From Subordinate Sect To God-Level Sect

Chapter 314 Layout【8/10】

For the road of patience is the road of the Lord,

So he wants to break through the Indistinguishable Dao realm, no longer experience Heavenly Tribulation, and occupy the avenue.

Instead, they directly began to invade and control the avenues of some powerful persons.

But the moment he invades the avenue, the Indistinguishable Dao realm that controls the avenue will discover his existence.

And the encroachment speed is very slow…………

He had just begun to occupy, and instantly he felt resistance from the avenue of endurance.

This is the resistance of the powerful Indistinguishable Dao who control the avenue.

He has discovered Lin Fan's existence.

However, this resistance is very weak......

Because the Ancient Cloud Star Realm is not the main dojo for those who control the Path of Endurance, the resistance is not strong.

Lin Fan is also in the Indistinguishable Dao realm, so he has succeeded in occupying the Heavenly Dao.

But it occupies a small area.

It almost covers the range of several life stars.

Lin Fan could clearly feel that the resistance was getting stronger and stronger.

This shows that the owner of the Patience Avenue he invaded has discovered him and is now connecting the avenue to resist his invasion.

Just like he used the power of the Dao to resist the invasion of the Indistinguishable Dao realm invaders such as the illusory God King.

Resisting the passion of his great strength.

And lock his position.

Maybe he’s on his way here now…………

When the Indistinguishable Dao realm masters sense that their own avenue has been invaded, they will usually come to conquer or kill the intruders.

Generally these are the two paths. If you can't conquer them, just kill them directly.

It cannot be conquered, it can only be killed.

Because if a strong person who has reached the Dao Fusion Realm does not kill, but only injures, he can quickly regain his strength by relying on his own understanding of the Dao.

A strong person who understands the power of the Dao is different from other strong people... It is very difficult to abolish the strength of a strong person in the Fusion Dao realm without damaging his life.

Of course, generally speaking, after a strong person in the Indistinguishable Dao realm comes to the factory to give birth to a strong person at the peak of the Fusion Dao realm, most of the states with strong Dao realms will be conquered.


Because the more powerful people of the Indistinguishable Dao realm join the field, the stronger those of the Dao realm will be.

As long as they can be subdued, they will generally not be killed.

After becoming a strong person in the Indistinguishable Dao realm, it is very difficult to improve your strength.

There are two ways.

The first is to invade the territory of other Indistinguishable Dao realm masters. This is very difficult. It is normal for the same Indistinguishable Dao realm masters to invade each other's dojos, but generally there is no winner.

As long as the other party does not die, there will be no real improvement.

Another way is. Cultivate fellow warriors in your own dojo, and use rings to strengthen your path.

Because you control the avenue, the avenue is strengthened, which means that your own strength has become stronger.

Lin Fan slowly occupied the avenue at the same time.

In a distant star realm......

A black palace suddenly began to tremble.

The eight Fusion Dao Realm experts guarding the palace outside woke up from their training.

They all expressed emotion

"My lord, are you going to leave seclusion?"

"My lord, your injury has healed?"

"After three thousand years of Closed Door Training, my lord is finally coming out."

"Damn it, I have been oppressed by the major star realms these years. The master will make them look good when he comes back."

"Is father finally leaving the mountain?"

"Master, are you finally coming out of seclusion?"

"My lord, will you still remember Ji'er?"

The black palace trembled for a while,

The black Star iron door slowly opened.

After the huge Star iron gate was opened, a monster covered in black robes crawled out.

The monster instantly let out a shocking roar.


The sound spread throughout the star realm.

The retort was the sound of venting after being imprisoned for a long time.

It lasted for a long time before stopping.

After stopping its roar, the monster slowly spoke.

“Interesting, after 3,000 years of Closed Door Training, a strong man of endurance finally appeared.

Who could it be? I’m really curious?”

At the same time, a monster next to the black-armored monster knelt down and said?

"Welcome the master to leave the customs"

"Welcome the master to leave the customs"

"Welcome to you, sir, to leave the customs."

"Congratulations to my father for coming out of confinement"

"Congratulations to my second brother for coming out of isolation"

The black-armored monster looked at these long-lost subordinates and said in a better mood: "Everyone, get up! My son, please send a message to the heads of the eight tribes and the commanders of the ten directions to come see me."

"Yes, father."

After passing the order, the black-armored monster played with the token and murmured: "Guyun Star Realm? Ancestor Black Li is actually dead. Little guy, I'll let you jump around for two days."


At the same time, Lin Fan has occupied the Avenue of Patience within a small astral realm.

Not to mention that although this Avenue of Patience is a fifth-level Avenue, it still feels very strong to truly control it.

Lin Fan made a random clone and found a Tao Fusion Realm as his opponent.

Using the Avenue of Patience to fight against the enemy is outrageous.

Lin Fan broke up and used the power of the great avenue while chanting.

"Patience, patience, patience."

The power of the great avenue entangled a Dao Fusion Realm, and the Fusion Dao Realm was trapped in place, unable to fight back, and was allowed to be slaughtered by him.

It doesn't feel inferior to the third-class Dao Charming Dao.

And to his surprise, Lin Fan actually noticed that his resistance had weakened.

do not know why………………

He was encroaching on the avenue faster now.

In less than three days, he will be able to seize the entire Guyun Star Realm's Path of Patience.

Occupying and integrating the Patience Path of the Ancient Yun Star Realm, he can also be said to have barely cultivated the Patience Path to the Indistinguishable Dao realm.

It's just that there are too few Dao controlled, and the strength will be much weaker than the normal Indistinguishable Dao state...

He succeeded……………

But I don’t know who the owner of this avenue is. I should come back to trouble him!

Of course, he wasn't afraid when he came, because the Ancient Cloud Star Realm was originally his main dojo.

It would be just in time if that strong man came.

If he finds an opportunity to kill him, he can invade all his avenues.

Not only that.

Lin Fan invaded the Avenue of Endurance at the same time

Invading the avenue of an Elder in the Star Temple...

It is also a highway without a master of the highway.

Since he wants to organize things, he doesn't care so much. How can he just invade the avenue of the strong men of the Tianmeng...

Only when the powerful men from the Star Temple come over can the water in this pool become muddier.

He didn't care whether he was from the Star Temple or not. He knew that the Star Temple and the Tianmeng were enemies, so he had to take advantage of them.

This way he can fish in troubled waters.

It would be best for the two sides to fight and kill one or two Indistinguishable Dao, then he would have an opportunity...

Because the Tianmeng stationed more than thirty Indistinguishable Daojing here in order to kill him.

So the avenues he grabbed this time were all avenues for the strong men of the Star

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