From Subordinate Sect To God-Level Sect

Chapter 368: Crazy Hunting (Part 1) [Please Subscribe]

The Realm of the Avenue of Time has reached the peak of integration.

This means that he can seize the Avenue of Time and become an Indistinguishable Realm powerhouse on the Avenue of Time.

The avenue of time is obscure and difficult to understand.

In the entire evil god ancient world, the time avenue reaches the peak of the fusion path, which is the limit.

No living thing can break through the Indistinguishable Dao realm Heavenly Tribulation,

This seems to be an unbreakable shackle.

Throughout the past and present, for hundreds of Ten Thousand Years, countless creatures who practiced the Path of Time have died under Heavenly Tribulation.

After all, no living being can break through this shackles.

In his conjecture, only those who have reached the Indistinguishable Dao realm can seize the Time Avenue by realizing the Time Avenue to the peak of Fusion Dao Realm.

It’s just that such peerless geniuses haven’t appeared yet…………

In fact, this is the case. After a living being reaches the Indistinguishable Dao state, it will be difficult to practice other Dao.

Otherwise, the Devil Emperor, the Ming Emperor, and other ancient masters would have already controlled the Time Avenue.

And with the blessing of the entire sect, he has created thousands of avenues.

Time Avenue is one of them.

After he deliberately called on the human geniuses, he finally pushed his understanding of the Dao of Time to the peak of the Fusion Dao.

After moving in the void, he arranged the Ten Thousand Dao Formation.

After half a month of chasing and escaping, the seven first-class avenue masters were no longer as concerned as they were at first.

There was nothing they could do against Lin Fan.

So it usually takes about half an hour for them to catch up with Lin Fan after he escapes.

Lin Fan wants to take advantage of this gap to try to seize the avenue of time.

The Avenue of Time is the ancient world of the Evil God, and it has been an ownerless avenue since ancient times.

It is also the first avenue between heaven and earth.

Lin Fan tried to start seizing.

He is already the Lord of the Dao, and there is no need for Transcend Tribulation to occupy other Heavenly Dao.

Focus your mind and start to seize it.

Half an hour passed quickly.

He has just seized the avenue of strength, which is less than one ten thousandth.


The Avenue of Time is unlike any other avenue.

It is far more difficult to seize than other avenues.

He seemed like an ant, and the Avenue of Time seemed like a big mountain.

He wanted to take the mountain as his own, so he could only move it slowly.

The main reason is that the understanding of the avenue of time is not enough.

But even if it occupies a little bit.

He feels that his strength has improved a lot.

The power of the controlled time avenue enters the Ten Thousand Dao Formation.

In an instant, there is an additional function.

That is the change in the flow rate of time.

One day in the Ten Thousand Dao Formation is three days in the outside world, and it can be controlled according to his wishes.

This is not a general time flow control, because it can directly affect the master of the avenue.

Seven first-class avenue masters have already broken into the formation.

But their combined efforts failed to break the Ten Thousand Dao Formation.

All because of the addition of the power of the Avenue of Time...

The Ten Thousand Dao Formation was destroyed, and Lin Fan was able to repair it immediately.

But still lost to them.

Lin Fan chose to escape again.

Keep delaying,

He felt that as long as he had 5% control over the Avenue of Time.

He would fight even these seven first-class masters.

But now he controls less than one ten thousandth of the time avenue.

It still takes time.

at the same time.

Knowing that Lin Fan is unwilling to destroy the real Devil Emperor,

Start to persuade Lin Fan,

Let him destroy his true body and break the curse seal.

Because Lin Fan would not be able to quickly occupy the avenue of his subordinates.

Let alone save him.

The Devil Emperor was a little annoyed, but he was suppressed by the formation, and his anger could only make the formation tremble.

The Lord of the Avenue who surrounded and killed him could only launch an attack on him to reduce the burden on the formation.

The Devil Emperor in Dao Zu Realm is really terrifying.

There are so many first-class avenue masters who can't do anything to him.

0·Please give me flowers…0

If he doesn't listen, Devil Emperor can't do anything to him.

He can only wait until Lin Fan is fully prepared before he can escape the suppression.

If Lin Fan didn't go, there was nothing he could do.

And Lin Fan just practiced the Avenue of Time while the Lord of the Avenue was chasing him.

Although the growth of Dao Dao was very slow during the time he was in charge, it had reached one thousandth after half a month.

Seven first-class avenue masters have been hunting him for more than a month.

To no avail.

They also retreated.

They are old and cannot stand the trouble.

Lin Fan doesn't know how many times he has moved through the void...

The Lord of the Avenue is no longer chasing him.

Lin Fan didn't let up, maybe they were still brewing some big conspiracy.

Three clones were summoned by him to the surrounding area to protect themselves. Closed Door Training seizes the avenue of time.

If there is any trouble, he will know it immediately.

After three months, he finally had one percent control over the Time Avenue.

The strength improvement is huge.

He is the first powerful person in the Indistinguishable Dao Realm of Time Dao.

Now he is not afraid of facing several first-class avenue masters.

So he had a new idea.

He has no intention to save the Devil Emperor for the time being.

It just so happened that the Devil Emperor attracted most of the powerful men from the evil ancient world to him.

He now has a crazy plan.

That is to launch a crazy hunt against the five major forces and the Tianmeng.

Specialized in hunting Indistinguishable Dao environment,

The three clones are his sharpest knives.

You can kill Indistinguishable Dao realm for him,

Now there is a question,

When he seizes the avenue, the five major forces and the first-class avenue masters of the Tianmen League will not let him go.

How can I calm down and seize the avenue? This is a question...

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