From Subordinate Sect To God-Level Sect

Chapter 19 I Have Recorded This Account [710]

There were some complaints.

Lin Fan was still a little excited in his heart. He didn't expect that what the Split Mountain Sect said was true. The ninth-grade Sect tokens were actually delivered within a day or two.

He couldn't help but use Spirit Power to rush on, rushing all the way to Canglan Sect.

It only took him less than twenty minutes to arrive at the entrance of Canglan Sect.

He went directly to the Canglan Sect's living room.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw a stern man wearing blue clothes and a beautiful woman wearing a blue gown sitting in the upper seat.

Seven Elders are here to accompany them, but there seems to be no communication between them...

The atmosphere is a bit dull, I don’t know what’s going on.

These two people should be from the Black Sand Sect who came to give them Sect tokens.

After Lin Fan entered the door, he put on a signature smile and said cupped fist: "Master Heisha Sect is here to welcome you. I hope you will forgive me for not being able to welcome you from afar."

Hearing this, the man just glanced at Lin Fan without speaking.

The woman said calmly: "No need to be polite, this is a token for you."

As she spoke, the woman threw the token she was playing with directly towards Lin Fan.

Tokens are like Hidden Weapons, extremely fast.

It was on Lin Fan's chest in the blink of an eye. Fortunately, Lin Fan had left early to prepare, otherwise he would have been seriously injured.

Because this token carries a Spirit Power.

Only the Condensing Core Realm can sense it, and only the Condensing Core Realm can catch it. The Chakra Realm will probably bleed from the flying token.

This was not difficult for Lin Fan. Lin Fan easily grabbed the token in his hand.

Looking at the token that looks like mutton-fat white jade in his hand, there are three characters Canglan Sect engraved on it, and a nine-character engraved on the reverse, which should represent the ninth grade Sect.

Other than that, there doesn't seem to be anything else special.

Then his face showed a look of joy and excitement.

Lin Fan's actions caused a flash of surprise on the beautiful Lan Yi's face, but it only passed by in a flash.

After Lin Fan took the token, he calmly cupped the fist and said: "Thank you, girl. I dare to ask the two adults how to address you. I will order you to go down and prepare a banquet to cleanse the dust for you two."

Hearing this, the beauty in blue said coldly: "No need, we have something to do and we will leave immediately. Senior brother, please give him the things!"

Well, there's something else?

At this time, the stern man stood up, raised a booklet in his hand, and said: "These are the rules of the ninth-grade Sect, as well as some benefits. From now on, you Sects must act according to them, do you understand?"

Lin Fan hurried over, picked up the pamphlet, and said, "I understand, I understand."

Immediately, he ordered: "Seventh Elder, take two million gold tickets and give them to the two adults as a filial piety."

Make a road through the mountains, build a bridge over the water, have multiple friends and multiple paths. These are the survival rules he summarized in his previous life, and he couldn't help but use them.

Hearing this, Elder Qi quickly replied: "Okay Sect Leader, I'll go get it right away."

But at this moment, the woman in blue said coldly: "No need, do I need your one million golden tickets? I hate flattering villains like you the most."

Seven Elder's body froze.

Lin Fan signaled Elder Seven not to speak, and he smiled and said, "My lord, you are so upright and honest, I admire you."

Don’t reach out to hit the smiling person. .

Lin Fan is like this, and the woman in blue is embarrassed to say anything.

All he could do was hum: "Brother, let's go!"


The cold man replied calmly.

Immediately he took the woman in blue out.

Lin Fan followed closely, and saw the two of them suddenly leaving through the air as soon as they left Sect.

At this time, the master!

As they left, Lin Fan smiled and said nothing.

Suddenly he felt a Spirit Power attack coming through the air.

Accompanied by a voice.

"If you dare to make my junior sister unhappy, go to bed and lie down in bed for three months!"

It was the voice of a stern man.

Damn it, your uncle.

Lin Fan felt like he was facing a formidable enemy and quickly used Spirit Power to block the attack.

Then he flew out upside down.

"Sect Leader."

"Sect Leader."

"Sect Leader, are you okay?"

......... It took Lin Fan three minutes to slowly open his eyes and said, "I'm fine."

Lin Fan is a flop. What kind of attack can make a person in the Second Stage of Condensing Pill Realm unable to get out of bed?

He is currently at the Eighth Stage of Condensing Core, and this attack will not hurt him.

This is called a soldier who never tires of deceit. If he doesn't fake it, the man will most likely come back...

Damn it, this kind of person's condescending attitude made him feel sick.

He is a man whose flaws must be repaid.

Lin Fan said calmly, "Wait, I'll take note of this account."

However, Lin Fan is still happy, because after obtaining the ninth-grade Sect token, Sect can unlock new abilities.

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