pill refining master, fourth rank weapon refiner.

Martial Dao Realm: Realm First Stage


Cultivation Technique: Qi Sha Fen Tian Jue

Martial Skill: Rakshasa Overlord Fist (return to nature) Void Sword Technique (return to nature) Canglong Armor (return to nature) Blood Devil Body (return to nature) Turtle Breath Technique (return to nature) Immortal Shadow Technique (return to nature) Broken Jade Slash (return to nature) Falling Wind Palm ( Return to the original nature), Thirteen Crazy Breath Slashes (Return to the original nature)

Secret Technique: Second Stage Qi Jin (Return to Original Nature) Thousand Faces Technique (Return to Original Nature) Dantian Sealing Technique (Return to Original Nature) Barrier-breaking Eye Technique (Return to Original Nature)

Illusory magic (returning to nature)

Methods to control beasts: Dangu contract (return to original nature) Slave contract (return to original nature) Demonic beast control technique (return to original nature)

After breaking through the Realm realm, not only did the Divine River in Dantian become longer, it was originally only eight thousand feet, but now it has reached eight thousand feet, and the Spirit Power foundation has doubled.

But the most important thing is not this......

After his strength increased to the Realm level, he reached a very mysterious Realm. He could center on himself and expand a thousand-foot Realm. In this Realm, he seemed to be able to dominate everything.

The heaven and earth Spiritual Qi within it is at his disposal. He can control the wind, the rain, the fire in the void, and the lightning, all in a single thought of his...

Of course, the premise is that you must practice the corresponding Martial Skill to achieve this transformation.

This Realm is closely linked to Dantian's Divine River. The Realm consumes Spirit Power to draw it from the Divine River, and there is no need for him to run the Cultivation Technique.

Nothing in the Realm can escape Lin Fan's induction. Lin Fan can release the Martial Skill at will in the Realm to attack targets that enter his Realm.

Especially since Kamigawa has the power of the whole sect to continuously replenish it, making his Realm even more powerful.

There are many advantages to Realm. For example, after opening Realm, he can throw more than ten weapons into it and control these weapons at will. They can be used to kill enemies or defend himself.

He can also instantly arrange formation directly in his Realm, which is simply terrifying...

It took him a day to set up the formation in the Canglan Sect's station. Now as long as he has the materials, he can complete it in a few minutes. It just consumes ten more Spirit Powers.

If he went to Tianquan Peak today, everyone in Piaomiao Pavilion would be dead in his Realm without him having to do anything.

This feeling is really too strong......

In the past, he was worried that he could not protect his own woman. If he was besieged, he would definitely care about one thing and not the other. Now as long as Jiang Linglong and the others are by his side, he can deal with it calmly even if he is besieged.

0‧Please give me flowers…………

This powerful feeling made him a little inflated. He even wanted to strengthen the fourth rank Sect's territory, directly go to the third rank Sect to apply for Sect promotion, and also participated in Mao's Thousand Dynasties War...

But after thinking about it carefully, he calmed down. I am afraid that there are also strong people in the Realm realm in the third rank Sect, and there are even strong people above the Realm realm...

He couldn't swell. Although he was now a few hundred years old, he had to be stable and couldn't let himself fall into a desperate situation.

Let nature take its course, or follow the rules...

Anyone who dared to bump into someone without long eyes would be slapped back without hesitation, which felt so good.

After arriving at the Realm realm, he gave Jiang Linglong and the others another Medicine Pill, and then he increased the infusion of the entire sect's power bound to the three daughters of Jiang Linglong to ten percent.

There is also a position of the whole sect's power bound to one of the people in Dongtian Paradise.

Perfusion is twenty percent.

And he himself accounts for the majority fifty percent.

And the very next day, someone came from Piaomiao Pavilion.

They sent 130,200,000 top-quality Spirit Stones, but they knew enough to know that they couldn't beat Lin Fan, so they gave up.


Lin Fan had nothing to do after that, waiting for the war of thousands of dynasties to come...

According to the rules of the third rank Sect (Jiu Xuan Palace) that governs thousands of dynasties, only by participating in the Thousand Dynasties War and winning the first place can their Canglan Sect be promoted to the fourth rank Sect.

Lin Fan is so bored these days that he can only pass the time by refining weapons and pill refining. He occasionally goes to give advice to the disciples in the Alchemy Hall, the Weapon Refining Hall, and the Formation Hall, and teases the saints selected by them from the Canglan Sect for fun.

Time still passed quickly, and before you knew it, the Qianchao War was approaching.

At this time, Lin Fan's strength has been upgraded to Realm Realm Third Stage.

Lin Fan

Age: 19 years old

Identity: Canglan Sect Sect Leader.

Sub-professions: Eight-star pill refining master, fourth rank weapon refiner.

Martial Dao Realm: Realm Realm Third Stage

Cultivation Technique: Qi Sha Fen Tian Jue

Martial Skill: Holy Mysterious Body (Return to Original Nature) Rakshasa Overlord Fist (Return to Original Nature) Demonic Shadow Technique (Return to Original Nature) Void Sword Technique (Return to Original Nature) Canglong Armor (Return to Original Nature) Turtle Breath Technique (Return to Original Nature) Broken Jade Slash (Return to Original Nature) Luofeng Palm (Return to Original Nature), Thirteen Crazy Breath Slashes (Return to Original Nature)

Secret Technique: Second Stage Qi Jin (Return to Original Nature) Thousand Faces Technique (Return to Original Nature) Dantian Sealing Technique (Return to Original Nature) Barrier-breaking Eye Technique (Return to Original Nature)

Illusory magic (returning to nature)

Methods to control beasts: Dangu contract (return to original nature) Slave contract (return to original nature) Demonic beast control technique (return to original nature)

Formation: Kowloon Sky Swallowing Formation (returning to nature) Five Elements Spirit Gathering Formation (returning to nature) Yin & Yang Bipolar Sect Protecting Formation (returning to nature)…………

The Holy Mysterious Body is a mid-grade emperor-level Martial Skill that he recently gained from the Piaomiao Pavilion, while the Phantom Body Technique is a low-grade Martial Skill that he exchanged for the Void Sword Technique from the Shangqing Sect.

A kind of physique and a kind of movement skills just enhance his strength to the extreme.

During this period, he also trained ten Elders and prepared them to participate in the Thousand Dynasties War.

Just two days before the start of the Qianchao War, he took his disciples to the third rank Sect (Jiuxuan Palace)

First they came to the largest city where Jiuxuan Sect is located

"Jiufengcheng Pill".

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