From the city to the strongest in the universe

Chapter 114: Breeding the Thunder Star Beast clone!

Hearing what Li Yang said about the things on Earth, Hun Mo frowned slightly: "The strongest one is at the peak of Kailing Realm? The development of science and technology has just begun to explore other planets? The number of times it has landed on other planets is also very few. Li Yang, Your earth is too backward.”

Li Yang defended: "These are just developed over the past few hundred years."

Hun Mo said disdainfully: "No matter how you develop over hundreds of years, for the big universe, only strength is valued. If your earth's strength is placed in the universe, it will be cannon fodder. No one else will even take a look."

After speaking, he frowned again and said: "You are so weak and have no chance to contact the outside world. How do you leave the earth? Really enter the universe?"

Staying on this small earth, the limitations of growth are too great.

Once he reaches the real universe, he has plenty of ways to help Li Yang grow up quickly.


Although Li Yang felt uncomfortable when he heard Hun Mo saying derogatory words about the earth, he knew that what Hun Mo said was the truth.

He thought for a moment and said, "Can you help the earth's technology develop?"

Aerospace and other fields are obviously high-tech.

Hun Mo shook his head and said, "I'm not interested in technology, etc."

He thought for a while, but he had no choice but to say helplessly: "Forget it, just take it one step at a time. When you reach the Wanshou realm, your physical body can directly cross the void, then there will be more ways."

At this time, there was nothing he could do.

Li Yang didn't say anything. Under Hun Mo's guidance, he quickly arrived at a place.

"Thunder Star Beast's body is three thousand meters deep in the land. [6] [9] [s] [h] [u] [x] [.] [c] [o] [m]" In the ears, Soul Mo's voice sounded.

Li Yang nodded and looked around.

The surrounding land was a little dry and cracked. He found a big crack and entered it. Then he waved the meteorite heavy sword in his hand and started digging quickly.

Considering Li Yang's strength, it is naturally very easy to do this.

It didn't take long before he finally arrived.

As the soil was dug some more, a huge space suddenly appeared in front of him.

There are huge creatures in the space!

The most eye-catching thing is a huge dragon-like creature that is at least three hundred meters long!

This behemoth was rock-like and purple, with four sharp claws and a thick tail that was almost as long as its entire body.

Everywhere on his body seems to have lightning-like secret patterns. At first glance, it seems that lightning is really striking, shocking people's hearts.

"This creature..."

Li Yang was shocked. Although he had been mentally prepared before, he still couldn't help but feel shocked when he actually came here!

This is the heartfelt respect of the weak for the strong!

Li Yang moved his eyes away from this huge creature and looked elsewhere.

In addition to this huge dragon-like creature, there are other lives in this space!

However, these beings look much smaller.

There are beings that look like people on Earth, but have horns on their heads, and there are strange beings that are half human and half snake...

Each of these lives shocked Li Yang.

Many corpses formed a strange vacuum area underground, and I don't know why.

"Li Yang, the greatest being is the Thunder Star Beast."

While Li Yang was watching, Hun Mo's voice came.

Li Yang immediately looked at the largest, dragon-like behemoth.

"Hunmo, how do I remove the skin fragments and blood of this thunder star beast?"

Before he gave birth to an octopus clone, he directly removed part of the octopus's skin.

But the life in front of him made his soul tremble. Even if it had been dead for many years, Li Yang didn't think he could cut his skin.

Hun Mo said: "The blood of the Thunder Star Beast is purple. If you see there are traces of purple blood next to the Thunder Star Beast, you can just take it off."

Li Yang looked around and saw the purple blood on the ground.

He cut off the purple blood clot along with the soil.

"Okay, go back and give birth as soon as possible." Hun Mo urged Li Yang after the goal was achieved.

After spending some time, Li Yang returned.

He put the purple lump mixed with the soil in front of the World Tree.


The World Tree fluctuated slightly, and a soft light emitted from it, wrapping the purple hard block.

The white color dispersed, and only some soil remained in the purple lump in Li Yang's hand.

In Li Yang's feeling, strange changes were taking place in the nurturing space inside the World Tree at this time. A line of purple blood appeared, and a breath of life was slowly forming.

"I'm finally pregnant!"

Li Yang felt it, his eyes full of expectation.

From Hun Mo's words, he knew a corner of the true veil of the entire universe! More desire for strength!

And by giving birth to the thunder star beast clone, he can easily reach the world level!

There are only a few strong men of this level in the entire galaxy!

"Huh? This pregnancy is so slow. I feel like it will take at least a month."

Looking forward to it in his heart, Li Yang felt it again.

Previously, the gestation of the octopus clone only took four hours.

Seemingly knowing what Li Yang was thinking, Hun Mo said: "The higher the talent is, the longer it takes for the World Tree to be conceived. I estimate that it will be at least thirty days. During this time, you can just improve your strength."

Hearing this, Li Yang nodded, and asked directly: "Hun Mo, you are so powerful, you should have some powerful skills, right? Why don't you tell me?"

As he got to know Hun Mo, Li Yang gradually spoke more freely.

Hearing what Li Yang said, Hun Mo was speechless and said: "No, and powerful skills need to be comprehended by yourself. Do you think there are methods like those on your earth that can enlighten you? Even if there are such methods, it will take a lot of energy and time to pass on. I don't have the energy to do these."

Comprehension of laws, cultivation of skills... these are all done by yourself, and the rest are all auxiliary.

Hearing this, Li Yang was a little disappointed.

"Let's go, you are too weak now, only in the early stage of Kailing Realm, go to a few places, and improve your strength to the peak of Kailing Realm first." Hun Mo said in a calm voice.

Li Yang was stunned for a moment, then his eyes showed a look of surprise, and he said: "Hun Mo, do you know where there are spiritual fruits and herbs?"

"About the same time."

Hun Mo said in a calm voice: "When I came to Earth before, I scanned the Earth by the way. The space where the Thunder Star Beast was before was the one I found that time. In addition, I also found some other things underground. Those are useless to me, but they are just right for you now."

What Hun Mo didn't say was that he had obtained two world trees in total. He refined one himself, and there was one left, so he found a place to hide it.

At that time, there were lives on Earth, and there were also some cultivators, but it was completely different from the Earth now.

I thought I wouldn't need this world tree, but I didn't expect that because of that incident...

Thinking of the past, Hun Mo's eyes were still a little scared.

If it weren't for the soul crystal that he spent a lot of energy to research, and no one in the universe could refine it, he would really die.

"The peak of the Kailing realm?" Hearing Hun Mo's words, Li Yang suddenly became excited.

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