From Subordinate Sect To God-Level Sect

Chapter 358: The Lord Of Prophecy Conspiracy To Give Way [Please Subscribe]

Will he end up like the Devil Emperor?

When you lead him to become the Lord of the Great Dao, and lead him to break through the Lord of the Great Dao and become the Dao Ancestor, will he be the same as the Devil Emperor?

Will he be suppressed by the evil god in the ancient world and become the enemy of the whole world?

He will become a big devil...

He won’t walk the Devil Emperor’s path completely once!

Maybe he thinks too much, but he is a systematic man.

How can it be the same as Devil Emperor...

Even if he reaches that Realm, he won't be as miserable as the Devil Emperor.

He has the Tower of Time, and he has the Paradise of Heaven and Earth.

It should be impossible for such a thing to happen.

Lin Fan's true form was originally still in the Paradise of Cave Heaven, but after learning about the tragic situation of Devil Emperor,

He feels he can come out…………

The Devil Emperor has too much time to take care of himself now, so he doesn't have the energy to look for him.

I endure the oppression from the chaotic world and the scorching fire of karma every day.

As the five major forces and the Tianmeng joined forces to pursue him, the Devil Emperor was already meat on the chopping block and could only be slaughtered by them.

The Tianmeng and the five major forces have joined forces and have begun to plan more than just killing the Devil Emperor.

Naturally, Lin Fan will not participate in this Indistinguishable Dao state. Beings like Devil Emperor, who used to be in Indistinguishable Dao state, were seeking death.

Although he is not an ordinary Indistinguishable Dao, others don't know his strength.

Only he himself knows...

Out of the paradise of cave heaven.

Going to the territory of the Tianmeng human race, his clone has a higher status in the Tianmeng human race.

He went directly to become an Elder and planned to live in the Canglan Sect without caring about worldly affairs.

Wait for your own time to reach the peak of the Dao Dao Fusion Dao Realm.

Now his Time Avenue has reached the Fifth Stage of Fusion Dao Realm.

According to his current progress, it would only take a year and a half to reach the peak of Fusion Dao Realm.

He was preparing to spend the past year and a half in Canglan Sect.

A carefree life has only passed seven days.

The calm was broken...

The Devil Emperor was surrounded and killed by the Lord of the Avenue. Talking about their proximity to the star realm, the Lord of the Human Race's Avenue immediately conveyed the news.

Let the humans escape as soon as possible.

The battle between the Lords of the Avenue was devastating.

Especially the battle between the Devil Emperor, the ceiling of combat power, and the first-class Avenue Lord.

In an instant, a small star realm may be lost forever.

After receiving the news, all the humans above the Human Race Dao Realm have run away...

They were all afraid of death and ran away.

Lin Fan is no exception, he also left...

Choose to stay away from the battlefield.

But what I didn't expect was that he was on the way to escape.

He actually met the Lord of Prophecy.

Lin Fan waved his hand to the Ten Thousand Dao Formation: "Why are you here?"

The current appearance of the Lord of Prophecy is simply different.

She's missing an arm, she's missing an eye, she's missing a leg...

Don't know what happened.

But what Lin Fan can be sure of is that her current strength is greatly reduced, she has been severely injured, and she is at the end of her strength.

He can’t get away from his Ten Thousand Dao Formation…………

The Lord of Prophecy said: "I won't resist. Can you wait until I finish speaking before taking action?"

Lin Fan: "If you have anything to say, please tell me."

"Lord of Prophecy," "To speculate on your position, I have already transformed half of my body into the Tao. I will soon be assimilated by the Tao. I don't have much time left."

I believe you all know what happened to Lord Devil Emperor. Devil Emperor asked me to bring you a message. "

Lin Fan: "What are you talking about?"

The Lord of Prophecy: "The Devil Emperor is willing to teach you the supreme magic method to enter the realm of Taozu. Please find an opportunity to save him and let him hide in your special cave. Magic Treasures."

No matter what conditions you have, he will agree to it.

And I am willing to give up the control of the avenue and transfer the avenue of prophecy to you, so that you can become the next Eye of Prophecy.

Hear the words.

Lin Fan smiled and said: "Asking me to help Devil Emperor is impossible, we have nothing to talk about.

If we are destined to meet again and get to know each other, I would like to remind you to hide quickly. "

The Lord of Prophecy shouted: "Wait, you can help the Devil Emperor.

I'll transfer the road to you, you won't want it, right?

All my disciples have died in the battle to exterminate the demons.

I don’t want the avenue I control to fall into the hands of enemies like the Tianmeng and the five major forces.

I only control 40% of the prophecy avenue now. As long as you seize 50%, you will be the next prophecy lord. Aren't you excited? If you don't believe it, you can give it a try?

Hear the words.

Lin Fan felt that the Lord of Prophecy had a conspiracy.

He teleported away directly...

But wait until he is far away.

He just gave it a try.

He found that what the Lord of Prophecy said seemed to be true...

It is predicted that 60% of the roads are ownerless roads.

Is this a grab?

How can I let it go…………

Predict the road, seek good fortune and avoid misfortune, predict the future, and deduce the past.

These methods are extremely tempting to every living being.

He wants to have it too.

The last time he seized 10% of the Lord of Prophecy's avenue, he had experienced the effect of the prophecy avenue.

indeed wonderful,

Now that the opportunity is right in front of him, how can he not be tempted?


No matter what conspiracy the Lord of Prophecy has from time to time.

He fell into this trap.

No matter what conspiracy he has, he has a way to deal with it.

There is also the Paradise of Cave Heaven, the Tower of Time, and the Divine Realm of Taichu.

All can help him become invincible.

He has nothing to fear.

So he began to seize the prophecy avenue.

at the same time.

The Lord of Prophecy in the distance now has half of his body missing and looks extremely terrifying.

Half of his body seemed to be swallowed up.

But he was alive and well, with a smile on his face.

It seems like his conspiracy was successful......

It's just that Lin Fan can't see it.

Practice makes perfect, because you have invaded the road of prophecy once.


His invasion was particularly fast this time.

Ten percent was occupied in less than half an hour.

Eighteen percent was occupied in one hour.

About 30% was occupied in half a day.

One day passed,

The encroachment is getting slower and slower.

It took two days to reach 41%…………

The road of prophecy is a second-class road,

Although he has accumulated a lot, it seems that he has not accumulated enough.

After the invasion reaches 40%, the invasion speed is as slow as a snail.

It would probably take a month to occupy 50%.

Only now did he realize that perhaps the Lord of Prophecy's move was really a trap...

The Lord of Prophecy now seems to know that he cannot occupy 50% of the Prophecy Avenue in a short time.

That's why it's so satisfying to give up the road.

She can seize 50% of the control of the Prophecy Avenue at any time now, because there are still more than 10%. Lin Fan cannot control it quickly, but she can.

In this way, she can control Lin Fan's position at any time according to the avenue.

And Lin Fan already controls 43% of the Prophecy Avenue. Now if he wants to hand over the Prophecy Avenue, he is naturally unwilling...

Because great strength fascinates people.

There is no way he would give up…………

But he also anticipated the conspiracy of the Lord of Prophecy.

Now he can only try his best to seize control of the avenue, as long as he becomes the master of the avenue.

The Lord of Prophecy has capsized...

Even though he cannot become the master of the avenue, he still controls 43% of the avenue.

His strength has been greatly improved, and he has the ability to deal with the second-class avenue masters.

But not long after he continued to rush for the road, an accident happened...

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