From Subordinate Sect To God-Level Sect

Chapter 348: Conference Of Ten Thousand Races [Please Subscribe]

The human race of the Tianmeng is headed by the human emperor, the master of the human race.

The Human Emperor has a very good position in the Tianmeng, and controls the second-class avenue.

The human race is also considered a big race in the Tianmen League.

The Yaksha tribe also has the Lord of the Great Way, whose status is lower than that of the Human Emperor.

The human race and the Yaksha race are both old enemies.

The territories occupied by the Yaksha tribe and the human race are very close, separated by a star realm.

This star realm is occupied by the "ghost clan". The ghost clan does not have a master of the Dao realm, only those who are powerful in the Indistinguishable Dao realm.

They are a small tribe, living between the human race and the Yaksha tribe.

The humans have to listen to their orders, and the Yaksha tribe have to listen to their orders.

In the end, it will not end well

If you want to be a coward and fawn over both sides, it is impossible to get the benefits of both sides.

As a result, they were miserable and both sides were oppressed.

They need to pay tribute to both sides, because they have no strong people and have no say in the Tianmeng.

He can only survive between the two bandits by mediating between them.

Fortunately, their ghost tribe is quite tenacious and has not been exterminated yet.

And if you want to catch the geniuses of the human race, you have to start from the ghost race.

Because the ghost tribe's territory happens to be close to the human race's territory.

Moreover, the ghost tribe is mysterious and unpredictable, so it would be great if the ghost tribe can help find out the news.

So Lin Fan's clone disguised himself as the leader of the Yaksha tribe and went to the ghost tribe.

To capture the geniuses of the human race, the ghost race must take advantage of them.

And he is in the Yaksha tribe, the Heavenly Dao controlled by the powerful and dedicated leader of the Yaksha tribe.

He was imprisoned in the Cave Heaven Paradise. The avenue he currently occupies is similar to the Masterless Avenue except for the origin he left behind.

His origin will slowly dissipate after his death,

This is the case with those powerful Deaths who emerged from the Evil God Ancient Realm in the Star God Realm. After Death, the source of death will disappear for a period of time, and the mastered avenue will become an ownerless avenue.

The leader of the Yaksha tribe is in a similar state to those strong men who fought in other ancient worlds.

But only Lin Fan knows!

Not only did he encroach on his avenue, he was also erasing his roots in the avenue.

As long as he completely erases the origin of the Yaksha clan leader, even if the Yaksha clan leader is released, he will not be able to control the avenue, and Realm will directly fall into the Fusion Dao realm.

However, he still realized that if Lin Fan did not resist him from seizing the avenue, he would soon be able to take it back.

But how could he return what he had obtained?

Now he has occupied 14% of the avenue, and the remaining 3% contains the origin of the Yaksha clan leader.

In fact, the Yaksha tribe of the Tianmen League accounts for 60% of this avenue.

It is just occupied by seven Indistinguishable Dao realm experts of the Yaksha tribe at the same time, but the leader of the Yaksha tribe occupies the most.

There are still 40% in the hands of the Yaksha tribe of the Undead Empire, otherwise the Yaksha tribe would be able to produce two masters of the avenue.

Many avenues do not have a master because of this. The same race has different strengths, so the avenue they practice cannot be occupied by a strong person, and a master of the avenue cannot be born.

There is nothing we can do about this. The major forces are very powerful. It is impossible for the Sky Alliance to go to the Undead Empire for the sake of the Yaksha tribe.

That would trigger an unprecedented war again, and the five major forces would practice their tactics against their Heavenly Alliance.

After Lin Fan occupied 14% of the Yaksha tribe's avenues, he was a little dissatisfied.

He wants to take more,

This is the avenue he currently occupies against many people. The Ten Thousand Dao Formation is arranged with this as the core, and its power can be increased.

If we can get 60% of the Yaksha tribe.

His strength will be greatly improved.

But this may be difficult. The Indistinguishable Dao Realm of the Yaksha tribe all serve in the Tianmeng, except for the chief of the tribe, who are all in other places.

In order to reduce the crisis within the alliance, the Tianmeng implemented a method of cross-guarding the star realm.

For example, the Yaksha tribe has five Indistinguishable Dao realm guardians in their star realm. They are all Indistinguishable Dao realm experts from other races. In the star realm where they are located, only their clan leader is Indistinguishable Dao realm.

Even the leader of the Yaksha tribe has no right to call back other Indistinguishable Dao realm experts from his tribe.

0·Please give me flowers...0

Only the emperor of their Yaksha clan in the Tianmen Alliance has the right to call them back, but they must notify other emperors.

If it weren't for the fact that the strong men guarding the star realm were all Indistinguishable Dao realm masters from other races, the Yaksha tribe and the human race would have started fighting long ago because they were separated by a star realm.

Mainly the guardians of the star realm, they have no right to transfer.

The same is true for the human race, so so far, there are only occasional battles between them.

They are all battles under the Indistinguishable Dao environment.

Each has his own losses, no matter how much he loses.

Lin Fan continues to occupy the main road, and the Yaksha tribe's patriarch finally has a strong origin.

It still takes some time.


at the same time,

The clone has used force to convince the ghost clan,

Let the ghost tribe help them find geniuses,

There are a large number of humans, and countless humans are born every year. Are there any geniuses among them?

The ghost clan's whereabouts are mysterious and very suitable for this kind of inquiry.

It is precisely because of this that their clan can remain in the Tianmen League for a long time without the Lord of the Great Dao.

In addition to the Tianmeng, there are other five major forces in the ghost clan.

Lin Fan used force and promised the ghost tribe a lot, so that the ghost tribe agreed to help him.

Anyway, the Yaksha tribe doesn't belong to him, so these promises don't matter.

In this way, the ghost clan sent a large number of ghosts to the human star realm and began to search for human geniuses.

It requires a process and has to wait.

Lin Fan originally wanted to go into the Cave Paradise to see the Yaksha clan leader, but after thinking about it, he decided against it.

They were afraid that he would take the opportunity to come out and contact the master of the Yaksha tribe.

And at this moment,

The Tianmeng suddenly held a "Conference of Ten Thousand Races"

Mainly because of "the strange movements of the demons"

Something seems to have happened to the Devil World. I don’t know why, but it seems that many demons have violated their agreement.

Come out and seal Devil World…………

The Yaksha tribe has also received the call, and Lin Fan is now the leader of the Yaksha tribe.

He must go to... on behalf of the Yaksha tribe...

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