From the city to the strongest in the universe

Chapter 132 The Preciousness of the Earth

Listening to Shen Xuan's words, Li Yang fell silent.

Shen Xuan has a way to directly contact other civilizations, but once contacted, it means that the Earth will be directly exposed to other civilizations!

The fate of the extremely weak Earth at that time will only be pinned on the softness of other powerful civilizations, so Shen Xuan did not dare to do so.

According to his understanding, most of the planets that were taken over did not have a good fate.

Although there are also benevolent rulers, that is an extremely small probability.

Shen Xuan would not choose to gamble with the fate of the Earth on this tiny probability.

Shen Xuan continued: "If there are people who break through to the realm of law before the age of 30 on Planet Zero, then Planet Zero is a potential planet. For potential planets, human cosmic civilization will pay much attention to it and will send people to assist its development. The managers are still Earthlings."

"I have been waiting for the genius of our Earth to appear."

One is to directly send people to forcibly manage the Earth, and the other is that the Earthlings continue to manage the Earth, but people from other foreign civilizations are assisting. There is naturally a huge difference between the two!

Li Yang did not speak. Shen Xuan's words proved that Shen Xuan must have been over thirty years old when he broke through to the realm of law.

As if knowing what Li Yang was thinking, Shen Xuan said: "I was already thirty-five years old when I broke through to the realm of law. If I exceeded this standard, I would not be recognized by human cosmic civilization.

"So, I established Tianyuan Palace, showed my strength, and even fought a battle with the United States, just to improve the status of practitioners! As long as it is improved, each country will pay attention to practitioners! Only those with cultivation talent will stand out!"

"As long as there is a practitioner on our earth who can comprehend certain laws before the age of thirty and break through to the realm of law, I will immediately contact other human civilizations and expose the existence of the earth!"

Shen Xuan was talking, and Li Yang was shocked. In fact, he had a little doubt before.

The practitioners were suddenly exposed decades ago. They were very hidden before, and no one knew about it.

I didn't expect that these were all done deliberately by Shen Xuan, and even the battle against the mushroom egg was done deliberately by him.

"I told you some things about alien civilizations, and now I will tell you about the alien. "

Shen Xuan continued: "I am developing the Earth, discovering people with cultivation talents everywhere, hoping that a true genius will appear, and then bring the Earth into contact with other civilizations. However, the genius has not yet appeared. Twenty years ago, a person from an alien civilization named Jin Mora came to the Earth and discovered mineral resources on Mars and the Moon!"

"Mineral resources?" Li Yang was stunned.

"Yes! Li Yang, we don't have many resources on Earth, but on Mars and the Moon, there are many precious mineral resources. These resources will make even the cultivators at the Wanshou Realm very excited! Wanshou Realm, this is a realm above the Law Realm..."

After a little explanation, Shen Xuan said: "Those resources are very suitable for mining when the Earth is in contact with other civilizations and is a free planet. Our Earth can cooperate with other planets, and the entire Earth can develop rapidly. It's a pity that they were discovered by Jin Mora. "

If it is a planet without potential, and the Earth is taken over by someone, then the Earthlings have no say over the resources on Mars and the Moon. Who knows how the manager will deal with them?

It is very likely that all resources will be sold, and only a very small part will be given to the Earth.

Only when the Earth has autonomy can those resources bring huge benefits to the Earth.

Shen Xuan had a solemn look on his face: "When Jin Mora discovered those mineral veins, he wanted to get rid of the Earth and kill the practitioners on the Earth, so that the mineral veins would be his. However, not long after he took action, I fought with him, and then he also knew that I could contact alien civilizations at any time, so Jin Mora did not dare to act rashly and left the Earth. "

Hearing this, Li Yang wondered: "Palace Master, why is he afraid?"

Jin Mora also belongs to an alien civilization. If he notifies people to come over casually, the Earth will definitely not be able to resist.

It came to the Earth 20 years ago, and nothing has happened to the Earth until now.

"Because of greed. "

Shen Xuan said in a deep voice: "According to my speculation, this Jin Mora is not a powerful person. Li Yang, if you find a medicinal garden full of spiritual fruits, will you keep it for yourself or notify others to share it?" Hearing this, Li Yang understood it all at once.

For example, if you take 100 million by yourself, it is 100 million.

If ten people come to share, then each person can only get 10 million. If the status in the group is not high, then the share will definitely be less, maybe a few million.

If there is a choice, basically no one will choose to share with others.

"That Jin Mora wants to monopolize those mineral veins, and if he continues to kill the cultivators on Earth, I will directly fight to the death and expose the Earth to foreign civilizations!"

"Once exposed, the large forces of human civilization in the universe will arrive. Even if the Earth is taken over, we will at least not be in danger of our lives."

"And after being taken over, those mineral resources will also be mined by the takeover, and that Jin Mora will have nothing. "

Li Yang nodded. Once the Earth is exposed, Jin Mora will never have a chance to get the resources on Mars and the Moon!

And Shen Xuan has the means to directly expose the Earth, so Jin Mora is of course extremely wary.

Thinking in his heart, Li Yang asked: "Palace Master, where is that Jin Mora now?"

Shen Xuan said: "He should be digging for mineral resources on Mars."

"Mining..." Li Yang was silent.

It was this mining. Aliens who don't have much status and power in the universe, if Shen Xuan is not there, the entire earth will fall into an extremely dangerous situation.

"So, the current situation on the earth is very dangerous. That Jin Mora has fought with me several times and wanted to kill me, but I also have my own means."

"I set up corresponding means on that civilization instrument. If I don't give any instructions to that civilization instrument for 24 hours, then the civilization instrument will take the initiative to send a message, contact the alien civilization, and expose the earth." Shen Xuan said in a deep voice.

There is only one possibility in that situation, that is, he has been killed.

The gap between the law realm and the spirit realm is too big.

Just like before, the power of the spirit realm on the entire earth could not open the relic space, but Shen Xuan opened it easily.

If there is no law realm on the earth, and then facing the law realm Jin Mora, then the fate of the earth can be imagined!

That Jin Mora is crazy and cold-blooded, and it is even possible to eliminate all life on the earth!

In that case, all the mineral veins on Mars, the Moon, etc. will belong to Kimora.

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